21 resultados para Nitrosomonas
The effects of free ammonia (FA; NH3) and free nitrous acid (FNA; HNO2) concentrations on the metabolisms of an enriched ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) culture were investigated using a method allowing the decoupling of growth and energy generation processes. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was operated for the enrichment of an AOB culture. Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) analysis showed that 82% of the bacterial population in the SBR bound to the NEU probe specifically designed for Nitrosomonas europaea. Batch tests were carried out to measure the oxygen and ammonium consumption rates by the culture at various FA and FNA levels, in the presence or absence of inorganic carbon (CO2, HCO3, and CO32-). It was revealed that FA of up to 16.0 mgNH(3)-N (.) L-1, which was the highest concentration used in this study, did not have any inhibitory effect on either the catabolic or anabolic processes of the Nitrosomonas culture. In contrast, FNA inhibited both the growth and energy production capabilities of the Nitrosomonas culture. The inhibition on growth initiated at approximately 0.10 mgHNO(2)-(NL-1)-L-., and the data suggested that the biosynthesis was completely stopped at an FNA concentration of 0.40 mgHNO(2)-N (.) L-1. The inhibition on energy generation initiated at a slightly lower level but the Nitrosomonas culture was still oxidizing ammonia at half of the maximum rate at an FNA concentration of 0.50-0.63 mgHNO(2)-N (.) L-1. The affinity constant of the Nitrosomonas culture with respect to ammonia was determined to be 0.36 mgNH3-N (.) L-1, independent of the presence or absence of inorganic carbon. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A novel method that relies on the decoupling of the energy production and biosynthesis processes was used to characterise the maintenance, cell lysis and growth processes of Nitrosomonas sp. A Nitrosolnonas culture was enriched in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with ammonium as the sole energy source. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that Nitrosomonas bound to the NEU probe constituted 82% of the bacterial population, while no other known ammonium or nitrite oxidizing bacteria were detected. Batch tests were carried out under conditions that both ammonium and CO, were in excess, and in the absence of one of these two substrates. The oxygen uptake rate and nitrite production rate were measured during these batch tests. The results obtained from these batch tests, along with the SBR performance data, allowed the determination of the maintenance coefficient and the in situ cell lysis rate, as well as the maximum specific growth rate of the Nitrosomonas culture. It is shown that, during normal growth, the Nitrosomonas culture spends approximately 65% of the energy generated for maintenance. The maintenance coefficient was determined to be 0.14 - 0.16 mgN mgCOD(biomass)(-1) h(-1), and was shown to be independent of the specific growth rate. The in situ lysis rate and the maximum specific growth rate of the Nitrosomonas culture were determined to be 0.26 and 1.0 day(-1) (0.043 h(-1)), respectively, under aerobic conditions at 30 degrees C and pH7. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A polyurethane packed-bed-biofilm sequential batch reactor was fed with synthetic substrate simulating the composition of UASB reactor effluents. Two distinct ammonia nitrogen concentrations (125 and 250 mg l(-1)) were supplied during two sequential long-term experiments of 160 days each (320 total). Cycles of 24 h under intermittent aeration for periods of 1 h were applied, and ethanol was added as a carbon source at the beginning of each anoxic period. Nitrite was the main oxidized nitrogen compound which accumulated only during the aerated phases of the batch cycle. A consistent decrease of nitrite concentration started always immediately after the interruption of oxygen supply and addition of the electron donor. Removal to below detection limits of all nitrogen soluble forms was always observed at the end of the 24 h cycles for both initial concentrations. Polyurethane packed-bed matrices and ethanol amendments conferred high process stability. Microbial investigation by cloning suggested that nitrification was carried out by Nitrosomonas-like species whereas denitrification was mediated by unclassified species commonly observed in denitrifying environments. The packed-bed batch bioreactor favored the simultaneous colonization of distinct microbial groups within the immobilized microbial biomass. The biofilm was capable of actively oxidizing ammonium and denitrification at high ratios in intermittent intervals within 24 h cycles. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The option for biological nitrogen removal has recently been broadened with the description of simultaneous nitrification/denitrification, anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) and the concept of CANON (completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite). An autotrophic anaerobic ammonium oxidation (AAAO) consortium was successfully selected and enriched from municipal treatment plant sludges in Sydney, Australia, but not from industrial coke-oven wastewater sludges. Chemolithoautotrophic basic salt (CLABS) medium was used in the selection of AAAO organisms and chloramphenicol was added to the initial stage of selection to eliminate denitrifiers. Two different temperatures, 37degreesC and 55degreesC, were used in the selection of mesophilic and thermophilic consortia, respectively. Thermophilic AAAO organisms were not selected at 55degreesC. Mesophilic AAAO activities, however, were evident in both batch and continuous cultures, whereby ammonium was consumed concurrently with a decrease of nitrite, giving a ratio of 1:1-1:1.3 in ammonium removal rate over nitrite consumption rate. A continuous-mode mesophilic fixed-bed reactor was established to enrich the AAAO consortium. After 1 year, biofilms, pinkish in color, had developed on the support media and side wall of the feed-line tubing. Ammonium and nitrite consumption increased from similar to15 mg to 60 mg d(-1) L-1 over a period of 243 days. Later, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques revealed that the dominant cell type in the AAAO consortium had a similar morphology and 16S rDNA sequence homology to that of the recently described ANAMMOX organism, Brocadia anammoxidans.
