18 resultados para Neprilysin
Maternal protein secretions from endoparasitoid wasps are evolutionary adaptations to regulate host physiology as part of an extended wasp phenotype. Virus-like particles (VLPs) produced in the calyx region of Venturia canescens wasps are involved in immune evasion of the developing parasitoid inside the host. In contrast to polydnaviruses (PDVs), VcVLPs are devoid of any nucleic acids. To understand the role of these particles in the regulation of host physiology and phylogenetic relationship between VLPs and PDVs, it is essential to identify particle proteins. In this paper, we describe the isolation and molecular cloning of a neprilysin-like gene (VcNEP) coding for a 94 kDa VcVLP protein and discuss its possible role in host regulation.
The in situ hybridization Allen Mouse Brain Atlas was mined for proteases expressed in the somatosensory cerebral cortex. Among the 480 genes coding for protease/peptidases, only four were found enriched in cortical interneurons: Reln coding for reelin; Adamts8 and Adamts15 belonging to the class of metzincin proteases involved in reshaping the perineuronal net (PNN) and Mme encoding for Neprilysin, the enzyme degrading amyloid β-peptides. The pattern of expression of metalloproteases (MPs) was analyzed by single-cell reverse transcriptase multiplex PCR after patch clamp and was compared with the expression of 10 canonical interneurons markers and 12 additional genes from the Allen Atlas. Clustering of these genes by K-means algorithm displays five distinct clusters. Among these five clusters, two fast-spiking interneuron clusters expressing the calcium-binding protein Pvalb were identified, one co-expressing Pvalb with Sst (PV-Sst) and another co-expressing Pvalb with three metallopeptidases Adamts8, Adamts15 and Mme (PV-MP). By using Wisteria floribunda agglutinin, a specific marker for PNN, PV-MP interneurons were found surrounded by PNN, whereas the ones expressing Sst, PV-Sst, were not.
Résumé de l'article Le carcinome hépatocellulaire reste une tumeur maligne de mauvais pronostic. Le but de cette étude rétrospective est d'étudier l'expression immunohistochimique semi-quantitative d'Hep Par 1 (hepatocyte paraffin 1) et de CD 10 (CALLA ou neprilysin) et leur valeur pronostique sur un collectif de 97 patients avec un carcinome hépatocellulaire traité à visée curative. Hep Par 1 réagit avec un épitope spécifique de l'hépatocyte au niveau de la membrane mitochondriale et se présente sous forme d'un marquage cytoplasmique diffus d'intensité variable, le foie non tumoral exprimant un marquage granulaire servant de contrôle interne positif. Le CD 10 correspond ä une metallopeptidase de la membrane cellulaire participant au processus de sécrétion hormonale et l'immunoréaction colore spécifiquement la portion luminale des canalicules biliaires du foie non tumoral, qui sert ainsi de contrôle interne positif. Le foie tumoral exprime ou non un marquage canaliculaire (CD 10 can), similaire au foie non tumoral, ou cytoplasmique (CD 10 cyt). Le marquage immunohistochimique est quantifié pour les 3 différents marqueurs (Hep Par 1, CD10 can et CD10 cyt) en fonction du pourcentage de cellules tumorales positives (score de 0 à 3 établi pour chaque marqueur immunohistochimique). L'élaboration d'un score combiné immunohistochimique (CIS) est obtenu en additionnant les scores d'Hep Par 1 et de CD10 con et en soustrayant le score de CD10 cyt. Dans l'analyse univariée, la survie globale des patients est prolongée de manière significative en cas de forte expression tumorale par Hep Par 1 (p=0,0005) et CD10 can (p=0,02). Dans l'analyse multivariée, la combinaison du CIS avec les autres paramètres histopathologiques pronostiques classiques du carcinome hépatocellulaire comme la taille tumorale, l'invasion vasculaire, la multifocalité de la tumeur et le grade tumoral montre que le score immunohistochimique combiné (CIS) reste le facteur pronostique le plus important (p=0,001). Les patients avec un CIS bas (<4) avec une survie moyenne de 17 mois ont 3,5 fois plus de risque de décès comparés à ceux avec un CIS élevé (>4) avec une survie moyenne de plus de 80 mois. En conclusion, une expression immunohistochimique élevée d'Hep Par 1 et de CD10 can en l'absence d'expression de CD10 cyt sont des facteurs pronostiques favorables pour les patients présentant un carcinome hépatocellulaire. La combinaison des marqueurs immunohistochimiques dans un score combiné pourrait être utilisé dans la prise en charge des patients avec un hépatocarcinome àvisée curative. Toutefois des études prospectives restent nécessaires pour confirmer l'utilité pronostique du CIS.
