19 resultados para Nitrosothiol


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Mechanisms regulating NADPH oxidase remain open and include the redox chaperone protein disulfide isomerase (PDI). Here, we further investigated PDI effects on vascular NADPH oxidase. VSMC transfected with wild-type PDI (wt-PDI) OF PDI mutated in all four redox cysteines (mut-PDI) enhanced (2.5-fold) basal cellular ROS production and membrane NADPH oxidase activity, with 3-fold increase in Nox1, but not Nox4 mRNA. However, further ROS production, NADPH oxidase activity and Nox1 mRNA increase triggered by angiotensin-II (AngII) were totally lost with PDI overexpression, suggesting preemptive Nox1 activation in such cells. PDI overexpression increased Nox4 mRNA after AngII stimulus, although without parallel ROS increase. We also show that Nox inhibition by the nitric oxide donor GSNO is independent of PDI. PDI silencing decreased specifically Nox1 mRNA and protein, confirming that PDI may regulate Nox1 at transcriptional level in VSMC. Such data further strengthen the role of PDI as novel NADPH oxidase regulator. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The photogeneration of nitric oxide (NO) using laser flash photolysis was investigated for S-nitroso-glutathione (GSNO) and S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (NacySNO) at pH 6.4 (PBS/HCl) and 7.4 (PBS). Irradiation of S-nitrosothiol with light (lambda = 355 nm followed by absorption spectroscopy) resulted in the homolytic decomposition of NacySNO and GSNO to generate radicals (GS· and NacyS·) and NO. The release of NO from donor compounds measured with an ISO-Nometer apparatus was larger at pH 7.4 than pH 6.4. NacySNO was also incorporated into dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine liposomes in the presence and absence of zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPC), a well-known photosensitizer useful for photodynamic therapy. Liposomes are usually used as carriers for hydrophobic compounds such as ZnPC. Inclusion of ZnPC resulted in a decrease in NO liberation in liposomal medium. However, there was a synergistic action of both photosensitizers and S-nitrosothiols resulting in the formation of other reactive species such as peroxynitrite, which is a potent oxidizing agent. These data show that NO release depends on pH and the medium, as well as on the laser energy applied to the system. Changes in the absorption spectrum were monitored as a function of light exposure.


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Glutathione is the major intracellular antioxidant thiol protecting mammalian cells against oxidative stress induced by oxygen- and nitrogen-derived reactive species. In trypanosomes and leishmanias, trypanothione plays a central role in parasite protection against mammalian host defence systems by recycling trypanothione disulphide by the enzyme trypanothione reductase. Although Kinetoplastida parasites lack glutathione reductase, they maintain significant levels of glutathione. The aim of this study was to use Leishmania donovani trypanothione reductase gene mutant clones and different Leishmania species to examine the role of these two individual thiol systems in the protection mechanism against S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D,L-penicillamine (SNAP), a nitrogen-derived reactive species donor. We found that the resistance to SNAP of different species of Leishmania was inversely correlated with their glutathione concentration but not with their total low-molecular weight thiol content (about 0.18 nmol/10(7) parasites, regardless Leishmania species). The glutathione concentration in L. amazonensis, L. donovani, L. major, and L. braziliensis were 0.12, 0.10, 0.08, and 0.04 nmol/10(7) parasites, respectively. L. amazonensis, that have a higher level of glutathione, were less susceptible to SNAP (30 and 100 µM). The IC50 values of SNAP determined to L. amazonensis, L. donovani, L. major, and L. braziliensis were 207.8, 188.5, 160.9, and 83 µM, respectively. We also observed that L. donovani mutants carrying only one trypanothione reductase allele had a decreased capacity to survive (~40%) in the presence of SNAP (30-150 µM). In conclusion, the present data suggest that both antioxidant systems, glutathione and trypanothione/trypanothione reductase, participate in protection of Leishmania against the toxic effect of nitrogen-derived reactive species.


