980 resultados para Neuronal survival


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Neurotrophic factors (NTFs) and the extracellular matrix (ECM) are important regulators of axonal growth and neuronal survival in mammalian nervous system. Understanding of the mechanisms of this regulation is crucial for the development of posttraumatic therapies and drug intervention in the injured nervous system. NTFs act as soluble, target-derived extracellular regulatory molecules for a wide range of physiological functions including axonal guidance and the regulation of programmed cell death in the nervous system. The ECM determines cell adhesion and regulates multiple physiological functions via short range cell-matrix interactions. The present work focuses on the mechanisms of the action of NTFs and the ECM on axonal growth and survival of cultured sensory neurons from dorsal root ganglia (DRG). We first examined signaling mechanisms of the action of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family ligands (GFLs) on axonal growth. GDNF, neurturin (NRTN) and artemin (ART) but not persephin (PSPN) promoted axonal initiation in cultured DRG neurons from young adult mice. This effect required Src family kinase (SFK) activity. In neurons from GFRalpha2-deficient mice, NRTN did not significantly promote axonal initiation. GDNF and NRTN induced extensive lamellipodia formation on neuronal somata and growth cones. This study suggested that GDNF, NRTN and ARTN may serve as stimulators of nerve regeneration under posttraumatic conditions. Consequently we studied the convergence of signaling pathways induced by NTFs and the ECM molecule laminin in the intracellular signaling network that regulates axonal growth. We demonstrated that co-stimulation of DRG neurons with NTFs (GDNF, NRTN or nerve growth factor (NGF)) and laminin leads to axonal growth that requires activation of SFKs. A different, SFK-independent signaling pathway evoked axonal growth on laminin in the absence of the NTFs. In contrast, axonal branching was regulated by SFKs both in the presence and in the absence of NGF. We proposed and experimentally verified a Boolean model of the signaling network triggered by NTFs and laminin. Our results put forward an approach for predictable, Boolean logics-driven pharmacological manipulation of a complex signaling network. Finally we found that N-syndecan, the receptor for the ECM component HB-GAM was required for the survival of neonatal sensory neurons in vitro. We demonstrated massive cell death of cultured DRG neurons from mice deficient in the N-syndecan gene as compared to wild type controls. Importantly, this cell death could not be prevented by NGF the neurotrophin which activates multiple anti-apoptotic cascades in DRG neurons. The survival deficit was observed during first postnatal week. By contrast, DRG neurons from young adult N-syndecan knock-out mice exhibited normal survival. This study identifies a completely new syndecan-dependent type of signaling that regulates cell death in neurons.


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It is commonly accepted that aerobic exercise increases hippocampal neurogenesis, learning and memory, as well as stress resiliency. However, human populations are widely variable in their inherent aerobic fitness as well as their capacity to show increased aerobic fitness following a period of regimented exercise. It is unclear whether these inherent or acquired components of aerobic fitness play a role in neurocognition. To isolate the potential role of inherent aerobic fitness, we exploited a rat model of high (HCR) and low (LCR) inherent aerobic capacity for running. At a baseline, HCR rats have two- to three-fold higher aerobic capacity than LCR rats. We found that HCR rats also had two- to three- fold more young neurons in the hippocampus than LCR rats as well as rats from the heterogeneous founder population. We then asked whether this enhanced neurogenesis translates to enhanced hippocampal cognition, as is typically seen in exercise-trained animals. Compared to LCR rats, HCR rats performed with high accuracy on tasks designed to test neurogenesis-dependent pattern separation ability by examining investigatory behavior between very similar objects or locations. To investigate whether an aerobic response to exercise is required for exercise-induced changes in neurogenesis and cognition, we utilized a rat model of high (HRT) and low (LRT) aerobic response to treadmill training. At a baseline, HRT and LRT rats have comparable aerobic capacity as measured by a standard treadmill fit test, yet after a standardized training regimen, HRT but not LRT rats robustly increase their aerobic capacity for running. We found that sedentary LRT and HRT rats had equivalent levels of hippocampal neurogenesis, but only HRT rats had an elevation in the number of young neurons in the hippocampus following training, which was positively correlated with accuracy on pattern separation tasks. Taken together, these data suggest that a significant elevation in aerobic capacity is necessary for exercise-induced hippocampal neurogenesis and hippocampal neurogenesis-dependent learning and memory. To investigate the potential for high aerobic capacity to be neuroprotective, doxorubicin chemotherapy was administered to LCR and HCR rats. While doxorubicin induces a progressive decrease in aerobic capacity as well as neurogenesis, HCR rats remain at higher levels on those measures compared to even saline-treated LCR rats. HCR and LCR rats that received exercise training throughout doxorubicin treatment demonstrated positive effects of exercise on aerobic capacity and neurogenesis, regardless of inherent aerobic capacity. Overall, these findings demonstrate that inherent and acquired components of aerobic fitness play a crucial role not only in the cardiorespiratory system but also the fitness of the brain.


