937 resultados para Nets and Mediations
Catches of sharks and bycatch in large-mesh nets and baited drumlines used by the Queensland Shark Control Program were examined to determine the efficacy of both gear types and assess fishing strategies that minimise their impacts. There were few significant differences in the size of both sharks and bycatch in the two gear types, apart from significantly smaller (p < 0.05) tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier being taken on drumlines and smaller green turtles Chelonia mydas in nets. Catch per unit effort showed orders of magnitude differences among species, even within the same family. Hammerhead sharks and rays were particularly vulnerable to net capture, whereas higher catch rates of tiger sharks were observed for drumlines. Nets caught more marine mammals, teleost fish and rays, whereas drumlines exhibited higher catch rates of the threatened loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta. Survival of most taxa (particularly obligate ram ventilators) was lower in nets than drumlines. Bycatch species (turtles and marine mammals) were able to swim to the surface to breathe when they were hooked on drumlines, enhancing their survival potential. Fishing strategies that recognise the different selectivity patterns of the gear can be developed to suit local biotic and abiotic conditions, although it is recognised that quantification of both ecological risk and risk to bathers is not a simple task.
Fishing experiments were conducted simultaneously with frame nets and trammel nets in the Hirakud Reservoir and the results indicated the relative superiority of frame nets, whose catch rate was two times more than that of the trammel nets.
This work presents the Petri net-based modeling of an autonomous robot's navigation system used for the application of supplies in agriculture. The model was developed theoretically and implemented through the CPNTools software. It simulates the behavior of the robot, capturing environmental characteristics by means of sensors, making appropriate decisions, and forwarding them to the corresponding actuators. By exciting the model using CPNTools it is possible to simulate situations that the robot might undergo, without the need to expose it to real potentially dangerous situations. ©2009 IEEE.
Euterpe oleracea, a native palm to the Amazon, has recognized trading importance because of its fruits and heart of palm. However, it still requires general information on its propagation and cultivation. As light is essential for plant growth, this work aimed to study the effect of different color nets and light conditions on the initial growth of E. oleracea, with the objective to obtain high quality seedlings. The experiment was conducted in Jaboticabal County, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with six treatments (six light conditions: red net with 50% of shading - red Chromatinet®; blue net with 50% of shading - blue Chromatinet®; black nets with 70, 50 or 30% of shading; and full sun) and six replications (six evaluation periods: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days after the beginning of the experiment). Each plot consisted of four pots with one plant per pot, resulting in 144 plants. Seedling growth was monthly evaluated by collecting four plants per replication until the end of the experiment. Shoot length, root length, stem diameter, leaf number, leaf area and root and shoot dry matter were evaluated. The best quality seedlings of E. oleracea were obtained when they were cultivated under the black net with 50% of shading.
Economic shocks, safety nets and fiscal constraints: social protection for the poor in Latin America
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Previously issued as Sea fisheries, with Salmon fisheries by Archibald Young.
Mode of access: Internet.
O que fazem profissionais de educação numa produção televisiva? Nesta pesquisa, por meio de 'conversas' com praticantespensantes que atuam em produção de TV, e no uso de outros documentos (programas editados, argumentos, textos e roteiros), busco responder a essa pergunta e compreender as redes de conhecimentos e significações relativas aos espaçostempos de ação desses profissionais, entendidos como entre-lugares de educação e comunicação. A pesquisa, na perspectiva dos estudos com os cotidianos, se articula ao GRPESQ Currículo, redes educativas e imagens, do Laboratório Educação e Imagem/ProPEd/UERJ, e busca apoio em conversas/narrativas com/de professores que trabalharam/trabalham em televisão em especial, no programa Salto para o Futuro integrando a equipe de educação da TV Escola (MEC), ou atuando como consultores de séries temáticas. Sobre o assunto, também foram ouvidos responsáveis pela assessoria pedagógica dos canais Encuentro e Pakapaka, na Argentina, em doutorado-sanduíche, com o apoio da Capes. Como fundamentação teórica, além de pesquisas com os cotidianos, a partir de textos de Michel de Certeau, de Nilda Alves e de Inês Barbosa de Oliveira, dos quais emergem algumas das noções que permeiam essa investigação, ressalto a contribuição de autores da sociologia, como Pierre Bourdieu e Boaventura de Sousa Santos e, ainda, de represe ntantes dos chamados estudos culturais, entre eles Jesús Martín-Barbero, Nestor Canclini, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha entre outros. A questão do outro, da alteridade, que permeia a tese, em sua tessitura com narrativas e imagens, busca inspiração também nos escritos e em conversas com Carlos Skliar e nos textos de Jorge Larrosa. As conclusões possíveis destacam a importância das ações desses profissionais (professores) nesses espaçostempos televisivos.