Biological nitrogen removal via nitrite pathway in wastewater treatment is very important especially in the cost of aeration and as an electron donor for denitrification. Wastewater nitrification and nitrite accumulations were carried out in a biofilm reactor. The biofilm reactor showed almost complete nitrification and most of the oxidized ammonium was present as nitrite at the ammonium load of 1.2 kg N/m3/d. Nitrite accumulation was achieved by the selective inhibition of nitrite oxidizers by free ammonia and oxygen limitation. Nitrite oxidation activity was recovered as soon as the inhibition factor was removed. Fluorescence in situ hybridization studies of the nitrite accumulating biofilm system have shown that genus Nitrosomonas which is specifically hybridized with probe NSM 156 was the dominant nitrifying bacteria while Nitrospira was less abundant than those of normal nitrification systems. Further FISH analysis showed that the combinations of Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira cells were identified as important populations of nitrifying bacteria in an autotrophic nitrifying biofilm system.
During the oxidation of the substrate, both Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter have part of the energy made available as high energy phosphate, mamely ADP and ATP. This chemical energy is used to fix CO2. The nature of the reducing power is unknown at present. Active cells of Nitrobacter were shown to fix CO2 along the same pathway as found in higher plant photosynthesis. Sonic extracts of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter when incubated with NaH14CO3 and cofactors showed two ports of entry of CO2 into organic compounds one being, as expected, the carboxidismutase reaction. On protein basis an equivalent amount of CO2 was, however, incorporated via the oxaloacetic carboxylase reation. It is clear then that both micoorganisms possess typical autotrophic and heterotrophic mechanisms for the fixation of CO2 which is required for the primary synthesis of cell material.
Membrane-aerated biofilm reactors performing autotrophic nitrogen removal can be successfully applied to treat concentrated nitrogen streams. However, their process performance is seriously hampered by the growth of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB). In this work we document how sequential aeration can bring the rapid and long-term suppression of NOB and the onset of the activity of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB). Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses confirmed that such shift in performance was mirrored by a change in population densities, with a very drastic reduction of the NOB Nitrospira and Nitrobacter and a 10-fold increase in AnAOB numbers. The study of biofilm sections with relevant 16S rRNA fluorescent probes revealed strongly stratified biofilm structures fostering aerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in biofilm areas close to the membrane surface (rich in oxygen) and AnAOB in regions neighbouring the liquid phase. Both communities were separated by a transition region potentially populated by denitrifying heterotrophic bacteria. AOB and AnAOB bacterial groups were more abundant and diverse than NOB, and dominated by the r-strategists Nitrosomonas europaea and Ca. Brocadia anammoxidans, respectively. Taken together, the present work presents tools to better engineer, monitor and control the microbial communities that support robust, sustainable and efficient nitrogen removal
Two distinct nitrifying bacterial consortia, namely an ammonia oxidizing non-penaeid culture (AMO NPCU-1) and an ammonia oxidizing penaeid culture (AMOPCU-1), have been mass produced in a nitrifying bacterial consortia production unit (NBCPU). The consortia, maintained at 4 C were activated and cultured in a 2 l fermentor initially. At this stage the net biomass (0.105 and 0.112 g/l), maximum specific growth rate (0.112 and 0.105/h) and yield coefficients (1.315 and 2.08) were calculated respectively, for AMONPCU-1 and AMOPCU-1 on attaining stationary growth phase. Subsequently on mass production in a 200 l NBCPU under optimized culture conditions, the total amounts of NH4 ?–N removed by AMONPCU-1 and AMOPCU-1 were 1.948 and 1.242 g/l within 160 and 270 days, respectively. Total alkalinity reduction of 11.7–14.4 and 7.5–9.1 g/l were observed which led to the consumption of 78 and 62 g Na2CO3. The yield coefficient and biomass of AMONPCU-1 were 0.67 and 125.3 g/l and those of AMOPCU-1 were 1.23 and 165 g/l. The higher yield coefficient and growth rate of AMOPCU-1 suggest better energy conversion efficiency and higher CO2 fixation potential. Both of the consortia were dominated by Nitrosomonas-like organisms. The consortia may find application in the establishment of nitrification within marine and brackish water culture systems.
