977 resultados para Neolithic period -- Mathematical models


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We introduce a set of sequential integro-difference equations to analyze the dynamics of two interacting species. Firstly, we derive the speed of the fronts when a species invades a space previously occupied by a second species, and check its validity by means of numerical random-walk simulations. As an example, we consider the Neolithic transition: the predictions of the model are consistent with the archaeological data for the front speed, provided that the interaction parameter is low enough. Secondly, an equation for the coexistence time between the invasive and the invaded populations is obtained for the first time. It agrees well with the simulations, is consistent with observations of the Neolithic transition, and makes it possible to estimate the value of the interaction parameter between the incoming and the indigenous populations


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We extend a previous model of the Neolithic transition in Europe [J. Fort and V. Méndez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 867 (1999)] by taking two effects into account: (i) we do not use the diffusion approximation (which corresponds to second-order Taylor expansions), and (ii) we take proper care of the fact that parents do not migrate away from their children (we refer to this as a time-order effect, in the sense that it implies that children grow up with their parents, before they become adults and can survive and migrate). We also derive a time-ordered, second-order equation, which we call the sequential reaction-diffusion equation, and use it to show that effect (ii) is the most important one, and that both of them should in general be taken into account to derive accurate results. As an example, we consider the Neolithic transition: the model predictions agree with the observed front speed, and the corrections relative to previous models are important (up to 70%)


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The front speed of the Neolithic (farmer) spread in Europe decreased as it reached Northern latitudes, where the Mesolithic (huntergatherer) population density was higher. Here, we describe a reaction diffusion model with (i) an anisotropic dispersion kernel depending on the Mesolithic population density gradient and (ii) a modified population growth equation. Both effects are related to the space available for the Neolithic population. The model is able to explain the slowdown of the Neolithic front as observed from archaeological data


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We review the progress in the field of front propagation in recent years. We survey many physical, biophysical and cross-disciplinary applications, including reduced-variable models of combustion flames, Reid's paradox of rapid forest range expansions, the European colonization of North America during the 19th century, the Neolithic transition in Europe from 13 000 to 5000 years ago, the description of subsistence boundaries, the formation of cultural boundaries, the spread of genetic mutations, theory and experiments on virus infections, models of cancer tumors, etc. Recent theoretical advances are unified in a single framework, encompassing very diverse systems such as those with biased random walks, distributed delays, sequential reaction and dispersion, cohabitation models, age structure and systems with several interacting species. Directions for future progress are outlined


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We study the dynamical behaviors of two types of spiral-and scroll-wave turbulence states, respectively, in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) mathematical models, of human, ventricular, myocyte cells that are attached to randomly distributed interstitial fibroblasts; these turbulence states are promoted by (a) the steep slope of the action-potential-duration-restitution (APDR) plot or (b) early afterdepolarizations (EADs). Our single-cell study shows that (1) the myocyte-fibroblast (MF) coupling G(j) and (2) the number N-f of fibroblasts in an MF unit lower the steepness of the APDR slope and eliminate the EAD behaviors of myocytes; we explore the pacing dependence of such EAD suppression. In our 2D simulations, we observe that a spiral-turbulence (ST) state evolves into a state with a single, rotating spiral (RS) if either (a) G(j) is large or (b) the maximum possible number of fibroblasts per myocyte N-f(max) is large. We also observe that the minimum value of G(j), for the transition from the ST to the RS state, decreases as N-f(max) increases. We find that, for the steep-APDR-induced ST state, once the MF coupling suppresses ST, the rotation period of a spiral in the RS state increases as (1) G(j) increases, with fixed N-f(max), and (2) N-f(max) increases, with fixed G(j). We obtain the boundary between ST and RS stability regions in the N-f(max)-G(j) plane. In particular, for low values of N-f(max), the value of G(j), at the ST-RS boundary, depends on the realization of the randomly distributed fibroblasts; this dependence decreases as N-f(max) increases. Our 3D studies show a similar transition from scroll-wave turbulence to a single, rotating, scroll-wave state because of the MF coupling. We examine the experimental implications of our study and propose that the suppression (a) of the steep slope of the APDR or (b) EADs can eliminate spiral-and scroll-wave turbulence in heterogeneous cardiac tissue, which has randomly distributed fibroblasts.