984 resultados para Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)


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L’acceptabilité d’un décès lors d’une simulation médicale reste débattue mais il existe peu de données sur la perspective des apprenants. Des médecins résidents ont effectué une pratique de code et ont rempli un questionnaire pré et post-simulation. Ils ont été exposés à deux scénarios où un bébé naissait sans signe de vie: 1. Nouveau-né ne répondant pas aux manœuvres de réanimation (DCD); 2. Nouveau-né s’améliorant avec une réanimation adéquate (REA). Les performances étaient évaluées à l’aide de la grille standardisée du Programme de Réanimation Néonatale. Le stress objectif (cortisol salivaire) et subjectif a été mesuré après le code. La rétroaction («feedback»), individuelle et en groupe, fut analysée à l’aide de méthodologies qualitatives. 59/62 apprenants ont répondu au questionnaire et 42 ont participé à la simulation. Tous les résidents trouvent les simulations bénéfiques et souhaitent y être exposés davantage. Le type et l’ordre des scénarios n’ont pas eu d’impact sur la performance. Un seul résident a interrompu les manœuvres de réanimation après 10 minutes d’asystolie, tel que recommandé, et 31% ont poursuivi après 20 minutes. Les participants trouvaient le scénario DCD plus stressant. Les niveaux de cortisol salivaire ont augmenté après les simulations (p<0.001) et ce, pour les deux scénarios. Cette augmentation était indépendante du scénario (p=0.06) et n’était pas associée à la performance. Les réponses à la question « Comment a été votre expérience? », ont permis d’identifier deux thèmes: 1. Le mannequin ne meurt pas en simulation médicale; 2. Le décès lors de la simulation signifie une réanimation inadéquate. Le décès lors d’une pratique de code est stressant, mais n’interfère pas avec la performance des soignants. Les apprenants trouvent cet exercice acceptable et bénéfique à leur pratique future.


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L’acceptabilité d’un décès lors d’une simulation médicale reste débattue mais il existe peu de données sur la perspective des apprenants. Des médecins résidents ont effectué une pratique de code et ont rempli un questionnaire pré et post-simulation. Ils ont été exposés à deux scénarios où un bébé naissait sans signe de vie: 1. Nouveau-né ne répondant pas aux manœuvres de réanimation (DCD); 2. Nouveau-né s’améliorant avec une réanimation adéquate (REA). Les performances étaient évaluées à l’aide de la grille standardisée du Programme de Réanimation Néonatale. Le stress objectif (cortisol salivaire) et subjectif a été mesuré après le code. La rétroaction («feedback»), individuelle et en groupe, fut analysée à l’aide de méthodologies qualitatives. 59/62 apprenants ont répondu au questionnaire et 42 ont participé à la simulation. Tous les résidents trouvent les simulations bénéfiques et souhaitent y être exposés davantage. Le type et l’ordre des scénarios n’ont pas eu d’impact sur la performance. Un seul résident a interrompu les manœuvres de réanimation après 10 minutes d’asystolie, tel que recommandé, et 31% ont poursuivi après 20 minutes. Les participants trouvaient le scénario DCD plus stressant. Les niveaux de cortisol salivaire ont augmenté après les simulations (p<0.001) et ce, pour les deux scénarios. Cette augmentation était indépendante du scénario (p=0.06) et n’était pas associée à la performance. Les réponses à la question « Comment a été votre expérience? », ont permis d’identifier deux thèmes: 1. Le mannequin ne meurt pas en simulation médicale; 2. Le décès lors de la simulation signifie une réanimation inadéquate. Le décès lors d’une pratique de code est stressant, mais n’interfère pas avec la performance des soignants. Les apprenants trouvent cet exercice acceptable et bénéfique à leur pratique future.


