757 resultados para Neuronal Identity
The embryonic peripheral nervous system of Drosophila contains two main types of sensory neurons: type I neurons, which innervate external sense organs and chordotonal organs, and type II multidendritic neurons, Here, we analyse the origin of the difference between type I and type II in the case of the neurons that depend on the proneural genes of the achaete-scute complex (ASC), We show that, in Notch(-) embryos, the type I neurons are missing while type nr neurons are produced in excess, indicating that the type I/type II choice relies on Notch-mediated cell communication, In contrast, both type I and type II neurons are absent in numb(-) embryos and after ubiquitous expression of tramtrack, indicating that the activity of numb and the absence of tramtrack are required to produce both external sense organ and multidendritic neural fates, The analysis of string(-) embryos reveals that when the precursors are unable to divide they differentiate mostly into type II neurons, indicating that the type II is the default neuronal fate, We also report a new mutant phenotype where the ASC-dependent neurons are converted into-type II neurons, providing evidence for the existence of one or more genes required for maintaining the alternative (type I) fate, Our results suggest that the same mechanism of type I/type II specification may operate at a late step of the ASC-dependent lineages, when multidendritic neurons arise as siblings of the external sense organ neurons and, at an early step, when other multidendritic neurons precursors arise as siblings of external sense organ precursors.
Each abdominal hemisegment of the Drosophila embryo has two sensory neurons intimately associated with a tracheal branch. During embryogenesis, the axons of these sensory neurons, termed the v'td2 neurons, enter the CNS and grow toward the brain with a distinctive pathway change in the third thoracic neuromere. We show that the axons use guidance cues that are under control of the bithorax gene complex (BX-C). Pathway defects in mutants suggest that a drop in Ultrabithorax expression permits the pathway change in the T3 neuromere, while combined Ultrabithorax and abdominal-A expression represses it in the abdominal neuromeres. We propose that the axons do not respond to a particular segmental identity in forming the pathway change; rather they respond to pathfinding cues that come about as a result of a drop in BX-C expression along the antero-posterior axis of the CNS.
Neuronal apoptosis was observed in the rat dentate gyrus in two experimental models of human limbic epilepsy. Five hours after one hippocampal kindling stimulation, a marked increase of in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) of fragmented DNA was observed in nuclei located within and on the hilar border of the granule cell layer and in the polymorphic region. Forty kindling stimulations with 5-min interval produced higher numbers of labeled nuclei compared with one stimulation. The increase of TUNEL-positive nuclei was prevented by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide but not affected by the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801. Kainic acid-induced seizures lead to a pattern of labeling in the hippocampal formation identical to that evoked by kindling. A large proportion of cells displaying TUNEL-positive nuclei was double-labeled by the neuron-specific antigen NeuN, demonstrating the neuronal identity of apoptotic cells. Either 1 or 40 kindling stimulations also gave rise to a marked increase of the number of cells double-labeled with the mitotic marker bromodeoxyuridine and NeuN in the subgranular zone and on the hilar border of the dentate granule cell layer. The present data show that single and intermittent, brief seizures induce both apoptotic death and proliferation of dentate gyrus neurons. We hypothesize that these processes, occurring early during epileptogenesis, are primary events in the development of hippocampal pathology in animals and possibly also in patients suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy.
Xath3 encodes a Xenopus neuronal-specific basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor related to the Drosophila proneural factor atonal. We show here that Xath3 acts downstream of X-ngnr-1 during neuronal differentiation in the neural plate and retina and that its expression and activity are modulated by Notch signaling. X-ngnr-1 activates Xath3 and NeuroD by different mechanisms, and the latter two genes crossactivate each other. In the ectoderm, X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 have similar activities, inducing ectopic sensory neurons. Among the sensory-specific markers tested, only those that label cranial neurons were found to be ectopically activated. By contrast, in the retina, X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 overexpression promote the development of overlapping but distinct subtypes of retinal neurons. Together, these data suggest that X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 regulate successive stages of early neuronal differentiation and that, in addition to their general proneural properties, they may contribute, in a context-dependent manner, to some aspect of neuronal identity.
