942 resultados para Noisy Quantum Channels


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We explore the task of optimal quantum channel identification and in particular, the estimation of a general one-parameter quantum process. We derive new characterizations of optimality and apply the results to several examples including the qubit depolarizing channel and the harmonic oscillator damping channel. We also discuss the geometry of the problem and illustrate the usefulness of using entanglement in process estimation.


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WiDom is a wireless prioritized medium access control protocol which offers very large number of priority levels. Hence, it brings the potential to employ non-preemptive static-priority scheduling and schedulability analysis for a wireless channel assuming that the overhead of WiDom is modeled properly. Recent research has created a new version of WiDom (we call it: Slotted WiDom) which offers lower overhead compared to the previous version. In this paper we propose a new schedulability analysis for slotted WiDom and extend it to work for message streams with release jitter. Furthermore, to provide an accurate timing analysis, we must include the effect of transmission faults on message latencies. Thus, in the proposed analysis we consider the existence of different noise sources and develop the analysis for the case where messages are transmitted under noisy wireless channels. Evaluation of the proposed analysis is done by testing the slotted WiDom in two different modes on a real test-bed. The results from the experiments provide a firm validation on our findings.


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As the wireless cellular market reaches competitive levels never seen before, network operators need to focus on maintaining Quality of Service (QoS) a main priority if they wish to attract new subscribers while keeping existing customers satisfied. Speech Quality as perceived by the end user is one major example of a characteristic in constant need of maintenance and improvement. It is in this topic that this Master Thesis project fits in. Making use of an intrusive method of speech quality evaluation, as a means to further study and characterize the performance of speech codecs in second-generation (2G) and third-generation (3G) technologies. Trying to find further correlation between codecs with similar bit rates, along with the exploration of certain transmission parameters which may aid in the assessment of speech quality. Due to some limitations concerning the audio analyzer equipment that was to be employed, a different system for recording the test samples was sought out. Although the new designed system is not standard, after extensive testing and optimization of the system's parameters, final results were found reliable and satisfactory. Tests include a set of high and low bit rate codecs for both 2G and 3G, where values were compared and analysed, leading to the outcome that 3G speech codecs perform better, under the approximately same conditions, when compared with 2G. Reinforcing the idea that 3G is, with no doubt, the best choice if the costumer looks for the best possible listening speech quality. Regarding the transmission parameters chosen for the experiment, the Receiver Quality (RxQual) and Received Energy per Chip to the Power Density Ratio (Ec/N0), these were subject to speech quality correlation tests. Final results of RxQual were compared to those of prior studies from different researchers and, are considered to be of important relevance. Leading to the confirmation of RxQual as a reliable indicator of speech quality. As for Ec/N0, it is not possible to state it as a speech quality indicator however, it shows clear thresholds for which the MOS values decrease significantly. The studied transmission parameters show that they can be used not only for network management purposes but, at the same time, give an expected idea to the communications engineer (or technician) of the end-to-end speech quality consequences. With the conclusion of the work new ideas for future studies come to mind. Considering that the fourth-generation (4G) cellular technologies are now beginning to take an important place in the global market, as the first all-IP network structure, it seems of great relevance that 4G speech quality should be subject of evaluation. Comparing it to 3G, not only in narrowband but also adding wideband scenarios with the most recent standard objective method of speech quality assessment, POLQA. Also, new data found on Ec/N0 tests, justifies further research studies with the intention of validating the assumptions made in this work.


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International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), Industrial Communication Technologies and Systems, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.


