956 resultados para Net N mineralization and nitrification


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Effects of soil freezing on nitrogen (N) mineralization have been the subject of increased attention in the ecological literature, though fewer studies have examined N mineralization responses to successive mild freezing, severe freezing and cyclic freeze–thaw events. Even less is known about relationships of responses to soil N status. This study measured soil N mineralization and nitrification in the field along an experimental N gradient in a grassland of northern China during the dormant season (October 2005–April 2006), a period in which freezing naturally occurs. Net N mineralization exhibited great temporal variability, with nitrification being the predominant N transformation process. Soil microbial biomass C and N and extractable NH4 + pools declined by 40, 52, and 56%, respectively, in April 2006, compared with their initial concentrations in October 2005; soil NO3– pools increased by 84%. Temporal patterns of N mineralization were correlated with soil microbial biomass C and N. N mineralization and nitrification increased linearly with added N. Microbial biomass C in treated soils increased by 10% relative to controls, whereas microbial N declined by 9%. Results further suggest that freezing events greatly alter soil N dynamics in the dormant season at this site, with considerable available N accumulating during this period.


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Recent interest in spatial pattern in terrestrial ecosystems has come from an awareness of theintimate relationship between spatial heterogeneity of soil resources and maintenance of plant species diversity. Soil and vegetation can vary spatially inresponse to several state factors of the system. In this study, we examined fine-scale spatial variability of soil nutrients and vascular plant species in contrasting herb-dominated communities (a pasture and an oldfield) to determine degree of spatial dependenceamong soil variables and plant community characteristics within these communities by sampling at 1-m intervals. Each site was divided into 25 1-m 2 plots. Mineral soil was sampled (2-cm diameter, 5-cm depth) from each of four 0.25-m2 quarters and combined into a single composite sample per plot. Soil organic matter was measured as loss-on-ignition. Extractable NH4 and NO3 were determined before and after laboratory incubation to determine potential net N mineralization and nitrification. Cations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. Vegetation was assessed using estimated percent cover. Most soiland plant variables exhibited sharp contrasts betweenpasture and old-field sites, with the old field having significantly higher net N mineralization/nitrification, pH, Ca, Mg, Al, plant cover, and species diversity, richness, and evenness. Multiple regressions revealedthat all plant variables (species diversity, richness,evenness, and cover) were significantly related to soil characteristics (available nitrogen, organic matter,moisture, pH, Ca, and Mg) in the pasture; in the old field only cover was significantly related to soil characteristics (organic matter and moisture). Both sites contrasted sharply with respect to spatial pattern of soil variables, with the old field exhibiting a higher degree of spatial dependence. These results demonstrate that land-use practices can exert profound influence on spatial heterogeneity of both soil properties and vegetation in herb-dominated communities.