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Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems provide wide opportunities for solving problems associated with drug stability or disease states and create great expectations in the area of drug delivery (Bosselmann & Williams, 2012). Nanotechnology, in a simple way, explains the technology that deals with one billionth of a meter scale (Ochekpe, et al., 2009). Fewer side effects, poor bioavailability, absorption at intestine, solubility, specific delivery to site of action with good pharmacological efficiency, slow release, degradation of drug and effective therapeutic outcome, are the major challenges faced by most of the drug delivery systems. To a great extent, biopolymer coated drug delivery systems coupled with nanotechnology alleviate the major drawbacks of the common delivery methods. Chitosan, deacetylated chitin, is a copolymer of β-(1, 4) linked glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N- acetyl glucosamine (acetylated unit) (Radhakumary et al., 2005). Chitosan is biodegradable, non-toxic and bio compatible. Owing to the removal of acetyl moieties that are present in the amine functional groups of chitin, chitosan is readily soluble in aqueous acidic solution. The solubilisation occurs through the protonation of amino groups on the C-2 position of D-glucosamine residues whereby polysaccharide is converted into polycation in acidic media. Chitosan interacts with many active compounds due to the presence of amine group in it. The presence of this active amine group in chitosan was exploited for the interaction with the active molecules in the present study. Nanoparticles of chitosan coupled drugs are utilized for drug delivery in eye, brain, liver, cancer tissues, treatment of spinal cord injury and infections (Sharma et al., 2007; Li, et a., 2009; Paolicelli et al., 2009; Cho et al., 2010). To deliver drugs directly to the intended site of action and to improve pharmacological efficiency by minimizing undesired side effects elsewhere in the body and decrease the long-term use of many drugs, polymeric drug delivery systems can be used (Thatte et al., 2005).


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Calorie restriction (CR) enhances animal life span and prevents age-related diseases, including neurological decline. Recent evidence suggests that a mechanism involved in CR-induced life-span extension is NO-stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis. We examine here the effects of CR on brain mitochondrial content. CR increased eNOS and nNOS and the content of mitochondria] proteins (cytochrome c oxidase, citrate synthase, and mitofusin) in the brain. Furthermore, we established an in vitro system to study the neurological effects of CR using serum extracted from animals on this diet. In cultured neurons, CR serum enhanced nNOS expression and increased levels of nitrite (a NO product). CR serum also enhanced the levels of cytochrome c oxidase and increased citrate synthase activity and respiratory rates in neurons. CR serum effects were inhibited by L-NAME and mimicked by the NO donor SNAP. Furthermore, both CR sera and SNAP were capable of improving neuronal survival. Overall, our results indicate that CR increases mitochondrial biogenesis in a NO-mediated manner, resulting in enhanced reserve respiratory capacity and improved survival in neurons. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Much recent interest has focused on the potential of flavonoids to interact with intracellular signaling pathways such as with the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade. We have investigated whether the observed strong neurotoxic potential of quercetin in primary cortical neurons may occur via specific and sensitive interactions within neuronal mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) signaling cascades, both implicated in neuronal apoptosis. Quercetin induced potent inhibition of both Akt/PKB and ERK phosphorylation, resulting in reduced phosphorylation of BAD and a strong activation of caspase-3. High quercetin concentrations (30 microM) led to sustained loss of Akt phosphorylation and subsequent Akt cleavage by caspase-3, whereas at lower concentrations (<10 microM) the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation was transient and eventually returned to basal levels. Lower levels of quercetin also induced strong activation of the pro-survival transcription factor cAMP-responsive element-binding protein, although this did not prevent neuronal damage. O-Methylated quercetin metabolites inhibited Akt/PKB to lesser extent and did not induce such strong activation of caspase-3, which was reflected in the lower amount of damage they inflicted on neurons. In contrast, neither quercetin nor its O-methylated metabolites had any measurable effect on c-Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation. The glucuronide of quercetin was not toxic and did not evoke any alterations in neuronal signaling, probably reflecting its inability to enter neurons. Together these data suggest that quercetin and to a lesser extent its O-methylated metabolites may induce neuronal death via a mechanism involving an inhibition of neuronal survival signaling through the inhibition of both Akt/PKB and ERK rather than by an activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase-mediated death pathway.


