989 resultados para Newspaper article


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This is a brief report of a research project, coordinated by me and funded by the Portuguese Government. It studies ‘The Representation of the Feminine in the Portuguese Press’ (POCI/COM 55780/2004), and works on the content analysis of discourse on the feminine in various Portuguese newspapers, covering the time span of February 1st till April 30th 2006. The paper is divided into two parts: in the first part, I will briefly discuss the typology used to code the text units of selected articles; in the second part, I will explore the most expressive percentages of the first two weeks of February for the content analysis of the Diário de Notícias newspaper. These percentages were obtained with the NVivo 6 qualitative data treatment software programme.


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This paper deals with the classification of news items in ePaper, a prototype system of a future personalized newspaper service on a mobile reading device. The ePaper system aggregates news items from various news providers and delivers to each subscribed user (reader) a personalized electronic newspaper, utilizing content-based and collaborative filtering methods. The ePaper can also provide users "standard" (i.e., not personalized) editions of selected newspapers, as well as browsing capabilities in the repository of news items. This paper concentrates on the automatic classification of incoming news using hierarchical news ontology. Based on this classification on one hand, and on the users' profiles on the other hand, the personalization engine of the system is able to provide a personalized paper to each user onto her mobile reading device.


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The goDesign Express 2011 Workshop was a design immersion workshop run by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Built Environment and Engineering Faculty during three weeks of 70-minute art class periods/sessions in August/September 2011 at Morayfield State High School, for 80 Grade 10 and 64 Grade 11 art students and two teachers, and October 2011 at Narangba Valley State High School for 60 Grade 10 and 30 Grade 11 art students and two teachers. Funded and administrated through QUT’s Widening Participation Program, which supports outreach activities to increase tertiary enrolments for under represented groups (such as low-SES, rural and indigenous students), the program utilised two activities from Day 1 of the highly successful 3-day goDesign Travelling Workshop Program for Regional Secondary Students (http://eprints.qut.edu.au/47747/). In contrast to this program, which was facilitated by two tertiary design educators, the goDesign Express 2011 Workshop was facilitated primarily by three tertiary interior design/architecture students, with assistance from a design educator. This action research study aimed to facilitate an awareness in young people, of the value of design thinking skills in generating strategies to solve local community challenges. It also aimed to investigate the value of collaboration between secondary school students and teachers, and tertiary design students and educators, in inspiring post-secondary pathways for school students, professional development for schoolteachers, and alternative career prospects and leadership skills for tertiary design students. During the workshop, secondary students and teachers explored, analysed and reimagined their local community through a series of scaffolded problem solving activities around the theme of ‘place’. Students worked individually and in groups designing graphics, fashion and products, and utilising sketching, making, communication, collaboration and presentation skills to improve their design process, while considering social, cultural and environmental opportunities for their local community. The workshop was mentioned in a news article in the local Caboolture Shire Herald newspaper.


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Argues that as a more effective precuationary measure, it would seem that the firearms revocation threshold should be substantially lowered, or at least further clarified in guidance. Response to public debate in light of school shootings.


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Argues that a human rights based concsiousness needs to supersede legal technocracy to avoid the wrongs of deporting family members. Response to public discussion over deportation of two elderly grandmothers from Finland.


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Argues that the balance of the UK's hung parliament resonates as much with Europe's darker past as the potential of a fairer future. Response to FIIA's briefing No. 60 'No Real Winner?' by Toby Archer.


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Argues that focus on the immigrant status of the Espoo shooter deflects attention from the failure of the relevant authorities to effectively respond to a foreseeable threat to public safety. Response to public discussion of New Year's Day shootings in Espoo shopping mall.


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Argues that focus on the immigrant status of the Espoo shooter deflects attention from the failure of the relevant authorities to effectively respond to a foreseeable threat to public safety. Response to public discussion of New Year's Day shootings in Espoo shopping mall.


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Background: This study investigated the nature of newspaper reporting about online health information in the UK and US. Internet users frequently search for health information online, although the accuracy of the information retrieved varies greatly and can be misleading. Newspapers have the potential to influence public health behaviours, but information has been lacking in relation to how newspapers portray online health information to their readers.

Methods: The newspaper database Nexis (R) UK was searched for articles published from 2003 - 2012 relating to online health information. Systematic content analysis of articles published in the highest circulation newspapers in the UK and US was performed. A second researcher coded a 10% sample to establish inter-rater reliability of coding.

Results: In total, 161 newspaper articles were included in the analysis. Publication was most frequent in 2003, 2008 and 2009, which coincided with global threats to public health. UK broadsheet newspapers were significantly more likely to cover online health information than UK tabloid newspapers (p = 0.04) and only one article was identified in US tabloid newspapers. Articles most frequently appeared in health sections. Among the 79 articles that linked online health information to specific diseases or health topics, diabetes was the most frequently mentioned disease, cancer the commonest group of diseases and sexual health the most frequent health topic. Articles portrayed benefits of obtaining online health information more frequently than risks. Quotations from health professionals portrayed mixed opinions regarding public access to online health information. 108 (67.1%) articles directed readers to specific health-related web sites. 135 (83.9%) articles were rated as having balanced judgement and 76 (47.2%) were judged as having excellent quality reporting. No difference was found in the quality of reporting between UK and US articles.

Conclusions: Newspaper coverage of online health information was low during the 10-year period 2003 to 2012. Journalists tended to emphasise the benefits and understate the risks of online health information and the quality of reporting varied considerably. Newspapers directed readers to sources of online health information during global epidemics although, as most articles appeared in the health sections of broadsheet newspapers, coverage was limited to a relatively small readership.


