905 resultados para Neutron Reflection


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We have grown surfactant-templated silicate films at the air-water interface using n-alkyltrimethylammonium bromide and chloride in an acid synthesis with tetraethyl orthosilicate as the silicate source. The films have been grown with and without added salt (sodium chloride, sodium bromide) and with n-alkyl chain lengths from 12 to 18, the growth process being monitored by X-ray reflectometry. Glassy, hexagonal, and lamellar structures have been produced in ways that are predictable from the pure surfactant-water phase diagrams. The synthesis appears to proceed initially through an induction period characterized by the accumulation of silica-coated spherical micelles near the surface. All syntheses, except those involving C(12)TACl, show a sudden transformation of the spherical micellar phase to a hexagonal phase. This occurs when the gradually increasing ionic strength and/or changing ethanol concentration is sufficient to change the position of boundaries within the phase diagram. A possible mechanism for this to occur may be to induce a sphere to rod transition in the micellar structure. This transformation, as predicted from the surfactant-water phase diagram, can be induced by addition of salts and is slower for chloride than bromide counteranions. The hexagonal materials change in cell dimension as the chain length is changed in a way consistent with theoretical model predictions. All the materials have sufficiently flexible silica frameworks that phase interconversion is observed both from glassy to hexagonal and from hexagonal, to lamellar and vice versa in those surfactant systems where multiple phases are found to exist.


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The development of structure perpendicular to and in the plane of the interface has been studied for mesoporous silicate films self-assembled at the air/water interface. The use of constrained X-ray and neutron specular reflectometry has enabled a detailed study of the structural development perpendicular to the interface during the pre-growth phase. Off-specular neutron reflectometry and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction has enabled the in-plane structure to be probed with excellent time resolution. The growth mechanism under the surfactant to silicate source ratios used in this work is clearly due to the self-assembly of micellar and molecular species at the air/liquid interface, resulting in the formation of a planar mesoporous film that is tens of microns thick. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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X-ray reflectivity of bovine and sheep surfactant-associated protein B (SP-B) monolayers is used in conjunction with pressure-area isotherms and protein models to suggest that the protein undergoes changes in its tertiary structure at the air/water interface under the influence of surface pressure, indicating the likely importance of such changes to the phenomena of protein squeeze out as well as lipid exchange between the air-water interface and subphase structures. We describe an algorithm based on the well-established box- or layer-models that greatly assists the fitting of such unknown scattering-length density profiles, and which takes the available instrumental resolution into account. Scattering-length density profiles from neutron reflectivity of bovine SP-B monolayers on aqueous subphases are shown to be consistent with the exchange of a large number of labile protons as well as the inclusion of a significant amount of water, which is partly squeezed out of the protein monolayer at elevated surface pressures.


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We report on a new class of nonionic, photosensitive surfactants consisting of a polar di(ethylene oxide) head group attached to an alkyl spacer of between two and eight methylene groups, coupled through an ether linkage to an azobenzene moiety. Structural changes associated with the interconversion of the azobenzene group between its cis and trans forms as mediated by the wavelength of an irradiating light source cause changes in the surface tension and self-assembly properties. Differences in saturated surface tensions (surface tension at concentrations above the CMC) were as high as 14.4 mN/m under radiation of different wavelengths. The qualitative behavior of the surfactants changed as the spacer length changed, attributed to the different orientations adopted by the different surfactants depending on their isomerization states, as revealed by neutron reflection studies. The self-assembly of these photosensitive surfactants has been investigated by light scattering, small angle neutron scattering, and cryo-TEM under different illuminations. The significant change in the self-assembly in response to different illumination conditions was attributed to the sign change in Gaussian rigidity, which originated from the azobenzene photoisomerization.


