958 resultados para Net Metering
Face à crise económica e financeira, o setor fotovoltaico português tem sofrido diversas condicionantes, na sua maioria políticas, assistindo-se a uma alteração nos regimes de micro e minigeração. Com as tarifas de referência a sofrerem reduções drásticas nos últimos dois anos, os regimes bonificados deixaram de ser economicamente viáveis e interessantes do ponto de vista do consumidor. Esta situação está a pôr em causa as empresas que atuam no setor, assim como o desenvolvimento do próprio mercado fotovoltaico português. Torna-se assim necessário encontrar alternativas aos regimes bonificados, que relancem o setor e que permitam às empresas continuar a trabalhar. Uma dessas alternativas passa pela regulamentação da instalação de unidades de autoconsumo, nomeadamente com soluções de net metering. Dada a região privilegiada onde se encontra Portugal, e ao facto de já ter atingido a paridade de rede solar, o país depara-se com uma oportunidade única para o desenvolvimento da tecnologia fotovoltaica através da implementação de regimes de autoconsumo que interessa avaliar. Neste contexto, desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta informática, que permite, face a um determinado consumidor, avaliar a viabilidade económica e técnica de implementação de soluções de net metering. Uma vez que os resultados são fortemente dependentes da aplicação visada, este trabalho é baseado em dois estudos de caso – setor comercial e residencial – compreendendo a análise de dados reais já existentes e a recolha de dados no terreno. Nesta dissertação, é ainda feito um levantamento sobre os quadros legislativos atualmente vigentes a nível internacional, que regulam o mecanismo de net metering.
A presente dissertação insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular de “Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio”, do 2º ano do mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica – Sistemas Elétricos de Energia. Com o crescente aumento do consumo energético a nível mundial, e consequente esgotamento dos recursos fósseis, surge a necessidade de procurar soluções alternativas para a produção de energia. As energias renováveis aparecem como uma solução sustentável na produção de eletricidade, pois a sua produção representa um menor custo. Este trabalho tem como principais objetivos o dimensionamento de uma central de produção fotovoltaica para o ISEP nos regimes de exploração em autoconsumo e pequena produção, tendo em conta o atual Decreto-Lei (DL) n.º 153/2014, e também a análise de viabilidade económica dessa mesma instalação. O sistema fotovoltaico usado no dimensionamento em autoconsumo e pequena produção foi realizado com recurso ao software PVsyst. Tendo em conta que os consumos do ISEP são bastante inferiores nos períodos de férias escolares e fins-de-semana, e também por haver uma limitação de área disponível para a colocação dos módulos fotovoltaicos, a melhor opção a adotar será um sistema fotovoltaico de 237 kWp, tanto para autoconsumo como para pequena produção. Outro objetivo é a realização de um estudo de viabilidade económica do sistema fotovoltaico dimensionado. Os resultados obtidos permitem então clarificar qual dos regimes de exploração é mais viável para o ISEP, sendo que esses resultados poderão servir de apoio a uma futura decisão, caso o ISEP decida instalar um sistema deste tipo.
The demand for cooling and air-conditioning of building is increasingly ever growing. This increase is mostly due to population and economic growth in developing countries, and also desire for a higher quality of thermal comfort. Increase in the use of conventional cooling systems results in larger carbon footprint and more greenhouse gases considering their higher electricity consumption, and it occasionally creates peaks in electricity demand from power supply grid. Solar energy as a renewable energy source is an alternative to drive the cooling machines since the cooling load is generally high when solar radiation is high. This thesis examines the performance of PV/T solar collector manufactured by Solarus company in a solar cooling system for an office building in Dubai, New Delhi, Los Angeles and Cape Town. The study is carried out by analyzing climate data and the requirements for thermal comfort in office buildings. Cooling systems strongly depend on weather conditions and local climate. Cooling load of buildings depend on many parameters such as ambient temperature, indoor comfort temperature, solar gain to the building and internal gains including; number of occupant and electrical devices. The simulations were carried out by selecting a suitable thermally driven chiller and modeling it with PV/T solar collector in Polysun software. Fractional primary energy saving and solar fraction were introduced as key figures of the project to evaluate the performance of cooling system. Several parametric studies and simulations were determined according to PV/T aperture area and hot water storage tank volume. The fractional primary energy saving analysis revealed that thermally driven chillers, particularly adsorption chillers are not suitable to be utilizing in small size of solar cooling systems in hot and tropic climates such as Dubai and New Delhi. Adsorption chillers require more thermal energy to meet the cooling load in hot and dry climates. The adsorption chillers operate in their full capacity and in higher coefficient of performance when they run in a moderate climate since they can properly reject the exhaust heat. The simulation results also indicated that PV/T solar collector have higher efficiency in warmer climates, however it requires a larger size of PV/T collectors to supply the thermally driven chillers for providing cooling in hot climates. Therefore using an electrical chiller as backup gives much better results in terms of primary energy savings, since PV/T electrical production also can be used for backup electrical chiller in a net metering mechanism.