Two intramolecularly quenched fluorogenic peptides containing o-aminobenzoyl (Abz) and ethylenediamine 2,4-dinitrophenyl (EDDnp) groups at amino- and carboxyl-terminal amino acid residues, Abz-DArg-Arg-Leu-EDDnp (Abz-DRRL-EDDnp) and Abz-DArg-Arg-Phe-EDDnp (Abz-DRRF-EDDnp), were selectively hydrolyzed by neutral endopeptidase (NEP, enkephalinase, neprilysin, EC at the Arg-Leu and Arg-Phe bonds, respectively. The kinetic parameters for the NEP-catalyzed hydrolysis of Abz-DRRL-EDDnp and Abz-DRRF-EDDnp were Km = 2.8 µM, kcat = 5.3 min-1, kcat/Km = 2 min-1 µM-1 and Km = 5.0 µM, kcat = 7.0 min-1, kcat/Km = 1.4 min-1 µM-1, respectively. The high specificity of these substrates was demonstrated by their resistance to hydrolysis by metalloproteases [thermolysin (EC, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE; EC], serineproteases [trypsin (EC, a-chymotrypsin (EC] and proteases present in tissue homogenates from kidney, lung, brain and testis. The blocked amino- and carboxyl-terminal amino acids protected these substrates against the action of aminopeptidases, carboxypeptidases and ACE. Furthermore, DR amino acids ensured total protection of Abz-DRRL-EDDnp and Abz-DRRF-EDDnp against the action of thermolysin and trypsin. Leu-EDDnp and Phe-EDDnp were resistant to hydrolysis by a-chymotrypsin. The high specifity of these substrates suggests their use for specific NEP assays in crude enzyme preparations
Alzheimer ist eine neurodegenerative Erkrankung deren molekulare Ursache, die Anhäufung von Amyloid-Plaques im Gehirn und die Bildung von Neurofibrillen in den Nervenzellen ist. Grund für diese molekularen Ursachen ist das Peptid Amylois beta, welches sich im Gehirn von Alzheimer Patienten anhäuft und zu Fibrillen aggregiert. In der Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob es Unterschiede bezüglich des proteolytischen Abbaus zwischen Abetafibrillen 1-40, 3-40 und pE3-40 gibt und ob die Fibrillen von unterschiedlichen Enzymen abgebaut werden können. Zudem wurden die Spaltprodukte, die bei diesem Abbau entstanden, miteinander verglichen und analysiert. Es wurde also untersucht, ob die Enzyme eine abbauende Wirkung auf aggregierte Aβ-Peptide haben und wie sich diese im Vergleich zu den gelösten Abeta-Peptiden verhalten. Die Untersuchungen fanden mit den Enzymen Neprilysin, Neprilysin 2, Insulysin, Matrix-Metalloproteinasen 2, 3, 9, 13, Plasmin, Plasma Kallikrein, Tissue Kallikrein und Meprin A statt und wurden Mittels MALDO-TOF analysiert.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the endocrine and renal effects of the dual inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase, MDL 100,240. DESIGN: A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study was performed in 12 healthy volunteers. METHODS: MDL 100,240 was administered intravenously over 20 min at single doses of 6.25 and 25 mg in subjects with a sodium intake of 280 (n = 6) or 80 (n = 6) mmol/day. Measurements were taken of supine and standing blood pressure, plasma angiotensin converting enzyme activity, angiotensin II, atrial natriuretic peptide, urinary atrial natriuretic peptide and cyclic GMP excretion, effective renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate as p-aminohippurate and inulin clearances, electrolytes and segmental tubular function by endogenous lithium clearance. RESULTS: Supine systolic blood pressure was consistently decreased by MDL 100,240, particularly after the high dose and during the low-salt intake. Diastolic blood pressure and heart rate did not change. Plasma angiotensin converting enzyme activity decreased rapidly and dose-dependently. In both the high- and the low-salt treatment groups, plasma angiotensin II levels fell and renin activity rose accordingly, while plasma atrial natriuretic peptide levels remained unchanged. In contrast, urinary atrial natriuretic peptide excretion increased dose-dependently under both diets, as did urinary cyclic GMP excretion. Effective renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate did not change. The urinary flow rate increased markedly during the first 2 h following administration of either dose of MDL 100,240 (P < 0.001) and, similarly, sodium excretion tended to increase from 0 to 4 h after the dose (P = 0.07). Potassium excretion remained stable. Proximal and distal fractional sodium reabsorption were not significantly altered by the treatment. Uric acid excretion was increased. The safety and clinical tolerance of MDL 100,240 were good. CONCLUSIONS: The increased fall in blood pressure in normal volunteers together with the preservation of renal hemodynamics and the increased urinary volume, atrial natriuretic peptide and cyclic GMP excretion distinguish MDL 100,240 as a double-enzyme inhibitor from inhibitors of the angiotensin converting enzyme alone. The differences appear to be due, at least in part, to increased renal exposure to atrial natriuretic peptide following neutral endopeptidase blockade.