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We investigate how special relativity influences the transmission of classical information through quantum channels by evaluating the Holevo bound when the sender and the receiver are in (relativistic) relative motion. By using the spin degrees of freedom of spin-1/2 fermions to encode the classical information, we show that, for some configurations, the accessible information in the receiver can be increased when the spin detector moves fast enough. This is possible by allowing the momentum wave packet of one of the particles to be sufficiently wide while the momentum wave packets of other particles are kept relatively narrow. In this way, one can take advantage of the fact that boosts entangle the spin and momentum degrees of freedom of spin-1/2 fermions to increase the accessible information in the former. We close the paper with a discussion of how this relativistic quantum channel cannot in general be described by completely positive quantum maps. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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This paper considers a class of qubit channels for which three states are always sufficient to achieve the Holevo capacity. For these channels, it is known that there are cases where two orthogonal states are sufficient, two nonorthogonal states are required, or three states are necessary. Here a systematic theory is given which provides criteria to distinguish cases where two states are sufficient, and determine whether these two states should be orthogonal or nonorthogonal. In addition, we prove a theorem on the form of the optimal ensemble when three states are required, and present efficient methods of calculating the Holevo capacity.


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We analyze the fidelity of teleportation protocols, as a function of resource entanglement, for three kinds of two-mode oscillator states: states with fixed total photon number, number states entangled at a beam splitter, and the two-mode squeezed vacuum state. We define corresponding teleportation protocols for each case including phase noise to model degraded entanglement of each resource.


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We investigate the utility of nonclassical states of simple harmonic oscillators, particularly a superposition of coherent states, for sensitive force detection. We find that like squeezed states, a superposition of coherent states allows displacement measurements at the Heisenberg limit. Entangling many superpositions of coherent states offers a significant advantage over a single-mode superposition state with the same mean photon number.


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La théorie de l'information quantique étudie les limites fondamentales qu'imposent les lois de la physique sur les tâches de traitement de données comme la compression et la transmission de données sur un canal bruité. Cette thèse présente des techniques générales permettant de résoudre plusieurs problèmes fondamentaux de la théorie de l'information quantique dans un seul et même cadre. Le théorème central de cette thèse énonce l'existence d'un protocole permettant de transmettre des données quantiques que le receveur connaît déjà partiellement à l'aide d'une seule utilisation d'un canal quantique bruité. Ce théorème a de plus comme corollaires immédiats plusieurs théorèmes centraux de la théorie de l'information quantique. Les chapitres suivants utilisent ce théorème pour prouver l'existence de nouveaux protocoles pour deux autres types de canaux quantiques, soit les canaux de diffusion quantiques et les canaux quantiques avec information supplémentaire fournie au transmetteur. Ces protocoles traitent aussi de la transmission de données quantiques partiellement connues du receveur à l'aide d'une seule utilisation du canal, et ont comme corollaires des versions asymptotiques avec et sans intrication auxiliaire. Les versions asymptotiques avec intrication auxiliaire peuvent, dans les deux cas, être considérées comme des versions quantiques des meilleurs théorèmes de codage connus pour les versions classiques de ces problèmes. Le dernier chapitre traite d'un phénomène purement quantique appelé verrouillage: il est possible d'encoder un message classique dans un état quantique de sorte qu'en lui enlevant un sous-système de taille logarithmique par rapport à sa taille totale, on puisse s'assurer qu'aucune mesure ne puisse avoir de corrélation significative avec le message. Le message se trouve donc «verrouillé» par une clé de taille logarithmique. Cette thèse présente le premier protocole de verrouillage dont le critère de succès est que la distance trace entre la distribution jointe du message et du résultat de la mesure et le produit de leur marginales soit suffisamment petite.


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We show that the one-way channel formalism of quantum optics has a physical realization in electronic systems. In particular, we show that magnetic edge states form unidirectional quantum channels capable of coherently transporting electronic quantum information. Using the equivalence between one-way photonic channels and magnetic edge states, we adapt a proposal for quantum state transfer to mesoscopic systems using edge states as a quantum channel, and show that it is feasible with reasonable experimental parameters. We discuss how this protocol may be used to transfer information encoded in number, charge, or spin states of quantum dots, so it may prove useful for transferring quantum information between parts of a solid-state quantum computer


