8 resultados para Nomimoscolex piraeeba


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The proteocephalid species Nomimoscolex piraeeba Woodland, 1934, N. dorad (Woodland, 1935) and Endorchis piraeeba Woodland, 1934, from Brachyplatystoma spp., South American silurid fishes, are critically revised. It is concluded that they concern to one species, N. piraeeba. The Endorchiinae, a subfamily of Monticelliidae, and genus Endorchis are invalidated herein. The valid species of Endorchiinae, belonging to genus Muzophorus, M. admonticellia Woodland, 1934, M. pirarara Woodland, 1934 and M. woodlandi Rego, 1984, are transferred provisionally to Zygobothriinae.


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Nomimoscolex touzeti n. sp. is described from one Ceratophrys cornuta (L.) caught in Amazonian Ecuador. Its taxonomic relationships to the others species are discussed. This new species is characterized by a cortical position of vitellaria; by the presence in the uteroduct of conglomerates of 20-40 eggs; by a weak ovary width/proglottis width ratio; by ventral excretory canals anastomosed; by a powerful vaginal sphincter and by a long cirrus. N. touzeti is the first record of Monticellidae in an amphibian host.


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It is described Megathylacus travassosi sp. n., parasite of Pseudoplatystoma corrusccans (Agassiz,1829), a pimelodid fish caught in Itaipu reservoir and Paraná river, Brazil. Nomimoscolex sudobim Woodland, 1935 is redescribed and for the first time referred parasitising P. corruscans. The list of proteocephalid cestodes of genus Pseudoplatystoma Bleeker, 1862, with its geographic distribution is given.


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The morphology of the scolices and metascolices of 29 proteocephalid species, parasites of freshwater fishes from Brazil was compared by using scanning electron microscope, light and laser microscopy. The following species were evaluated: Proteocephalus vazzolerae, P. piramutab, Robertiella paranaensis, Travassiella avitellina, Monticellia loyolai, M. spinulifera, M. belavistensis, Houssayela sudobim, Zygobothrium megacephalum, Gibsoniela mandube, Cangatiella arandasi, Nomimoscolex sudobim, N. lopesi, N. admonticellia, N. piraeeba, N. pirarara, Harriscolex kaparari, Crepidobothrium eirasi, Spatulifer rugosa, Megathylacus brooksi, Choanoscolex abscisus, Amphoteromorphus peniculus, A. piraeeba, Paramonticellia itaipuensis, Peltidocotyle rugosa, Othinoscolex lenha, Rudolphiella rugata, R. piranabu, Jauella glandicephalus. Some features as overall shape of scolex, suckers, apical sucker, frontal glands and several kinds of metascolex were analyzed. The taxonomic importance of scolex and metascolex is discussed.


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Nomimoscolex guillermoi n. sp. and N. dechambrieri n. sp. are described from the gymnotiform fish Gymnotus carapo from Argentina. The new species are placed into Nomimoscolex based on the cortical position of the vitelline follicles, and medullary position of the testes, ovary, and uterus. Both species were compared to the 13 species considered valid in the genus. The combination of features distinguishing N. guillermoi from N. dechambrieri is (1) the position of the vagina to cirrus pouch (anterior or posterior vs always anterior respectively), (2) the total number of testes (41-85 vs 108-130 respectively), (3) the distribution of the vitelline follicles (arranged in dorso-lateral and ventro-lateral bands vs lateral bands respectively), (4) the length of the uteroduct (ending 58% vs 35% from posterior margin of mature proglottis respectively), and (5) the presence of gland cells in the scolex (unicellular glands in the apical region and the external margin of suckers vs the presence of unicellular glands in the apex and other grouped in a cluster medially to the suckers respectively).


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Os autores iniciam com este trabalho um estudo sistemático de determinação dos cestóides de peixes depositados na Coleção helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. São referidas ou descritas as seguintes espécies e seus hospedeiros: Schizochoerus liguloideus (Diesing, 1850) e Nesolecithus janicki Posche, 1922, ambas de Arapaima gigas (Cuvier), (piracuru); Gyrocotyle meandrica Herrera, 1946, de Callorhynchus callorhynchus (L.), (quimera); Acanthobothrium dasybati Yamaguti, 1934 e Pterobothriidae não identificado, de uma arraia não determinada; três tipos larvares de trypanorrhyncha e um de Proteocephalidea, de Cynoscion striatus (Cuv.) e C. leiarchus (pescadinha); Proteocephalus jandia Woodland, 1934, de um bagre não determinado. Monticellia siluri (Fuhrmann, 1916) e Amphoteromorphus praeputialis sp. n. de Cetopsis caecutiens e Nomimoscolex magna sp. n. de Pimelodus clarias (mandi).


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The author describes three species of protcocephalid cestodes from the Pimelodid fish, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatus (L.) from rivers of Mato Grosso, Brazil: Nomimoscolex lopesi sp. n., Peltidocotyle rugosa Diesing, 1850 and Spatulifer rugosa (Woodland, 1935). P. rugosa is for the first time referred in this fish species. One hyperparasite nematode specimen was found in a strobila of S. rugosa.