999 resultados para Neodymium Isotopes


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The sensitivity of the neodymium isotopic composition (ϵNd) to tectonic rearrangements of seaways is investigated using an Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity. The shoaling and closure of the Central American Seaway (CAS) is simulated, as well as the opening and deepening of Drake Passage (DP). Multiple series of equilibrium simulations with various intermediate depths are performed for both seaways, providing insight into ϵNd and circulation responses to progressive throughflow evolutions. Furthermore, the sensitivity of these responses to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the neodymium boundary source is examined. Modeled ϵNd changes are compared to sediment core and ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crust data. The model results indicate that the North Atlantic ϵNd response to the CAS shoaling is highly dependent on the AMOC state, i.e., on the AMOC strength before the shoaling to shallow depths (preclosure). Three scenarios based on different AMOC forcings are discussed, of which the model-data agreement favors a shallow preclosure (Miocene) AMOC (∼6 Sv). The DP opening causes a rather complex circulation response, resulting in an initial South Atlantic ϵNd decrease preceding a larger increase. This feature may be specific to our model setup, which induces a vigorous CAS throughflow that is strongly anticorrelated to the DP throughflow. In freshwater experiments following the DP deepening, ODP Site 1090 is mainly influenced by AMOC and DP throughflow changes, while ODP Site 689 is more strongly influenced by Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation and CAS throughflow changes. The boundary source uncertainty is largest for shallow seaways and at shallow sites.


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Ephemeral polar glaciations during the middle-to-late Eocene (48-34 Ma) have been proposed based on far-field ice volume proxy records and near-field glacigenic sediments, although the scale, timing, and duration of these events are poorly constrained. Here we confirm the existence of a transient cool event within a new high-resolution benthic foraminiferal d18O record at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 738 (Kerguelen Plateau; Southern Ocean). This event, named the Priabonian oxygen isotope maximum (PrOM) Event, lasted ~140 kyr and is tentatively placed within magnetochron C17n.1n (~37.3 Ma) based on the correlation to ODP Site 689 (Maud Rise, Southern Ocean). A contemporaneous change in the provenance of sediments delivered to the Kerguelen Plateau occurs at the study site, determined from the <63 µm fraction of decarbonated and reductively leached sediment samples. Changes in the mixture of bottom waters, based on fossil fish tooth epsilon-Nd, were less pronounced and slower relative to the benthic d18O and terrigenous epsilon-Nd changes. Terrigenous sediment epsilon-Nd values rapidly shifted to less radiogenic signatures at the onset of the PrOM Event, indicating an abrupt change in provenance favoring ancient sources such as the Paleoproterozoic East Antarctic craton. Bottom water epsilon-Nd reached a minimum value during the PrOM Event, although the shift begins much earlier than the terrigenous epsilon-Nd excursion. The origin of the abrupt change in terrigenous sediment provenance is compatible with a change in Antarctic terrigenous sediment flux and/or source as opposed to a reorganization of ocean currents. A change in terrigenous flux and/or source of Antarctic sediments during the oxygen isotope maximum suggests a combination of cooling and ice growth in East Antarctica during the early late Eocene.


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Records of the past neodymium (Nd) isotope composition of the deep ocean can resolve ambiguities in the interpretation of other tracers. We present the first Nd isotope data for sedimentary benthic foraminifera. Comparison of the epsilon-Nd of core-top foraminifera from a depth transect on the Cape Basin side of the Walvis Ridge to published seawater data, and to the modern dissolved SiO2- epsilon-Nd trend of the deep Atlantic, suggests that benthic foraminifera represent a reliable archive of the deep water Nd isotope composition. Neodymium isotope values of benthic foraminifera from ODP Site 1264A (Angola Basin side of the Walvis Ridge) from the last 8 Ma agree with Fe-Mn oxide coatings from the same samples and are also broadly consistent with existing fish teeth data for the deep South Atlantic, yielding confidence in the preservation of the marine Nd isotope signal in all these archives. The marine origin of the Nd in the coatings is confirmed by their marine Sr isotope values. These important results allow application of the technique to down-core samples. The new epsilon-Nd datasets, along with ancillary Cd/Ca and Nd/Ca ratios from the same foraminiferal samples, are interpreted in the context of debates on the Neogene history of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) export to the South Atlantic. In general, the epsilon-Nd and delta13C records are closely correlated over the past 4.5 Ma. The Nd isotope data suggest strong NADW export from 8 to 5 Ma, consistent with one interpretation of published delta13C gradients. Where the epsilon-Nd record differs from the nutrient-based records, changes in the pre-formed delta13C or Cd/Ca of southern-derived deep water might account for the difference. Maximum NADW-export for the entire record is suggested by all proxies at 3.5-4 Ma. Chemical conditions from 3 to 1 Ma are totally different, showing, on average, the lowest NADW export of the record. Modern-day values again imply NADW export that is about as strong as at any stage over the past 8 Ma.


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Neodymium isotopes and concentrations from 11 stations in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Florida Straits and close to the mouth of the Orinoco. CTD data (potential temperature, salinity, potential density and oxygen concentration) for the same samples are also reported. Sampling took place during February and March 2009 as part of the Meteor Cruise 78, Leg 1.