MDL 100,240, a dual inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP), was administered intravenously to two panels of four healthy males in a four-period, dose-increasing (0, 1.56, 6.25, and 25 mg, and 0, 3.13, 12.5, and 50 mg, respectively) double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Plasma ACE activity and blood-pressure response to exogenous angiotensin I and angiotensin II i.v. challenges and safety and tolerance were assessed over a 24-h period. MDL 100,240 induced a rapid, dose-related, and sustained inhibition of ACE (>70% over 24 h at doses > or =12.5 mg). The time integral of ACE inhibition was related to the dose but with near-maximal values already attained at doses > or =12.5 mg. Systolic and diastolic blood-pressure responses to exogenous angiotensin I challenges were inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion, whereas the effects of angiotensin II remained unaffected. Mean supine blood pressure decreased transiently (3 h) at doses > or =3.125 mg and < or =24 h with the 25- and 50-mg doses, but not significantly. MDL 100,240 was well tolerated. In healthy subjects, MDL 100,240 exerts a dose-dependent and long-lasting ACE-blocking activity, also expressed by the inhibition of the pressor responses to exogenous angiotensin I challenges. The baroreceptor reflex, assessed by the response to exogenous angiotensin II challenge, remains unaltered.
This double-blind placebo-controlled study was designed to investigate the acute and sustained hormonal, renal hemodynamic, and tubular effects of concomitant ACE and neutral endopeptidase (NEP) inhibition by omapatrilat, a vasopeptidase inhibitor, in men. Thirty-two normotensive subjects were randomized to receive a placebo, omapatrilat (40 or 80 mg), or the fosinopril/hydrochlorothiazide (FOS/HCTZ; 20 and 12.5 mg, respectively) fixed combination for 1 week. Blood pressure, renal hemodynamics, urinary electrolytes and atrial natriuretic peptide excretion, and several components of the renin-angiotensin system were measured for 6 hours on days 1 and 7 of drug administration. When compared with the placebo and the FOS/HCTZ combination, omapatrilat induced a significant decrease in plasma angiotensin II levels (P<0.001 versus placebo; P<0.05 versus FOS/HCTZ) and an increase in urinary atrial natriuretic peptide excretion (P<0.01). These hormonal effects were associated with a significant fall in blood pressure (P<0.01) and a marked renal vasodilatation, but with no significant changes in glomerular filtration rate. The FOS/HCTZ markedly increased urinary sodium excretion (P<0.001). The acute natriuretic response to FOS/HCTZ was significantly greater than that observed with omapatrilat (P<0.01). Over 1 week, however, the cumulative sodium excretion induced by both doses of omapatrilat (P<0.01 versus placebo) was at least as great as that induced by the dose of FOS/HCTZ (P=NS versus FOS/HCTZ). In conclusion, the results of the present study in normal subjects demonstrate that omapatrilat has favorable renal hemodynamic effects. Omapatrilat combines potent ACE inhibition with a sustained natriuresis, which explains its well-documented potent antihypertensive efficacy.
Biosynthesis of active endothelin-1 (ET-1) implies an enzymatic processing of the inactive precursor Big ET-1 (1-39) into the mature, 21 amino acid peptide. The aim of this study was to characterize in airway and alveolar epithelial cells the enzymes responsible for this activation. BEAS-2B and A549 cells, which both produce ET-1, were studied in vitro as models for bronchiolar and alveolar cells, respectively. Both cell lines were able to convert exogenously added Big ET-1 (0.1 microM) into ET-1, suggesting a cell surface or an extracellular processing. The conversion was inhibited by phosphoramidon in both cell lines with an IC50 approximately 1 microM, but not by thiorphan, a specific inhibitor of neutral endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP). The endogenous production of serum-stimulated BEAS-2B and A549 cells was not inhibited by thiorphan, and phosphoramidon showed inhibition only at high concentration (>100 microM). Western blotting following electrophoresis in reducing conditions demonstrated a protein of MR 110 corresponding to the ECE-1 monomer in both BEAS-2B and A549 cells, as well as in whole lung extracts. By RT-PCR we revealed the mRNA encoding for the ECE-1b and/or -1c subtype, but not ECE-1a, in both cell lines. We conclude that BEAS-2B and A549 cells are able to process either endogenous or exogenous Big ET-1 by ECE-1 and that isoforms 1b and 1c could be involved in this processing with no significant role of NEP.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy of sinorphan, an orally active inhibitor of neutral endopeptidase EC DESIGN: The ability of sinorphan (100 mg twice a day) to lower blood pressure was compared with that of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor captopril (25 mg twice a day) using a randomized-sequence, double-blind crossover design in 16 patients with essential hypertension. Each treatment was administered for 4 weeks and treatments were separated by a 3-week placebo period. At the end of the last phase of treatment sinorphan was combined with captopril for a further 4-week period. The changes in systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were monitored using repeated ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. RESULTS: When given as monotherapy for 4 weeks, neither sinorphan nor captopril significantly reduced the 24-h or the 14-h daytime mean SBP or DBP. However, a significant decrease in DBP was observed during the first 6 h after the morning administration of captopril. With sinorphan only a significant decrease in night-time SBP was found. With the combined therapy of sinorphan and captopril, significant decreases both in SBP and in DBP were observed, which were sustained over 24 h. After 4 weeks of sinorphan alone or in combination with captopril, no change in plasma atrial natriuretic peptide level was found. However, urinary cyclic GMP excretion increased transiently after administration of the neutral endopeptidase inhibitor. CONCLUSIONS: Neutral endopeptidase inhibition with sinorphan has a limited effect on blood pressure in hypertensive patients when given alone. However, simultaneous neutral endopeptidase and ACE inhibition induces a synergistic effect, and might therefore represent an interesting new therapeutic approach to the treatment of essential hypertension.