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Neonatal cattle and in part neonates of other species have manyfold higher plasma concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate than mature cows and subjects of other species, suggesting an enhanced and needed activation of the nitric oxide (NO) axis at birth. While the biological half-life of NO is short (<1 sec), its functionality can be prolonged, and in many regards more discretely modulated, when it reacts with low-molecular-weight and protein-bound thiols to form S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), from which NO subsequently can be rereleased. We used the calf as a model to test the hypothesis that plasma concentrations of RSNO are elevated at birth in mammals, correlate with ascorbate and urate levels, are selectively generated in critical tissue beds, and are generated in a manner temporally coincident with changes in tissue levels of active NO synthases (NOS). Plasma concentrations of RSNO, ascorbate, and urate were highest immediately after birth (Day 0), dropped >50% on Day 1, and gradually decreased over time, reaching a nadir in mature cattle. Albumin and immunoglobulin G were identified as major plasma RSNO. The presence of S-nitrosocysteine (SNC, a validated marker for S-nitrosylated proteins), inducible NOS (iNOS), and activated endothelial NOS (eNOS phosphorylated at Ser1177) in different tissues was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in another group of similar-aged calves. SNC, iNOS, and phosphorylated eNOS were detected in liver and ileum at the earliest timepoint of sampling (4 hrs after birth), increased between 4 and 24 hrs, and then declined to near-nondetectable levels by 2 weeks of life. Our data show that the neonatal period in the bovine species is characterized by highly elevated and coordinated NO-generating and nitrosylation events, with the ontogenetic changes occurring in iNOS and eNOS contents in key tissues as well as RSNO products and associated antioxidant markers.


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NO synthases are widely distributed in the lung and are extensively involved in the control of airway and vascular homeostasis. It is recognized, however, that the O2-rich environment of the lung may predispose NO toward toxicity. These Janus faces of NO are manifest in recent clinical trials with inhaled NO gas, which has shown therapeutic benefit in some patient populations but increased morbidity in others. In the airways and circulation of humans, most NO bioactivity is packaged in the form of S-nitrosothiols (SNOs), which are relatively resistant to toxic reactions with O2/O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}. This finding has led to the proposition that channeling of NO into SNOs may provide a natural defense against lung toxicity. The means to selectively manipulate the SNO pool, however, has not been previously possible. Here we report on a gas, O-nitrosoethanol (ENO), which does not react with O2 or release NO and which markedly increases the concentration of indigenous species of SNO within airway lining fluid. Inhalation of ENO provided immediate relief from hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction without affecting systemic hemodynamics. Further, in a porcine model of lung injury, there was no rebound in cardiopulmonary hemodynamics or fall in oxygenation on stopping the drug (as seen with NO gas), and additionally ENO protected against a decline in cardiac output. Our data suggest that SNOs within the lung serve in matching ventilation to perfusion, and can be manipulated for therapeutic gain. Thus, ENO may be of particular benefit to patients with pulmonary hypertension, hypoxemia, and/or right heart failure, and may offer a new therapeutic approach in disorders such as asthma and cystic fibrosis, where the airways may be depleted of SNOs.


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Pathological conditions associated with the impairment of nitric oxide (NO) production in the vasculature, such as Raynaud's syndrome and diabetic angiopathy, have stimulated the development of new biomaterials capable of delivering NO topically. With this purpose, we modified poly(vinyl-alcohol) (PVA) by chemically crosslinking it via esterification with mercaptosuccinic acid. This reaction allowed the casting of sulfhydrylated PVA (PVA-SH) films. Differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffractometry showed that the crosslinking reaction completely suppressed the crystallization of PVA, leading to a non-porous film with a homogeneous distribution of -SH groups. The remaining free hydroxyl groups in the PVA-SH network conferred partial hydrophylicity to the material, which was responsible for a swelling degree of ca. 110%. The PVA-SH films were subjected to an S-nitrosation reaction of the -SH groups, yielding a PVA containing S-nitrosothiol groups (PVA-SNO). Amperometric and chemiluminescence measurements showed that the PVA-SNO films were capable of releasing NO spontaneously after immersion in physiological medium. Laser Doppler-flowmetry, used to assess the blood flow in the dermal microcirculation, showed that the topical application of hydrated PVA-SNO films on the health skin led to a dose- and time-dependent increase of more than 5-fold in the dermal baseline blood flow in less than 10min, with a prolonged action of more than 4h during continuous application. These results show that PVA-SNO films might emerge as a new material with potential for the topical treatment of microvascular skin disorders.


