29 resultados para Neurofibroma.
Neurofibroma is a benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor that can be occasionally found in the head and neck region as multiple lesions associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1) or as a solitary tumor. The real frequency of isolated neurofibromas not associated with NF is uncertain, and lesions in the temporal region are extremely rare. The aim of the current article was to report an unusual case of solitary neurofibroma localized in the temporal and infratemporal regions with 10 years of evolution in a female patient without any other manifestation or familiar history of NF-1. The patient underwent surgical treatment for complete excision of the lesion, and the 2-year follow-up revealed no signs of recurrence.
Regulation of gene expression in Schwann cells may be determined, at least in part, by the interaction of these cells with axons. Two peripheral nerve tumors, neurofibroma and schwannoma, represent good tools for studying Schwann cell activity in the presence or absence of axon action. In the present work we studied the expression of triiodothyronine receptors (T3R) by Schwann cells in these two tumors and also in adult normal sciatic nerve. Confirming the results of the histological examination, immunostaining of the neurofilaments showed the presence of fascicles or scattered axons in all neurofibroma sections studied. In these neurofibromas, Schwann cells did not express T3R immunoreactivity. Furthermore, in adult normal sciatic nerve, Schwann cells which ensheathed axons were devoid of any T3R expression. In contrast, in schwannoma, the complete absence of axons was demonstrated by the lack of neurofilament immunostaining. Here, Schwann cells deprived of axonal interaction displayed clear T3R immunoreactivity. In schwannoma cell cultures, Schwann cells continued to express T3R, even in cultures treated with medium that had been conditioned with rat sensory neurons. On the basis of these results, we suggest that, beside the possible regulatory mechanisms for T3R, the synthesis of T3R is regulated, at least in part, by Schwann cell-axon interaction.
A 43-year-old female patient had an amelanotic single tumor thickening the upper right eyelid and observed since early childhood. Clinically, it appeared as a firm mass, without sharp margins, giving a thickened appearance to the superior eyelid. The ophthalmic clinical examination was normal but some subcutaneous nodules attested to the diffusion of the disease recognized as a limited form of neurofibromatosis 1. Although well tolerated, it gave rise to a cosmetic disturbance and the patient was willing to undergo an excision. A complete surgical excision was performed on the lesions and the pathological study disclosed a typical neurofibroma. Regular observation of the different cutaneous nodules was recommended.
Descrição de caso de neurofibroma plexiforme localizado na região pélvica comprometendo bexiga, próstata e coluna lombossacra, com evolução de três anos e seis meses. Diante de contraindicação de remoção cirúrgica, foi realizado acompanhamento clínico e radiológico semestral, sem constatação de crescimento tumoral. Na neurofibromatose tipo 1, as manifestações clínicas são diversas e a equipe médica deve estar atenta à investigação complementar e pode ser surpreendida por um achado raro. As massas pélvicas volumosas podem, eventualmente, corresponder a neurofibromas plexiformes, sendo útil a investigação de neurofibromatose caso o paciente ainda não tenha esse diagnóstico.
Objective. The purposes of this study were to assess clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical features of 22 oral neurofibromas (NFs) and discuss with previously described literature, addressing the main aspects regarding the differential diagnosis. Materials and methods. Immunohistochemical reactions included S-100, CD34, GLUT-1, EMA, Ki-67, p53 and Collagen IV and histochemical reactions for Alcian blue. Results. Clinically, the preferential location was the maxillary bones, tongue and buccal mucosa. Microscopically, widely spread spindle-shaped cells with scant cytoplasm and elongated nuclei were observed. Immunostaining revealed that the tumor cells weakly expressed GLUT-1, Collagen IV, Ki-67 and p53. They were variably positive for CD34, S-100 protein and membrane epithelial antigen (EMA). Conclusions. The different types of nerve sheath cells observed in the present series reinforce the presence of heterogeneous population in NFs. The strong positivity for S-100 suggests that the lesions were more composed by S-100-positive Schwann cells than other cells. Besides, the high number of CD34-positive cells suggests that this marker can be useful for the differential diagnosis of NFs against PEN, traumatic neuromas and Schwannomas. Finally, the low immunostaining for p53 and Ki-67 may indicate that NFs massively composed by S-100-positive Schwann cells present low potential of aggressiveness and malignant transformation.