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BACKGROUND From January 2011 onward, the Swiss newborn screening (NBS) program has included a test for cystic fibrosis (CF). In this study, we evaluate the first year of implementation of the CF-NBS program. METHODS The CF-NBS program consists of testing in two steps: a heel prick sample is drawn (= Guthrie test) for measurement of immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) and for DNA screening. All children with a positive screening test are referred to a CF center for further diagnostic testing (sweat test and genetic analysis). After assessment in the CF center, the parents are given a questionnaire. All the results of the screening process and the parent questionnaires were centrally collected and evaluated. RESULTS In 2011, 83 198 neonates were screened, 84 of whom (0.1%) had a positive screening result and were referred to a CF center. 30 of these 84 infants were finally diagnosed with CF (positive predictive value: 35.7%). There was an additional infant with CF and meconium ileus whose IRT value was normal. The 31 diagnosed children with CF correspond to an incidence of 1 : 2683. The average time from birth to genetically confirmed diagnosis was 34 days (range: 13-135). 91% of the parents were satisfied that their child had undergone screening. All infants receiving a diagnosis of CF went on to receive further professional care in a CF center. CONCLUSION The suggested procedure for CF-NBS has been found effective in practice; there were no major problems with its implementation. It reached high acceptance among physicians and parents.


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A Espectrometria de Massa em Tandem (MS/MS) é mundialmente considerada padrão ouro para a Triagem Neonatal (TN) de Erros Inatos do Metabolismo (IEM). Além de apresentar melhor sensibilidade e especificidade possibilita rastrear uma vasta gama de IEM usando um único teste. Atualmente o Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN) rastreia cinco doenças (Fenilcetonúria, Hipotiroidismo Congênito, Fibrose Cística, Hemoglobinopatias e Deficiência da Biotinidase). Uma das metas do PNTN é o aprimoramento e a incorporação de novas doenças e/ou tecnologias. Com a recente recomendação da CONITEC (Comissão Nacional de Incorporação de Tecnologias) para aquisição do MS/MS para diagnóstico de doenças raras, vislumbra-se o incremento desta tecnologia para ampliação de doenças triadas, melhora da qualidade do teste diagnóstico, corroborando para melhorar qualidade de vida das crianças acometidas pelos EIM. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma análise de custo efetividade, para incorporação da tecnologia de tandem MS/MS na triagem neonatal, sob a perspectiva do SUS. Desta maneira buscou-se comparar diferentes cenários da TN com a tecnologia atualmente utilizada (Fluorimetria) somente para Fenilcetonúria (PKU), e com MS/MS para rastreio da PKU e da Deficiência de Cadeia Média Acyl-Coenzima Desidrogenase (MCAD). Para tanto construiu-se um modelo matemático de decisão baseados em cadeias de Markov que simulou a TN da PKU e da MCAD, bem como a história natural da MCAD. Foi acompanhada uma coorte hipotética de cem mil recém-nascidos. O horizonte temporal adotado foi a expectativa de vida da população brasileira de 78 anos de acordo com IBGE. Utilizou-se uma taxa de desconto de 5% para os custos e consequências clínicas para ambos os cenários propostos. Quando incorporado o MS/MS para triagem da PKU os ganhos em saúde continuaram os mesmos, pois o desempenho do MS/MS e da Fluorimetria foram praticamente iguais (efetividade), porém o custo incremental foi quatro vezes maior para a mesma efetividade, o que torna o MS/MS somente para PKU não custo efetiva (dominada). No entanto, quando analisado o cenário do MS/MS para triagem da PKU e da MCAD o custo incremental do MS/MS no PNTN foi menor por causa da economia feita uma vez que é possível realizar ambos os testes no mesmo o teste do pezinho atual.


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Alterações genéticas em que a mutação de aminoácidos nas globinas afeta a estrutura da molécula tornando-a instável são classificadas como hemoglobinas instáveis. Devido à grande diversidade dos pontos de mutações por substituições e deleções de aminoácidos, as formas de instabilização se apresentam muito variadas. A hemoglobina Köln é a variante instável descrita com maior freqüência na literatura e a terceira descoberta no Brasil, as outras são Hb Niterói e Hb Hasharon. Anemia moderada, icterícia e presença de urina escura caracterizam as manifestações clínicas da Hb Köln. em programa de triagem neonatal identificamos uma criança com suspeita de heterozigose para hemoglobina Köln, confirmada por procedimentos eletroforéticos e HPLC. Avaliações por diferentes metodologias laboratoriais e estudo familiar auxiliam no diagnóstico precoce, possibilitando minimizar os sintomas decorrentes da hemoglobina anormal e a realização do aconselhamento genético e educacional destas alterações hereditárias.