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The oxidation of organic films on cloud condensation nuclei has the potential to affect climate and precipitation events. In this work we present a study of the oxidation of a monolayer of deuterated oleic acid (cis-9-octadecenoic acid) at the air-water interface by ozone to determine if oxidation removes the organic film or replaces it with a product film. A range of different aqueous sub-phases were studied. The surface excess of deuterated material was followed by neutron reflection whilst the surface pressure was followed using a Wilhelmy plate. The neutron reflection data reveal that approximately half the organic material remains at the air-water interface following the oxidation of oleic acid by ozone, thus cleavage of the double bond by ozone creates one surface active species and one species that partitions to the bulk (or gas) phase. The most probable products, produced with a yield of similar to(87 +/- 14)%, are nonanoic acid, which remains at the interface, and azelaic acid (nonanedioic acid), which dissolves into the bulk solution. We also report a surface bimolecular rate constant for the reaction between ozone and oleic acid of (7.3 +/- 0.9) x 10(-11) cm(2) molecule s(-1). The rate constant and product yield are not affected by the solution sub-phase. An uptake coefficient of ozone on the oleic acid monolayer of similar to 4 x 10(-6) is estimated from our results. A simple Kohler analysis demonstrates that the oxidation of oleic acid by ozone on an atmospheric aerosol will lower the critical supersaturation needed for cloud droplet formation. We calculate an atmospheric chemical lifetime of oleic acid of 1.3 hours, significantly longer than laboratory studies on pure oleic acid particles suggest, but more consistent with field studies reporting oleic acid present in aged atmospheric aerosol.


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The surfactant properties of aqueous protein mixtures ( ranaspumins) from the foam nests of the tropical frog Physalaemus pustulosus have been investigated by surface tension, two-photon excitation. uorescence microscopy, specular neutron reflection, and related biophysical techniques. Ranaspumins lower the surface tension of water more rapidly and more effectively than standard globular proteins under similar conditions. Two- photon excitation. uorescence microscopy of nest foams treated with fluorescent marker ( anilinonaphthalene sulfonic acid) shows partitioning of hydrophobic proteins into the air-water interface and allows imaging of the foam structure. The surface excess of the adsorbed protein layers, determined from measurements of neutron reflection from the surface of water utilizing H2O/D2O mixtures, shows a persistent increase of surface excess and layer thickness with bulk concentration. At the highest concentration studied ( 0.5 mg ml(-1)), the adsorbed layer is characterized by three distinct regions: a protruding top layer of similar to20 Angstrom, a middle layer of similar to30 Angstrom, and a more diffuse submerged layer projecting some 25 Angstrom into bulk solution. This suggests a model involving self-assembly of protein aggregates at the air-water interface in which initial foam formation is facilitated by specific surfactant proteins in the mixture, further stabilized by subsequent aggregation and cross-linking into a multilayer surface complex.


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The reaction between gas-phase ozone and monolayers of the unsaturated lipid 1-palmitoy1-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, POPC, on aqueous solutions has been studied in real time using neutron reflection and surface pressure measurements. The reaction between ozone and lung surfactant, which contains POPC, leads to decreased pulmonary function, but little is known shout the changes that occur to the interfacial material as a result of oxidation. The results reveal that the initial reaction of ozone with POPC leads to a rapid increase in surface pressure followed by a slow decrease to very low values. The neutron reflection measurements, performed on an isotopologue of POPC with a selectively deuterated palmitoyl strand, reveal that the reaction leads to loss of this strand from the air-water interface. suggesting either solubilization of the product lipid or degradation of the palmitoyl strand by a reactive species. Reactions of H-1-POPC on D2O reveal that the headgroup region of the lipids in aqueous solution is not dramatically perturbed by the reaction of POPC monolayers with ozone supporting degradation of the palmitoyl strand rather than solubilization. The results are consistent with the reaction of ozone with the oleoyl strand of POPC at the air water interface leading to the formation of OH radicals. the highly reactive OH radicals produced can then go on to react with the saturated palmitoyl strands leading to the formation or oxidized lipids with shorter alkyl tails.