During the last 10 years the Spanish photovoltaic market has experienced one of the most important increases worldwide. The continuous raise on the price of the electricity in Spain, as in other European countries, USA and Japan, as well as the decrease of the cost of solar photovoltaic systems along this decade is opening a new way to reach grid parity point in some particular scenarios. A new Spanish legislation is being performed toward selfconsumption, and it is in this new context where the grid parity in a wide sense could be achieved. This work will study different cases in Spain, in order to determine whether grid parity would be possible along 2012. Keywords: grid parity, self-consumption, photovoltaic, net-metering
La hipótesis que inspiró esta tesis sostiene que la integración de componentes fotovoltaicos en los cerramientos opacos y sombreamientos de huecos acristalados de edificios de oficinas en sitios ubicados en bajas latitudes, tomando como el ejemplo el caso concreto de Brasil, podría incrementar su eficiencia energética. Esta posibilidad se basa en el bloqueo de una parte significativa de la irradiación solar incidente en estos edificios, reduciendo así las cargas térmicas para la climatización y a la vez transformándola en energía eléctrica, a tal punto que se amortizan los costes de inversión en plazos aceptables a través de los ahorros en la demanda de energía. Para verificar esta hipótesis de partida se ha propuesto como objetivo general analizar la integración de elementos fotovoltaicos en cubiertas, muros opacos y sombreamiento de huecos acristalados desde la óptica del balance energético térmico y eléctrico. Inicialmente se presenta y analiza el estado del arte en los temas estudiados y la metodología de investigación, de carácter teórico basada en cálculos y simulaciones. A partir de un modelo tipo de edificio de oficinas situado en Brasil, se definen cuatro casos de estudio y una serie de parámetros, los cuales se analizan para siete latitudes ubicadas entre -1,4° y -30°, separadas las unas de las otras por aproximadamente 5°. Se presentan y discuten los resultados de más de 500 simulaciones para los siguientes conceptos: - recurso solar, desde la perspectiva de la disponibilidad de irradiación solar en distintas superficies de captación apropiadas para la integración de sistemas solares fotovoltaicos en edificaciones en bajas latitudes; - análisis de sombras, con objetivo de identificar los ángulos de sombras vertical (AVS) para protección de huecos acristalados en edificios de oficinas; - balance energético térmico, para identificar el efecto térmico del apantallamiento provocado por componentes fotovoltaicos en cubiertas, muros opacos y parasoles en ventanas en las cargas de refrigeración y consecuentemente en las demandas de energía eléctrica; - balance energético eléctrico, contrastando los resultados del balance térmico con la energía potencialmente generada en las envolventes arquitectónicas bajo estudio; - análisis económico, basado en un escenario de precios de la tecnología fotovoltaica de un mercado maduro y en la política de inyección a la red marcada por la actual normativa brasileña. Se han verificado los potenciales de ahorro económico que los sistemas activos fotovoltaicos podrían aportar, y asimismo se calculan diversos indicadores de rentabilidad financiera. En suma, esta investigación ha permitido extraer conclusiones que contribuyen al avance de la investigación y entender las condiciones que propician la viabilidad de la aplicación de componentes fotovoltaicas en las envolventes de edificios en Brasil, y hasta un cierto punto en otros países en latitudes equivalentes. ABSTRACT The hypothesis that inspired this thesis sustains that integration of photovoltaic components in the opaque envelope and shading elements of office buildings placed at low-latitude countries, using the specific case of Brazil, could increase its energy efficiency. This is possible because those components block a significant part of the incident solar irradiation, reducing its heating effect on the building and transforming its energy into electricity in such a way that the extra investments needed can be paid back in acceptable periods given the electricity bill savings they produce. In order to check this hypothesis, the main goal was to analyze the thermal and electrical performance of photovoltaic components integrated into roofs, opaque façades and window shadings. The first step is an introduction and discussion of the state of the art in the studied subjects, as well as the chosen methodology (which is theoretical), based on calculations and simulations. Starting from an office building located in Brazil, four case studies and their parameters are defined, and then analyzed, for seven cities located between latitudes -1.4° and -30°, with an approximate distance of 5° separating each one. Results of more than 500 simulations are presented and discussed for the following concepts: - Solar resource, from the perspective of irradiation availability on different surfaces for the integration of photovoltaic systems in buildings located at low latitudes; - Shading analysis, in order to determine the vertical shading angles (VSA) for protection of the glazed surfaces on office buildings; - Thermal energy balance, to identify the screening effect caused by photovoltaic components on roofs, opaque façades and window shadings on the cooling loads, and hence electricity demands; - Electric energy balance, comparing thermal energy balance with the energy potentially generated using the active skin of the buildings; - Economic analysis, based on a mature-market scenario and the current net metering rules established by the Brazilian government, to identify the potential savings these photovoltaic systems could deliver, as well as several indicators related to the return on the investment. In short, this research has led to conclusions that contribute to the further development of knowledge in this area and understanding of the conditions that favor the application of photovoltaic components in the envelope of office buildings in Brazil and, to a certain extent, in other countries at similar latitudes.
