6 resultados para Nociceptores


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As pesquisas recentes têm focalizado a plasticidade bioquímica e estrutural do sistema nervoso decorrente da lesão tissular. Os mecanismos envolvidos na transição da dor aguda para crônica são complexos e envolvem a interação de sistemas receptores e o fluxo de íons intracelulares, sistemas de segundo mensageiro e novas conexões sinápticas. O objetivo deste artigo foi discutir os novos mecanismos que envolvem a sensibilização periférica e central. CONTEÚDO: A lesão tissular provoca aumento na resposta dos nociceptores, chamada de sensibilização ou facilitação. Esses fenômenos iniciam-se após a liberação local de mediadores inflamatórios e a ativação de células do sistema imune ou de receptores específicos no sistema nervoso periférico e central. CONCLUSÕES: As lesões do tecido e dos neurônios resultam em sensibilização de nociceptores e facilitação da condução nervosa central e periférica.


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Inflammation is an immune complex-related tissue damage and / or cell caused by chemical, physical, immunological or microbial. The inflammatory process involves a complex cascade of biochemical and cellular events, including awareness and receptor activation, lysis and tissue repair. In general, tissue damage trigger a local inflammatory response by recruiting leukocytes, which release inflammatory mediators. These substances are able to sensitize nociceptors. After synaptic transmission and signal modulation by nociceptive sensory neurons, these signals are perceived as pain. Pain is an experience that involves multiple factors. The route of the supraspinal pain control originates in many brain regions, such as substance periarquedutal gray (PAG), median raphe nucleus and rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) and have a critical role in determining the chronic and acute pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to control inflammation, which inhibit the inflammatory mediators, but can cause side effects such as stomach ulcers and cardiovascular damage. An alternative for the treatment of pain and inflammation is the use of plant species. The genus Eugenia belongs to the family Myrtaceae, one of the largest botanical families of expression in the Brazilian ecosystems. From the pharmacological point of view, studies of similar species crude extracts showed the presence of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antifungal, hypotensive, antidiabetic and antioxidant activity of some species. As a class of importance in therapeutic phytochemical, the flavonoids has represented an important group with significant anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective, and are present in a significant way in the chemical composition of genus Eugenia. The project´s overall objective is to evaluate the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities from hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of Eugenia punicifolia (EHEP). In this work we performed acute toxicity ...


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The main objective of the research is to demonstrate new physiological characteristics receptors in the presence of mosquito larvae. 100 larvae of different species were collected and studied for a week in periods of 8-24 hrs. Larvae stages I, II, III and IV have photo-thermo receptors of light and heat housed in the body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen, perceive hot or cold environments, and have fibers in chest or hairs lining your body or abdomen, and a pair of antennae on the head. Stages II and III are more developed than the initial stages. They are attracted by the dark green at the bottom, a pair of eyes that perceive light and color. Have receptors proteins (RP55) that capture motion at a speed the slightest movement of waves in the water. Its nose is not well developed but have chemoreceptors. They adapt to changes in pH in alkaline media, are sensitive to chemical, thermal and mechanical changes nociceptors have electroreceptors or galvanoreceptores sensitive to electrical stimuli, have mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to touch, pain, pressure, gravity, sound. They have a GPS position that seems the guides. It is precisely in the fibers, mushrooms or bristles are recipients along with the micro villi in head, thorax and abdomen.
RESUMEN El objetivo principal de la investigación es demostrar nuevas características fisiológicas como la presencia de receptores en las larvas de mosquitos. Se recolectaron 100 larvas de diferentes especies y se estudiaron por una semana en periodos de 8 a 24 hrs. Las larvas de los estadios I,II,III y IV tienen foto-termo receptores de luz y calor alojados en el cuerpo que se divide en cabeza, tórax y abdomen, perciben ambientes fríos o calientes, así como tienen fibras en tórax o pelos que recubren su cuerpo, y un par de antenas en la cabeza. Los estadios II y III son más desarrollados que las etapas iniciales. Tienen receptores proteicos RP55. Les atrae el color verde oscuro en el fondo, un par de ojos que perciben la luz y color con fotoreceptores. Tienen receptores RP55 de movimiento que captan a una velocidad el más mínimo movimiento de ondas en el agua. Su olfato no está muy desarrollado pero tienen quimioreceptores. Se adaptan a cambios de pH en medios alcalinos, tienen nociceptores sensibles a cambios químicos, térmicos y mecánicos, tienen galvanoreceptores o electroreceptores sensibles a estímulos eléctricos, tienen mecanoreceptores que son sensibles al tacto, dolor, presión gravedad, sonido. Tienen un GPS de posición que pareciera las orienta.