942 resultados para Nervio interóseo posterior


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La neuropatía compresiva del nervio interóseo posterior es poco frecuente. Clínicamente se expresa por una paresia (o plejia) de los músculos extensores del puño, los dedos y abductores del pulgar. El estudio eléctrico es fundamental para determinar la topografía de la lesión, y la ecografía o imagen por resonancia magnética ayudan a descartar causas secundarias de compresión, pero el diagnóstico sigue reposando en un correcto examen clínico. En los casos que no mejoran o que tienen un déficit severo, se debe indicar el tratamiento quirúrgico dado que tiene hasta un 95% de buenos resultados cuando se acompaña de una buena rehabilitación posterior. Se presentan tres casos de parálisis del nervio interóseo posterior por compresión en su recorrido por debajo del músculo supinador corto. De los mismos, uno tuvo mejoría espontánea y dos requirieron cirugía descompresiva.


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La neuralgia del trigémino (NT) es un síndrome doloroso facial caracterizado por un dolor neuropático paroxístico irradiado al territorio sensitivo del nervio trigémino. A lo largo de las últimas décadas la creciente evidencia experimental y clínica ha contribuido a establecer la teoría de una compresión neurovascular (CNV) del nervio trigémino como causa fundamental de este trastorno. Esta teoría apoya el tratamiento quirúrgico de la NT mediante una descompresión microvascular (DMV). Actualmente la DMV es aceptada como la primera opción de tratamiento quirúrgico de la NT refractaria a tratamiento médico. Pese a la cantidad de trabajos que analizan la utilidad de la RM preoperatoria con secuencias de alta resolución volumétricas potenciadas en T2 (RM 3DT2), no hay unanimidad respecto a la precisión de estas secuencias de RM para el diagnóstico y la caracterización de una posible CNV en pacientes con NT refractaria candidatos a tratamiento mediante DMV...


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Una de las bases para el éxito subsecuente de una cirugía tiroidea es el respeto quirúrgico a los nervios laríngeos recurrentes, cuya lesión puede ser de funestas consecuencias por ello el presente estudio se realiza disecando 100 nervios laríngeos recurrentes: 50 derechos y 50 izquierdos; es un estudio descriptivo realizado por médicos (autores del estudio) que disecan los cadáveres siguiendo una rutina previamente determinada y estudian las variantes tanto en el lado derecho como en el izquierdo. De los 50 nervios derechos el 84están adosados al canal traqueosofágico para luego relacionarse con la arteria tiroidea inferior sea anterior, posterior o entre las ramas de esta arteria. De los 50 nervios izquierdos más de la mitad pasan posterior a la traquea y se relacionan más con el esófago y su cara anteroizquierda igualmente en más de la mitad de los casos el nervio recurrente laríngeo pasa posterior a la arteria tiroides inferior


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Although comparison phakometry has been used by a number of studies to measure posterior corneal shape, these studies have not calculated the size of the posterior corneal zones of reflection they assessed. This paper develops paraxial equations for calculating posterior corneal zones of reflection, based on standard keratometry equations and equivalent mirror theory. For targets used in previous studies, posterior corneal reflection zone sizes were calculated using paraxial equations and using exact ray tracing, assuming spherical and aspheric corneal surfaces. Paraxial methods and exact ray tracing methods give similar estimates for reflection zone sizes less than 2 mm, but for larger zone sizes ray tracing methods should be used.


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This article reviews the literature on the outcome of flapless surgery for dental implants in the posterior maxilla. The literature search was carried out in using the keywords: flapless, dental implants and maxilla. A hand search and Medline search were carried out on studies published between 1971 and 2011. The authors included research involving a minimum of 15 dental implants with a followup period of 1 year, an outcome measurement of implant survival, but excluded studies involving multiple simultaneous interventions, and studies with missing data. The Cochrane approach for cohort studies and Oxford Centre for Evidence- Based Medicine were applied. Of the 56 published papers selected, 14 papers on the flapless technique showed high overall implant survival rates. The prospective studies yielded 97.01% (95% CI: 90.72–99.0) while retrospective studies or case series illustrated 95.08% (95% CI: 91.0–97.93) survival. The average of intraoperative complications was 6.55% using the flapless procedure. The limited data obtained showed that flapless surgery in posterior maxilla areas could be a viable and predictable treatment method for implant placement. Flapless surgery tends to be more applicable in this area of the mouth. Further long-term clinical controlled studies are needed.


