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Consumers acquire and display material possessions for the purpose of feeling differentiated from other people and, thus, are targeted with a variety of marketing stimuli that attempt to enhance self‐perceptions of uniqueness. Because the pursuit of differentness (or counterconformity motivation) varies across individuals to influence consumer responses, we develop and validate a trait measure of consumers’ need for uniqueness. Consumers' need for uniqueness is defined as an individual’s pursuit of differentness relative to others that is achieved through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods for the purpose of developing and enhancing one’s personal and social identity. Following assessments of the scale’s latent structure, a series of validation studies examines the scale’s validity. The presentation of empirical work is followed by a discussion of how consumers' need for uniqueness could be used in better understanding consumer behavior and the role consumption plays in people’s expression of identity.


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This research examines the long-term ability of the consumers’ need for uniqueness measure to predict consumers’ valued possessions, shopping behaviors, and experiences. Consumers’ need for uniqueness reflects individual differences in counterconformity motivation (i.e., the pursuit of differentness relative to others) that is manifest in consumer responses. This research reports on 2 longitudinal assessments of the scale's predictive validity using data collected at 4 stages from a consumer mail-survey sample. One year following initial responses to the trait measure, respondents participated in a second survey in which they photographed and rank ordered their valued possessions. In a third survey, the photographs served as cues to obtain responses to ratings of possession benefits and to questions regarding acquisition of the possession. Overall, the results support a number of hypotheses regarding the relation of consumers’ need for uniqueness to salient possession benefits, types of goods comprising consumers’ valued possessions, and shopping behaviors associated with acquiring valued possessions. Two years following initial responses to the trait measure, members of the consumer mail panel completed a fourth survey, indicating their participation in various uniqueness-enhancing consumer activities. Results support the stability and predictive validity of the measure over the 2-year period. Because the design of possessions and endorsed uniqueness-enhancing activities considered in the consumer mail panel studies varied across individuals, an additional study was conducted that demonstrated the scale's ability to predict individuals’ counterconformity responses to the same choice situation.


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This paper describes the results of five previously unpublished studies designed to investigate the distinctiveness of consumers' need for uniqueness scale (CNFU) from two competing predictors of differentiating behaviors from the psychological literature - individuation and general need for uniqueness. Consumers' need for uniqueness is defined as the trait of pursuing differentness relative to others through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods for the purpose of developing and enhancing one's self-image and social image. As such, the research offers additional evidence from an extensive program of research regarding the validity of the consumer need for uniqueness scale developed by Tepper, Bearden and Hunter (2000). Specifically, the results of the studies demonstrate that the scale operates distinctively through counterconformity motivation as hypothesized and moderates the effects of situational variables on preferences for differentiating consumer offerings as expected.


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The theory of uniqueness has been invoked to explain attitudinal and behavioral nonconformity with respect to peer-group, social-cultural, and statistical norms, as well as the development of a distinctive view of self via seeking novelty goods, adopting new products, acquiring scarce commodities, and amassing material possessions. Present research endeavors in psychology and consumer behavior are inhibited by uncertainty regarding the psychometric properties of the Need for Uniqueness Scale, the primary instrument for measuring individual differences in uniqueness motivation. In an important step toward facilitating research on uniqueness motivation, we used confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate three a priori latent variable models of responses to the Need for Uniqueness Scale. Among the a priori models, an oblique three-factor model best accounted for commonality among items. Exploratory factor analysis followed by estimation of unrestricted three- and four-factor models revealed that a model with a complex pattern of loadings on four modestly correlated factors may best explain the latent structure of the Need for Uniqueness Scale. Additional analyses evaluated the associations among the three a priori factors and an array of individual differences. Results of those analyses indicated the need to distinguish among facets of the uniqueness motive in behavioral research.


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Need for cognition (NFC) reflects a relatively stable trait regarding the degree to which one enjoys and engages in cognitive endeavors. We examined whether the previously demonstrated one-dimensional structure of the German NFC Scale could be replicated in three samples of undergraduates and secondary school students. Moreover, we investigated the test-retest reliability of the German NFC Scale, which has not yet been tested. Further, we investigated whether the scale would be valid in a sample of secondary school students. Multigroup confirmatory factor analyses established the one-dimensional factor structure of the long form as well as the short form of the German NFC Scale for undergraduates (N = 559), students of academic track secondary schools (German Gymnasium; N = 555), and students of vocational track secondary schools (German Realschule; N = 486). The scale proved to have a high test-retest reliability in a university student sample (N = 43). For secondary school students, we again found a high test-retest reliability (N = 157), and also found the scale to be valid (N = 181).


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Micro-electro-mechanical systems, MEMS, is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary technology within the general field of Micro-Systems Technology which deals with the design and manufacture of miniaturised machines with major dimensions at the scale of tens, to perhaps hundreds, of microns. Because they depend on the cube of a representative dimension, component masses and inertias rapidly become small as size decreases whereas surface and tribological effects, which often depend on area, become increasingly important. Although MEMS components and their areas of contact are small, tribological conditions, measured by contact pressures or acceptable wear rates, are demanding and technical and commercial success will require careful measurement and precise control of surface topography and properties. Fabrication of small numbers of MEMS devices designed to test potential material combinations can be prohibitively expensive and thus there is a need for small scale test facilities which mimic the contact conditions within a micro-machine without themselves requiring processing within a full semiconductor foundry. The talk will illustrate some initial experimental results from a small-scale experimental device which meets these requirements, examining in particular the performance of Diamond-Like-Carbon coatings on a silicon substrate. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.


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The development of effective environmental management plans and policies requires a sound understanding of the driving forces involved in shaping and altering the structure and function of ecosystems. However, driving forces, especially anthropogenic ones, are defined and operate at multiple administrative levels, which do not always match ecological scales. This paper presents an innovative methodology of analysing drivers of change by developing a typology of scale sensitivity of drivers that classifies and describes the way they operate across multiple administrative levels. Scale sensitivity varies considerably among drivers, which can be classified into five broad categories depending on the response of ‘evenness’ and ‘intensity change’ when moving across administrative levels. Indirect drivers tend to show low scale sensitivity, whereas direct drivers show high scale sensitivity, as they operate in a non-linear way across the administrative scale. Thus policies addressing direct drivers of change, in particular, need to take scale into consideration during their formulation. Moreover, such policies must have a strong spatial focus, which can be achieved either by encouraging local–regional policy making or by introducing high flexibility in (inter)national policies to accommodate increased differentiation at lower administrative levels. High quality data is available for several drivers, however, the availability of consistent data at all levels for non-anthropogenic drivers is a major constraint to mapping and assessing their scale sensitivity. This lack of data may hinder effective policy making for environmental management, since it restricts the ability to fully account for scale sensitivity of natural drivers in policy design.


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The development of effective environmental management plans and policies requires a sound understanding of the driving forces involved in shaping and altering the structure and function of ecosystems. However, driving forces, especially anthropogenic ones, are defined and operate at multiple administrative levels, which do not always match ecological scales. This paper presents an innovative methodology of analysing drivers of change by developing a typology of scale sensitivity of drivers that classifies and describes the way they operate across multiple administrative levels. Scale sensitivity varies considerably among drivers, which can be classified into five broad categories depending on the response of ‘evenness’ and ‘intensity change’ when moving across administrative levels. Indirect drivers tend to show low scale sensitivity, whereas direct drivers show high scale sensitivity, as they operate in a non-linear way across the administrative scale. Thus policies addressing direct drivers of change, in particular, need to take scale into consideration during their formulation. Moreover, such policies must have a strong spatial focus, which can be achieved either by encouraging local–regional policy making or by introducing high flexibility in (inter)national policies to accommodate increased differentiation at lower administrative levels. High quality data is available for several drivers, however, the availability of consistent data at all levels for non-anthropogenic drivers is a major constraint to mapping and assessing their scale sensitivity. This lack of data may hinder effective policy making for environmental management, since it restricts the ability to fully account for scale sensitivity of natural drivers in policy design.


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Loneliness and the need to belong are two subjective states that, on the basis of prior research and theory, would appear to be related both to one another and to wellbeing. This study explored these relationships with a sample of 436 volunteer participants drawn from the Australian Unity Wellbeing database. Participants completed a survey that included a measure of satisfaction with personal relationships embedded in the Personal Wellbeing Index, the UCLA Loneliness scale, a measure of life satisfaction, and the Need to Belong Scale. While loneliness was weakly related to need to belong, it was strongly associated with the discrepancy between need to belong and satisfaction with personal relationships, which we used to measure unmet need for belonging. People living alone reported a lower need to belong and less satisfaction with personal relationships than those living with others. However, the discrepancy scores, life satisfaction scores and loneliness scores did not differ between these groups. Loneliness mediated the relationship between unmet need for belonging and wellbeing (life satisfaction). These findings support Baumeister and Leary’s “belongingness hypothesis” and clarify the relationship between these variables.


