1000 resultados para Neue Frau


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The subject of this thesis is to examine gender roles in the novels Gilgi – eine von uns and Das kunstseidende Mädchen by Irmgard Keun. She was a successful female writer before the Nazi Party took control of Germany in 1933. The findings of this study indicate that Keun novels show a realistic picture of Germany’s men-dominated society in the early 1930s.


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On the basis of illustrations of Shakespeare's Hamlet, the new digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' at the Mainz University Library - together with a lavishly-constructed and multiply-linked Web interface version - was presented to the public on 17 November 2008. This e-book, edited by Andreas Anderhub and Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel, contains the speeches and presentations given on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the electronic archive. The collection of the new archive, published here for the first time, holds about 3,500 images and is part of the only Shakespeare illustration archive in the world. The Shakespeare Illustration Archive was founded in 1946 by the internationally acclaimed Shakespeare and Goethe scholar, Prof. Horst Oppel. This part of the archive was donated to the Mainz University Library on condition that its holdings be digitalised and made available to the public. The collection has been named 'The Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Donation of 9, 15, and 16 September 2005, and honouring the 16 March 1988 Delegation of Authority and Declaration of Intent by Frau Ingeborg Oppel, Prof. Oppel's widow and legal assignee. Vice-President Prof. Jürgen Oldenstein opened the proceedings by noting that 2008 had been a good year for international Shakespeare scholarship. For, in London, the site of the 'Theatre' in Shoreditch, where Shakespeare's company performed, had been unearthed, and in Mainz the Shakespeare Archive had gone online with thousands of illustrations. The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Philology, Prof. Mechthild Dreyer, who mentioned that she herself had long been successfully employing interdisciplinary research methods, took particular pleasure in the transdisciplinary approach to research resolutely pursued by Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel. Prof. Clemens Zintzen (Cologne), former President of the Mainz Academy of Literature and Sciences, recalled highlights from the more than sixty-year-long history of the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. Prof. Kurt Otten (Heidelberg and Cambridge) drew an impressive portrait of Horst Oppel's personality as an academic and praised his influential books on Goethe and Shakespeare. He pointed out that Oppel's Shakespeare Illustration Archive, the basis for many a dissertation, had enjoyed great popularity around the world. Prof. Otten also delineated the academic career of Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel and her new findings regarding Shakespeare's time, life and work. Prof. Rüdiger Ahrens OBE (Würzburg) drew attention to Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel's research results, directly or indirectly arising out of her work on the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. This research had centred on proving the authenticity of four visual representations of Shakespeare (the Chandos and Flower portraits, the Davenant bust and the Darmstadt Shakespeare death mask); solving the mystery around Shakespeare's 'Dark Lady'; and establishing the dramatist's Catholic religion. Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel reported on her 'Shakespeare Illustration' project, describing the nature, dimensions and significance of the Archive's pictorial material, which relates to all of Shakespeare's plays and stretches over five centuries. She explained that the digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Illustration Archive' was an addition to the three-volume edition she had compiled, authored and edited for publication in 2003. Unlike the print version, however, the digital collection had only been partly editorially prepared. It represented source material and a basis for further work. Hammerschmidt-Hummel expressed her thanks to the Head of the Central University Library, Dr Andreas Anderhub, for his untiring commitment. After the initial donation had been made, he had entered enthusiastically into setting up the necessary contacts, getting all the work underway, and clearing the legal hurdles. Hammerschmidt-Hummel was especially grateful to University of Mainz librarian Heike Geisel, who had worked for nearly five years to carry out the large-scale digitalization of a total of 8,800 items. Frau Geisel was also extremely resourceful in devising ways of making the collection yield even more, e.g. by classifying and cross-linking the data, assembling clusters of individual topics that lend themselves to research, and (in collaboration with the art historian Dr Klaus Weber) making the archive's index of artists compatible with the data-bank of artists held by the University of Mainz Institute of Art History. In addition, she compiled an extremely helpful 'users' guide' to the new digital collection. Frau Geisel had enjoyed invaluable support from Dr Annette Holzapfel-Pschorn, the leading academic in the Central IT Department at the University, who set up an intelligent, most impressive Web interface using the latest application technologies. Frau Geisel and Dr Holzapfel-Pschorn were highly praised for their convincing demonstration, using illustrations to Hamlet, of how to access this well-devised and exceptionally user-friendly Web version. For legal reasons, Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel pointed out, the collection could not be released for open access on the internet. The media - as Dr Anderhub stressed in his foreword - had shown great interest in the new digital collection of thousands of Shakespearean illustrations (cf. Benjamin Cor's TV feature in "Tagesthemen", 17 November 2008, presented by Tom Buhrow). The ‘Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive’ should also meet with particular interest not only among academic specialists, but also among the performers of the arts and persons active in the cultural realm in general, as well as theatre and film directors, literary managers, teachers, and countless Shakespeare enthusiasts.