In many cell types rises in cytosolic calcium, either due to influx from the extracellular space, or by release from an intracellular store activates calcium dependent potassium currents on the plasmalemma. In neurons, these currents are largely activated following calcium influx via voltage gated calcium channels active during the action potentials. Three types of these currents are known: I-c. I-AHP and I-sAHP. These currents can be distinguished by clear differences in their pharmacology and kinetics. Activation of these potassium currents modulates action potential time course and the repetitive firing properties of neurons. Single channel studies have identified two types of calcium-activated potassium channel which can also be separated on biophysical and pharmacological grounds and have been named BK and SK channels. It is now clear that BK channels underlie Ic whereas SK channels underlie I-AHP. The identity of the channels underlying I-sAHP are not known. In this review, we discuss the properties of the different types of calcium-activated potassium channels and the relationship between these channels and the macroscopic currents present in neurons. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fully differentiated pancreatic β cells are essential for normal glucose homeostasis in mammals. Dedifferentiation of these cells has been suggested to occur in type 2 diabetes, impairing insulin production. Since chronic fuel excess ("glucotoxicity") is implicated in this process, we sought here to identify the potential roles in β-cell identity of the tumor suppressor liver kinase B1 (LKB1/STK11) and the downstream fuel-sensitive kinase, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Highly β-cell-restricted deletion of each kinase in mice, using an Ins1-controlled Cre, was therefore followed by physiological, morphometric, and massive parallel sequencing analysis. Loss of LKB1 strikingly (2.0-12-fold, E<0.01) increased the expression of subsets of hepatic (Alb, Iyd, Elovl2) and neuronal (Nptx2, Dlgap2, Cartpt, Pdyn) genes, enhancing glutamate signaling. These changes were partially recapitulated by the loss of AMPK, which also up-regulated β-cell "disallowed" genes (Slc16a1, Ldha, Mgst1, Pdgfra) 1.8- to 3.4-fold (E<0.01). Correspondingly, targeted promoters were enriched for neuronal (Zfp206; P=1.3×10(-33)) and hypoxia-regulated (HIF1; P=2.5×10(-16)) transcription factors. In summary, LKB1 and AMPK, through only partly overlapping mechanisms, maintain β-cell identity by suppressing alternate pathways leading to neuronal, hepatic, and other characteristics. Selective targeting of these enzymes may provide a new approach to maintaining β-cell function in some forms of diabetes.-Kone, M., Pullen, T. J., Sun, G., Ibberson, M., Martinez-Sanchez, A., Sayers, S., Nguyen-Tu, M.-S., Kantor, C., Swisa, A., Dor, Y., Gorman, T., Ferrer, J., Thorens, B., Reimann, F., Gribble, F., McGinty, J. A., Chen, L., French, P. M., Birzele, F., Hildebrandt, T., Uphues, I., Rutter, G. A. LKB1 and AMPK differentially regulate pancreatic β-cell identity.
Olfactory information modulates innate and social behaviors in rodents and other species. Studies have shown that the medial nucleus of the amygdala (MEA) and the ventral premammillary, nucleus (PMV) are recruited by conspecific odor stimulation. However, the chemical identity of these neurons is not determined. We exposed sexually inexperienced male rats to female or male odors and assessed Fos immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) in neurons expressing NADPH diaphorase activity (NADPHd, a nitric oxide synthase), neuropeptide Urocortin 3, or glutamic acid decarboxylase rnRNA (GAD-67, a GABA-synthesizing enzyme) in the MEA and PMV. Male and female odors elicited Fos-ir in the MEA and PMV neurons, but the number of Fos-immunoreactive neurons was higher following female odor exposure, in both nuclei. We found no difference in odor induced Fos-ir ill the MEA and PMV comparing fed and fasted animals. Ill the MEA, NADPHd neurons colocalized Fos-ir only in response to female odors. In addition, Urocortin 3 neurons comprise a distinct population and they do not express Fos-ir after conspecific odor stimulation. We found that 80% of neurons activated by male odors coexpressed GAD-67 mRNA. Following female odor, 50% of Fos neurons coexpressed GAD-67 rnRNA. The PMV expresses very little GAD-67, and virtually no colocalization with Fos was observed. We found intense NADPHd activity in PMV neurons, some of which coexpressed Fos-ir after exposure to both odors. The majority of the PMV neurons expressing NADPHd colocalized cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART). Our findings suggest that female and male odors engage distinct neuronal populations in the MEA, thereby inducing contextualized behavioral responses according to olfactory cues. In the PMV, NADPHd/CART neurons respond to male and female odors, suggesting a role in neuroendocrine regulation in response to olfactory cues. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
LOPES-DOS-SANTOS, V. , CONDE-OCAZIONEZ, S. ; NICOLELIS, M. A. L. , RIBEIRO, S. T. , TORT, A. B. L. . Neuronal assembly detection and cell membership specification by principal component analysis. Plos One, v. 6, p. e20996, 2011.
