37 resultados para Neurocognition


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Objective: The clinical distinction between bipolar II disorder (BD II) and bipolar I disorder (BD I) is not clear-cut. Cognitive functioning offers the potential to explore objective markers to help delineate this boundary. To examine this issue, we conducted a quantitative review of the cognitive profile of clinically stable patients with BD II in comparison with both patients with BD I and healthy controls.
Method: Meta-analytical methods were used to compare cognitive functioning of BD II disorder with both BD I disorder and healthy controls.
Results: Individuals with BD II were less impaired than those with BD I on verbal memory. There were also small but significant difference in
visual memory and semantic fluency. There were no significant differences in global cognition or in other cognitive domains. Patients with BD II performed poorer than controls in all cognitive domains.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that with the exception of memory and semantic fluency, cognitive impairment in BD II is as severe as in BD I. Further studies are needed to investigate whether more severe deficits in BD I are related to neurotoxic effects of severe manic episodes on medial temporal structures or neurobiological differences from the onset of the illness.


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Objective: This study investigated the relationship between patients' reasoning about medication adherence and neurocognitive and clinical indices for a treatment-compliant sample of Japanese patients with schizophrenia.

Methods: Subjective reasoning about medication adherence was assessed by the Rating of Medication Influences (ROMI) scale. General intelligence, executive function, and verbal memory were assessed by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, respectively.

Results: Higher prevention scores were associated with lower executive functioning and older age. Influence of others was associated with years of education, medication dosage, and IQ, and medication affinity was associated with education.

Conclusions: These results suggest that executive functioning, education, and general IQ may all be important factors in individual motivation for medication adherence.


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 The main finding was that first-episode psychosis (FEP) displayed impaired social cognition compared to healthy control subjects. Certain psychotic symptoms were associated with poorer social cognition in the FEP group. Symptomatology, and not cognitive variables, predicted social functioning in FEP patients


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Cognitive impairments are currently regarded as important determinants of functional domains and are promising treatment goals in schizophrenia. Nevertheless, the exact nature of the interdependent relationship between neurocognition and social cognition as well as the relative contribution of each of these factors to adequate functioning remains unclear. The purpose of this article is to systematically review the findings and methodology of studies that have investigated social cognition as a mediator variable between neurocognitive performance and functional outcome in schizophrenia. Moreover, we carried out a study to evaluate this mediation hypothesis by the means of structural equation modeling in a large sample of 148 schizophrenia patients. The review comprised 15 studies. All but one study provided evidence for the mediating role of social cognition both in cross-sectional and in longitudinal designs. Other variables like motivation and social competence additionally mediated the relationship between social cognition and functional outcome. The mean effect size of the indirect effect was 0.20. However, social cognitive domains were differentially effective mediators. On average, 25% of the variance in functional outcome could be explained in the mediation model. The results of our own statistical analysis are in line with these conclusions: Social cognition mediated a significant indirect relationship between neurocognition and functional outcome. These results suggest that research should focus on differential mediation pathways. Future studies should also consider the interaction with other prognostic factors, additional mediators, and moderators in order to increase the predictive power and to target those factors relevant for optimizing therapy effects.


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The emerging concept of psychobiotics—live microorganisms with a potential mental health benefit—represents a novel approach for the management of stress-related conditions. The majority of studies have focused on animal models. Recent preclinical studies have identified the B. longum 1714 strain as a putative psychobiotic with an impact on stress-related behaviors, physiology and cognitive performance. Whether such preclinical effects could be translated to healthy human volunteers remains unknown. We tested whether psychobiotic consumption could affect the stress response, cognition and brain activity patterns. In a within-participants design, healthy volunteers (N=22) completed cognitive assessments, resting electroencephalography and were exposed to a socially evaluated cold pressor test at baseline, post-placebo and post-psychobiotic. Increases in cortisol output and subjective anxiety in response to the socially evaluated cold pressor test were attenuated. Furthermore, daily reported stress was reduced by psychobiotic consumption. We also observed subtle improvements in hippocampus-dependent visuospatial memory performance, as well as enhanced frontal midline electroencephalographic mobility following psychobiotic consumption. These subtle but clear benefits are in line with the predicted impact from preclinical screening platforms. Our results indicate that consumption of B. longum 1714 is associated with reduced stress and improved memory. Further studies are warranted to evaluate the benefits of this putative psychobiotic in relevant stress-related conditions and to unravel the mechanisms underlying such effects.