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Als die Journalistin Laura Himmelreich Anfang 2013 unter dem Titel «Der Herrenwitz» ihre Erlebnisse mit dem deutschen FDP-Politiker Rainer Brüderle im «Stern»1 veröffentlicht, ist ihr kaum bewusst, welch breite Diskussion ihr Artikel in Deutschland und der Schweiz auslösen wird. Die daraufhin einsetzende sogenannte Sexismusdebatte bringt alte Fragen und neue Erkenntnisse aufs Tapet.


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Das literarische Werk, die amtlichen Tätigkeiten, das pfarrerliche, pädagogische und politische Engagement des Schweizer Schriftstellers Jeremias Gotthelf (Albert Bitzius, 1797–1854) sind in den vergangenen Jahren wieder in das Zentrum der literaturwissenschaftlichen Forschung gerückt. Seit 2004 erarbeiten Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer und Christian von Zimmermann mit einem Editionsteam die neue Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe der Werke und Briefe. Innerhalb von 10 Jahren sind nicht allein die ersten, umfassend kommentierten Editionsbände zu den Predigten des Pfarrers, zur politischen und volkspädagogischen Publizistik entstanden, sondern vielfältige neue Blicke auch auf das erzählerische Werk gerichtet worden. Der vorliegende Band trägt vor diesem Forschungshintergrund neue Studien zu Leben und Werk von Jeremias Gotthelf zusammen. Die in der Kommentierungsarbeit erschlossenen theologischen, kirchlichen, schulgeschichtlichen, politischen und literarischen Kontexte werden für neue Schlaglichter auf das Gesamtwerk und die exemplarische Analyse bekannter Einzeltexte wie Leiden und Freuden eines Schulmeisters, Die schwarze Spinne, Das Erdbeeri Mareili oder Die Frau Pfarrerin genutzt.


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Traumkristalle, neue Märchen (Jahrhundertmärchen ; Der gefangene Blitz ; Das Lächeln des Glück ; Die drei Nägel ; Die Frau von Feldbach ; Die neue Welt ; Die Fernschule ; Der Gehirnspiegel ; Morgentraum ; Schiefe Gedanken) -- Homchen, ein Tiermärchen aus der oberen Kreide


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Part of the illustrative material is colored.


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Open Educational Resources (OER) sind offen lizensierte und frei zugängliche Lehr- und Lernmaterialien, deren Inhalte übernommen, angepasst und unter der gleichen Lizenz weiter verbreitet werden dürfen. Sie stellen einen wichtigen Beitrag zum lebenslangen Lernen dar. In Zusammenhang mit dem wechselnden Rollenverständnis von Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken hin zu einem Lernort, gewinnen OER zunehmend an Bedeutung. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Nutzung und dem Umgang von OER in Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken. Dargestellt an ausgewählten Beispielen im Zusammenhang mit dem Studium von Flüchtlingen an der KIRON-Universität und deren Zugang zu deutschen Hochschulen. Abschließend gibt diese Arbeit einen Ausblick auf Bereiche, aus denen Bibliotheken zukünftige Dienstleistungen für Ihre Trägereinrichtungen im Bereich der OER entwickeln können. Die Arbeit basiert auf einer Prüfungsleistung vom 14.02.2016 in der Lehrveranstaltung „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Informationsmanagement“ unter Frau Dr. Ina Blümel.


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Summary: More than ever before contemporary societies are characterised by the huge amounts of data being transferred. Authorities, companies, academia and other stakeholders refer to Big Data when discussing the importance of large and complex datasets and developing possible solutions for their use. Big Data promises to be the next frontier of innovation for institutions and individuals, yet it also offers possibilities to predict and influence human behaviour with ever-greater precision


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Digital Image


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Digital Image