BACKGROUND: A packed bed bioreactor (PBBR) activated with an indigenous nitrifying bacterial consortia was developed and commercialized for rapid establishment of nitrification in brackish water and marine hatchery systems in the tropics. The present study evaluated nitrification in PBBR integrated into a Penaeus monodon recirculating maturation system under different substrate concentrations and flow rates. RESULTS:Instantnitrificationwasobservedafter integration ofPBBRinto thematuration system.TANandNO2-Nconcentrations were always maintained below0.5 mg L−1 during operation. The TANandNO2-N removalwas significant (P < 0.001) in all the six reactor compartments of the PBBR having the substrates at initial concentrations of 2, 5 and 10 mg L−1. The average volumetric TAN removal rates increased with flow rates from 43.51 (250 L h−1) to 130.44 (2500 L h−1) gTAN m−3 day−1 (P < 0.05). FISH analysis of the biofilms after 70 days of operation gave positive results with probes NSO 190 ((β ammonia oxidizers), NsV 443 (Nitrosospira spp.) NEU (halophilic Nitrosomonas), Ntspa 712 (Phylum Nitrospira) indicating stability of the consortia. CONCLUSION: The PBBR integrated into the P. monodon maturation system exhibited significant nitrification upon operation for 70 days as well as at different substrate concentrations and flow rates. This system can easily be integrated into marine and brackish water aquaculture systems, to establish instantaneous nitrification
The addition of commercial nitrifying bacterial products has resulted in significant improvement of nitrification efficiency in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). We developed two nitrifying bacterial consortia (NBC) from marine and brackish water as start up cultures for immobilizing commercialized nitrifying bioreactors for RAS. In the present study, the community compositions of the NBC were analyzed by universal 16S rRNA gene and bacterial amoA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This study demonstrated that both the consortia involved autotrophic nitrifiers, denitrifiers as well as heterotrophs. Abundant taxa of the brackish water heterotrophic bacterial isolates were Paenibacillus and Beijerinckia spp. whereas in the marine consortia they were Flavobacterium, Cytophaga and Gramella species. The bacterial amoA clones were clustered together with high similarity to Nitrosomonas sp. and uncultured beta Proteobacteria. FISH analysis detected ammonia oxidizers belonging to b subclass of proteobacteria and Nitrosospira sp. in both the consortia, and Nitrosococcus mobilis lineage only in the brackish water consortium and the halophilic Nitrosomonas sp. only in the marine consortium. However, nitrite oxidizers, Nitrobacter sp. and phylum Nitrospira were detected in both the consortia. The metabolites from nitrifiers might have been used by heterotrophs as carbon and energy sources making the consortia a stable biofilm.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from soils is a major contributor to the atmospheric loading of this potent greenhouse gas. It is thought that autotrophic ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) are a significant source of soil-derived N2O and a denitrification pathway (i.e. reduction of NO2- to NO and N2O), so-called nitrifier denitrification, has been demonstrated as a N2O production mechanism in Nitrosomonas europaea. It is thought that Nitrosospira spp. are the dominant AOB in soil, but little information is available on their ability to produce N2O or on the existence of a nitrifier denitrification pathway in this lineage. This study aims to characterize N2O production and nitrifier denitrification in seven strains of AOB representative of clusters 0, 2 and 3 in the cultured Nitrosospira lineage. Nitrosomonas europaea ATCC 19718 and ATCC 25978 were analysed for comparison. The aerobically incubated test strains produced significant (P < 0.001) amounts of N2O and total N2O production rates ranged from 2.0 amol cell(-1) h(-1), in Nitrosospira tenuis strain NV12, to 58.0 amol cell(-1) h(-1), in N. europaea ATCC 19718. Nitrosomonas europaea ATCC 19718 was atypical in that it produced four times more N2O than the next highest producing strain. All AOB tested were able to carry out nitrifier denitrification under aerobic conditions, as determined by production of N-15-N2O from applied N-15-NO2-. Up to 13.5% of the N2O produced was derived from the exogenously applied N-15-NO2-. The results suggest that nitrifier denitrification could be a universal trait in the betaproteobacterial AOB and its potential ecological significance is discussed.