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We investigated the ability of S-nitroso-N-acetylcyseine (SNAC) to prevent structural and functional myocardial alterations in hypercholesterolemic mice. C57BL6 wild-type (WT) and LDL-R-/male mice (S) were fed a standard diet for 15 days. LDL-R-/- mice (S) showed an 11% increase in blood pressure, 62% decrease in left atrial contractility and lower CD40L and eNOS expression relative to WT. LDL-R-/- mice fed an atherogenic diet for 15 days (Chol) showed significant increased left ventricular mass compared to S, which was characterized by: (1) 1.25-fold increase in the LV weight/body weight ratio and cardiomyocyte diameter; (2) enhanced expression of the NOS isoforms, CD40L, and collagen amount; and (3) no alteration in the atrial contractile performance. Administration of SNAC to Chol mice (Choi + SNAC) (0.51 mu mol/kg/day for 15 day, IP) prevented increased left ventricular mass, collagen deposit, NOS isoforms, and CD40L overexpression, but it had no effect on the increased blood pressure or atrial basal hypocontractility. Deletion of the LDL receptor gene in mice resulted in hypertension and a marked left atrial contractile deficit, which may be related to eNOS under-expression. Our data show that SNAC treatment has an antiinflammatory action that might contribute to prevention of structural and functional myocardial alterations in atherosclerotic mice independently of changes in blood pressure.


