993 resultados para Non-Annex I Parties
Recent findings demonstrate that trees in deserts are efficient carbon sinks. It remains however unknown whether the Clean Development Mechanism will accelerate the planting of trees in Non Annex I dryland countries. We estimated the price of carbon at which a farmer would be indifferent between his customary activity and the planting of trees to trade carbon credits, along an aridity gradient. Carbon yields were simulated by means of the CO2FIX v3.1 model for Pinus halepensis with its respective yield classes along the gradient (Arid – 100mm to Dry Sub Humid conditions – 900mm). Wheat and pasture yields were predicted on somewhat similar nitrogen-based quadratic models, using 30 years of weather data to simulate moisture stress. Stochastic production, input and output prices were afterwards simulated on a Monte Carlo matrix. Results show that, despite the high levels of carbon uptake, carbon trading by afforesting is unprofitable anywhere along the gradient. Indeed, the price of carbon would have to raise unrealistically high, and the certification costs would have to drop significantly, to make the Clean Development Mechanism worthwhile for non annex I dryland countries farmers. From a government agency's point of view the Clean Development Mechanism is attractive. However, such agencies will find it difficult to demonstrate “additionality”, even if the rule may be somewhat flexible. Based on these findings, we will further discuss why the Clean Development Mechanism, a supposedly pro-poor instrument, fails to assist farmers in Non Annex I dryland countries living at minimum subsistence level.
Las negociaciones del cambio climático no han arrojado resultados contundentes para afrontar la problemática que trata. El estudio de la institucionalidad establecida en el régimen, específicamente en el Protocolo de Kioto, para efectos de las negociaciones y de la lucha directa contra la problemática del cambio climático muestra señales de inoperancia. El GTE-PK no ha logrado concluir satisfactoriamente con su mandato y las negociaciones parecen estancadas por la falta de voluntad para negociar por parte de los grupos de negociación tanto de los Países Parte del Anexo I como de los No Anexo I. Lo anterior, no permite dar claridad sobre el futuro del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio. Sin embargo, su institucionalidad no ha sido del todo un fracaso ya que la Junta Ejecutiva del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (JE) ha logrado registrar una gran cantidad de proyectos MDL y ha permitido lograr importantes avances en transferencia de tecnología verde entre los países Parte. En este trabajo se analizarán las dinámicas de las negociaciones en el régimen del cambio climático y su injerencia en la institucionalidad establecida bajo el Protocolo de Kioto.
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography