991 resultados para Need for assistance
The first part of a three year plan to evaluate and recommend improvements to Iowa's Juvenile Courts.
A report of a one year assessment of Iowa's Juvenile Courts handling of Child in Need of Assistance cases and a plan for improvement.
A plan for improvement of Iowa's Juvenile Courts handling of Child in Need of Assistance cases. A brief report focusing on just the plan for improvement pulled from the main report: A Study of Iowa's Court Performance in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases and Plan for Improvement.
The number of HIV-infected persons with children and caregiving duties is likely to increase. From this statement, the present study was designed to establish how HIV infected caregivers organise their parenting routines and to determine their support needs. A further aim was to ascertain caregivers' perception of conspicuous behaviours displayed by their children. Finally, it sought to determine the extent to which the caregivers' assessment of their parenting activity is influenced by the required support and their children's perceived conspicuous behaviours. The study design was observational and cross-sectional. Sampling was based on the 7 HIV Outpatient Clinics associated with the national population-based Swiss HIV Cohort Study. It focused on persons living with HIV who are responsible for raising children below the age of 18. A total of 520 caregivers were approached and 261 participated. An anonymous, standardised, self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were analysed using descriptive statistical procedures and backward elimination multiple regression analysis. The 261 respondents cared for 406 children and adolescents under 18 years of age; the median age was 10 years. The caregivers' material resources were low. 70% had a net family income in a range below the median of Swiss net family income and 30% were dependent on welfare assistance. 73% were undergoing treatment with 86% reporting no physical impairments. The proportion of single caregivers was 34%. 92% of the children were living with their HIV infected caregivers. 80% of the children attended an institution such as a school or kindergarten during the day. 89% of the caregivers had access to social networks providing support. Nevertheless, caregivers required additional support in performing their parenting duties and indicated a need for assistance on the material level, in connection with legal problems and with participation in the labour market. 46% of the caregivers had observed one or more conspicuous behaviours displayed by their children, which indicates a challenging situation. However, most of these caregivers assessed their parenting activity very favourably. Backward elimination multiple regression analysis indicated that a smaller number of support needs, younger age of the eldest child and fewer physical impairments on the part of the caregiver enhance the caregivers' assessment of their parenting activity. Physicians should speak to caregivers living with HIV about their parenting responsibilities and provide the necessary scope for this subject in their consultation sessions. Physicians are in a position to draw their patients' attention to the services available to them.
Few international comparisons of health services are performed using microlevel data. Using such data, this paper compares the need for and receipt of assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) in comparable samples in the United States and Sweden, a country with a universal system of community-based services.Design and Methods: Data from national surveys of community residents completed at approximately the same time in each nation are used to create comparable measures of need and assistance. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses compare need and assistance patterns across the nations and identify individual factors that explain receipt of assistance and unmet needs.Results:Our results indicate that a simple story of greater use of paid formal services in Sweden and more unpaid informal use in the United States masks a more complex relationship. Assistance with ADLs seems to be more targeted in Sweden; narrow differences in assistance widen considerably when the analysis is limited to those reporting need. Implications:Although these two different health systems result in similar levels of overall ADL assistance, a detailed microlevel comparison reveals key distinctions. Further microlevel comparisons of access, cost, and quality in cross-national data can further aid our understanding of the consequences of health policy.
We analyzed a one-year case series and performed a longitudinal (4 month) cohort analysis of urgent requests made to home care agencies by and for their > or = 65 years old clients in order to estimate the frequency of unscheduled services delivered by home care agencies and to identify risk factors. All 40 home care agencies located in a Swiss region were included in the study and we registered 3,816 urgent requests (75/1,000 > or = 65 years residents per year). Among home care users, the presence of a urinary catheter, incontinence and the need for assistance in bathing were predictors of unscheduled services. Resources should be planned in order to help home care teams to handle unexpected, disruptive clusters of urgent requests that may compromise their scheduled activities.
The Iowa Department of Human Services (IDHS) has responsibility for Iowa’s child welfare system. Iowa’s child welfare system focuses on children that have been or are at risk of being abused or neglected, as well as children that are determined by the Juvenile Court to be a child in need of assistance (CINA). The child welfare system is focused on three major results that are safety, permanency, and child and family well-being.
The department of Human Services provides child protective and child welfare services to eligible families in the state of Iowa. Children ages 0-17 may receive services that include child protective assessments, child in need of assistance, safety plan services, family safety, risk and permanency services, foster care and case management. A confirmed child abuse assessment may lead to involvement with juvenile court via an adjudication hearing. The court provides oversight and support to the family to increase safety for the children. Al child abuse assessments, regardless of disposition, are sent to juvenile court for review and information.
BACKGROUND: Frailty is detected by weight loss, weakness, slow walking velocity, reduced physical activity or poor endurance/exhaustion. Handwriting has not been examined in the context of frailty, despite its functional importance. OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to examine quantitative handwriting measures in people meeting 0, 1, and 2 or more (2+) frailty criteria. We also examined if handwriting parameters were associated with gait performance, weakness, poor endurance/exhaustion and cognitive impairment. METHODS: From the population-based Lc65+, 72 subjects meeting 2+ frailty criteria with complete handwriting samples were identified. Gender-matched controls meeting 1 criterion or no criteria were identified. Cognitive impairment was defined by a Mini-Mental State Examination score of 25 or less or the lowest 20th percentile of Trail Making Test Part B. Handwriting was recorded using a writing tablet and measures of velocity, pauses, and pressure were extracted. RESULTS: Subjects with 2+ criteria were older, had more health problems and need for assistance but had higher education. No handwriting parameter differed between frailty groups (age and education adjusted). Writing velocity was not significantly slower among participants from the slowest 20th percentile of gait velocity but writing pressure was significantly lower among those from the lowest 20th percentile of grip strength. Poor endurance/exhaustion was not associated with handwriting measures. Low cognitive performance was related to longer pauses. CONCLUSIONS: Handwriting parameters might be associated with specific aspects of the frailty phenotype, but not reliably with global definitions of frailty at its earliest stages among subjects able to perform handwriting tests.
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa suomalaisten pk-yritysten kansainvälisen liiketoimintaosaamisen kehittämistarpeita ja esittää kuinka kansainvälistymispalveluita voitaisiin kehittää vastaamaan tarpeisiin paremmin. Tutkielma jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Empiirisessä osassa hyödynnettiin valmista, survey-menetelmällä toteutettua tutkimusmateriaalia, jonka 122 pk-yritystä tutkittiin kvantitatiivisesti. Tutkimuksen mukaan suomalaisten pk-yritysten keskeisin kansainvälisen liiketoimintaosaamisen kehittämistarve on myynti- ja markkinointi-osaaminen. Pk-yritykset tarvitsevat ulkopuolista apua erityisesti ulkomaisten asiakkaiden ja yhteistyökumppaneiden löytämisessä. Tutkimuksen mukaan kansainvälistymispalveluiden käyttämättä jättämiseen ei vaikuta se, ettei palveluista ole saatu tarpeeksi tietoa, vaan se, ettei palveluita koeta hyödyllisiksi ja tarpeisiin vastaaviksi. Pk-yritysten kansainvälisen osaamisen kehittämiseen tarjottavat palvelut eivät täysin vastaa yritysten tarpeita. Kansainvälistymispalveluita tulisi kehittää erityisesti tarjoamalla yrityksille käytännön apua koulutuksen sijasta, tunnistamalla osaamistarpeet tehokkaammin, parantamalla alueellista tiedotusta ja lisäämällä palveluntarjoajien keskeistä yhteistyötä.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Since 1991 Colombia has had a market-determined Peso - US Dollar Nominal Exchange Rate (NER), after more than 20 years of controlled and multiple exchange rates. The behavior (revaluation / devaluation) of the NER is constantly reported in news, editorials and op-eds of major newspapers of the nation with particular attention to revaluation. The uneven reporting of revaluation episodes can be explained by the existence of an interest group particulary affected by revaluation, looking to increase awareness and sympathy for help from public institutions. Using the number of news and op-eds from a major Colombian newspaper, it is shown that there is an over-reporting of revaluation episodes in contrast to devaluation ones. Secondly, using text analysis upon the content of the news, it is also shown that the words devaluation and revaluation are far apart in the distribution of words within the news; and revaluation is highly correlated with words related to: public institutions, exporters and the need of assistance. Finally it is also shown that the probability of the central bank buying US dollars to lessen revaluation effects increases with the number of news; even though the central bank allegedly intervenes in the exchange rate market only to tame volatility or accumulate international reserves.
Due to the appreciation of family farming by the Brazilian Federal Government, the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension was induced to restructure and act in a more participative way, culminating in the National Policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (PNATER), changing the profile of technology transfer and knowledge (diffusionism) for an action that uses participatory methodologies focused on exchange of knowledge between farmers and technicians. The process of discussion of the trends of ATER brought the New ATER , with the recognition of agroecology as the main guidance. This research aimed to analyze methods of public ATER developed by institutions of Rio Grande do Norte, under the guidance of New ATER. The research is qualitative. Secondary data were collected through documental research and literature. Primary data were collected through a set of interviews applied to representatives of public institutions ATER, namely EMATER-RN, Diaconia and AACC and representatives of organizations that receive public ATER. The research showed the difficulties of EMATER-RN in implementing of New ATER due to lack of infrastructure and low adherence of the new form of technical assistance and rural extension. It was shown also that the AACC and Diaconia act with ATER through projects with implementation deadlines set, often interrupting ATER while communities are still in need of assistance
Researchers and other professionals unanimously agree that companies should become more sustainable, but this will not happen without the support of human resource management. Paradoxically, there is a lack of information on the support human resource management offers to organizational sustainability applied to real cases. Therefore, this research presents a case study on this topic that was carried out in a leading Brazilian company, which is considered as a model and has been selected as 'the best place to work in the country'. The results provide practical examples of how this family company has been working to guarantee an increasingly sustainable performance with the support of human resources, highlighting the achievements and challenges the company has faced. One of the main results indicates that companies seeking to achieve sustainability need the assistance of the human resource field in order to design a communication system which bridges the gap between practices and sustainable values. © 2012 Management Centre for Human Values.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)