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Oggigiorno il concetto di informazione è diventato cruciale in fisica, pertanto, siccome la migliore teoria che abbiamo per compiere predizioni riguardo l'universo è la meccanica quantistica, assume una particolare importanza lo sviluppo di una versione quantistica della teoria dell'informazione. Questa centralità è confermata dal fatto che i buchi neri hanno entropia. Per questo motivo, in questo lavoro sono presentati elementi di teoria dell'informazione quantistica e della comunicazione quantistica e alcuni sono illustrati riferendosi a modelli quantistici altamente idealizzati della meccanica di buco nero. In particolare, nel primo capitolo sono forniti tutti gli strumenti quanto-meccanici per la teoria dell'informazione e della comunicazione quantistica. Successivamente, viene affrontata la teoria dell'informazione quantistica e viene trovato il limite di Bekenstein alla quantità di informazione chiudibile entro una qualunque regione spaziale. Tale questione viene trattata utilizzando un modello quantistico idealizzato della meccanica di buco nero supportato dalla termodinamica. Nell'ultimo capitolo, viene esaminato il problema di trovare un tasso raggiungibile per la comunicazione quantistica facendo nuovamente uso di un modello quantistico idealizzato di un buco nero, al fine di illustrare elementi della teoria. Infine, un breve sommario della fisica dei buchi neri è fornito in appendice.


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The present manuscript represents the completion of a research path carried forward during my doctoral studies in the University of Turku. It contains information regarding my scientific contribution to the field of open quantum systems, accomplished in collaboration with other scientists. The main subject investigated in the thesis is the non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems with focus on continuous variable quantum channels, e.g. quantum Brownian motion models. Non-Markovianity is here interpreted as a manifestation of the existence of a flow of information exchanged by the system and environment during the dynamical evolution. While in Markovian systems the flow is unidirectional, i.e. from the system to the environment, in non-Markovian systems there are time windows in which the flow is reversed and the quantum state of the system may regain coherence and correlations previously lost. Signatures of a non-Markovian behavior have been studied in connection with the dynamics of quantum correlations like entanglement or quantum discord. Moreover, in the attempt to recognisee non-Markovianity as a resource for quantum technologies, it is proposed, for the first time, to consider its effects in practical quantum key distribution protocols. It has been proven that security of coherent state protocols can be enhanced using non-Markovian properties of the transmission channels. The thesis is divided in two parts: in the first part I introduce the reader to the world of continuous variable open quantum systems and non-Markovian dynamics. The second part instead consists of a collection of five publications inherent to the topic.


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In this work we applied a quantum circuit treatment to describe the nuclear spin relaxation. From the Redfield theory, we obtain a description of the quadrupolar relaxation as a computational process in a spin 3/2 system, through a model in which the environment is comprised by five qubits and three different quantum noise channels. The interaction between the environment and the spin 3/2 nuclei is described by a quantum circuit fully compatible with the Redfield theory of relaxation. Theoretical predictions are compared to experimental data, a short review of quantum channels and relaxation in NMR qubits is also present.


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Current QKD designs try to keep the quantum channel as error free as possible by using a separate physical medium for this purpose. In the most common case, this means the exclusive use of an optical fiber for the quantum channel, precluding its use for any other purpose. In current optical networks, the fiber is the single most expensive element and this poses a major problem from a cost and availability point of view. Sharing the fiber is thus mandatory for the widespread adoption of QKD. The objective of this communication is to propose a general scheme and present some preliminary measurements of a metropolitan area network (MAN) designed to multiplex of the order of 64 addressable quantum channels and the associated QKD classical service signals on a single dark fibre. It uses as much existing components and infraestructure as possible in an attempt to simultaneously lower most of the practical barriers for the adoption of QKD.


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A scheme of teleportation of an arbitrary two-particle state is presented when two pairs of entangled particles are used as quantum channels. After the Bell state measurements are operated by the sender, the original state with deterministic probability can be reconstructed by the receiver when a corresponding unitary transformation is followed.