This study investigates a new treatment system of wastewater by anaerobic and aerobic biological filters for nitrogen modification. The main objective of this study was evaluate, on a pilot scale, quantitatively and qualitatively the bacterian nitrifying community in a experimental sewage treatment system made by aerobics biological filters in series, in search of figure out the dynamic of nitrogen modification process. It was collected and laboratorial analysed microbiologically, regarding NMP of Nitrosomonas e Nitrobacter, and physical-chemically considering nitrogen sequence. We conclude that: the association in aerobic biological filters under nutrition controlled conditions and oxygen level allows the appearance of bacterian community responsible for the nitrogen modification; the method used, despite its limitations, provided the selection of autotrophic nitrifying microorganisms, allowing the identification of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter; the flow direction tested in the experimental unit did not affect the nitrifying bacterial community, certainly because they were kept drowned and did not occur flow speed that could breake the formed biomass; the nitrification process happened in aerated biological filters in all phases of the research, comproved by microbiological tests; in the third phase of the research the increase of the oxygen rate was significant for the nitrificant bacterian community in the aerate biological filters, allowing its growth, occurring relation between the efficiency of nitrification system and the quantity of organisms responsible for this process; the conduit used in aerated biological filters showed satisfactory performance support material to the nitrifying bacteria development
Biochar is the solid C-rich matrix obtained by pyrolysis of biomasses, currently promoted as a soil amendment with the aim to offset anthropogenic C emissions, while ameliorating soil properties and growth conditions. Benefits from biochar seem promising, although scientific understandings are beginning to be explored. In this project, I performed a suite of experiments in controlled and in field conditions with the aims to investigate the effect of biochar on: a) the interaction with minerals; b) Fe nutrition in kiwifruit; c) soil leaching, soil fertility, soil CO2 emissions partitioning, soil bacterial profile and key gene expression of soil nitrification-involved bacteria; d) plant growth, nutritional status, yield, fruit quality and e) its physical-chemical changes as affected by long-term environmental exposure. Biochar released K, P and Mg but retained Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn on its surface which in turn hindered Fe nutrition of kiwifruit trees. A redox reaction on the biochar surface exposed to a Fe source was elucidated. Biochar reduced the amount of leached NH4+-N but increased that of Hg, K, P, Mo, Se and Sn. Furthermore, biochar synergistically interacted with compost increasing soil field capacity, fertility, leaching of DOC, TDN and RSOC, suggesting a priming effect. However, in field conditions, biochar did not affect yield, nutritional status and fruit quality. Actinomadura flavalba, Saccharomonospora viridis, Thermosporomyces composti and Enterobacter spp. were peculiar of the soil amended with biochar plus compost which exhibited the highest band richness and promoted gene expression levels of Nitrosomonas spp., Nitrobacter spp. and enzymatic-related activity. Environmental exposure reduced C, K, pH and water infiltration of biochar which instead resulted in a higher O, Si, N, Na, Al, Ca, Mn and Fe at%. Oxidation occurred on the aged biochar surface, it decreased progressively with depth and induced the development of O-containing functional groups, up to 75nm depth.