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"Toute vérité est bonne à dire. Mais dire le droit nécessite sans doute la connaissance par le juge des normes universelles envisagées sous l'angle constitutionnel des droits fondamentaux de l'homme et de la société. Le fondement d'un tel principe trouve sa consécration dans le droit à l'information et à la protection juridique du devoir d'informer par les journalistes. Aujourd'hui, dans tout État de droit moderne et démocratique, la question se trouve nettement posée : comment adapter la fonction de poursuite et du jugement en matière de presse avec les garanties du droit à la liberté d'expression et au droit d'accès aux sources de l'information et par conséquent faciliter l'exercice de la mission du journaliste ? Aussi, comment organiser les relations professionnelles entre le pouvoir judiciaire, protecteur de l'ordre public et le pouvoir de la presse pourvoyeur et source de l'information ? Autant de questions qui se posent en droit algérien et au problème des limites de forme et de fond de ce droit et plus particulièrement en matière des délits de presse. Ainsi, ces aspects ont été mis en évidence dans différents systèmes juridiques, dans plusieurs pays du monde, notamment en droit pénal de la presse français. Cela implique l'intervention de l'État et des autorités publiques pour assurer et protéger le droit à l'information des citoyens qui constitue d'ailleurs le second aspect de la liberté d'information afin d'en assurer l'exercice effectif. Le problème est crucial en droit positif algérien ; il évolue souvent dans un climat de conflit et de tension entre le pouvoir et la presse de telle sorte que l'injure et la diffamation publique se définissent comme des délits de presse aux sanctions assez lourdes. Ces délits relèvent d'un régime pénal particulier dans la mesure où le législateur ne fait aucune distinction entre un article de presse considéré comme diffamatoire ou injurieux et une simple insulte proférée par un individu à l'encontre d'autres personnes. La spécificité de la profession journalistique n'est guère prise en compte. La notion d'exception de vérité fait défaut dans les dispositions ajoutées par le législateur en 2001 et modifiant le Code pénal algérien. De plus, la loi permet aux pouvoirs publics de s'autosaisir et d'engager automatiquement la procédure de poursuite judiciaire tant que le délit n'est pas prescrit. Cela nous interpelle sur le caractère spécial et exceptionnel de la notion de délit de presse et nous oblige à nous interroger sur leurs caractères d'identification en cas de déclenchement de l'action publique contre le journaliste ; et sur l'absence quasi-systématique du droit de réponse, au-delà des sanctions que le juge pourrait être amené à prononcer contre un organe de presse ou un journaliste. Certes, la dépénalisation des délits de presse n'est pas pour demain ; et le chemin est laborieux pour la corporation des journalistes mais personne ne peut nier leurs souhaits d'abolir les sanctions infligées à leur encontre par la proposition d'une application plus douce de la loi pénale aussi bien sur le plan de la procédure que sur le fond. Cela doit s'inscrire dans des nouvelles dispositions pour lesquelles le droit algérien de l'information ne peut pas être évidemment en marge, dans le cadre de la mondialisation de la presse, de l'émergence de la société de l'information et des nouveaux supports  de communication."


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Dans la Recherche du temps perdu, toute relation filiale est une relation où le fils fait inévitablement souffrir sa mère en commettant, selon Proust, une forme de parricide. La lecture des œuvres pré-Recherche de l’auteur, telles la nouvelle « La confession d’une jeune fille » et l’article « Sentiments filiaux d’un parricide » permettent de comprendre cette relation ambigüe, au cœur de laquelle se trouve l’amour incommensurable que ressent le fils pour le parent, un amour si intense qu’il en est étouffant. Dans ces conditions, le parent en vient à symboliser aux yeux de l’enfant la Loi contre laquelle il doit se rebeller à coup de gestes de cruauté. Le fils, s’il est de ceux qui peuvent soutenir la vue de leurs crimes, entre alors dans un cercle vicieux : par sa cruauté, il tue – symboliquement ou réellement – le parent aimé et il en jouit. Suite à ce sadisme, il ressent une insupportable culpabilité qui le mène à une dévotion masochiste encore plus grande pour son parent. Or, par le personnage du narrateur de la Recherche du temps perdu, Proust démontre que la seule manière de se libérer de cette douloureuse culpabilité, c’est l’Art. Le crime ultime qu’est la création excuse les actes de cruauté antérieurs et les justifie même. C’est la seule manière de transformer la souffrance vécue (issue entre autres de la culpabilité d’avoir pris plaisir à faire souffrir un parent aimé) en idées universelles, en œuvre d’art.


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In this exchange, Peter Coghlan and Nick Trakakis discuss the problem of natural evil in the light of the recent Asian tsunami disaster. The exchange begins with an extract from a newspaper article written by Coghlan on the tsunami, followed by three rounds of replies and counter-replies, and ending with some final comments from Trakakis. While critical of any attempt to show that human life is good overall despite its natural evils, Coghlan argues that instances of natural evil, even horrific ones, can be justified as the unavoidable by-product of a natural system on which human life and culture depends. Trakakis, however, rejects this view, counselling instead a degree of skepticism about our ability to construct a plausible theodicy for horrific evil.


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Newspaper article examining the implications of the increasing price of justice at a state and federal level in Australia and the United States. Focuses largely on research examining the Queensland and Alabama prosecutions of Gabe Watson for hte death of his wife, Tina Thomas, on their honeymoon in October 2003.