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通过调查东灵山地区7个典型植被类型的物种多样性,并测定各林型中植物叶片养分特征,凋落物品质,土壤理化特性,豆科植物的生物固氮作用以及土壤有机质的净N矿化与硝化作用,研究了不同林型及其物种多样性对氮素转化过程的可能影响。结果表明: 1) 各林型乔灌草三层13个物种多样性指数之间都不同程度存在差异,且都表现基本一致的大小顺序,各样地乔灌草三层3个丰富度指数和5个多样性指数之间大都表现草本层>灌木层>乔木层的大小顺序。 2) 林型对植物叶片养分特征、叶片凋落物品质指标、土壤的大多数理化特性都有显著影响,其中,落叶阔叶林与针叶林之间的差异最为明显,优势种不同的针叶林之间也不同程度地存在差异。各林型物种多样性对植物叶片养分特征,凋落物品质和土壤理化特性也都不同程度存在显著影响,且乔灌草三层的物种多样性的影响不同。我们的结果支持物种多样性对生态系统过程存在显著影响的观点。 3) 胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)%FNDA值较低,在0~53.3%之间,与国外学者对某些木本豆科固氮植物的研究结果接近,但低于三叶草、野豌豆等草本豆科固氮植物。胡枝子生物固氮具有明显的季节差异,不同样地生境对胡枝子%FNDA值也存在显著影响,大都都表现铁塔辽东栎样地>重力点样地>站下灌丛样地>垭口样地的趋势。除胡枝子之外的其他豆科植物的%FNDA都高于胡枝子,且存在种间差异,以三籽两型豆(Amphicarpaea capillipes)最高(100%),歪头菜(Vicia unijuga)最低(平均66.4%),这些结果与国外相关研究接近。不同林型之间和同一林型不同样地之间也影响豆科植物的%FNDA。东灵山地区有相当数量的植物种具有和固氮植物相近的δ15N值和全N含量,具有潜在的生物固氮能力。6个林型中所有豆科植物的%FNDA平均值主要受乔木层和草本层物种多样性的影响,乔木层和草本层物种多样性提高,豆科植物的%FNDA将随之显著降低。 4) 气温、土壤温度和降水量显著影响各林型净氮硝化速率的季节动态,都表现为温度升高,降水量增加,净氮硝化速率也随之增大。 5) 在不同取样时间,不同林型在土壤NH4+、N03-含量,矿化、硝化速率以及年度总净矿化、硝化量之间均不同程度存在显著差异,其中,以辽东栎落叶阔叶林与针叶林之间,常绿针叶林与落叶针叶林之间,纯林与混交林之间的差异最为明显。 6) 土壤初始N0_3含量与年度总净硝化量,年度总净矿化量及其占TKN的百分比呈显著正相关关系;植物叶片全N浓度与净氮矿化、硝化作用呈显著负相关:植物叶片凋落物的品质指标与净氮矿化、硝化作用没有显著相关。 7) 胡枝子固氮作用(%FNDA值)越强,土壤有机氮的净硝化量就越大,胡枝子在从大气中获取大量N,的同时,很可能会增加氮素的淋溶损失量。胡枝子固氮作用(%FNDA值)与净氮矿化量不存在显著相关关系。 8) 只有乔木层和草本层部分种多样性指数对净氮矿化、硝化量存在显著影响。乔木层均匀度提高,土壤净氮碳化量将随之增大;而草本层物种多样性提高,均匀度提高,净氮矿化、硝化作用将随之降低,草本层植物对土壤氮素矿化作用具有显著抑制作用。 9) 落叶阔叶林与针叶林的供氮能力和维持无机氮素的能力之间存在比较明显的差异,而不同针叶林的矿化/硝化作用也有所差别。其中,辽东栎落叶阔叶林的供氮能力和维持氮素能力均高于针叶林和山杏灌丛;油松林的供氮能力与防止氮素损失的能力显然要强于落叶松林和山杏灌丛。 10) 尽管箭叶锦鸡儿灌丛植物叶片与凋落物中全N、全P浓度在大多数取样点上都低于硕桦(高于草甸),但表层土中全N浓度高于硕桦和草甸,且其土壤有机质的供氮能力以及维持氮素能力都高于硕桦林和草甸,表明,锦鸡儿灌丛为侵入草甸和硕桦入侵提供了良好的养分条件,在该演替序列的发展过程中起了一定的推动作用。


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Nitrogen (N) saturation is an environmental concern for forests in the eastern U.S. Although several watersheds of the Fernow Experimental Forest (FEF), West Virginia exhibit symptoms of Nsaturation, many watersheds display a high degree of spatial variability in soil N processing. This study examined the effects of temperature on net N mineralization and nitrification in N-saturatedsoils from FEF, and how these effects varied between high N-processing vs. low N-processingsoils collected from two watersheds, WS3 (fertilized with [NH4]2SO4) and WS4 (untreated control). Samples of forest floor material (O2 horizon) and mineral soil (to a 5-cm depth) were taken from three subplots within each of four plots that represented the extremes of highest and lowest ratesof net N mineralization and nitrification (hereafter, high N and low N, respectively) of untreated WS4 and N-treated WS3: control/low N, control/high N, N-treated/low N, N-treated/high N. Forest floor material was analyzed for carbon (C), lignin,and N. Subsamples of mineral soil were extractedimmediately with 1 N KCl and analyzed for NH4+and NO3– to determine preincubation levels. Extracts were also analyzed for Mg, Ca, Al, and pH. To test the hypothesis that the lack of net nitrification observed in field incubations on the untreated/low N plot was the result of absence ofnitrifier populations, we characterized the bacterial community involved in N cycling by amplification of amoA genes. Remaining soil was incubated for 28 d at three temperatures (10, 20, and30°C), followed by 1 N KCl extraction and analysis for NH4+ and NO3–. Net nitrification was essentially 100% of net N mineralization for all samples combined. Nitrification rates from lab incubation sat all temperatures supported earlier observations based on field incubations. At 30°C, rates from N- t reated/high N were three times those of N-treated/low N. Highest rates were found for untreated/high N (two times greater than those of N-treated/high N), whereas untreated/low N exhibited no net nitrification. However, soils exhibitingno net nitrification tested positive for presence of nitrifying bacteria, causing us to reject our initial hypothesis. We hypothesize that nitrifier populations in such soil are being inhibited by a combination of low Ca:Al ratios in mineral soil and allelopathic interactions with mycorrhizae of ericaceous species in the herbaceous layer.


