998 resultados para Nmr Imaging


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An experiment was implemented to study fluid flow in a pressure media. This procedure successfully combines nuclear magnetic resonance imaging with a pressure membrane chamber in order to visualize the non-wetting and wetting fluid flows with controlled boundary conditions. A specially designed pressure membrane chamber, made of non-magnetic materials and able to withstand 4 MPa, was designed and built for this purpose. These two techniques were applied to the drainage of Douglas fir sapwood. In the study of the longitudinal flow, narrow drainage fingers are formed in the latewood zones. They follow the longitudinal direction of wood and spread throughout the sample length. These fingers then enlarge in the cross-section plane and coalesce until drainage reaches the whole latewood part. At the end of the experiments, when the drainage of liquid water in latewood is completed, just a few sites of percolation appear in earlywood zones. This difference is a result of the wood anatomical structure, where pits, the apertures that allow the sap to flow between wood cells, are more easily aspirated in earlywood than in latewood. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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0Nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) imaging was used to study the ingress of water into poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate-co-hydroxyethyl methacrylate). The study offers strong evidence that the diffusion is Fickian in nature. The diffusion coefficient, D, obtained by fitting the underlying diffusion profile, attainable from the images, according to the equation for Fickian diffusion, is 1.5 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), which is in good correlation with the value of 2.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), obtained from mass uptake measurements. Additionally, from the T-2-weighted images, Superimposed features observed in addition to the underlying Fickian diffusion profiles were shown to have a longer spin-spin relaxation time, T-2. This Suggests the presence of two types of water within the polymer matrix; a less mobile phase of absorbed water that is interacting strongly with the polymer matrix and a more mobile phase of absorbed water residing within the cracks observed in the environmental scanning electron micrograph. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The diffusion of water into a series of hydroxyethyl methacrylate, HEMA, copolymers with tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate, THFMA, has been studied over a range of copolymer compositions using NMR imaging analyses. For polyHEMA the diffusion was found to be consistent with a Fickian model. The mass diffusion coefficient of water in polyHEMA at 37 degreesC was determined from the profiles of the diffusion front to be 1.5 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), which is less than the value based upon mass uptake, 2.0 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1). The profiles of the water diffusion front obtained from the NMR images showed that stress was induced at the interface between the rubbery and glassy regions which led to formation of small cracks in this region of the glassy matrix of polyHEMA and its copolymers with mole fractions of HEMA greater than 0.6. Water was shown to be able to enter these cracks forming water pools. For copolymers of HEMA and THFMA with mole fractions of HEMA less than 0.6 the absence of cracks was attributed to the ability of the THFMA sequences to undergo stress relaxation by creep.


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Afin d'étudier la diffusion et la libération de molécules de tailles inférieures dans un gel polymère, les coefficients d'auto-diffusion d'une série de polymères en étoile avec un noyau d'acide cholique et quatre branches de poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG) ont été déterminés par spectroscopie RMN à gradient de champ pulsé dans des solutions aqueuses et des gels de poly(alcool vinylique). Les coefficients de diffusion obtenus ont été comparés avec ceux des PEGs linéaires et dendritiques pour étudier l'effet de l'architecture des polymères. Les polymères en étoile amphiphiles ont des profils de diffusion en fonction de la concentration similaires à leurs homologues linéaires dans le régime dilué. Ils diffusent plus lentement dans le régime semi-dilué en raison de leur noyau hydrophobe. Leurs conformations en solution ont été étudiées par des mesures de temps de relaxation spin-réseau T1 du noyau et des branches. L'imagerie RMN a été utilisée pour étudier le gonflement des comprimés polymères et la diffusion dans la matrice polymère. Les comprimés étaient constitués d'amidon à haute teneur en amylose et chargés avec de l'acétaminophène (de 10 à 40% en poids). Le gonflement des comprimés, ainsi que l'absorption et la diffusion de l'eau, augmentent avec la teneur en médicament, tandis que le pourcentage de libération du médicament est similaire pour tous les comprimés. Le gonflement in vitro des comprimés d'un complexe polyélectrolyte à base d'amidon carboxyméthylé et de chitosane a également été étudié par imagerie RMN. Ces comprimés sont sensibles au pH : ils gonflent beaucoup plus dans les milieux acides que dans les milieux neutres en raison de la dissociation des deux composants et de la protonation des chaînes du chitosane. La comparaison des résultats avec ceux d'amidon à haute teneur en amylose indique que les deux matrices ont des gonflements et des profils de libération du médicament semblables dans les milieux neutres, alors que les comprimés complexes gonflent plus dans les milieux acides en raison de la dissociation du chitosane et de l'amidon.


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Magnetic resonance imaging has been used to monitor the diffusion of water at 310 K into a series of semi-IPNs of poly(ethyl methacrylate), PEM, and copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, HEMA, and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate, THFMA. The diffusion was found to be well described by a Fickian kinetic model in the early stages of the water sorption process, and the diffusion coefficients were found to be slightly smaller than those for the copolymers of HEMA and THFMA, P(HEMA-co-THFMA), containing the same mole fraction of HEMA in the matrix. A second stage sorption process was identified in the later stage of water sorption by the PEM/PTHFMA semi-IPN and for the systems containing a P(HEMA-co-THFMA) component with a mole fraction HEMA of 0.6 or less. This was characterized by the presence of Water near the surface of the cylinders with a longer NMR T-2 relaxation time, which would be characteristic of mobile water, such as water present in large pores or surface fissures. The presence of the drug chlorhexidine in the polymer matrixes at a concentration of 5.625 wt % was found not to modify the properties significantly, but the diffusion coefficients for the water sorption were systematically smaller when the drug was present.