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The research activity carried out during the PhD course was focused on the development of mathematical models of some cognitive processes and their validation by means of data present in literature, with a double aim: i) to achieve a better interpretation and explanation of the great amount of data obtained on these processes from different methodologies (electrophysiological recordings on animals, neuropsychological, psychophysical and neuroimaging studies in humans), ii) to exploit model predictions and results to guide future research and experiments. In particular, the research activity has been focused on two different projects: 1) the first one concerns the development of neural oscillators networks, in order to investigate the mechanisms of synchronization of the neural oscillatory activity during cognitive processes, such as object recognition, memory, language, attention; 2) the second one concerns the mathematical modelling of multisensory integration processes (e.g. visual-acoustic), which occur in several cortical and subcortical regions (in particular in a subcortical structure named Superior Colliculus (SC)), and which are fundamental for orienting motor and attentive responses to external world stimuli. This activity has been realized in collaboration with the Center for Studies and Researches in Cognitive Neuroscience of the University of Bologna (in Cesena) and the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine (NC, USA). PART 1. Objects representation in a number of cognitive functions, like perception and recognition, foresees distribute processes in different cortical areas. One of the main neurophysiological question concerns how the correlation between these disparate areas is realized, in order to succeed in grouping together the characteristics of the same object (binding problem) and in maintaining segregated the properties belonging to different objects simultaneously present (segmentation problem). Different theories have been proposed to address these questions (Barlow, 1972). One of the most influential theory is the so called “assembly coding”, postulated by Singer (2003), according to which 1) an object is well described by a few fundamental properties, processing in different and distributed cortical areas; 2) the recognition of the object would be realized by means of the simultaneously activation of the cortical areas representing its different features; 3) groups of properties belonging to different objects would be kept separated in the time domain. In Chapter 1.1 and in Chapter 1.2 we present two neural network models for object recognition, based on the “assembly coding” hypothesis. These models are networks of Wilson-Cowan oscillators which exploit: i) two high-level “Gestalt Rules” (the similarity and previous knowledge rules), to realize the functional link between elements of different cortical areas representing properties of the same object (binding problem); 2) the synchronization of the neural oscillatory activity in the γ-band (30-100Hz), to segregate in time the representations of different objects simultaneously present (segmentation problem). These models are able to recognize and reconstruct multiple simultaneous external objects, even in difficult case (some wrong or lacking features, shared features, superimposed noise). In Chapter 1.3 the previous models are extended to realize a semantic memory, in which sensory-motor representations of objects are linked with words. To this aim, the network, previously developed, devoted to the representation of objects as a collection of sensory-motor features, is reciprocally linked with a second network devoted to the representation of words (lexical network) Synapses linking the two networks are trained via a time-dependent Hebbian rule, during a training period in which individual objects are presented together with the corresponding words. Simulation results demonstrate that, during the retrieval phase, the network can deal with the simultaneous presence of objects (from sensory-motor inputs) and words (from linguistic inputs), can correctly associate objects with words and segment objects even in the presence of incomplete information. Moreover, the network can realize some semantic links among words representing objects with some shared features. These results support the idea that semantic memory can be described as an integrated process, whose content is retrieved by the co-activation of different multimodal regions. In perspective, extended versions of this model may be used to test conceptual theories, and to provide a quantitative assessment of existing data (for instance concerning patients with neural deficits). PART 2. The ability of the brain to integrate information from different sensory channels is fundamental to perception of the external world (Stein et al, 1993). It is well documented that a number of extraprimary areas have neurons capable of such a task; one of the best known of these is the superior colliculus (SC). This midbrain structure receives auditory, visual and somatosensory inputs from different subcortical and cortical areas, and is involved in the control of orientation to external events (Wallace et al, 1993). SC neurons respond to each of these sensory inputs separately, but is also capable of integrating them (Stein et al, 1993) so that the response to the combined multisensory stimuli is greater than that to the individual component stimuli (enhancement). This enhancement is proportionately greater if the modality-specific paired stimuli are weaker (the principle of inverse effectiveness). Several studies have shown that the capability of SC neurons to engage in multisensory integration requires inputs from cortex; primarily the anterior ectosylvian sulcus (AES), but also the rostral lateral suprasylvian sulcus (rLS). If these cortical inputs are deactivated the response of SC neurons to cross-modal stimulation is no different from that evoked by the most effective of its individual component stimuli (Jiang et al 2001). This phenomenon can be better understood through mathematical models. The use of mathematical models and neural networks can place the mass of data that has been accumulated about this phenomenon and its underlying circuitry into a coherent theoretical structure. In Chapter 2.1 a simple neural network model of this structure is presented; this model is able to reproduce a large number of SC behaviours like multisensory enhancement, multisensory and unisensory depression, inverse effectiveness. In Chapter 2.2 this model was improved by incorporating more neurophysiological knowledge about the neural circuitry underlying SC multisensory integration, in order to suggest possible physiological mechanisms through which it is effected. This endeavour was realized in collaboration with Professor B.E. Stein and Doctor B. Rowland during the 6 months-period spent at the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine (NC, USA), within the Marco Polo Project. The model includes four distinct unisensory areas that are devoted to a topological representation of external stimuli. Two of them represent subregions of the AES (i.e., FAES, an auditory area, and AEV, a visual area) and send descending inputs to the ipsilateral SC; the other two represent subcortical areas (one auditory and one visual) projecting ascending inputs to the same SC. Different competitive mechanisms, realized by means of population of interneurons, are used in the model to reproduce the different behaviour of SC neurons in conditions of cortical activation and deactivation. The model, with a single set of parameters, is able to mimic the behaviour of SC multisensory neurons in response to very different stimulus conditions (multisensory enhancement, inverse effectiveness, within- and cross-modal suppression of spatially disparate stimuli), with cortex functional and cortex deactivated, and with a particular type of membrane receptors (NMDA receptors) active or inhibited. All these results agree with the data reported in Jiang et al. (2001) and in Binns and Salt (1996). The model suggests that non-linearities in neural responses and synaptic (excitatory and inhibitory) connections can explain the fundamental aspects of multisensory integration, and provides a biologically plausible hypothesis about the underlying circuitry.


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BACKGROUND The success of an intervention to prevent the complications of an infection is influenced by the natural history of the infection. Assumptions about the temporal relationship between infection and the development of sequelae can affect the predicted effect size of an intervention and the sample size calculation. This study investigates how a mathematical model can be used to inform sample size calculations for a randomised controlled trial (RCT) using the example of Chlamydia trachomatis infection and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). METHODS We used a compartmental model to imitate the structure of a published RCT. We considered three different processes for the timing of PID development, in relation to the initial C. trachomatis infection: immediate, constant throughout, or at the end of the infectious period. For each process we assumed that, of all women infected, the same fraction would develop PID in the absence of an intervention. We examined two sets of assumptions used to calculate the sample size in a published RCT that investigated the effect of chlamydia screening on PID incidence. We also investigated the influence of the natural history parameters of chlamydia on the required sample size. RESULTS The assumed event rates and effect sizes used for the sample size calculation implicitly determined the temporal relationship between chlamydia infection and PID in the model. Even small changes in the assumed PID incidence and relative risk (RR) led to considerable differences in the hypothesised mechanism of PID development. The RR and the sample size needed per group also depend on the natural history parameters of chlamydia. CONCLUSIONS Mathematical modelling helps to understand the temporal relationship between an infection and its sequelae and can show how uncertainties about natural history parameters affect sample size calculations when planning a RCT.


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In spite of the movement to turn political science into a real science, various mathematical methods that are now the staples of physics, biology, and even economics are thoroughly uncommon in political science, especially the study of civil war. This study seeks to apply such methods - specifically, ordinary differential equations (ODEs) - to model civil war based on what one might dub the capabilities school of thought, which roughly states that civil wars end only when one side’s ability to make war falls far enough to make peace truly attractive. I construct several different ODE-based models and then test them all to see which best predicts the instantaneous capabilities of both sides of the Sri Lankan civil war in the period from 1990 to 1994 given parameters and initial conditions. The model that the tests declare most accurate gives very accurate predictions of state military capabilities and reasonable short term predictions of cumulative deaths. Analysis of the model reveals the scale of the importance of rebel finances to the sustainability of insurgency, most notably that the number of troops required to put down the Tamil Tigers is reduced by nearly a full order of magnitude when Tiger foreign funding is stopped. The study thus demonstrates that accurate foresight may come of relatively simple dynamical models, and implies the great potential of advanced and currently unconventional non-statistical mathematical methods in political science.