In my PhD work I concentrated on three elementary questions that are essential to understand the interactions between the different neuronal cell populations in the developing neocortex. The questions regarded the identity of Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells, the ubiquitous expression of glycine receptors in all major cell populations of the immature neocortex, and the role of taurine in the modulation of immature neocortical network activity.rnTo unravel whether CR cells of different ontogenetic origin have divergent functions I investigated the electrophysiological properties of YFP+ (derived from the septum and borders of the pallium) and YFP− CR cells (derived from other neocortical origins). This study demonstrated that the passive and active electrophysiological properties as well as features of GABAergic PSCs and glutamatergic currents are similar between both CR cell populations. These findings suggest that CR cells of different origins most probably support similar functions within the neuronal networks of the early postnatal cerebral cortex.rnTo elucidate whether glycine receptors are expressed in all major cell populations of the developing neocortex I analyzed the functional expression of glycine receptors on subplate (SP) cells. Activation of glycine receptors by glycine, -alanine and taurine elicited membrane responses that could be blocked by the selective glycinergic antagonist strychnine. Pharmacological experiments suggest that SP cells express functional heteromeric glycine receptors that do not contain 1 subunits. The activation of glycine receptors by glycine and taurine induced a membrane depolarization, which mediated excitatory effects. Considering the key role of SP cells in immature cortical networks and the development of thalamocortical connections, this glycinergic excitation may influence the properties of early cortical networks and the formation of cortical circuits.rnIn the third part of my project I demonstrated that tonic taurine application induced a massive increase in the frequency of PSCs. Based on their reversal potential and their pharmacological properties these taurine-induced PSCs are exclusively transmitted via GABAA receptors to the pyramidal neurons, while both GABAA and glycine receptors were implicated in the generation of the presynaptic activity. Accordingly, whole-cell and cell-attached recordings from genetically labeled interneurons revealed the expression of glycine and GABAA receptors, which mediated an excitatory action on these cells. These findings suggest that low taurine concentrations can tonically activate exclusively GABAergic networks. The activity level maintained by this GABAergic activity in the immature nervous system may contribute to network properties and can facilitate the activity dependent formation of adequate synaptic projections.rnIn summary, the results of my studies complemented the knowledge about neuronal interactions in the immature neocortex and improve our understanding of cellular processes that guide neuronal development and thus shape the brain.rn
In holometabolous insects such as Drosophila melanogaster, neuroblasts produce an initial population of diverse neurons during embryogenesis and a much larger set of adult-specific neurons during larval life. In the ventral CNS, many of these secondary neuronal lineages differ significantly from one body segment to another, suggesting a role for anteroposterior patterning genes. Here we systematically characterize the expression pattern and function of the Hox gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) in all 25 postembryonic lineages. We find that Ubx is expressed in a segment-, lineage-, and hemilineage-specific manner in the thoracic and anterior abdominal segments. When Ubx is removed from neuroblasts via mitotic recombination, neurons in these segments exhibit the morphologies and survival patterns of their anterior thoracic counterparts. Conversely, when Ubx is ectopically expressed in anterior thoracic segments, neurons exhibit complementary posterior transformation phenotypes. Our findings demonstrate that Ubx plays a critical role in conferring segment-appropriate morphology and survival on individual neurons in the adult-specific ventral CNS. Moreover, while always conferring spatial identity in some sense, Ubx has been co-opted during evolution for distinct and even opposite functions in different neuronal hemilineages.