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The mechanisms responsible for cytokine-mediated antiviral effects are not fully understood. We approached this problem by studying the outcome of intraocular herpes simplex (HSV) infection in transgenic mice that express interferon gamma in the photoreceptor cells of the retina. These transgenic mice showed selective survival from lethal HSV-2 infection manifested in both eyes, the optic nerve, and the brain. Although transgenic mice developed greater inflammatory responses to the virus in the eyes, inflammation and viral titers in their brains were equivalent to nontransgenic mice. However, survival of transgenic mice correlated with markedly lower numbers of central neurons undergoing apoptosis. The protooncogene Bcl2 was found to be induced in the HSV-2-infected brains of transgenic mice, allowing us to speculate on its role in fostering neuronal survival in this model. These observations imply a complex interaction between cytokine, virus, and host cellular factors. Our results suggest a cytokine-regulated salvage pathway that allows for survival of infected neurons.


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Neuronal plasticity is a well characterized phenomenon in the developing and adult brain. It refers to capasity of a single neuron to modify morphology, synaptic connections and activity. Neuronal connections and capacity for plastic events are compromised in several pathological disorders, such as major depression. In addition, neuronal atrophy has been reported in depressive patients. Neurotrophins are a group of secretory proteins functionally classified as neuronal survival factors. Neurotrophins, especially brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), have also been associated with promoting neuronal plasticity in dysfunctional neuronal networks. Chronic antidepressant treatment increases plastic events including neurogenesis and arborization and branching of neurites in distinct brain areas, such as the hippocampus. One suggested mode of action is where the antidepressants elevate the synaptic levels of BDNF thus further activating several signaling cascades via trkB-receptor. In our studies we have tried to clarify the mechanisms of action for antidepressants and to resolve the role of BDNF in this process. We found that chronic antidepressant treatment increases amount of markers of neuronal plasticity in both hippocampus and in the medial prefrontal cortex, both of which are closely linked to the etiology of major depression. Secondary actions of antidepressants include rapid activation of the trkB receptor followed by a phosphorylation of transcription factor CREB. In addition, activation of CREB by phosphorylation appears responsible for the regulation of the expression of the BDNF gene. Using transgenic mice we found that BDNF-induced trkB-mediated signaling proved crucial for the behavioral effects of antidepressants in the forced swimming test and for the survival of newly-born neurons in the adult hippocampus. Antidepressants not only increased neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus but also elevated the turnover of hippocampal neurons. During these studies we also discovered that another trkB ligand, NT-4, is involved in morphine-mediated anti-nociception and tolerance. These results present a novel role for trkB-mediated signaling in plastic events present in the opioid system. This thesis evaluates neuronal plasticity and trkB as a target for future antidepressant treatments.