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We report on a novel experimental study of a pH-responsive polyelectrolyte brush at the silicon/D2O interface. A poly[2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate] brush was grown on a large silicon crystal which acted as both a substrate for a neutron reflectivity solid/liquid experiment but also as an FTIR-ATR spectroscopy crystal. This arrangement has allowed for both neutron reflectivities and FTIR spectroscopic information to be measured in parallel. The chosen polybase brush shows strong IR bands which can be assigned to the N-D+ stretch, D2O, and a carbonyl group. From such FTIR data, we are able to closely monitor the degree of protonation along the polymer chain as well as revealing information concerning the D2O concentration at the interface. The neutron reflectivity data allows us to determine the physical brush profile normal to the solid/liquid interface along with the corresponding degree of hydration. This combined approach makes it possible to quantify the charge on a polymer brush alongside the morphology adopted by the polymer chains. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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In this work total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry has been employed to determine trace element concentrations in different human breast tissues (normal, normal adjacent, benign and malignant). A multivariate discriminant analysis of observed levels was performed in order to build a predictive model and perform tissue-type classifications. A total of 83 breast tissue samples were studied. Results showed the presence of Ca, Ti, Fe, Cu and Zn in all analyzed samples. All trace elements, except Ti, were found in higher concentrations in both malignant and benign tissues, when compared to normal tissues and normal adjacent tissues. In addition, the concentration of Fe was higher in malignant tissues than in benign neoplastic tissues. An opposite behavior was observed for Ca, Cu and Zn. Results have shown that discriminant analysis was able to successfully identify differences between trace element distributions from normal and malignant tissues with an overall accuracy of 80% and 65% for independent and paired breast samples respectively, and of 87% for benign and malignant tissues. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The scope of this paper is to reflect on the theoretical construction in the constitution of the sociology of health, still called medical sociology in some countries. Two main ideas constitute the basis for this: interdisciplinarity and the degree of articulation in the fields of medicine and sociology. We sought to establish a dialogue with some dimensions - macro/micro, structure/action - that constitute the basis for understanding medicine/health in relation to the social/sociological dimension. The main aspects of these dimensions are initially presented. Straus' two medical sociologies and the theory/application impasses are then addressed, as well as the dilemmas of the sociology of medicine in the 1960s and 1970s. From these analyses the theoretical production before 1970 is placed as a counterpoint. Lastly, the sociology of health is seen in the general context of sociology, which underwent a fragmentation process from 1970 with effects in all subfields of the social sciences. This process involves a rethinking of the theoretical issues in a broadened spectrum of possibilities. The 1980s are highlighted when theoretical issues in the sociology of health are reinvigorated and the issue of interdisciplinarity is once again addressed.


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The article discusses the possibility of applying Kuhn's concept of paradigm to collective health. The concept and its use in epidemiology, planning and the social sciences are reviewed briefly. The study stresses the multi-paradigmatic character of collective health, resulting from the convergence of multiple epistemologies and the involvement of diverse fields such as the biological sciences, philosophy, the social sciences and humanities.


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The relatively large number of nearby radio-quiet and thermally emitting isolated neutron stars (INSs) discovered in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey, dubbed the ""Magnificent Seven"", suggests that they belong to a formerly neglected major component of the overall INS population. So far, attempts to discover similar INSs beyond the solar vicinity failed to confirm any reliable candidate. The good positional accuracy and soft X-ray sensitivity of the EPIC cameras onboard the XMM-Newton satellite allow us to efficiently search for new thermally emitting INSs. We used the 2XMMp catalogue to select sources with no catalogued candidate counterparts and with X-ray spectra similar to those of the Magnificent Seven, but seen at greater distances and thus undergoing higher interstellar absorptions. Identifications in more than 170 astronomical catalogues and visual screening allowed us to select fewer than 30 good INS candidates. In order to rule out alternative identifications, we obtained deep ESO-VLT and SOAR optical imaging for the X-ray brightest candidates. We report here on the optical follow-up results of our search and discuss the possible nature of 8 of our candidates. A high X-ray-to-optical flux ratio together with a stable flux and soft X-ray spectrum make the brightest source of our sample, 2XMM J104608.7-594306, a newly discovered thermally emitting INS. The X-ray source 2XMM J010642.3+005032 has no evident optical counterpart and should be further investigated. The remaining X-ray sources are most probably identified with cataclysmic variables and active galactic nuclei, as inferred from the colours and flux ratios of their likely optical counterparts. Beyond the finding of new thermally emitting INSs, our study aims at constraining the space density of this Galactic population at great distances and at determining whether their apparently high density is a local anomaly or not.


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Over the last decade, X-ray observations have revealed the existence of several classes of isolated neutron stars (INSs) which are radio-quiet or exhibit radio emission with properties much at variance with those of ordinary radio pulsars. The identification of new sources is crucial in order to understand the relations among the different classes and to compare observational constraints with theoretical expectations. A recent analysis of the 2XMMp catalogue provided fewer than 30 new thermally emitting INS candidates. Among these, the source 2XMM J104608.7-594306 appears particularly interesting because of the softness of its X-ray spectrum, kT = 117 +/- 14 eV and N(H) = (3.5 +/- 1.1) x 10(21) cm(-2) (3 sigma), and of the present upper limits in the optical, m(B) greater than or similar to 26, m(V) greater than or similar to 25.5 and m(R) greater than or similar to 25 (98.76% confidence level), which imply a logarithmic X-ray-to-optical flux ratio log(F(X)/F(V)) greater than or similar to 3.1, corrected for absorption. We present the X-ray and optical properties of 2XMM J104608.7-594306 and discuss its nature in the light of two possible scenarios invoked to explain the X-ray thermal emission from INSs: the release of residual heat in a cooling neutron star, as in the seven radio-quiet ROSAT-discovered INSs, and accretion from the interstellar medium. We find that the present observational picture of 2XMM J104608.7-594306 is consistent with a distant cooling INS with properties in agreement with the most up-to-date expectations of population synthesis models: it is fainter, hotter and more absorbed than the seven ROSAT sources and possibly located in the Carina Nebula, a region likely to harbour unidentified cooling neutron stars. The accretion scenario, although not entirely ruled out by observations, would require a very slow (similar to 10 km s(-1)) INS accreting at the Bondi-Hoyle rate.