El cerebro humano es probablemente uno de los sistemas más complejos a los que nos enfrentamos en la actualidad, si bien es también uno de los más fascinantes. Sin embargo, la compresión de cómo el cerebro organiza su actividad para llevar a cabo tareas complejas es un problema plagado de restos y obstáculos. En sus inicios la neuroimagen y la electrofisiología tenían como objetivo la identificación de regiones asociadas a activaciones relacionadas con tareas especificas, o con patrones locales que variaban en el tiempo dada cierta actividad. Sin embargo, actualmente existe un consenso acerca de que la actividad cerebral tiene un carácter temporal multiescala y espacialmente extendido, lo que lleva a considerar el cerebro como una gran red de áreas cerebrales coordinadas, cuyas conexiones funcionales son continuamente creadas y destruidas. Hasta hace poco, el énfasis de los estudios de la actividad cerebral funcional se han centrado en la identidad de los nodos particulares que forman estas redes, y en la caracterización de métricas de conectividad entre ellos: la hipótesis subyacente es que cada nodo, que es una representación mas bien aproximada de una región cerebral dada, ofrece a una única contribución al total de la red. Por tanto, la neuroimagen funcional integra los dos ingredientes básicos de la neuropsicología: la localización de la función cognitiva en módulos cerebrales especializados y el rol de las fibras de conexión en la integración de dichos módulos. Sin embargo, recientemente, la estructura y la función cerebral han empezado a ser investigadas mediante la Ciencia de la Redes, una interpretación mecánico-estadística de una antigua rama de las matemáticas: La teoría de grafos. La Ciencia de las Redes permite dotar a las redes funcionales de una gran cantidad de propiedades cuantitativas (robustez, centralidad, eficiencia, ...), y así enriquecer el conjunto de elementos que describen objetivamente la estructura y la función cerebral a disposición de los neurocientíficos. La conexión entre la Ciencia de las Redes y la Neurociencia ha aportado nuevos puntos de vista en la comprensión de la intrincada anatomía del cerebro, y de cómo las patrones de actividad cerebral se pueden sincronizar para generar las denominadas redes funcionales cerebrales, el principal objeto de estudio de esta Tesis Doctoral. Dentro de este contexto, la complejidad emerge como el puente entre las propiedades topológicas y dinámicas de los sistemas biológicos y, específicamente, en la relación entre la organización y la dinámica de las redes funcionales cerebrales. Esta Tesis Doctoral es, en términos generales, un estudio de cómo la actividad cerebral puede ser entendida como el resultado de una red de un sistema dinámico íntimamente relacionado con los procesos que ocurren en el cerebro. Con este fin, he realizado cinco estudios que tienen en cuenta ambos aspectos de dichas redes funcionales: el topológico y el dinámico. De esta manera, la Tesis está dividida en tres grandes partes: Introducción, Resultados y Discusión. En la primera parte, que comprende los Capítulos 1, 2 y 3, se hace un resumen de los conceptos más importantes de la Ciencia de las Redes relacionados al análisis de imágenes cerebrales. Concretamente, el Capitulo 1 está dedicado a introducir al lector en el mundo de la complejidad, en especial, a la complejidad topológica y dinámica de sistemas acoplados en red. El Capítulo 2 tiene como objetivo desarrollar los fundamentos biológicos, estructurales y funcionales del cerebro, cuando éste es interpretado como una red compleja. En el Capítulo 3, se resumen los objetivos esenciales y tareas que serán desarrolladas a lo largo de la segunda parte de la Tesis. La segunda parte es el núcleo de la Tesis, ya que contiene los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de los últimos cuatro años. Esta parte está dividida en cinco Capítulos, que contienen una versión detallada de las publicaciones llevadas a cabo durante esta Tesis. El Capítulo 4 está relacionado con la topología de las redes funcionales y, específicamente, con la detección y cuantificación de los nodos mas importantes: aquellos denominados “hubs” de la red. En el Capítulo 5 se muestra como las redes funcionales cerebrales pueden ser vistas no como una única red, sino más bien como una red-de-redes donde sus componentes tienen que coexistir en una situación de balance funcional. De esta forma, se investiga cómo los hemisferios cerebrales compiten para adquirir centralidad en la red-de-redes, y cómo esta interacción se mantiene (o no) cuando se introducen fallos deliberadamente en la red funcional. El Capítulo 6 va un paso mas allá al considerar las redes funcionales como sistemas vivos. En este Capítulo se muestra cómo al analizar la evolución de la topología de las redes, en vez de tratarlas como si estas fueran un sistema estático, podemos caracterizar mejor su estructura. Este hecho es especialmente relevante cuando se quiere tratar de encontrar diferencias entre grupos que desempeñan una tarea de memoria, en la que las redes funcionales tienen fuertes fluctuaciones. En el Capítulo 7 defino cómo crear redes parenclíticas a partir de bases de datos de actividad cerebral. Este nuevo tipo de redes, recientemente introducido para estudiar las anormalidades entre grupos de control y grupos anómalos, no ha sido implementado nunca en datos cerebrales y, en este Capítulo explico cómo hacerlo cuando se quiere evaluar la consistencia de la dinámica cerebral. Para concluir esta parte de la Tesis, el Capítulo 8 se centra en la relación entre las propiedades topológicas de los nodos dentro de una red y sus características dinámicas. Como mostraré más adelante, existe una relación entre ellas que revela que la posición de un nodo dentro una red está íntimamente