Type 1 neurofibromatosis is a relatively common inherited disease of the nervous system, with a frequency of almost 1 in 3000. It is associated with neurofibromas of various sites. Our case report is about the surgical management of a giant neurofibroma of the right gluteal fold in a 46-year-old male with NF1. The patient presented with increasing edema and accelerated growth of the mass; he underwent percutaneous embolization of lesion vessels that induced necrosis of the neurofibroma. The patient was taken to the operating room, where surgical resection of the bulk of the lesion was undertaken. The postoperative course was complicated by delayed wound closure managed with antibiotics and vacuum-assisted wound closure. Giant neurofibromas similar to this tumor require complex preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management strategies. Surgical debulk is best managed with preoperative percutaneous embolization that help to avoid surgical bleeding. Postoperative delayed wound closure was managed with the application of negative pressure in a closed environment that triggers granulation and tissue formation.
Tumours of the brachial plexus region are rare and most publications are case reports or studies with a small series of patients. The aim of this study is to present our experience in managing these lesions. We review 18 patients with tumours in the brachial plexus region submitted to surgical treatment in a 6 year period, including their clinical presentation, neuro-imaging data, surgical findings and outcome. The tumours comprised a heterogeneous group of lesions, including schwannomas, neurofibromas, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (MPNST), sarcomas, metastases, desmoids and an aneurysmal bone cyst. The most common presentation was an expanding lump (83.33%). Eleven tumours were benign and 7 were malignant. Neurofibromatosis was present in only 2 patients (11.11%). Gross total resection was achieved in 14 patients and sub-total resection in the others. Only 3 patients presented with new post-operative motor deficits. The incidence of complications was low (16.5 %). The majority of tumours were benign and most of them could be excised with a low incidence of additional deficits. Some of the malignant tumours could be controlled by surgery plus adjuvant therapy, but this category is still associated with high morbidity and mortality rates.
AIM: To investigate the immunoexpression and diagnostic applicability of human erythrocyte-type glucose transporter protein (GLUT-1) in oral peripheral nerve sheath tumors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Specimens diagnosed as oral peripheral nerve sheath tumors archived in the Oral Pathology Service of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais from 1966 to 2006 were evaluated. Thirty-four lesions were included: 15 traumatic neuromas, 11 neurofibromas, four neurilemmomas, and four malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST). One case of neurofibroma was associated with neurofibromatosis type I. Immunohistochemistry for S-100 and GLUT-1 was performed. S-100 was immunopositive in all lesions. RESULTS: Benign lesions were immunopositive for GLUT-1 except in two (18.2%) cases of neurofibromas. In the traumatic neuroma, the perineuriums were immunopositive for GLUT-1. In the neurofibroma, the immunoreactivity was heterogeneous. Immunopositivity was observed at levels of 54.5% in the periphery of the lesion, 9.1% in the center, and 18.2% in both. The neurilemmoma demonstrated immunopositivity in the capsule. One case (25%) of MPNST presented GLUT-1 positive stain in occasional cells distributed homogeneously in all the tumor area. CONCLUSION: GLUT-1 is a useful marker for perineurial cells and should be included in the oral peripheral nerve sheath tumors immunophenotyping thus aiding in the correct diagnosis of these lesions.
Os tumores nasossinusais são patologias pouco freqüentes na prática clínica. Aproximadamente 0,8% de todos os cânceres humanos localizam-se nessa região. Apesar de rara, a neoplasia nasossinusal manifesta-se habitualmente através de sintomas inespecíficos e comuns a inúmeras patologias inflamatórias. Este estudo se propõe a descrever uma série de casos de tumores nasossinusais não-epiteliais raros, incluindo estesioneuroblastoma, granuloma central de células gigantes, plasmocitoma extramedular, hemangiopericitoma sinonasal, neurofibroma e fibroma cemento-ossificante, diagnosticados no Hospital Geral de Fortaleza, SESA/SUS. Faz-se uma breve revisão de literatura de cada patologia, salientando-se a necessidade do diagnóstico anatomopatológico preciso para condução adequada de cada caso.