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The platelet inhibitory effects of the nitric oxide (NO) donor drug MAHMA NONOate ((Z-1-{N-methyl-N-[6-(N-methylammoniohexyl)amino] diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate) were examined in anaesthetised rats and compared with those of S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO; an S-nitrosothiol). Bolus administration of the aggregating agent ADP dose-dependently reduced the number of circulating free platelets. Intravenous infusions of MAHMA NONOate (3-30 nmol/kg/min) dose-dependently inhibited the effect of 0.3 mumol/kg ADP. MAHMA NONOate was approximately 10-fold more potent than GSNO. MAHMA NONOate (0.3-10 nmol/kg/min) also reduced systemic artery pressure and was again 10-fold more potent than GSNO. Thus MAHMA NONOate has both platelet inhibitory and vasodepressor effects in vivo. The dose ranges for these two effects overlapped, although blood pressure was affected at slightly lower doses. The platelet inhibitory effects compared favourably with those of GSNO, even though NONOates generate free radical NO which, in theory, could have been scavenged by haemoglobin. Therefore platelet inhibition may be a useful therapeutic property of NONOates. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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xi RESUMO A acção da insulina no músculo esquelético depende de um reflexo parassimpático hepático que conduz à libertação de uma substância hepática sensibilizadora da insulina, designada por HISS, responsável por cerca de 55% do efeito hipoglicemiante da insulina. A acção da HISS é finamente regulada pelo monóxido de azoto (NO) hepático e pelo estado prandial, aumentando no período pós-prandial imediato e diminuindo progressivamente com as horas de jejum. A secreção da HISS pode ser inibida cirúrgica ou farmacologicamente, quer por desnervação selectiva do plexo anterior hepático, quer por administração de atropina, quer por inibição do sintase do NO (NOS) hepático. O objectivo geral do trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação foi a caracterização da via de transdução de sinal que conduz à libertação da HISS. O modelo utilizado neste estudo foi o rato Wistar. A sensibilidade à insulina foi avaliada através do teste rápido de sensibilidade à insulina (RIST). A primeira hipótese de trabalho testada foi que a sequência de eventos que conduzem à secreção da HISS inicia-se com a activação do sistema parassimpático hepático seguida de activação do NOS hepático com subsequente produção de NO e activação do guanilato ciclase (GC). Observou-se que a administração de um dador de NO reverteu a resistência à insulina induzida, quer por inibição do NOS hepático, quer por antagonismo dos receptores muscarínicos com atropina. Em contraste, a resistência à insulina produzida por inibição do NOS hepático não foi revertida por administração intraportal de acetilcolina (ACh). Constatou-se que a inibição do GC hepático diminuiu a sensibilidade à insulina. Estes resultados sugerem que: a ACh libertada no fígado induz a síntese de NO hepático que conduz à libertação da HISS, que por sua vez é modulada pelo GC hepático. A libertação da HISS em resposta à insulina é regulada pelo estado prandial. Uma vez que os níveis hepáticos de glutationo (GSH) se encontram, tal como a HISS, diminuídos no estado de jejum e aumentados após a ingestão de uma refeição, testou-se a hipótese de que o GSH hepático está envolvido na secreção da HISS. Observou-se que a depleção do GSH hepático induziu resistência à insulina, comparável à obtida após inibição do NOS hepático. Estes resultados suportam a hipótese de que o GSH hepático desempenha um papel crítico na acção periférica da insulina. Considerando que, no estado de jejum, tanto os níveis de GSH hepático como os níveis de NO hepático são baixos, testou-se a hipótese de que a co-administração intraportal de um dador de GSH e de um dador de NO promove um aumento da sensibilidade à insulina no estado de jejum, devido ao restabelecimento do mecanismo da HISS. Observou-se que a administração sequencial de dadores de GSH e de NO no fígado provocou um aumento na sensibilidade à insulina, dependente da dose de dador de GSH administrada. Concluiu-se portanto que ambos, GSH e NO, são essenciais para que o mecanismo da HISS esteja completamente funcional. O GSH e o NO reagem para formar um S-nitrosotiol, o S-nitrosoglutationo (GSNO). Os resultados supra-mencionados conduziram à formulação da hipótese de que a secreção/acção da HISS depende da formação de GSNO. Observou-se que a administração intravenosa de S-nitrosotióis (RSNOs) aumentou a sensibilidade à insulina, em animais submetidos a um período de jejum, ao contrário da administração intraportal destes fármacos, o que RSNOs têm uma acção periférica, mas não hepática, na sensibilidade à insulina. Os resultados obtidos conduziram à reformulação da hipótese da HISS, sugerindo que a ingestão de uma refeição activa os nervos parassimpáticos hepáticos levando à libertação de ACh no fígado que, por sua vez activa o NOS. Simultaneamente, ocorre um aumento dos níveis de GSH hepático que reage com o NO hepático para formar um composto nitrosado, o GSNO. Este composto mimetiza a acção hipoglicemiante da HISS no músculo esquelético. SUMMARY Insulin action at the skeletal muscle depends on a hepatic parasympathetic reflex that promotes the release of a hepatic insulin sensitizing substance (HISS) from the liver, which contributes 55% to total insulin action. HISS action is modulated by hepatic nitric oxide (NO) and also by the prandial status so as to, in the immediate ostprandial state, HISS action is maximal, decreasing with the duration of fasting. HISS secretion may be inhibited by interruption of the hepatic parasympathetic reflex, achieved either by surgical denervation of the liver or by cholinergic blockade with atropine, or by prevention of hepatic NO release, using NO synthase (NOS) antagonists. The main objective of this work was to characterize the signal transduction pathways that lead to HISS secretion by the liver. Wistar rats were used and insulin sensitivity was evaluated using the rapid insulin sensitivity test (RIST). The first hypothesis tested was that the sequence of events that lead to HISS secretion starts with an increase in the hepatic parasympathetic tone, followed by the activation of hepatic NOS and subsequent triggering of guanylate cyclase (GC). We observed that insulin resistance produced either by muscarinic receptor antagonism with atropine or by hepatic NOS inhibition was reversed by the intraportal administration of an NO donor. In contrast, intraportal acetylcholine (ACh) did not restore insulin sensitivity after NOS inhibition. We also observed that GC inhibition lead to a decrease in insulin sensitivity.These results suggest that the release of ACh in the liver activates hepatic NO synthesis in order to allow HISS secretion, through a signaling pathway modulated by GC. HISS release in response to insulin is controlled by the prandial status. The second hypothesis tested was that glutathione (GSH) is involved in HISS secretion since the hepatic levels of GSH are, like HISS action, decreased in the fasted state and increased after ingestion of a meal. We observed that hepatic GSH depletion led to insulin resistance of the same magnitude of that observed after inhibition of hepatic NOS. These results support the hypothesis that hepatic GSH is crucial in peripheral insulin action. Since, in the fasted state, both hepatic GSH and NO levels are low, we tested the hypothesis that intraportal o-administration of a GSH donor and an NO donor enhances insulin sensitivity in fasted Wistar rats, by restoring HISS secretion. We observed that GSH and NO increased insulin sensitivity in a GSH dose-dependent manner. We concluded that HISS secretion requires elevated levels of both GSH and NO in the liver. GSH and NO react to form a S-nitrosothiol, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO). The last hypothesis tested in this work was that HISS secretion/ action depends on the formation of GSNO. We observed that intravenous administration of -nitrosothiols (RSNOs) increased insulin sensitivity in animals fasted for 24 h, in contrast with the intraportal administration of the drug. This result suggests that RSNOs enhanced insulin sensitivity through a peripheral, and not hepatic, mechanism. The results obtained led to a restructuring of the HISS hypothesis, suggesting that the ingestion of a meal triggers the hepatic parasympathetic nerves, leading to the release of Ach in the liver, which in turn activates NOS. Simultaneously, hepatic GSH levels increase and react with NO to form a nitrosated compound, GSNO. S-nitrosoglutathione mimics HISS hypoglycaemic action at the skeletal muscle.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of endogenous estrogens on the bioavailability of nitric oxide (·NO) and in the formation of lipid peroxidation products in pre- and postmenopausal women. METHODS: NOx and S-nitrosothiols were determined by gaseous phase chemiluminescence, nitrotyrosine was determined by ELISA, COx (cholesterol oxides) by gas chromatography, and cholesteryl linoleate hydroperoxides (CE18:2-OOH), trilinolein (TG18:2-OOH), and phospholipids (PC-OOH) by HPLC in samples of plasma. RESULTS: The concentrations of NOx, nitrotyrosine, COx, CE18:2-OOH, and PC-OOH were higher in the postmenopausal period (33.8±22.3 mM; 230±130 nM; 55±19 ng/mL; 17±8.7 nM; 2775±460 nM, respectively) as compared with those in the premenopausal period (21.1±7.3 mM; 114±41 nM; 31±13 ng/mL; 6±1.4 nM; 1635±373 nM). In contrast, the concentration of S-nitrosothiols was lower in the postmenopausal period (91±55 nM) as compared with that in the premenopausal p in the premenopausal period (237±197 nM). CONCLUSION: In the postmenopausal period, an increase in nitrotyrosine and a reduction of S-nitrosothiol formation, as well as an increase of COx, CE18:2-OOH and PC-OOH formation occurs. Therefore, •NO inactivation and the increase in lipid peroxidation may contribute to endothelial dysfunction and to the greater risk for atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women.