correlacionada con sus propiedades dinámicas. Finalmente, la última parte de esta Tesis Doctoral está compuesta únicamente por el Capítulo 9, el cual contiene las conclusiones y perspectivas futuras que pueden surgir de los trabajos expuestos. En vista de todo lo anterior, espero que esta Tesis aporte una perspectiva complementaria sobre uno de los más extraordinarios sistemas complejos frente a los que nos encontramos: El cerebro humano. ABSTRACT The human brain is probably one of the most complex systems we are facing, thus being a timely and fascinating object of study. Characterizing how the brain organizes its activity to carry out complex tasks is highly non-trivial. While early neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies typically aimed at identifying patches of task-specific activations or local time-varying patterns of activity, there has now been consensus that task-related brain activity has a temporally multiscale, spatially extended character, as networks of coordinated brain areas are continuously formed and destroyed. Up until recently, though, the emphasis of functional brain activity studies has been on the identity of the particular nodes forming these networks, and on the characterization of connectivity metrics between them, the underlying covert hypothesis being that each node, constituting a coarse-grained representation of a given brain region, provides a unique contribution to the whole. Thus, functional neuroimaging initially integrated the two basic ingredients of early neuropsychology: localization of cognitive function into specialized brain modules and the role of connection fibres in the integration of various modules. Lately, brain structure and function have started being investigated using Network Science, a statistical mechanics understanding of an old branch of pure mathematics: graph theory. Network Science allows endowing networks with a great number of quantitative properties, thus vastly enriching the set of objective descriptors of brain structure and function at neuroscientists’ disposal. The link between Network Science and Neuroscience has shed light about how the entangled anatomy of the brain is, and how cortical activations may synchronize to generate the so-called functional brain networks, the principal object under study along this PhD Thesis. Within this context, complexity appears to be the bridge between the topological and dynamical properties of biological systems and, more specifically, the interplay between the organization and dynamics of functional brain networks. This PhD Thesis is, in general terms, a study of how cortical activations can be understood as the output of a network of dynamical systems that are intimately related with the processes occurring in the brain. In order to do that, I performed five studies that encompass both the topological and the dynamical aspects of such functional brain networks. In this way, the Thesis is divided into three major parts: Introduction, Results and Discussion. In the first part, comprising Chapters 1, 2 and 3, I make an overview of the main concepts of Network Science related to the analysis of brain imaging. More specifically, Chapter 1 is devoted to introducing the reader to the world of complexity, specially to the topological and dynamical complexity of networked systems. Chapter 2 aims to develop the biological, topological and functional fundamentals of the brain when it is seen as a complex network. Next, Chapter 3 summarizes the main objectives and tasks that will be developed along the forthcoming Chapters. The second part of the Thesis is, in turn, its core, since it contains the results obtained along these last four years. This part is divided into five Chapters, containing a detailed version of the publications carried out during the Thesis. Chapter 4 is related to the topology of functional networks and, more specifically, to the detection and quantification of the leading nodes of the network: the hubs. In Chapter 5 I will show that functional brain networks can be viewed not as a single network, but as a network-of-networks, where its components have to co-exist in a trade-off situation. In this way, I investigate how the brain hemispheres compete for acquiring the centrality of the network-of-networks and how this interplay is maintained (or not) when failures are introduced in the functional network. Chapter 6 goes one step beyond by considering functional networks as living systems. In this Chapter I show how analyzing the evolution of the network topology instead of treating it as a static system allows to better characterize functional networks. This fact is especially relevant when trying to find differences between groups performing certain memory tasks, where functional networks have strong fluctuations. In Chapter 7 I define how to create parenclitic networks from brain imaging datasets. This new kind of networks, recently introduced to study abnormalities between control and anomalous groups, have not been implemented with brain datasets and I explain in this Chapter how to do it when evaluating the consistency of brain dynamics. To conclude with this part of the Thesis, Chapter 8 is devoted to the interplay between the topological properties of the nodes within a network and their dynamical features. As I will show, there is an interplay between them which reveals that the position of a node in a network is intimately related with its dynamical properties. Finally, the last part of this PhD Thesis is composed only by Chapter 9, which contains the conclusions and future perspectives that may arise from the exposed results. In view of all, I hope that reading this Thesis will give a complementary perspective of one of the most extraordinary complex systems: The human brain.
Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) are derivatives of nonenzymatic reactions between sugars and protein or lipids, and together with AGE-specific receptors are involved in numerous pathogenic processes associated with aging and hyperglycemia. Two of the known AGE-binding proteins isolated from rat liver membranes, p60 and p90, have been partially sequenced. We now report that the N-terminal sequence of p60 exhibits 95% identity to OST-48, a 48-kDa member of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex found in microsomal membranes, while sequence analysis of p90 revealed 73% and 85% identity to the N-terminal and internal sequences, respectively, of human 80K-H, a 80- to 87-kDa protein substrate for protein kinase C. AGE-ligand and Western analyses of purified oligosaccharyltransferase complex, enriched rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membranes from rat liver or RAW 264.7 macrophages yielded a single protein of approximately 50 kDa recognized by both anti-p60 and anti-OST-48 antibodies, and also exhibited AGE-specific binding. Immunoprecipitated OST-48 from rat rough endoplasmic reticulum fractions exhibited both AGE binding and immunoreactivity to an anti-p60 antibody. Immune IgG raised to recombinant OST-48 and 80K-H inhibited binding of AGE-bovine serum albumin to cell membranes in a dose-dependent manner. Immunostaining and flow cytometry demonstrated the surface expression of OST-48 and 80K-H on numerous cell types and tissues, including mononuclear, endothelial, renal, and brain neuronal and glial cells. We conclude that the AGE receptor components p60 and p90 are identical to OST-48, and 80K-H, respectively, and that they together contribute to the processing of AGEs from extra- and intracellular compartments and in the cellular responses associated with these pathogenic substances.
LOPES-DOS-SANTOS, V. , CONDE-OCAZIONEZ, S. ; NICOLELIS, M. A. L. , RIBEIRO, S. T. , TORT, A. B. L. . Neuronal assembly detection and cell membership specification by principal component analysis. Plos One, v. 6, p. e20996, 2011.
LOPES-DOS-SANTOS, V. , CONDE-OCAZIONEZ, S. ; NICOLELIS, M. A. L. , RIBEIRO, S. T. , TORT, A. B. L. . Neuronal assembly detection and cell membership specification by principal component analysis. Plos One, v. 6, p. e20996, 2011.
This article analyzes the historical, social and cognitive dimensions of the sociology of medicine in the construction of its identity, from Wolf Lepenies' perspective. It is understood that the construction of an identity does not end with the first historical manifestations, but is consolidated when it is institutionalized and structured as a field of knowledge by creating its own forms of cognitive expression. The text is divided into three parts: in the first the precursors are presented, highlighting the role played by some travelers, naturalists and folklore scholars, followed by social physicians-scientists and the first social scientists (1940-1969). In the second part, aspects of the consolidation of the social sciences in health are presented at two significant moments, namely the 1970s and 1980s. In the third part, the issues raised by the field are addressed in general terms. It is considered that once the main structural stages are in place there is still a need for the formation of new generations of social scientists in health. It is also essential to disseminate scientific production and to ensure that the relations are studied in depth and institutionalized with the sociological matrices on the one hand and with the field of health on the other.