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Objective: Neurocognitive deficits are a core symptom domain of schizophrenia, occurring in 75 -90 % of people with this diagnosis and influencing long term functional outcomes. This article aims to describe the pilot implementation of cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) in two large public mental health services and detail changes made to the delivery of this therapy after this trial. Conclusions: CRT provides an evidence based approach to targeting cognitive deficits but the translation of this therapy from a research setting to clinical practice has not been well evaluated.


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[EUS] Hizkuntzaren sustrai biologikoen ikerketak aurrerapausu handiak egin ditu azken urteotan. Ikerketa hau alorrartekoa da nahitaez, eta hizkuntzalaritza, psikologia, neurozientzia eta genetikaren arteko bilbatura batek osatzen du «biohizkuntzalaritza» eta hizkuntzaren neurokognizioa itxuratzea xede duen eremu berri hau. Artikulu honetan ezagutza eremu honen hastapeneko itxurapen bat eskainzen da, hizkuntzaren genetikan eta neurokognizioan azken urteotan egin diren zenbait urrats aurkeztuaz.


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Bipolar disorder (BD) and alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are usually comorbid, and both have been associated with significant neurocognitive impairment. Patients with the BD-AUD comorbidity (dual diagnosis) may have more severe neurocognitive deficits than those with a single diagnosis, but there is paucity of research in this area. To explore this hypothesis more thoroughly, we carried out a systematic literature review through January 2015. Eight studies have examined the effect of AUDs on the neurocognitive functioning of BD patients. Most studies found that BD patients with current or past history of comorbid AUDs show more severe impairments, especially in verbal memory and executive cognition, than their non-dual counterparts. Greater neurocognitive dysfunction is another facet of this severe comorbid presentation. Implications for clinical practice and research are discussed. Specifically, the application of holistic approaches, such as clinical staging and systems biology, may open new avenues of discoveries related to the BD-AUD comorbidity.


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It is commonly accepted that aerobic exercise increases hippocampal neurogenesis, learning and memory, as well as stress resiliency. However, human populations are widely variable in their inherent aerobic fitness as well as their capacity to show increased aerobic fitness following a period of regimented exercise. It is unclear whether these inherent or acquired components of aerobic fitness play a role in neurocognition. To isolate the potential role of inherent aerobic fitness, we exploited a rat model of high (HCR) and low (LCR) inherent aerobic capacity for running. At a baseline, HCR rats have two- to three-fold higher aerobic capacity than LCR rats. We found that HCR rats also had two- to three- fold more young neurons in the hippocampus than LCR rats as well as rats from the heterogeneous founder population. We then asked whether this enhanced neurogenesis translates to enhanced hippocampal cognition, as is typically seen in exercise-trained animals. Compared to LCR rats, HCR rats performed with high accuracy on tasks designed to test neurogenesis-dependent pattern separation ability by examining investigatory behavior between very similar objects or locations. To investigate whether an aerobic response to exercise is required for exercise-induced changes in neurogenesis and cognition, we utilized a rat model of high (HRT) and low (LRT) aerobic response to treadmill training. At a baseline, HRT and LRT rats have comparable aerobic capacity as measured by a standard treadmill fit test, yet after a standardized training regimen, HRT but not LRT rats robustly increase their aerobic capacity for running. We found that sedentary LRT and HRT rats had equivalent levels of hippocampal neurogenesis, but only HRT rats had an elevation in the number of young neurons in the hippocampus following training, which was positively correlated with accuracy on pattern separation tasks. Taken together, these data suggest that a significant elevation in aerobic capacity is necessary for exercise-induced hippocampal neurogenesis and hippocampal neurogenesis-dependent learning and memory. To investigate the potential for high aerobic capacity to be neuroprotective, doxorubicin chemotherapy was administered to LCR and HCR rats. While doxorubicin induces a progressive decrease in aerobic capacity as well as neurogenesis, HCR rats remain at higher levels on those measures compared to even saline-treated LCR rats. HCR and LCR rats that received exercise training throughout doxorubicin treatment demonstrated positive effects of exercise on aerobic capacity and neurogenesis, regardless of inherent aerobic capacity. Overall, these findings demonstrate that inherent and acquired components of aerobic fitness play a crucial role not only in the cardiorespiratory system but also the fitness of the brain.