942 resultados para Near-optimum receiver


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Significant performance gain can potentially be achieved by employing distributed space-time block coding (D-STBC) in ad hoc or mesh networks. So far, however, most research on D-STBC has assumed that cooperative relay nodes are perfectly synchronized. Considering the difficulty in meeting such an assumption in many practical systems, this paper proposes a simple and near-optimum detection scheme for the case of two relay nodes, which proves to be able to handle far greater timing misalignment than the conventional STBC detector.


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Questa Tesi aspira a mostrare un codice a livello di pacchetto, che abbia performance molto vicine a quello ottimo, per progetti di comunicazioni Satellitari. L’altro scopo di questa Tesi è quello di capire se rimane ancora molto più difficile maneggiare direttamente gli errori piuttosto che le erasures. Le applicazioni per comunicazioni satellitari ora come ora usano tutte packet erasure coding per codificare e decodificare l’informazione. La struttura dell’erasure decoding è molto semplice, perché abbiamo solamente bisogno di un Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) per realizzarla. Il problema nasce quando abbiamo pacchetti di dimensioni medie o piccole (per esempio più piccole di 100 bits) perché in queste situazioni il costo del CRC risulta essere troppo dispendioso. La soluzione la possiamo trovare utilizzando il Vector Symbol Decoding (VSD) per raggiungere le stesse performance degli erasure codes, ma senza la necessità di usare il CRC. Per prima cosa viene fatta una breve introduzione su come è nata e su come si è evoluta la codifica a livello di pacchetto. In seguito è stato introdotto il canale q-ary Symmetric Channel (qSC), con sia la derivazione della sua capacità che quella del suo Random Coding Bound (RCB). VSD è stato poi proposto con la speranza di superare in prestazioni il Verification Based Decoding (VBD) su il canale qSC. Infine, le effettive performance del VSD sono state stimate via simulazioni numeriche. I possibili miglioramenti delle performance, per quanto riguarda il VBD sono state discusse, come anche le possibili applicazioni future. Inoltre abbiamo anche risposto alla domande se è ancora così tanto più difficile maneggiare gli errori piuttosto che le erasure.


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Cooperative transmission can be seen as a "virtual" MIMO system, where themultiple transmit antennas are in fact implemented distributed by the antennas both at the source and the relay terminal. Depending on the system design, diversity/multiplexing gainsare achievable. This design involves the definition of the type of retransmission (incrementalredundancy, repetition coding), the design of the distributed space-time codes, the errorcorrecting scheme, the operation of the relay (decode&forward or amplify&forward) and thenumber of antennas at each terminal. Proposed schemes are evaluated in different conditionsin combination with forward error correcting codes (FEC), both for linear and near-optimum(sphere decoder) receivers, for its possible implementation in downlink high speed packetservices of cellular networks. Results show the benefits of coded cooperation over directtransmission in terms of increased throughput. It is shown that multiplexing gains areobserved even if the mobile station features a single antenna, provided that cell wide reuse of the relay radio resource is possible.