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Introduction and motivation: A wide variety of organisms have developed in-ternal biomolecular clocks in order to adapt to cyclic changes of the environment. Clock operation involves genetic networks. These genetic networks have to be mod¬eled in order to understand the underlying mechanism of oscillations and to design new synthetic cellular clocks. This doctoral thesis has resulted in two contributions to the fields of genetic clocks and systems and synthetic biology, generally. The first contribution is a new genetic circuit model that exhibits an oscillatory behav¬ior through catalytic RNA molecules. The second and major contribution is a new genetic circuit model demonstrating that a repressor molecule acting on the positive feedback of a self-activating gene produces reliable oscillations. First contribution: A new model of a synthetic genetic oscillator based on a typical two-gene motif with one positive and one negative feedback loop is pre¬sented. The originality is that the repressor is a catalytic RNA molecule rather than a protein or a non-catalytic RNA molecule. This catalytic RNA is a ribozyme that acts post-transcriptionally by binding to and cleaving target mRNA molecules. This genetic clock involves just two genes, a mRNA and an activator protein, apart from the ribozyme. Parameter values that produce a circadian period in both determin¬istic and stochastic simulations have been chosen as an example of clock operation. The effects of the stochastic fluctuations are quantified by a period histogram and autocorrelation function. The conclusion is that catalytic RNA molecules can act as repressor proteins and simplify the design of genetic oscillators. Second and major contribution: It is demonstrated that a self-activating gene in conjunction with a simple negative interaction can easily produce robust matically validated. This model is comprised of two clearly distinct parts. The first is a positive feedback created by a protein that binds to the promoter of its own gene and activates the transcription. The second is a negative interaction in which a repressor molecule prevents this protein from binding to its promoter. A stochastic study shows that the system is robust to noise. A deterministic study identifies that the oscillator dynamics are mainly driven by two types of biomolecules: the protein, and the complex formed by the repressor and this protein. The main conclusion of this study is that a simple and usual negative interaction, such as degradation, se¬questration or inhibition, acting on the positive transcriptional feedback of a single gene is a sufficient condition to produce reliable oscillations. One gene is enough and the positive transcriptional feedback signal does not need to activate a second repressor gene. At the genetic level, this means that an explicit negative feedback loop is not necessary. Unlike many genetic oscillators, this model needs neither cooperative binding reactions nor the formation of protein multimers. Applications and future research directions: Recently, RNA molecules have been found to play many new catalytic roles. The first oscillatory genetic model proposed in this thesis uses ribozymes as repressor molecules. This could provide new synthetic biology design principles and a better understanding of cel¬lular clocks regulated by RNA molecules. The second genetic model proposed here involves only a repression acting on a self-activating gene and produces robust oscil¬lations. Unlike current two-gene oscillators, this model surprisingly does not require a second repressor gene. This result could help to clarify the design principles of cellular clocks and constitute a new efficient tool for engineering synthetic genetic oscillators. Possible follow-on research directions are: validate models in vivo and in vitro, research the potential of second model as a genetic memory, investigate new genetic oscillators regulated by non-coding RNAs and design a biosensor of positive feedbacks in genetic networks based on the operation of the second model Resumen Introduccion y motivacion: Una amplia variedad de organismos han desarro-llado relojes biomoleculares internos con el fin de adaptarse a los cambios ciclicos del entorno. El funcionamiento de estos relojes involucra redes geneticas. El mo delado de estas redes geneticas es esencial tanto para entender los mecanismos que producen las oscilaciones como para diseiiar nuevos circuitos sinteticos en celulas. Esta