This paper describes the communication stack of the REMPLI system: a structure using power-lines and IPbased networks for communication, for data acquisition and control of energy distribution and consumption. It is furthermore prepared to use alternative communication media like GSM or analog modem connections. The REMPLI system provides communication service for existing applications, namely automated meter reading, energy billing and domotic applications. The communication stack, consisting of physical, network, transport, and application layer is described as well as the communication services provided by the system. We show how the peculiarities of the power-line communication influence the design of the communication stack, by introducing requirements to efficiently use the limited bandwidth, optimize traffic and implement fair use of the communication medium for the extensive communication partners.
As smart grids e os smart meters, ou redes inteligentes e medidores inteligentes, respectivamente, estão cada vez mais próximos dos consumidores residenciais pelo mundo. Vários países vêm desenvolvendo estudos focados nos impactos decorrentes da introdução destas tecnologias. Uma das principais vantagens está relacionada à eficiência energética, ou conscientização da população em prol de um consumo mais eficiente. Estes benefícios são sentidos diretamente pelo consumidor através da economia nas contas de energia elétrica e pelas concessionárias através da minimização das perdas de transmissão e distribuição, estabilidade do sistema, menor carregamento nos horários de pico, entre outros. Neste artigo são apresentados dois projetos que demonstram o potencial de economia de energia através dos medidores inteligentes e das redes inteligentes. O primeiro realizado na Coreia, com foco na instalação de smart meters e o impacto da utilização de interfaces com o usuário. O segundo realizado em Portugal, com foco no controle das cargas em uma residência com geração distribuída.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Esta dissertação de mestrado, apresentada junto a Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública, Centro de Formação Acadêmica e Pesquisa, tem como foco o estudo dos rumores na comunicação organizacional, defmindo o Metaendomarketing, como base da pesquisa no caso da empresa SIMENS METERING INEPAR no Paraná no ano de 2001. O objetivo deste trabalho está no desenvolvimento de um mecanismo/ferramental que minimize a influência negativa dos rumores na comunicação organizacional, utilizando como base a análise do processo de desenvolvimento e repercussão da informação sem bases verídicas nos meios de comunicação das organizações. Busca-se desta forma, junto a empresa pesquisada, concomitantemente as sustentações bibliográficas relacionadas à Teoria do Comportamento, Comunicação Integrada e Desenvolvimento Organizacional, soluções para este problema.
Injection metering systems are an important option for the development of pesticide application equipment, with advantages relating to minimising the need for disposal of unused pesticide, improving the ease of cleaning and optimising the accuracy of chemical application. For all injection systems, characteristics such as the steady-state accuracy of delivered dose, dose stability and the time response for dose step changes are related to the ability of the system to operate with different chemical formulations. A system designed to inject liquids should be able to accommodate changes in viscosity and density. The aim of this study was to develop a methodology for testing chemical injection systems using liquids with different viscosities. The experimental arrangement simulating applications with injection metering systems used dye and salt solutions as tracers. Tests were conducted to analyse the influence of salt on the characteristics of the water and a viscous solution. Results showed that the salt interfered with the dye stability in the water solution. In tests with a viscous test liquid, the salt was introduced at different steps during the mixing process, providing four different liquids to be analysed in terms of viscosity, density and pH. Some differences in liquid characteristics were found which could influence the performance of the injection systems.
Smart micro-grids offer a new challenging domain for power theories and metering techniques, because they include a variety of intermittent power sources which positively impact on power flow and distribution losses, but may cause voltage asymmetry and frequency variation. Due to the limited power capability of smart micro-grids, the voltage distortion can also get worse (in case of supplying non-linear loads), affecting measurement accuracy and possibly causing tripping of protections. In such a context, a reconsideration of power theories is required, since they form the basis for supply and load characterization. A revision of revenue metering techniques is also needed, to ensure a correct penalization of the loads for their responsibility in generating reactive power, voltage unbalance and distortion. This paper shows that the Conservative Power Theory (CPT) provides a suitable background to cope with smart grids characterization and metering needs. Experimental results validate the proposed approach. © 2010 IEEE.
This paper proposes a set of performance factors for load characterization and revenue metering. They are based on the Conservative Power Theory, and each of them relates to a specific load non-ideality (unbalance, reactivity, distortion). The performance factors are capable to characterize the load under different operating conditions, considering also the effect of non-negligible line impedances and supply voltage deterioration. © 2012 IEEE.
This paper proposes an approach to load characterization and revenue metering, which accounts for the influence of supply deterioration and line impedance. It makes use of the Conservative Power Theory and aims at characterizing the load from the measurements done at the point of common coupling. Despite the inherent limitations of a single-point measurement, the proposed methodology enables evaluation of power terms, which clarify the effects of reactivity, asymmetry and distortion, and attempts to depurate the power consumption accounted to the load from those terms deriving from supply nonidealities.
Transportation Department, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs, Washington, D.C.