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The ingress of water into poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), PHEMA, loaded with either one of two model drugs, vitamin B-12 or aspirin, was studied at 37 degreesC using three-dimensional NMR imaging. PHEMA was loaded with 5 and 10 wt % of the drugs. From the imaging profiles, it was observed that incorporation of vitamin B-12 into PHEMA resulted in enhanced crack formation on sorption of water and the crack healing behind the diffusion front was slower than for PHEMA without added drug. This was accounted for by the anti-plasticization of PHEMA by vitamin B-12. Crack formation was inhibited in the P-HEMA-aspirin systems because of the plasticizing effect of the aspirin on the PHEMA matrix. All of the polymers were found to absorb water according to an underlying Fickian diffusion mechanism. For PHEMA loaded with 5 wt % of aspirin or vitamin B-12, the best values of the water diffusion coefficients were both found to be 1.3 +/- 0.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) at 37 degreesC, while the values for the polymer loaded with 10 wt % of the drugs were slightly higher, 1.5 +/- 0.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1).


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The ingress of water into copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) loaded with either one of two model drugs, ie vitamin B-12 or aspirin, was studied at 310 K using three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (3D NMR) imaging. The poly(HEMA) was loaded with 5 wt% of the drugs. From the imaging profiles it was observed that incorporation of vitamin B-12 into the polymers rich in HEMA resulted in crack formation at the interface between the rubbery region and the glassy core on sorption of water, although these cracks were 'healed' behind the diffusion front. However, for the copolymers with low HEMA contents and for those containing aspirin, no evidence for similar crack formation was found. For the copolymers loaded with 5 wt% of aspirin or vitamin B-12 the values of the water diffusion coefficients, determined by curve-fitting the relative water concentration profiles from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements, were found to be smaller than those obtained from a mass uptake study. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Using a new NMR correlation-peak imaging technique, we were able to investigate noninvasively the spatial distribution of carbohydrates and amino acids in the hypocotyl of castor bean seedlings. In addition to the expected high sucrose concentration in the phloem area of the vascular bundles, we could also observe high levels of sucrose in the cortex parenchyma, but low levels in the pith parenchyma. In contrast, the glucose concentration was found to be lower in the cortex parenchyma than in the pith parenchyma. Glutamine and/or glutamate was detected in the cortex parenchyma and in the vascular bundles. Lysine and arginine were mainly visible in the vascular bundles, whereas valine was observed in the cortex parenchyma, but not in the vascular bundles. Although the physiological significance of these metabolite distribution patterns is not known, they demonstrate the potential of spectroscopic NMR imaging to study noninvasively the physiology and spatial metabolic heterogeneity of living plants.


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The diffusion of styrene into linear low density polyethylene in a solution of supercritical CO2 was investigated using NMR microimaging. For both pure styrene and styrene dissolved in supercritical CO2, the diffusion was found to follow Fickian kinetics. Supercritical CO2 was found to enhance the rate and extent of diffusion of styrene into the substrate by up to three times under the conditions of this investigation, compared to pure styrene. NMR imaging was used to measure the concentration profiles of the styrene penetrants in real time, and the results were fitted to a Fickian model for diffusion. At a CO2 pressure of 150 bar and temperature of 40 degrees C, the diffusion coefficient of a 30 wt-% solution of styrene into LLDPE was calculated to be 1 X 10(-11) m(2). s(-1). This is significantly faster than the diffusion coefficient measured for pure styrene diffusion at 40 degrees C (3 x 10(-12) m(2). s(-1)). The diffusion coefficients determined by gravimetric analysis were slightly higher than those determined by the imaging method. This was probably due to residual styrene and/or polystyrene adhering to the surface of the films in the gravimetric technique.


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Polymer hydrogels based upon methacrylates are used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly as controlled release drug delivery systems. These materials are generally prepared by chemically initiated polymerization, but this can lead to the presence of unwanted initiator fragments in the polymer matrix. In the present work, initiation of polymerization by gamma-irradiation of hydroxyethyl methacrylate, with and without added crosslinkers, has been investigated, and the diffusion coefficients for water in the resulting polymers have been measured through mass uptake by the polymers. The diffusion of water in poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) at 310 K was found to be Fickian, with a diffusion coefficient of 1.96 +/- 0.1 x 10(11) m(2) s(-1) and an equilibrium water content of 58%, NMR imaging analyses confirmed the adherance to a Fickian model of the diffusion of water into polymer cylinders. The incorporation of small amounts (0.2-0.5 wt%) of added ethyleneglycol-dimethacrylate-based crosslinkers was found to have only a small effect on the diffusion coefficient and the equilibrium water content for the copolymers. (C) 1999 Society of Chemical Industry.