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The remarkable astrometric capabilities of the Chandra Observatory offer the possibility to measure proper motions of X-ray sources with an unprecedented accuracy in this wavelength range. We recently completed a proper motion survey of three of the seven thermally emitting radio-quiet isolated neutron stars (INSs) discovered in the ROSAT all-sky survey. These INSs (RXJ0420.0-5022, RXJ0806.4-4123 and RXJ1308.6+2127) either lack an optical counterpart or have one so faint that ground based or space born optical observations push the current possibilities of the instrumentation to the limit. Pairs of ACIS observations were acquired 3 to 5 years apart to measure the displacement of the sources on the X-ray sky using as a reference the background of extragalactic or remote Galactic X-ray sources. We derive 2 sigma upper limits of 123 mas yr(-1) and 86 mas yr(-1) on the proper motion of RXJ0420.0-5022 and RXJ0806.4-4123, respectively. RXJ1308.6+2127 exhibits a very significant displacement (similar to 9 sigma) yielding mu = 220 +/- 25 mas yr(-1), the second fastest measured among all ROSAT-discovered INSs. The source is probably moving away rapidly from the Galactic plane at a speed which precludes any significant accretion of matter from the interstellar medium. Its transverse velocity of similar to 740 (d/700 pc) km s(-1) might be the largest of all ROSAT INSs and its corresponding spatial velocity lies among the fastest recorded for neutron stars. RXJ1308.6+2127 is thus a middle-aged (age similar to 1 My) high velocity cooling neutron star. We investigate its possible origin in nearby OB associations or from a field OB star. In most cases, the flight time from birth place appears significantly shorter than the characteristic age derived from spin down rate. Overall, the distribution in transverse velocity of the ROSAT INSs is not statistically different from that of normal radio pulsars.


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Barium stars are optimal sites for studying the correlations between the neutron-capture elements and other species that may be depleted or enhanced, because they act as neutron seeds or poisons during the operation of the s-process. These data are necessary to help constrain the modeling of the neutron-capture paths and explain the s-process abundance curve of the solar system. Chemical abundances for a large number of barium stars with different degrees of s-process excesses, masses, metallicities, and evolutionary states are a crucial step towards this goal. We present abundances of Mn, Cu, Zn, and various light and heavy elements for a sample of barium and normal giant stars, and present correlations between abundances contributed to different degrees by the weak-s, mains, and r-processes of neutron capture, between Fe-peak elements and heavy elements. Data from the literature are also considered in order to better study the abundance pattern of peculiar stars. The stellar spectra were observed with FEROS/ESO. The stellar atmospheric parameters of the eight barium giant stars and six normal giants that we analyzed lie in the range 4300 < T(eff)/K < 5300, -0.7 < [Fe/H] <= 0.12 and 1.5 <= log g < 2.9. Carbon and nitrogen abundances were derived by spectral synthesis of the molecular bands of C(2), CH, and CN. For all other elements we used the atomic lines to perform the spectral synthesis. A very large scatter was found mainly for the Mn abundances when data from the literature were considered. We found that [Zn/Fe] correlates well with the heavy element excesses, its abundance clearly increasing as the heavy element excesses increase, a trend not shown by the [Cu/Fe] and [Mn/Fe] ratios. Also, the ratios involving Mn, Cu, and Zn and heavy elements usually show an increasing trend toward higher metallicities. Our results suggest that a larger fraction of the Zn synthesis than of Cu is owed to massive stars, and that the contribution of the main-s process to the synthesis of both elements is small. We also conclude that Mn is mostly synthesized by SN Ia, and that a non-negligible fraction of the synthesis of Mn, Cu, and Zn is owed to the weak s-process.