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Soil net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) of four grasslands across the elevation and precipitation gradients was studied in situ in the upper 0-10 cm soil layer using the resin-core technique in Xilin River basin, Inner Mongolia, China during the growing season of 2006. The primary objectives were to examine variations of NNM among grassland types and the main influencing factors. These grasslands included Stipa baicalensis (SB), Aneulolepidum Chinense (AC), Stipa grandis (SG), and Stipa krylovii (SK) grassland. The results showed that the seasonal variation patterns of NNM were similar among the four grasslands, the rates of NNM and nitrification were highest from June to August, and lowest in September and October during the growing season. The rates of NNM and nitrification were affected significantly by the incubation time, and they were positively correlated with soil organic carbon content, total soil nitrogen (TN) content, soil temperature, and soil water content, but the rates of NNM and nitrification were negatively correlated with available N, and weakly correlated with soil pH and C:N ratio. The sequences of the daily mean rates of NNM and nitrification in the four grasslands during the growing season were AC > SG > SB > SK, and TN content maybe the main affecting factors which can be attributed to the land use type.


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The aquaculture industry aims at replacing significant amounts of marine fish oil by vegetable oils in fish diet. Dietary lipids have been shown to alter the fatty acid composition of bone compartments, which would impact the local production of factors controlling bone formation. Knowledge on the mechanisms underlying the nutritional regulation of bone metabolism is however scarce in fish. Two in vitro bone-derived cell systems developed from seabream (an important species for aquaculture in the Mediterranean region) vertebra, capable of in vitro mineralization and exhibiting prechondrocyte (VSa13) and pre-osteoblast (VSa16) phenotype, were used to assess the effect of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs; arachidonic (AA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids) on cell proliferation, extracellular matrix (ECM) mineralization and gene expression. While all PUFAs promoted morphological changes in both cell lines, VSa16 cell proliferation appeared to be stimulated by PUFAs in a dose dependent manner until 100M, whereas proliferation of VSa13 cells was impaired at concentrations above 10M. AA, EPA and DHA inhibited VSa13 ECM mineralization, alone and in combination, while VSa16 ECM mineralization was only inhibited by AA and EPA. DHA had the opposite effect, increasing mineralization almost by 2 fold. When EFAs were combined, DHA apparently compensated for the inhibitory effect of AA and EPA. Expression of marker genes for bone and lipid metabolisms has been investigated by qPCR and shown to be regulated in pre-osteoblasts exposed to individual PUFAs. Our results show that PUFAs are effectors of fish bone cell lines, altering cell morphology, proliferation and mineralization when added to culture medium. This work also demonstrates the suitability of our in vitro cell systems to get insights into mineralization-related effects of PUFAs in vivo and to evaluate the replacement of fish oils by vegetable oil sources in fish feeds.


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Biodegradable magnesium-zirconia-calcium (Mg-Zr-Ca) alloy implants were coated with Collagen type-I (Coll-I) and assessed for their rate and efficacy of bone mineralization and implant stabilization. The phases, microstructure and mechanical properties of these alloys were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscopy and compression test, respectively, and the corrosion behavior was established by their hydrogen production rate in simulated body fluid (SBF). Coll-I extracted from rat tail, and characterized using fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, was used for dip-coating the Mg-based alloys. The coated alloys were implanted into the femur bones of male New Zealand white rabbits. In vivo bone formation around the implants was quantified by measuring the bone mineral content/density (BMC/BMD) using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Osseointegration of the implant and new bone mineralization was visualized by histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Upon surface coating with Coll-I, these alloys demonstrated high surface energy showing enhanced performance as an implant material that is suitable for rapid and efficient new bone tissue induction with optimal mineral content and cellular properties. The results demonstrate that Coll-I coated Mg-Zr-Ca alloys have a tendency to form superior trabecular bone structure with better osteoinduction around the implants and higher implant secondary stabilization, through the phenomenon of contact osteogenesis, compared to the control and uncoated ones in shorter periods of implantation. Hence, Coll-I surface coating of Mg-Zr-Ca alloys is a promising method for expediting new bone formation in vivo and enhancing osseointegration in load bearing implant applications.


