341 resultados para Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT)


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The biochemical and molecular processes that maintain the stem cell pool, and govern the proliferation and differentiation of haemopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) have been widely investigated but are incompletely understood. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterise novel genes that may play a part in regulating the mechanisms that control the proliferation, differentiation and self-renewal of human HSPCs. Reverse transcription differential display polymerase chain reaction (dd-PCR) was used to identify differences in gene expression between a HSPC population defined by expression of the CD34 phenotype, and the more mature CD34 depleted populations. A total of 6 differentially expressed complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) sequences were identified. Four of these transcripts were homologous to well characterised genes, while two (band 1 and band 20) were homologous to unknown and uncharacterised partial gene sequences on the GenBank database and were thus chosen for further investigation. The partial cDNA sequences for band 1 and band 20 were designated ORP-3 and MERP-1 (respectively) due to homologies with other well-characterised gene families. Differential expression of the ORP-3 and MERP-1 genes was confirmed using Taqman™ real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with 3 - 4-fold and 4-10 -fold higher levels in the CD34+ fractions of haemopoietic cells compared to CD34- populations respectively. Additionally, expression of both these genes was down regulated with proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells further confirming higher expression in a less differentiated subset of haemopoietic cells. The full coding sequences of ORP-3 and MERP-1 were elucidated using bioinformatics, rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and PCR amplification. The MERP-1 cDNA is 2600 nucleotides (nt) long, and localizes by bioinformatics to chromosome 7.. It consists of three exons and 2 introns spanning an entire length of 31.4 kilobases (kb). The MERP-1 open reading frame (ORF) codes for a putative 344 amino acid (aa) type II transmembrane protein with an extracellular C-terminal ependymin like-domain and an intracellular N-terminal sequence with significant homology to the cytoplasmic domains of members of the protocadherin family of transmembrane glycoproteins. Ependymins and protocadherins are well-characterised calcium-dependant cell adhesion glycoproteins. Although the function of MERP-1 remains to be elucidated, it is possible that MERP-1 like its homologues plays a role in calcium dependent cell adhesion. Differential expression of the MERP-1 gene in haemopoietic cells suggests a role in haemopoietic stem cell proliferation and differentiation, however, its broad tissue distribution implies that it may also play a role in many cell types. Characterization of the MERP-1 protein is required to elucidate these possible roles. The ORP-3 cDNA is 6631nt long, and localizes by bioinformatics to chromosome 7pl5-p21. It consists of 23 exons and 22 introns spanning an entire length of 183.5kb. The ORP-3 ORF codes for a putative 887aa protein which displays the consensus sequence for a highly conserved oxysterol-binding domain. Other well-characterised proteins expressing these domains have been demonstrated to bind oxysterols (OS) in a dose dependant fashion. OS are hydroxylated derivatives of cholesterol Their biological activities include inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and cell proliferation in a variety of cell types, including haemopoietic cells. Differential expression of the ORP-3 gene in haemopoietic cells suggests a possible role in the transduction of OS effects on haemopoietic cells, however, its broad tissue distribution implies that it may also play a role in many cell types. Further investigation of ORP-3 gene expression demonstrates a significant correlation with CD34+ sample purity, and 2-fold higher expression in a population of haemopoietic cells defined by the CD34+38- phenotype compared to more mature CD34+38+ cells. This finding, taken together with the previous observation of down-regulation of ORP-3 expression with proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells, indicates that ORP-3 expression may be higher in a less differentiated subset of cells with a higher proliferative capacity. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that expression of the ORP-3 gene is approximately 2-fold lower in differentiated HL60 promyelocytic cells compared to control, undifferentiated cells. ORP-3 expression in HL60 cells during normal culture conditions was also found to vary with expression positively correlated with cell number. This indicates a possible cell cycle effect on ORP-3 gene expression with levels highest when cell density, and therefore the percentage of cells in G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle is highest. This observation also correlates with the observation of higher ORP-3 expression in CD34+38-cells, and in CD34+ and HL60 cells undergoing OS induced and camptothecin induced apoptosis that is preceded by cell cycle arrest at G(0)/G(1). Expression of the ORP-3 gene in CD34+ HSPCs from UCB was significantly decreased to approximately half the levels observed in control cells after 24 hours incubation in transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFâl). As ≥90% of these cells are stimulated into cell cycle entry by TGFâl, this observation further supports the hypothesis that ORP-3 expression is highest when cells reside in the G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle. Data obtained from investigation of ORP-3 gene expression in synchronised HL60 cells however does not support nor disprove this hypothesis. Culture of CD34+ enriched HSPCs and HL60 cells with 25-OHC significantly increased ORP-3 gene expression to approximately 1.5 times control levels. However, as 25-OHC treatment also increased the percentage of apoptotic cells in these experiments, it is not valid to make any conclusions regarding the regulation of ORP-3 gene expression by OS. Indeed, the observation that camptothecin induced apoptosis also increased ORP-3 gene expression in HL60 cells raises the possibility that up-regulation of ORP-3 gene expression is also associated with apoptosis, Taken together, expression of the ORP-3 gene appears to be regulated by differentiation and apoptosis of haemopoietic progenitors, and may also be positively associated with proliferative and G(0)/G(1) cell cycle status indicating a possible role in all of these processes. Given the important regulatory role of apoptosis in haemopoiesis and differential expression of the ORP-3 gene in haemopoietic progenitors, final investigations were conducted to examine the effects OS on human HSPCs. Granulocyte/macrophage colony forming units (CFU-GM) generated from human bone marrow (ABM) and umbilical cord blood (UCB) were grown in the presence of varying concentrations of three different OS - 7keto-cholesterol (7K-C), 7beta-hydroxycholesterol (7p-OHC) and 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OHC). Similarly, the effect of OS on HL60 and CD34+ cells was investigated using annexin-V staining and flow cytometry to measure apoptosis. Reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) was used to assess differentiative status of HL60 cells. CFU-GM from ABM and HL60 growth was inhibited by all three OS tested, with 25-OHC being the most potent. 25-OHC inhibited ≥50% of bone marrow CFU-GM and ≥95% of HL60 cell growth at a level of 1 ug/ml. Compared to UCB, CFU-GM derived from ABM were more sensitive to the effects of all OS tested. Only 25-OHC and 7(5-OHC significantly inhibited growth of UCB derived CFU-GM. OS treatment increased the number of annexin-V CD34+ cells and NBT positive HL60 cells indicating that OS inhibition of CFU-GM and HL60 cell growth can be attributed to induction of apoptosis and differentiation. From these studies, it can be concluded that dd-PCR is an excellent tool for the discovery of novel genes expressed in human HSPCs. Characterisation of the proteins encoded by the novel genes ORP-3 and MERP-1 may reveal a regulatory role for these genes in haemopoiesis. Finally, investigations into the effects of OS on haemopoietic progenitor cells has revealed that OS are a new class of inhibitors of HSPC proliferation of potential relevance in vivo and in vitro.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The relationships between neutrophils oxidative metabolism, cortisol serum levels and worm burden, estimated by fecal egg count (EPG), were studied in sheep naturally infected by gastrointestinal parasites at the end of pregnancy, during lactation, and after weaning. Twenty-two Suffolk sheep three to four year old, of same parity and season of parturition were used. Serum cortisol was determined by radioimmunoassay and the neutrophils oxidative metabolism by the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction test. The highest EPG values were observed on the fifth week of lactation while the highest rates of cortisol and reduction of NBT occurred on the fourth week after weaning. A positive correlation (r = 0.52; P<0.01) was observed between the neutrophils capacity to reduce the NBT and the serum cortisol concentration in the pre-parturition period. Otherwise, the neutrophils oxidative metabolism decreased near to the parturition. A negative correlation (r = -0.39; P<0.01) between EPG and NBT reduction test was observed after weaning, which was coincident with the increase in the neutrophils capacity to reduce NBT, indicating that animals showing better immune response after weaning have neutrophils with higher oxidative metabolism and lower worm burden.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas à Farmácia - FCFAR