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Considerable evidence suggests that nitroxidergic mechanisms in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) participate in cardiovascular reflex control. Much of that evidence, being based on responses to nitric oxide precursors or inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis, has been indirect and circumstantial. We sought to directly determine cardiovascular responses to nitric oxide donors microinjected into the NTS and to determine if traditional receptor mechanisms might account for responses to certain of these donors in the central nervous system. Anesthetized adult Sprague Dawley rats that were instrumented for recording arterial pressure and heart rate were used in the physiological studies. Microinjection of nitric oxide itself into the NTS did not produce any cardiovascular responses and injection of sodium nitroprusside elicited minimal depressor responses. The S-nitrosothiols, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), S-nitrosoacetylpenicillamine (SNAP), and S-nitroso-D-cysteine (D-SNC) produced no significant cardiovascular responses while injection of S-nitroso-L-cysteine (L-SNC) elicited brisk, dose-dependent depressor and bradycardic responses. In contrast, injection of glyceryl trinitrate elicited minimal pressor responses without associated changes in heart rate. It is unlikely that the responses to L-SNC were dependent on release of nitric oxide in that 1) the responses were not affected by injection of oxyhemoglobin or an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis prior to injection of L-SNC and 2) L- and D-SNC released identical amounts of nitric oxide when exposed to brain tissue homogenates. Although GSNO did not independently affect blood pressure, its injection attenuated responses to subsequent injection of L-SNC. Furthermore, radioligand binding studies suggested that in rat brain synaptosomes there is a saturable binding site for GSNO that is displaced from that site by L-SNC. The studies suggest that S-nitrosocysteine, not nitric oxide, may be an interneuronal messenger for cardiovascular neurons in the NTS