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Le glaucome est la deuxième cause de cécité irréversible dans le monde. La perte de vision qui se produit lors du glaucome s’explique par une dégénérescence du nerf optique et une mort progressive et sélective des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CRG). L'hypertension oculaire est un facteur de risque majeur dans le glaucome, mais des défauts du champ visuel continuent à se développer chez un contingent de patients malgré l'administration de médicaments qui abaissent la pression intraoculaire (PIO). Par conséquent, bien que la PIO représente le seul facteur de risque modifiable dans le développement du glaucome, son contrôle ne suffit pas à protéger les CRGs et préserver la fonction visuelle chez de nombreux patients. Dans ce contexte, j'ai avancé l'hypothèse centrale voulant que les stratégies de traitement du glaucome visant à promouvoir la protection structurale et fonctionnelle des CRGs doivent agir sur les mécanismes moléculaires qui conduisent à la mort des ces neurones. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, j'ai caractérisé l'effet neuroprotecteur de la galantamine, un inhibiteur de l'acétylcholinestérase qui est utilisé cliniquement dans le traitement de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Cette étude s’est basée sur l'hypothèse que la galantamine, en modulant l'activité du récepteur de l'acétylcholine, puisse améliorer la survie des CRGs lors du glaucome. Nous avons utilisé un modèle expérimental bien caractérisé d'hypertension oculaire induite par l’administration d'une solution saline hypertonique dans une veine épisclérale de rats Brown Norway. Les résultats de cette étude (Almasieh et al. Cell Death and Disease, 2010) ont démontré que l'administration quotidienne de galantamine améliore de manière significative la survie des corps cellulaires et des axones CRGs. La protection structurelle des CRGs s’accompagne d’une préservation remarquable de la fonction visuelle, évaluée par l'enregistrement des potentiels évoqués visuels (PEV) dans le collicule supérieur, la cible principale des CRGs chez le rongeur. Une autre constatation intéressante de cette étude est la perte substantielle de capillaires rétiniens et la réduction du débit sanguin associé à la perte des CRGs dans le glaucome expérimental. Il est très intéressant que la galantamine ait également favorisé la protection de la microvascularisation et amélioré le débit sanguin rétinien des animaux glaucomateux (Almasieh et al. en préparation). J'ai notamment démontré que les neuro-et vasoprotections médiées par la galantamine se produisent par iv l'activation des récepteurs muscariniques de l'acétylcholine. Dans la deuxième partie de ma thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle du stress oxydatif ainsi que l'utilisation de composés réducteurs pour tester l'hypothèse que le blocage d'une augmentation de superoxyde puisse retarder la mort des CRG lors du glaucome expérimental. J'ai profité d'un composé novateur, un antioxydant à base de phosphineborane (PB1), pour tester sur son effet neuroprotecteur et examiner son mécanisme d'action dans le glaucome expérimental. Les données démontrent que l'administration intraoculaire de PB1 entraîne une protection significative des corps cellulaire et axones des CRGs. Les voies moléculaires conduisant à la survie neuronale médiée par PB1 ont été explorées en déterminant la cascade de signalisation apoptotique en cause. Les résultats démontrent que la survie des CRGs médiée par PB1 ne dépend pas d’une inhibition de signalisation de protéines kinases activées par le stress, y compris ASK1, JNK ou p38. Par contre, PB1 induit une augmentation marquée des niveaux rétiniens de BDNF et une activation en aval de la voie de survie des ERK1 / 2 (Almasieh et al. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2011). En conclusion, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse contribuent à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes pathologiques qui conduisent à la perte de CRGs dans le glaucome et pourraient fournir des pistes pour la conception de nouvelles stratégies neuroprotectrices et vasoprotectrices pour le traitement et la gestion de cette maladie.


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This thesis Entitled Neuronal degeneration in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats: effect of aegle marmelose and pyridoxine in pancreatic B cell proliferation and neuronal survival. Diabetes mellitus, a chronic metabolic disorder results in neurological dysfunctions and structural changes in the CNS. Antioxidant therapy is a challenging but necessary dimension in the management of diabetes and neurodegenerative changes associated with it. Our results showed regional variation and imbalance in the expression pattern of dopaminergic receptor subtypes in diabetes and its role in imbalanced insulin signaling and glucose regulation. Disrupted dopaminergic signaling and increased hyperglycemic stress in diabetes contributed to the neuronal loss. Neuronal loss in diabetic rats mediated through the expression of pattern of GLUT-3, CREB, IGF-1, Akt-1, NF,B, second messengers- cAMP, cGMP, IP3 and activation of apoptotic factors factors- TNF-a,caspase-8. Disrupted dopaminergic receptor expressions and its signaling in pancreas contributed defective insulin secretion in diabetes. Activation of apoptotic factors- TNF- a,caspase-8 and defective functioning of neuronal survival factors, disrupted second messenger signaling modulated neuronal viability in diabetes. Hyperglycemic stress activated the expression of TNF-a,caspase-8, BAX and differential expression of anti oxidant enzymes- SOD and GPx in liver lead to apoptosis. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin, Aegle marmelose and pyridoxine significantly reversed the altered dopaminergic neurotransmission, GLUT3, GLUT2, IGF-1 and second messenger signaling. Antihyperglycemic and antioxidant activity of Aegle marmelose and pyridoxine enhanced pancreatic B cell proliferation, increased insulin synthesis and secretion in diabetic rats. Thus our results conclude the neuroprotective and regenerating ability of Aegle marmelose and pyridoxine which in turn has a novel therapeutic role in the management of diabetes.