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The role of individual ocular tissues in mediating changes to the sclera during myopia development is unclear. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of retina, RPE and choroidal tissues from myopic and hyperopic chick eyes on the DNA and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content in cultures of chick scleral fibroblasts. Primary cultures of fibroblastic cells expressing vimentin and -smooth muscle actin were established in serum-supplemented growth medium from 8-day-old normal chick sclera. The fibroblasts were subsequently co-cultured with posterior eye cup tissue (full thickness containing retina, RPE and choroid) obtained from untreated eyes and eyes wearing translucent diffusers (form-deprivation myopia, FDM) or -15D lenses (lens-induced myopia, LIM) for 3 days (post hatch day 5 to 8) (n=6 per treatment group). The effect of tissues (full thickness and individual retina, RPE, and choroid layers) from -15D (LIM) versus +15D (lens-induced hyperopia, LIH) treated eyes was also determined. Refraction changes in the direction predicted by the visual treatments were confirmed by retinoscopy prior to tissue collection. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and DNA content of the scleral fibroblast cultures were measured using GAG and PicoGreen assays. There was no significant difference in the effect of full thickness tissue from either FDM or LIM treated eyes on DNA and GAG content of scleral fibroblasts (DNA 8.9±2.6 µg and 8.4±1.1 µg, p=0.12; GAG 11.2±0.6 µg and 10.1±1.0 µg, p=0.34). Retina from LIM eyes did not alter fibroblast DNA or GAG content compared to retina from LIH eyes (DNA 27.2±1.7 µg versus 23.2±1.5 µg, p=0.21; GAG 28.1±1.7 µg versus. 28.7±1.2 µg, p=0.46). Similarly, the choroid from LIH and LIM eyes did not produce a differential effect on DNA content (DNA, LIM 46.9±6.4 versus LIH 51.5±4.7 µg, p=0.31), whereas GAG content was higher for cells in co-culture with choroid from LIH eyes (GAG 32.5±0.7 µg versus 18.9±1.2 µg, F1,6=9.210, p=0.0002). In contrast, fibroblast DNA was greater in co-culture with RPE from LIM eyes than the empty basket and DNA content less for co-culture with RPE from LIH eyes (LIM: 72.4±6.3 µg versus Empty basket: 46.03±1.0 µg; F1,6=69.99, p=0.0005 and LIH: 27.9±2.3 µg versus empty basket: 46.03±1.0 µg; p=0.0004). GAG content was higher with RPE from LIH eyes (LIH: 33.7±1.9 µg versus empty basket: 29.5±0.8 µg, F1,6=13.99, p=0.010) and lower with RPE from LIM eyes (LIM: 27.7±0.9 µg versus empty basket: 29.5±0.8 µg, p=0.021). GAG content of cells in co-culture with choroid from LIH eyes was higher compared to co-culture with choroid from LIM eyes (32.5±0.7 µg versus 18.9±1.2 µg respectively, F1,6=9.210, p=0.0002). In conclusion, these experiments provide evidence for a directional growth signal that is present (and remains) in the ex-vivo RPE, but that does not remain in the ex-vivo retina. The identity of this factor(s) that can modify scleral cell DNA and GAG content requires further research.


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The reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLES) is a condition characterised by reversible neurological and radiological findings that has been associated with use of immunosuppressive, chemotherapeutic and more recently novel targeted therapies. We describe the case of a 50-year-old woman with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who developed status epilepticus shortly after receiving cisplatin and gemcitabine chemotherapy. The clinical, radiological and EEG findings during and post event are presented and are in keeping with a diagnosis of RPLES. Early recognition of this rare syndrome, supportive management and withdrawal of the offending agent appear to result in a reversal of the manifestations described. © 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study was a measure forward in cultivating the scientific basis for an approach to examine clinical procedure in Flapless dental implant surgery. The thesis is based on: the systematic review, retrospective study of flapless implants, and in vivo study on the osseo-integration in osteoporotic rats. Dr Doan investigated "clinical procedures used in dental implant treatment in posterior maxilla using flapless technique". The work has yielded significant contributions to the area of implant flapless surgery and its effects on osteoporotic patients having implants in the posterior maxilla.


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In this study we investigate previous claims that a region in the left posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) is more activated by audiovisual than unimodal processing. First, we compare audiovisual to visual-visual and auditory-auditory conceptual matching using auditory or visual object names that are paired with pictures of objects or their environmental sounds. Second, we compare congruent and incongruent audiovisual trials when presentation is simultaneous or sequential. Third, we compare audiovisual stimuli that are either verbal (auditory and visual words) or nonverbal (pictures of objects and their associated sounds). The results demonstrate that, when task, attention, and stimuli are controlled, pSTS activation for audiovisual conceptual matching is 1) identical to that observed for intramodal conceptual matching, 2) greater for incongruent than congruent trials when auditory and visual stimuli are simultaneously presented, and 3) identical for verbal and nonverbal stimuli. These results are not consistent with previous claims that pSTS activation reflects the active formation of an integrated audiovisual representation. After a discussion of the stimulus and task factors that modulate activation, we conclude that, when stimulus input, task, and attention are controlled, pSTS is part of a distributed set of regions involved in conceptual matching, irrespective of whether the stimuli are audiovisual, auditory-auditory or visual-visual.