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the leukocyte count and the oxidative metabolism of neutrophil in Saanen goats during periods of pregnancy, parturition and postpartum. Were used 20 Saanen goats, clinically healthy and serologically negative for caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). Blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture 49 (M1), 42 (M2), 35 (M3), 28 (M4), 21 (M5), 14 (M6), seven (M7), three (M8) days before the parturition, on the day of birth (M9), three (M10) and seven (M11) days postpartum, for the leukocyte count, and serum for cortisol, estradiol and progesterone determination. From 28 days (M4) before parturition until seven days postpartum (M11) blood samples were collected for evaluation of oxidative metabolism of neutrophils by the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test (NBT). The results showed that at parturition day there were an increase in cortisol and estradiol levels and a decrease in progesterone serum, neutrophilic leukocytosis and left shift slight, decrease of lymphocytes, increase in the neutrophil: lymphocyte, eosinopenia, monocytosis and basophilia. There was a neutrophilic leukocytosis and an increase in the neutrophil: lymphocyte on the seventh day postpartum. There were not significant alterations in oxidative metabolism of neutrophils during pregnancy, parturition and postpartum. It was concluded that parturition causes an elevation in cortisol and estradiol levels and a decrease in progesterone serum determining a neutrophilic leukocytosis and left shift slight, with a reduction of lymphocytes, increase in the neutrophil:lymphocyte, eosinopenia, monocytosis and basophilia. Neutrophilic leukocytosis, increase in the neutrophil: lymphocyte and fibrinogen are detected on the seventh day postpartum. Pregnancy, parturition and the postpartum do not change the oxidative metabolism of neutrophils evaluated by NBT reduction test.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Leukogram and neutrophil oxidative metabolism from dogs with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) were compared before and after treatment with meglumine antimoniate (AM) and with an association of meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol (AMA). The results obtained demonstrated that neutrophils of dogs with VL do not lose their capacity of reducing NBT and that oxidative metabolism has been more active in the majority of the cases. After treatment with AM and AMA, dogs with VL presented a redution of neutrophils oxidative metabolism, suggesting that this decrease was related with the decrease in the number of parasites and a probable inhibitor effect of these drugs on neutrophils oxidative metabolism.


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Effects of tributyltin (TBT) which has been used for antifouling paint of ship's hulls and fishing nets on the immune system in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) were investigated. After short-term exposure to a high level of TBT, leucocytes in the head kidney from 1-year-old flounder were examined for the proportion of neutrophils in total leucocytes. Also examined were their respiratory burst activities using flow cytometry, the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) and lysozyme activities. Furthermore, long-term exposures to a relatively low level of TBT using young flounder were also carried out. The proportion of neutrophils in total leucocytes prepared from head kidney in each fish exposed to TBT at 20 microg/L for 5 days and the reduction of NBT by leucocytes prepared from the same experimental conditions increase compared to the control group. The contents were 42.0+/-6.8 and 52.5+/-6.3%, respectively. Significant differences of the NBT reduction were observed between 0 and 20 microg/L TBT exposure groups. On the other hand, the respiratory burst activity of cells in the exposure group clearly showed a tendency to decrease compared to the control group. Furthermore, high level of TBT also inhibited lysozyme activity which plays an important role for the bacteriocidal procedures. However, similar results were not obtained in the exposure group with a relatively low level of TBT. To determine the immunotoxic effects of TBT, infection experiments using pathogens which are naturally occurring should be further investigated.