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Excitotoxicity resulting from overstimulation of glutamate receptors is a major cause of neuronal death in cerebral ischemic stroke. The overstimulated ionotropic glutamate receptors exert their neurotoxic effects in part by overactivation of calpains, which induce neuronal death by catalyzing limited proteolysis of specific cellular proteins. Here, we report that in cultured cortical neurons and in vivo in a rat model of focal ischemic stroke, the tyrosine kinase Src is cleaved by calpains at a site in the N-terminal unique domain. This generates a truncated Src fragment of ?52 kDa, which we localized predominantly to the cytosol. A cell membrane-permeable fusion peptide derived from the unique domain of Src prevents calpain from cleaving Src in neurons and protects against excitotoxic neuronal death. To explore the role of the truncated Src fragment in neuronal death, we expressed a recombinant truncated Src fragment in cultured neurons and examined how it affects neuronal survival. Expression of this fragment, which lacks the myristoylation motif and unique domain, was sufficient to induce neuronal death. Furthermore, inactivation of the prosurvival kinase Akt is a key step in its neurotoxic signaling pathway. Because Src maintains neuronal survival, our results implicate calpain cleavage as a molecular switch converting Src from a promoter of cell survival to a mediator of neuronal death in excitotoxicity. Besides unveiling a new pathological action of Src, our discovery of the neurotoxic action of the truncated Src fragment suggests new therapeutic strategies with the potential to minimize brain damage in ischemic stroke.


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During the perinatal period the developing brain is most vulnerable to inflammation. Prenatal infection or exposure to inflammatory factors can have a profound impact on fetal neurodevelopment with long-term neurological deficits, such as cognitive impairment, learning deficits, perinatal brain damage and cerebral palsy. Inflammation in the brain is characterized by activation of resident immune cells, especially microglia and astrocytes whose activation is associated with a variety of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer´s disease and Multiple sclerosis. These cell types express, release and respond to pro-inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, which are critically involved in the immune response to infection. It has been demonstrated recently that cytokines also directly influence neuronal function. Glial cells are capable of releaseing the pro-inflammatory cytokines MIP-2, which is involved in cell death, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), which enhances excitatory synaptic function by increasing the surface expression of AMPA receptors. Thus constitutively released TNFalpha homeostatically regulates the balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition in an activity-dependent manner. Since TNFalpha is also involved in neuronal cell death, the interplay between neuronal activity MIP-2 and TNFalpha may control the process of cell death and cell survival in developing neuronal networks. An increasing body of evidence suggests that neuronal activity is important in the regulation of neuronal survival during early development, e.g. programmed cell death (apoptosis) is augmented when neuronal activity is blocked. In our study we were interested on the impact of inflammation on neuronal activity and cell survival during early cortical development. To address this question, we investigated the impact of inflammation on neuronal activity and cell survival during early cortical development in vivo and in vitro. Inflammation was experimentally induced by application of the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which initiates a rapid and well-characterized immune response. I studied the consequences of inflammation on spontaneous neuronal network activity and cell death by combining electrophysiological recordings with multi-electrode arrays and quantitative analyses of apoptosis. In addition, I used a cytokine array and antibodies directed against specific cytokines allowing the identification of the pro-inflammatory factors, which are critically involved in these processes. In this study I demonstrated a direct link between inflammation-induced modifications in neuronal network activity and the control of cell survival in a developing neuronal network for the first time. Our in vivo and in vitro recordings showed a fast LPS-induced reduction in occurrence of spontaneous oscillatory activity. It is indicated that LPS-induced inflammation causes fast release of proinflammatory factors which modify neuronal network activity. My experiments with specific antibodies demonstrate that TNFalpha and to a lesser extent MIP-2 seem to be the key mediators causing activity-dependent neuronal cell death in developing brain. These data may be of important clinical relevance, since spontaneous synchronized activity is also a hallmark of the developing human brain and inflammation-induced alterations in this early network activity may have a critical impact on the survival of immature neurons.