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The need for large scale environmental monitoring to manage environmental change is well established. Ecologists have long used acoustics as a means of monitoring the environment in their field work, and so the value of an acoustic environmental observatory is evident. However, the volume of data generated by such an observatory would quickly overwhelm even the most fervent scientist using traditional methods. In this paper we present our steps towards realising a complete acoustic environmental observatory - i.e. a cohesive set of hardware sensors, management utilities, and analytical tools required for large scale environmental monitoring. Concrete examples of these elements, which are in active use by ecological scientists, are also presented


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Nanowires (NWs) have attracted intensive researches owing to the broad applications that arise from their remarkable properties. Over the last decade, immense numerical studies have been conducted for the numerical investigation of mechanical properties of NWs. Among these numerical simulations, the molecular dynamics (MD) plays a key role. Herein we present a brief review on the current state of the MD investigation of nanowires. Emphasis will be placed on the FCC metal NWs, especially the Cu NWs. MD investigations of perfect NWs’ mechanical properties under different deformation conditions including tension, compression, torsion and bending are firstly revisited. Following in succession, the studies for defected NWs including the defects of twin boundaries (TBs) and pre-existing defects are discussed. The different deformation mechanism incurred by the presentation of defects is explored and discussed. This review reveals that the numerical simulation is an important tool to investigate the properties of NWs. However, the substantial gaps between the experimental measurements and MD results suggest the urgent need of multi-scale simulation technique.


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Perfusion of liver with plasmid DNA-lipofectin complexes via the portal vein results in efficient accumulation of the vector in hepatocytes. Such hepatocytes, when administered intraperitoneally into a hepatectomized rat, repopulate the liver and express the transgene efficiently. This procedure obviates the need for large-scale hepatocyte culture for ex vivo gene transfer. Further, intraperitoneal transplantation is a simple and cost-effective strategy of introducing genetically modified hepatocytes into liver. Thus, in situ lipofection of liver and intraperitoneal transfer of hepatocytes can be developed into a novel method of non-viral ex vivo gene transfer technique that has applications in the treatment of metabolic disorders of liver and hepatic gene therapy.


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This paper gives an overview of the research done since 1999 at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands in the field of miniaturization of heterogeneous catalytic reactors. It is described that different incentives exist for the development of these microstructured reaction systems. These include the need for efficient research instruments in catalyst development and screening, the need for small-scale reactor devices for hydrogen production for low-power electricity generation with fuel cells, and the recent quest for intensified processing equipment and novel process architectures (as in the fine chemicals sector). It is demonstrated that also in microreaction engineering, catalytic engineering and reactor design go hand-in-hand. This is illustrated by the design of an integrated microreactor and heat-exchanger for optimum performance of a highly exothermic catalytic reaction, viz. ammonia oxidation. It is argued that future developments in catalytic microreaction technology will depend on the availability of very active catalysts (and catalyst coating techniques) for which microreactors may become the natural housing.


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The growing number of robotic solutions geared to interact socially with humans, social robots, urge the study of the factors that will facilitate or hinder future human robot collaboration. Hence the research question: what are the factors that predict intention to work with a social robot in the near future. To answer this question the following socio-cognitive models were studied, the theory of reasoned action, the theory of planned behavior and the model of goal directed behavior. These models purport that all the other variables will only have an indirect effect on behavior. That is, through the variables of the model. Based on the research on robotics and social perception/ cognition, social robot appearance, belief in human nature uniqueness, perceived warmth, perceived competence, anthropomorphism, negative attitude towards robots with human traits and negative attitudes towards interactions with robots were studied for their effects on attitude towards working with a social robot, perceived behavioral control, positive anticipated emotions and negative anticipated emotions. Study 1 identified the social representation of robot. Studies 2 to 5 investigated the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the negative attitude towards robots scale. Study 6 investigated the psychometric properties of the belief in human nature uniqueness scale. Study 7 tested the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior. Study 8 tested the model of goal directed behavior. Studies 7 and 8 also tested the role of the external variables. Study 9 tested and compared the predictive power of the three socio-cognitive models. Finally conclusion are drawn from the research results, and future research suggestions are offered.