A Neurofibromatose tipo a (NF1) é uma doença multissistémica de carácter progressivo. Tem uma expressão fenotípica muito variada, sem factores preditivos de gravidade. Objectivos: caracterizar a população pediátrica com NF! seguida na consulta de Neurologia Pediátrica no Hospital de Dona Estefânia (HDE) e os principais motivos de referência; definir um protocolo de seguimento; definir critérios de referenciação para o neuropediatra. Material e Métodos: realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo e longitudinal através da consulta dos processos clínicos. Incluiu todas as crianças com critérios de diagnóstico de NF1 de acordo com National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference criteria de 1988. Os dados foram comparados com outras séries recentes. Resultados: São 28 as crianças com critérios de diagnóstico de NF1, 15 (53%) do sexo feminino e 17 (60,7%) com anetecendentes familiares de NF1. A média da idade do diagnóstico é de 3,6 +-3,3 anos (3m-14a) e a idade actual é de 8 +-7,05 anos (11m-15a). O principal motivo de referenciação à consulta de Neurologia foi um pedido de orientação face à presença de manchas "café cpm leite", que estiveram presentes em 100% dos casos. a epilepsia ocorreu em 4 (14,2%)crianças, com crises parciais complexas. Surgiram complicações graves em 7 crianças (25%): tumor do SNC (3); linfoma (1); pseudoartrose da tíbia (1); epilepsia refractária (1); neurofibroma retroperitoneal (1).
Introduction: Brachial plexus (BP) tumors are very rare tumors, with less than 800 cases been described in the literature worldwide since 1970. These tumors often present as local or radicular pain, with scant or no neurological deficits. These symptoms are shared by many other more common rheumatologic diseases, thus making their diagnosis difficult in most cases. Additionally, these tumors often present as lumps and are therefore biopsied, which carries a significant risk of iatrogenic nerve injury. Material and Methods: In this paper the authors describe their experience with the management of 5 patients with BP tumors followed up for at least 2 years. There were 4 males and 1 female. Median follow-up time was 41 ± 21 months. Average age at diagnosis was 40,0 ± 19,9 years. The most common complaints at presentation were pain and sensibility changes. All patients had a positive Tinel sign when the lesion was percussed. In all patients surgery was undertaken and the tumors removed. In 4 patients nerve integrity was maintained. In one patient with excruciating pain a segment of the nerve had to be excised and the nerve defect was bridged with sural nerve grafts. Results: Pathology examination of the resected specimens revealed a Schwannoma in 4 cases and a neurofibroma in the patient submitted to segmental nerve resection. Two years postoperatively, no recurrences were observed. All patients revealed clinical improvement. The patient submitted to nerve resection had improvement in pain, but presented diminished strength and sensibility in the involved nerve territory. Conclusion: Surgical excision of BP tumors is not a risk free procedure. Most authors suggest surgery if the lesion is symptomatic or progressing in size. If the tumor is stationary and not associated with neurological dysfunction a conservative approach should be taken.
Oral dirofilariasis is very rare with non-specific clinical manifestations. Here, we report the case of a 65-year-old South American woman with a submucosal nodule on her right buccal mucosa. The nodule was slightly tender and painful. Differential diagnoses included mesenchymal (lipoma or fibrolipoma, solitary fibrous tumor, and neurofibroma) or glandular benign tumors (pleomorphic adenoma) with secondary infections. We performed excisional biopsy. A histopathological examination revealed a dense fibrous capsule and a single female filarial worm showing double uterus appearance, neural plaque, well-developed musculature and intestinal apparatus. Dirofilariasis was diagnosed, and the patient was followed-up for 12 months without recurrence.
OBJETIVO: Identificar alterações e frequências nas radiografias simples do tórax sugestivas de neurofibromatose tipo 1 e avaliar a possibilidade de inclusão de massa no mediastino posterior como critério de diagnóstico de neurofibromatose tipo 1. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas radiografias com técnica padrão de tórax em póstero-anterior e em perfil de 141 pacientes com neurofibromatose tipo 1, atendidos no Serviço de Radiologia do Hospital de Base e Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto, SP. Os resultados obtidos foram avaliados por métodos não paramétricos ao nível de 0,05 de significância (p = 0,05). RESULTADOS: No presente estudo, 141 pacientes com neurofibromatose tipo 1 realizaram radiografia de tórax, sendo as alterações mais frequentes: erosão óssea das costelas (19,8%), peito escavado (12,0%), cifoescoliose (3,5%) e massas no mediastino posterior (7,1%). Esses resultados sugerem que as massas (neurofibroma e meningocele) devem ser incluídas como critério diagnóstico para neurofibromatose tipo 1, juntamente com displasia do osso esfenoide, pseudoartrose e afinamento do córtex de ossos longos, conforme definido pelo National Institutes of Health. CONCLUSÃO: A presença das massas no mediastino posterior associada às alterações ósseas características definidas pelo National Institutes of Health indicam ser um achado consistente para se considerar como critério diagnóstico da doença.