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The high vocal center (HVC) controls song production in songbirds and sends a projection to the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA) of the descending vocal pathway. HVC receives new neurons in adulthood. Most of the new neurons project to RA and replace other neurons of the same kind. We show here that singing enhances mRNA and protein expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the HVC of adult male canaries, Serinus canaria. The increased BDNF expression is proportional to the number of songs produced per unit time. Singing-induced BDNF expression in HVC occurs mainly in the RA-projecting neurons. Neuronal survival was compared among birds that did or did not sing during days 31–38 after BrdUrd injection. Survival of new HVC neurons is greater in the singing birds than in the nonsinging birds. A positive causal link between pathway use, neurotrophin expression, and new neuron survival may be common among systems that recruit new neurons in adulthood.


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Inactivation of glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK3β) by S9 phosphorylation is implicated in mechanisms of neuronal survival. Phosphorylation of a distinct site, Y216, on GSK3β is necessary for its activity; however, whether this site can be regulated in cells is unknown. Therefore we examined the regulation of Y216 phosphorylation on GSK3β in models of neurodegeneration. Nerve growth factor withdrawal from differentiated PC12 cells and staurosporine treatment of SH-SY5Y cells led to increased phosphorylation at Y216, GSK3β activity, and cell death. Lithium and insulin, agents that lead to inhibition of GSK3β and adenoviral-mediated transduction of dominant negative GSK3β constructs, prevented cell death by the proapoptotic stimuli. Inhibitors induced S9 phosphorylation and inactivation of GSK3β but did not affect Y216 phosphorylation, suggesting that S9 phosphorylation is sufficient to override GSK3β activation by Y216 phosphorylation. Under the conditions examined, increased Y216 phosphorylation on GSK3β was not an autophosphorylation response. In resting cells, Y216 phosphorylation was restricted to GSK3β present at focal adhesion sites. However, after staurosporine, a dramatic alteration in the immunolocalization pattern was observed, and Y216-phosphorylated GSK3β selectively increased within the nucleus. In rats, Y216 phosphorylation was increased in degenerating cortical neurons induced by ischemia. Taken together, these results suggest that Y216 phosphorylation of GSK3β represents an important mechanism by which cellular insults can lead to neuronal death.


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Erythropoietin (EPO) promotes neuronal survival after hypoxia and other metabolic insults by largely unknown mechanisms. Apoptosis and necrosis have been proposed as mechanisms of cellular demise, and either could be the target of actions of EPO. This study evaluates whether antiapoptotic mechanisms can account for the neuroprotective actions of EPO. Systemic administration of EPO (5,000 units/kg of body weight, i.p.) after middle-cerebral artery occlusion in rats dramatically reduces the volume of infarction 24 h later, in concert with an almost complete reduction in the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling of neurons within the ischemic penumbra. In both pure and mixed neuronal cultures, EPO (0.1–10 units/ml) also inhibits apoptosis induced by serum deprivation or kainic acid exposure. Protection requires pretreatment, consistent with the induction of a gene expression program, and is sustained for 3 days without the continued presence of EPO. EPO (0.3 units/ml) also protects hippocampal neurons against hypoxia-induced neuronal death through activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and protein kinase Akt-1/protein kinase B. The action of EPO is not limited to directly promoting cell survival, as EPO is trophic but not mitogenic in cultured neuronal cells. These data suggest that inhibition of neuronal apoptosis underlies short latency protective effects of EPO after cerebral ischemia and other brain injuries. The neurotrophic actions suggest there may be longer-latency effects as well. Evaluation of EPO, a compound established as clinically safe, as neuroprotective therapy in acute brain injury is further supported.


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Previous studies have implicated the bcl-2 protooncogene as a potential regulator of neuronal survival. However, mice lacking functional bcl-2 exhibited normal development and maintenance of the central nervous system (CNS). Since bcl-2 appears dispensable for neuronal survival, we have examined the expression and function of bcl-x, another member of the bcl-2 family of death regulatory genes. Bcl-2 is expressed in neuronal tissues during embryonic development but is down-regulated in the adult CNS. In contrast, Bcl-xL expression is retained in neurons of the adult CNS. Two different forms of bcl-x mRNA and their corresponding products, Bcl-xL and Bcl-x beta, were expressed in embryonic and adult neurons of the CNS. Microinjection of bcl-xL and bcl-x beta cDNAs into primary sympathetic neurons inhibited their death induced by nerve growth factor withdrawal. Thus, Bcl-x proteins appear to play an important role in the regulation of neuronal survival in the adult CNS.