tesis doctoral ha dado lugar a dos contribuciones dentro de los campos de los circuitos geneticos en particular, y biologia de sistemas y sintetica en general. La primera contribucion es un nuevo modelo de circuito genetico que muestra un comportamiento oscilatorio usando moleculas de ARN cataliticas. La segunda y principal contribucion es un nuevo modelo de circuito genetico que demuestra que una molecula represora actuando sobre el lazo de un gen auto-activado produce oscilaciones robustas. Primera contribucion: Es un nuevo modelo de oscilador genetico sintetico basado en una tipica red genetica compuesta por dos genes con dos lazos de retroa-limentacion, uno positivo y otro negativo. La novedad de este modelo es que el represor es una molecula de ARN catalftica, en lugar de una protefna o una molecula de ARN no-catalitica. Este ARN catalitico es una ribozima que actua despues de la transcription genetica uniendose y cortando moleculas de ARN mensajero (ARNm). Este reloj genetico involucra solo dos genes, un ARNm y una proteina activadora, aparte de la ribozima. Como ejemplo de funcionamiento, se han escogido valores de los parametros que producen oscilaciones con periodo circadiano (24 horas) tanto en simulaciones deterministas como estocasticas. El efecto de las fluctuaciones es-tocasticas ha sido cuantificado mediante un histograma del periodo y la función de auto-correlacion. La conclusion es que las moleculas de ARN con propiedades cataliticas pueden jugar el misnio papel que las protemas represoras, y por lo tanto, simplificar el diseno de los osciladores geneticos. Segunda y principal contribucion: Es un nuevo modelo de oscilador genetico que demuestra que un gen auto-activado junto con una simple interaction negativa puede producir oscilaciones robustas. Este modelo ha sido estudiado y validado matematicamente. El modelo esta compuesto de dos partes bien diferenciadas. La primera parte es un lazo de retroalimentacion positiva creado por una proteina que se une al promotor de su propio gen activando la transcription. La segunda parte es una interaction negativa en la que una molecula represora evita la union de la proteina con el promotor. Un estudio estocastico muestra que el sistema es robusto al ruido. Un estudio determinista muestra que la dinamica del sistema es debida principalmente a dos tipos de biomoleculas: la proteina, y el complejo formado por el represor y esta proteina. La conclusion principal de este estudio es que una simple y usual interaction negativa, tal como una degradation, un secuestro o una inhibition, actuando sobre el lazo de retroalimentacion positiva de un solo gen es una condition suficiente para producir oscilaciones robustas. Un gen es suficiente y el lazo de retroalimentacion positiva no necesita activar a un segundo gen represor, tal y como ocurre en los relojes actuales con dos genes. Esto significa que a nivel genetico un lazo de retroalimentacion negativa no es necesario de forma explicita. Ademas, este modelo no necesita reacciones cooperativas ni la formation de multimeros proteicos, al contrario que en muchos osciladores geneticos. Aplicaciones y futuras lineas de investigacion: En los liltimos anos, se han descubierto muchas moleculas de ARN con capacidad catalitica. El primer modelo de oscilador genetico propuesto en esta tesis usa ribozimas como moleculas repre¬soras. Esto podria proporcionar nuevos principios de diseno en biologia sintetica y una mejor comprension de los relojes celulares regulados por moleculas de ARN. El segundo modelo de oscilador genetico propuesto aqui involucra solo una represion actuando sobre un gen auto-activado y produce oscilaciones robustas. Sorprendente-mente, un segundo gen represor no es necesario al contrario que en los bien conocidos osciladores con dos genes. Este resultado podria ayudar a clarificar los principios de diseno de los relojes celulares naturales y constituir una nueva y eficiente he-rramienta para crear osciladores geneticos sinteticos. Algunas de las futuras lineas de investigation abiertas tras esta tesis son: (1) la validation in vivo e in vitro de ambos modelos, (2) el estudio del potential del segundo modelo como circuito base para la construction de una memoria genetica, (3) el estudio de nuevos osciladores geneticos regulados por ARN no codificante y, por ultimo, (4) el rediseno del se¬gundo modelo de oscilador genetico para su uso como biosensor capaz de detectar genes auto-activados en redes geneticas.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.