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Nitric oxide (NO·) has been identified as a principal regulatory molecule of the immune system and the major cytotoxic mediator of activated immune cells. NO· can also react rapidly with a variety of biological species, particularly with the superoxide radical anion O2·- at almost diffusion-limited rates to form peroxynitrite anion (ONOO-). ONOO- and its proton-catalyzed decomposition products are capable of oxidizing a great diversity of biomolecules and can act as a source of toxic hydroxyl radicals. As a consequence, a strategy for the development of molecules with potential trypanocidal activities could be developed to increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the parasites through NO·-releasing compounds. In this way, the rate of formation of peroxynitrite from NO· and O2·- would be faster than the rate of dismutation of superoxide radicals by superoxide dismutases which constitute the primary antioxidant enzymatic defense system in trypanosomes. The adenosine transport systems of parasitic protozoa, which are also in certain cases implicated in the selective uptake of active drugs such as melarsoprol or pentamidine, could be exploited to specifically target these NO·-releasing compounds inside the parasites. In this work, we present the synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of a series of molecules that contain both a group which would specifically target these drugs inside the parasites via the purine transporter, and an NO·-donor group that would exert a specific pharmacological effect by increasing NO level, and thus the peroxynitrite concentration inside the parasite.


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Accumulating evidence indicates that post-translational protein modifications by nitric oxide and its derived species are critical effectors of redox signaling in cells. These protein modifications are most likely controlled by intracellular reductants. Among them, the importance of the 12 kDa dithiol protein thioredoxin-1 (TRX-1) has been increasingly recognized. However, the effects of TRX-1 in cells exposed to exogenous nitrosothiols remain little understood. We investigated the levels of intracellular nitrosothiols and survival signaling in HeLa cells over-expressing TRX-1 and exposed to S-nitrosoglutahione (GSNO). A role for TRX-1 expression on GSNO catabolism and cell viability was demonstrated by the concentration-dependent effects of GSNO on decreasing TRX-1 expression, activation of capase-3, and increasing cell death. The over-expressaion of TRX-1 in HeLa cells partially attenuated caspase-3 activation and enhanced cell viability upon GSNO treatment. This was correlated with reduction of intracellular levels of nitrosothiols and increasing levels of nitrite and nitrotyrosine. The involvement of ERK, p38 and JNK pathways were investigated in parental cells treated with GSNO. Activation of ERK1/2 MAP kinases was shown to be critical for survival signaling. lit cells over-expressing TRX-1, basal phosphorylation levels of ERK1/2 MAP kinases were higher and further increased after GSNO treatment. These results indicate that the enhanced cell viability promoted by TRX-1 correlates with its capacity to regulate the levels of intracellular nitiosothiols and to up-regulate the survival signaling pathway mediated by the ERK1/2 MAP kinases.


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Tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy) has long been known to protect experimental animals from the injury associated with oxidative and inflammatory conditions. In the latter case, a parallel decrease in tissue protein nitration levels has been observed. Protein nitration represents a shift in nitric oxide actions from physiological to pathophysiological and potentially damaging pathways involving its derived oxidants such as nitrogen dioxide and peroxynitrite. In infectious diseases, protein tyrosine nitration of tissues and cells has been taken as evidence for the involvement of nitric oxide-derived oxidants in microbicidal mechanisms. To examine whether tempol inhibits the microbicidal action of macrophages, we investigated its effects on Leishmania amazonensis infection in vitro (RAW 264.7 murine macrophages) and in vivo (C57B1/6 mice). Tempol was administered in the drinking water at 2 mM throughout the experiments and shown to reach infected footpads as the nitroxide plus the hydroxylamine derivative by EPR analysis. At the time of maximum infection (6 weeks), tempol increased footpad lesion size (120%) and parasite burden (150%). In lesion extracts, tempol decreased overall nitric oxide products and expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase to about 80% of the levels in control animals. Nitric oxide-derived products produced by radical mechanisms, such as 3-nitrotyrosine and nitrosothiol, decreased to about 40% of the levels in control mice. The results indicate that tempol worsened L. amazonensis infection by a dual mechanism involving down-regulation of iNOS expression and scavenging of nitric oxide-derived oxidants. Thus, the development of therapeutic strategies based on nitroxides should take into account the potential risk of altering host resistance to parasite infection. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.