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The National Neonatal Screening Program (NNSP) set up in all Brazil, aims, through planned phases of local implementation, to detect diseases such as phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, hemoglobinopathies and cystic fibrosis. The aim of this study was to assess, through a cross-sectional observational study, the prevalence of the diseases detected by the NNSP in the city of Araraquara, in records issued by the São Paulo APAE laboratory in the period between April and December 2009.The results show that Araraquara had a prevalence of phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism 0.06% above the national averages of 0.01% and 0.03% respectively. With respect to hemoglobinopathies, the prevalence of sickle cell trait was 2.15% below the national average of 2.6%. The prevalence of Hb C in the city was 0.57%, similar to national values reported in the literature. Confirmed Hb Bart's had a prevalence of 0.13% in Araraquara, below the average of 0.38% for the surrounding region. The neonatal screening by heel-prick test and counseling for caregivers are important factors in reducing morbidity related to the evolution of these diseases.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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In whole world, including in Brazil, there is an absence of professionals who are able to be present at the moment of birth and give to the newborn the cares that they need to because either an absence of opportunity or inappropriate training to those professionals. This master´s thesis describes a construction and application of a neonatal resuscitation course that uses the problem based learning (PBL) methodology. The course has done in two meetings, one for the tutorial session, and another for practice session. The students were divided in groups of eight students each, under supervision of two teachers with experience in PBL methodology. The experience was considered successfully because there were students involvement and motivation. Some course aspects were rebuilt for its upgrading, like the correct use of methodology and building of custom educational material for students learning necessity. It suggests that the course can be used by the medical and nursing schools and perhaps other kind of health courses.


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Background Nurses and midwives must be able to adapt their behaviour and language to meet the health care needs of patients and their families in diverse and at times difficult circumstances. Methods This study of fourth year dual degree nurse midwives use Communication Accommodation Theory strategies to examine their use of language and discourse when managing a sequential simulation of neonatal resuscitation and bereavement support. Results The results showed that many of the students were slow to respond to the changing needs of the patient and family and at times used ineffectual and disengaging language. Conclusion Clinical simulation is a safe and effective method for nurses and midwives to experience and practice the use of language and discourse in challenging circumstances.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Este artigo analisa, sob a perspectiva da relação entre a família e instituições de saúde, os sentidos produzidos sobre a maternidade em um programa de saúde neonatal desenvolvido na rede pública - o Programa Mãe Canguru. A partir de entrevistas e observações feitas com usuárias durante sua participação no programa, buscamos apreender como as práticas discursivas e não discursivas sobre maternidade e maternagem, difundidas nesse processo, se articulam com as experiências concretas dessas mulheres para produzir novas configurações subjetivas. Na interpretação dos dados, realizada através de análise do discurso, os aspectos mais significativos das falas das entrevistadas foram agrupados em quatro núcleos de sentido: família e religião; o impacto do nascimento prematuro; desconfiança e resistência nas relações com instituições e profissionais de saúde; e a experiência com o Programa Mãe Canguru. Ao final, procurou-se identificar as principais estratégias e formas de singularização utilizadas por essas mulheres ao atribuírem sentidos ao papel materno.


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Hemoglobinopathies were included in the Brazilian Neonatal Screening Program on June 6, 2001. Automated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was indicated as one of the diagnostic methods. The amount of information generated by these systems is immense, and the behavior of groups cannot always be observed in individual analyses. Three-dimensional (3-D) visualization techniques can be applied to extract this information, for extracting patterns, trends or relations from the results stored in databases. We applied the 3-D visualization tool to analyze patterns in the results of hemoglobinopathy based on neonatal diagnosis by HPLC. The laboratory results of 2520 newborn analyses carried out in 2001 and 2002 were used. The Fast, F1, F and A peaks, which were detected by the analytical system, were chosen as attributes for mapping. To establish a behavior pattern, the results were classified into groups according to hemoglobin phenotype: normal (N = 2169), variant (N = 73) and thalassemia (N = 279). 3-D visualization was made with the FastMap DB tool; there were two distribution patterns in the normal group, due to variation in the amplitude of the values obtained by HPLC for the F1 window. It allowed separation of the samples with normal Hb from those with alpha thalassemia, based on a significant difference (P > 0.05) between the mean values of the Fast and A peaks, demonstrating the need for better evaluation of chromatograms; this method could be used to help diagnose alpha thalassemia in newborns.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)