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Respostas imunológicas inatas são úteis para determinar o estado de saúde de peixes e avaliar o efeito de substâncias imunomoduladoras no cultivo destes animais. A atividade respiratória de leucócitos foi medida em pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) através de ensaio de quimioluminescência e ensaio de redução do nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT). O ensaio de redução do nitroblue tetrazolium pareceu mais adequado que o ensaio de quimioluminescência para determinação da atividade respiratória de leucócitos, uma vez que foi difícil isolar com êxito os leucócitos do sangue para o ensaio de quimioluminescência. Lisozima sérica e plasmática foram medidas por meio de ensaio turbidimétrico. Com o objetivo de inativar as proteínas do sistema complemento, as amostras de soro e plasma foram aquecidas (56 ºC por 30 minutos). Porém, este procedimento provocou a turvação das amostras de plasma e interferiu nos resultados. A atividade de lisozima no soro foi maior que no plasma, sugerindo que amostras de soro são mais apropriadas para esta análise. Este estudo estabeleceu protocolos que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas no estudo de mecanismos imunológicos do peixe tropical pacu.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Pós-graduação em Medicina Tropical, 2015.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The efficacy of a marine yeast Candida sake as source of immunostimulant to Indian white shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus was estimated. Biomass of C. sake was prepared using malt extract agar and incorporated at graded levels into a standard diet to prepare yeast diets of varying biomass concentrations (1%, 10% and 20%). F. indicus were fed on these diets for a period of 28 days and challenged orally with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and immune parameters such as total haemocyte count, phenoloxidase and nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT) were determined. Ten per cent C. sake in the diet was found to support an optimum immune response in the animals in general and their enhancement could be observed on the second and third day following challenge with the virus. The study has demonstrated that marine yeast C. sake at 10% in diet (w/w) may be used as an effective source of immunostimulants in F. indicus


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The immunostimulatory effect of an alkali insoluble glucan extracted from marine yeast isolate Candida sake S165 was tested in Fenneropenaeus indicus. Post larvae (PL) of F. indicus, fed glucan incorporated diet at varying concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 g glucan/100 g feed) for 21 days were challenged orally with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Maximum survival was observed in PL fed the 0.2% glucan incorporated diet. Subsequently the feed incorporated with 0.2% glucan was fed to F. indicus post larvae at different feeding intervals, i.e. daily, once every two days, once every five days, once every seven days and once every ten days. After 40 days, the prawns were challenged orally with WSSV and post challenge survival was recorded. Shrimp feed containing 0.2% glucan when administered once every seven days gave maximum survival. This was supported by haematological data obtained from adult F. indicus, i.e. total haemocyte count, phenoloxidase activity and nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT). The present observation confirms the importance of dose and frequency of administration of immunostimulants in shrimp health management


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Influence of acute salinity stress on the immunological and physiological response of Penaeus monodon to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection was analysed. P. monodon maintained at 15‰ were subjected to acute salinity changes to 0‰ and 35‰ in 7 h and then challenged orally with WSSV. Immune variables viz., total haemocyte count, phenol oxidase activity (PO), nitroblue tetrazolium salt (NBT) reduction, alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP), acid phosphatase activity (ACP) and metabolic variables viz., total protein, total carbohydrates, total free amino acids (TFAA), total lipids, glucose and cholesterol were determined soon after salinity change and on post challenge days 2 (PCD2) and 5 (PCD5). Acute salinity change induced an increase in metabolic variables in shrimps at 35‰ except TFAA. Immune variables reduced significantly (Pb0.05) in shrimps subjected to salinity stress with the exception of ALP and PO at 35‰ and the reduction was found to be more at 0‰. Better performance of metabolic and immune variables in general could be observed in shrimps maintained at 15‰ that showed significantly higher post challenge survival following infection compared to those under salinity stress. Stress was found to be higher in shrimps subjected to salinity change to lower level (0‰) than to higher level (35‰) as being evidenced by the better immune response and survival at 35‰. THC (Pb0.001), ALP (Pb0.01) and PO (Pb0.05) that together explained a greater percentage of variability in survival rate, could be proposed as the most potential health indicators in shrimp haemolymph. It can be concluded from the study that acute salinity stress induces alterations in the haemolymph metabolic and immune variables of P. monodon affecting the immunocompetence and increasing susceptibility to WSSV, particularly at low salinity stress conditions