INTRODUCTION: The cell surface endopeptidase CD10 (neutral endopeptidase) and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) have been independently associated with prostate cancer (PC) progression. We investigated the correlations between these two factors and their prognostic relevance in terms of biochemical (prostate-specific antigen, PSA) relapse after radical prostatectomy (RP) for localized PC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The immunohistochemical expression of CD10 and NF-κB in samples from 70 patients who underwent RP for localized PC was correlated with the preoperative PSA level, Gleason score, pathological stage and time to PSA failure. RESULTS: CD10 expression was inversely associated with NF-κB expression (p < 0.001), stage (p = 0.03) and grade (p = 0.003), whereas NF-κB was directly related with stage (p = 0.006) and grade (p = 0.002). The median time to PSA failure was 56 months. CD10 and NF-κB were directly (p < 0.001) and inversely (p < 0.001) correlated with biochemical recurrence-free survival, respectively. CD10 expression (p = 0.022) and stage (p = 0.018) were independently associated with time to biochemical recurrence. CONCLUSION: Low CD10 expression is an adverse prognostic factor for biochemical relapse after RP in localized PC, which is also associated with high NF-κB expression. Decreased CD10 expression which would lead to increased neuropeptide signaling and NF-κB activity may be present in a subset of early PCs.
Common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen detected by radioimmunoassay in the serum of patients with common acute lymphoblastic leukemia was found to be exclusively associated with the pellet of the serum samples obtained by ultracentrifugation at 100,000 X g. The pellets were shown to contain membrane vesicles or fragments which were characterized by electron microscopy and determination of enzymatic activity. The pelleted fragments had an apparent diameter ranging between 60 and 260 nm and showed a trilaminar membrane structure. On freeze-fracture preparations, the fragments with concave profile, corresponding to the external fracture face of plasma membrane, displayed an intramembrane particle density (ranging from 0 to 750 particles per micron2) which is similar to that recorded on the corresponding fracture face of intact cells from the common lymphoblastic leukemia antigen positive leukemic cell line (Nalm-1) or of vesicles shed in the culture medium by Nalm-1 cells. Furthermore, analysis of the membrane enzyme marker 5'-nucleotidase in the pellet of patient's sera, showed that the presence of this enzyme correlated with that of common lymphoblastic leukemia antigen, but the quantitative relationship between the two surface constituents was not linear. The results suggest that the two markers are located on the same membrane fragments, but that their individual distribution on the shed fragments is heterogeneous.
Accumulating evidence suggests that angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)) is an important component of the renin-angiotensin system and that the actions of the peptide may either contribute to or oppose those of Ang II. Ang-(1-7) can be converted directly from Ang I bypassing prerequisite formation of Ang II. Formation of Ang-(1-7) is under the control of at least three endopeptidases depending on the tissue compartment and include neprilysin, thimet oligopeptidase and prolyl oligopeptidase. Both neprilysin and thimet oligopeptidase are also involved in the metabolism of bradykinin and the atrial natriuretic peptide. Moreover, recent studies suggest that in addition to Ang I and bradykinin, Ang-(1-7) is an endogenous substrate for angiotensin converting enzyme. These enzymatic pathways may contribute to a complex relationship between the hypertensive actions of Ang II and various vasodepressor peptides from either the renin-angiotensin system or other peptide systems. Ang-(1-7) is devoid of the vasoconstrictor, central pressor, or thirst-stimulating actions associated with Ang II. In fact, new findings reveal depressor, vasodilator, and antihypertensive actions that may be more apparent in hypertensive animals or humans. Thus, Ang-(1-7) may oppose the actions of Ang II directly or as a result of increasing prostaglandins or nitric oxide. In this review, we examine the mechanisms by which Ang-(1-7) may contribute to cardiovascular regulation.