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Cells from rat bone marrow exhibit the proliferation-differentiation sequence of osteoblasts, form mineralized extracellular matrix in vitro and release alkaline phosphatase into the medium. Membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase was obtained by method that is easy to reproduce, simpler and fast when compared with the method used to obtain the enzyme from rat osseous plate. The membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase from cultures of rat bone marrow cells has a MWr of about 120 kDa and specific PNPP activity of 1200 U/tng. The ecto-enzyme is anchored to the plasma membrane by the GPI anchor and can be released by PIPLC (selective treatment) or polidocanol (0.2 mg/mL protein and 1% (w/v) detergent). The apparent optimum pH for PNPP hydrolysis by the enzyme was pH 10. This fraction hydrolyzes ATP (240 U/mg), ADP (350 U/ mg), glucose 1-phosphate (1100 U/mg), glucose 6-phosphate (340 Wing), fructose 6-phosphate (460 U/mg), pyrophosphate (330 U/mg) and (3glycerophosphate (600 U/mg). Cooperative effects were observed for the hydrolysis of PPi and beta-glycerophosphate. PNPPase activity was inhibited by 0.1 mM vanadate (46%), 0.1 mM ZnCl2 (68%), 1 mM levamisole (66%), 1 mM arsenate (44%), 10 mM phosphate (21%) and 1 mM theophylline (72%). We report the biochemical characterization of membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase obtained from rat bone marrow cells cultures, using a method that is simple, rapid and easy to reproduce. Its properties are compared with those of rat osseous plate enzyme and revealed that the alkaline phosphatase obtained has some kinetics and structural behaviors with higher levels of enzymatic activity, facilitating the comprehension of the mineralization process and its function. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Urease inhibitor (UI) and nitrification inhibitor (NI) have the potential to improve N-use efficiency of applied urea and minimize N losses via gaseous emissions of ammonia (NH 3) to the atmosphere and nitrate (NO3-) leaching into surface and ground water bodies. There is a growing interest in the formulations of coating chemical fertilizers with both UI and NI. However, limited information is available on the combined use of UI and NI applied with urea fertilizer. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of treating urea with both UI and NI to minimize NH 3 volatilization. Two experiments were set up in volatilization chambers under controlled conditions to examine this process. In the first experiment, UR was treated with the urease inhibitor NBPT [N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric acid triamide] at a rate of 1060 mg kg -1 urea and/or with the nitrification inhibitor DCD (dicyandiamide) at rates equivalent to 5 or 10% of the urea N. A randomized experimental design with five treatments and five replicates was used: 1) UR, 2) UR + NBPT, 3) UR + DCD 10%, 4) UR + NBPT + DCD 5%, and 5) UR + NBPT + DCD 10%. The fertilizer treatments were applied to the surface of an acidic Red Latosol soil moistened to 60% of the maximum water retention and placed inside volatilization chambers. Controls chambers were added to allow for NH 3 volatilized from unfertilized soil or contained in the air that swept over the soil surface. The second experiment had an additional treatment with surface-applied DCD. The chambers were glass vessels (1.5 L) fit with air inlet and outlet tubings to allow air to pass over the soil. Ammonia volatilized was swept and carried to a flask containing a boric acid solution to trap the gas and then measured daily by titration with a standardized H 2SO 4 solution. Continuous measurements were recorded for 19 and 23 days for the first and second experiment, respectively. The soil samples were then analyzed for UR-, NH4+-, and NO3--N. Losses of NH 3 by volatilization with unamended UR ranged from 28 to 37% of the applied N, with peak of losses observed the third day after fertilization. NBPT delayed the peak of NH 3 losses due to urease inhibition and reduced NH 3 volatilization between 54 and 78% when compared with untreated UR. Up to 10 days after the fertilizer application, NH 3 losses had not been affected by DCD in the UR or the UR + NBPT treatments; thereafter, NH 3 volatilization tended to decrease, but not when DCD was present. As a consequence, the addition of DCD caused a 5-16% increase in NH 3 volatilization losses of the fertilizer N applied as UR from both the UR and the UR + NBPT treatments. Because the effectiveness of NBPT to inhibit soil urease activity was strong only in the first week, it could be concluded that DCD did not affect the action of NBPT but rather, enhanced volatilization losses by maintaining higher soil NH4+ concentration and pH for a longer time. Depending on the combination of factors influencing NH 3 volatilization, DCD could even offset the beneficial effect of NBPT in reducing NH 3 volatilization losses. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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As sequências metavulcano-sedimentares na serra do Espinhaço Meridional apresentam dificuldades para separação, principalmente do Supergrupo Rio das Velhas, até o presente. Apesar da grande similaridade, é possível distingui-lo do Grupo Rio Mata Cavalo. Esta é constituída por uma unidade metamáfica-ultramáfica derivada de basaltos toleíticos, e uma sequência de cobertura clasto-química, além de apresentar mineralizações de ouro e Minerais/Elementos do Grupo da Platina associados, principalmente a Formações Ferríferas Bandadas. Origem hidrotermal é atribuída à concentração destes metais nobres. Campanhas de prospecção e pesquisa mineral, na área estudada, foram realizadas para ouro. Os resultados até o presente permitem sugerir o emprego de uma Unidade Superior composta pelos sedimentos clasto-químicos e uma Unidade Inferior, que compreende as rochas vulcânicas, ambas compondo o Grupo Mata Cavalo. Desta forma, este Grupo apresenta em sua Unidade Superior rica em níveis de BIF compostas principalmente por magnetita com concentrações de ouro associadas a enriquecimento supérgeno. Palavras-chave: sequência metavulcano-sedimentar, mineralização de ouro, hidrotermalismo, Grupo Rio Mata Cavalo, Serra do Espinhaço. Meridional.