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This work aims at proposing the use of the evolutionary computation methodology in order to jointly solve the multiuser channel estimation (MuChE) and detection problems at its maximum-likelihood, both related to the direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA). The effectiveness of the proposed heuristic approach is proven by comparing performance and complexity merit figures with that obtained by traditional methods found in literature. Simulation results considering genetic algorithm (GA) applied to multipath, DS/CDMA and MuChE and multi-user detection (MuD) show that the proposed genetic algorithm multi-user channel estimation (GAMuChE) yields a normalized mean square error estimation (nMSE) inferior to 11%, under slowly varying multipath fading channels, large range of Doppler frequencies and medium system load, it exhibits lower complexity when compared to both maximum likelihood multi-user channel estimation (MLMuChE) and gradient descent method (GrdDsc). A near-optimum multi-user detector (MuD) based on the genetic algorithm (GAMuD), also proposed in this work, provides a significant reduction in the computational complexity when compared to the optimum multi-user detector (OMuD). In addition, the complexity of the GAMuChE and GAMuD algorithms were (jointly) analyzed in terms of number of operations necessary to reach the convergence, and compared to other jointly MuChE and MuD strategies. The joint GAMuChE-GAMuD scheme can be regarded as a promising alternative for implementing third-generation (3G) and fourth-generation (4G) wireless systems in the near future. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) technology is an emerging solution for high data rate wireless communications. We develop soft-decision based equalization techniques for frequency selective MIMO channels in the quest for low-complexity equalizers with BER performance competitive to that of ML sequence detection. We first propose soft decision equalization (SDE), and demonstrate that decision feedback equalization (DFE) based on soft-decisions, expressed via the posterior probabilities associated with feedback symbols, is able to outperform hard-decision DFE, with a low computational cost that is polynomial in the number of symbols to be recovered, and linear in the signal constellation size. Building upon the probabilistic data association (PDA) multiuser detector, we present two new MIMO equalization solutions to handle the distinctive channel memory. With their low complexity, simple implementations, and impressive near-optimum performance offered by iterative soft-decision processing, the proposed SDE methods are attractive candidates to deliver efficient reception solutions to practical high-capacity MIMO systems. Motivated by the need for low-complexity receiver processing, we further present an alternative low-complexity soft-decision equalization approach for frequency selective MIMO communication systems. With the help of iterative processing, two detection and estimation schemes based on second-order statistics are harmoniously put together to yield a two-part receiver structure: local multiuser detection (MUD) using soft-decision Probabilistic Data Association (PDA) detection, and dynamic noise-interference tracking using Kalman filtering. The proposed Kalman-PDA detector performs local MUD within a sub-block of the received data instead of over the entire data set, to reduce the computational load. At the same time, all the inter-ference affecting the local sub-block, including both multiple access and inter-symbol interference, is properly modeled as the state vector of a linear system, and dynamically tracked by Kalman filtering. Two types of Kalman filters are designed, both of which are able to track an finite impulse response (FIR) MIMO channel of any memory length. The overall algorithms enjoy low complexity that is only polynomial in the number of information-bearing bits to be detected, regardless of the data block size. Furthermore, we introduce two optional performance-enhancing techniques: cross- layer automatic repeat request (ARQ) for uncoded systems and code-aided method for coded systems. We take Kalman-PDA as an example, and show via simulations that both techniques can render error performance that is better than Kalman-PDA alone and competitive to sphere decoding. At last, we consider the case that channel state information (CSI) is not perfectly known to the receiver, and present an iterative channel estimation algorithm. Simulations show that the performance of SDE with channel estimation approaches that of SDE with perfect CSI.


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This paper analyzes the complexity-performance trade-off of several heuristic near-optimum multiuser detection (MuD) approaches applied to the uplink of synchronous single/multiple-input multiple-output multicarrier code division multiple access (S/MIMO MC-CDMA) systems. Genetic algorithm (GA), short term tabu search (STTS) and reactive tabu search (RTS), simulated annealing (SA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and 1-opt local search (1-LS) heuristic multiuser detection algorithms (Heur-MuDs) are analyzed in details, using a single-objective antenna-diversity-aided optimization approach. Monte- Carlo simulations show that, after convergence, the performances reached by all near-optimum Heur-MuDs are similar. However, the computational complexities may differ substantially, depending on the system operation conditions. Their complexities are carefully analyzed in order to obtain a general complexity-performance framework comparison and to show that unitary Hamming distance search MuD (uH-ds) approaches (1-LS, SA, RTS and STTS) reach the best convergence rates, and among them, the 1-LS-MuD provides the best trade-off between implementation complexity and bit error rate (BER) performance.


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Background: The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) has been validated and used extensively in screening for depression in new mothers, both in English speaking and non-English speaking communities. While some studies have reported the use of the EPDS with Fathers, none have validated it for this group, and thus the appropriate cut-off score for screening for depression or anxiety caseness for this population is not known. Method: Couples were recruited antenatally and interviewed at six weeks postpartum. EPDS scores and distress caseness (depression or anxiety disorders) for 208 fathers and 230 mothers were determined using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule. Results: Analyses of the EPDS for fathers using distress caseness (depression or anxiety disorders) as the criterion shows that a cut-off of 5/6 has optimum receiver operating characteristics. Furthermore acceptable reliability (split-half and internal consistency) and validity (concurrent) coefficients were obtained. For mothers the optimum cut-off screening value to detect distress caseness was 7/8. Item analysis revealed that fathers endorsed seven of the ten items at lower rates to mothers, with the most significant being that referring to crying. Conclusions: The EPDS is a reliable and valid measure of mood in fathers. Screening for depression or anxiety disorders in fathers requires a two point lower cut-off than screening for depression or anxiety in mothers, and we recommend this cut-off to he 5/6. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Growth, metabolic rate, and energy reserves of Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) juveniles were evaluated in crayfish acclimated for 16 weeks to either 25ºC (temperature near optimum) or 20ºC (marginal for the species). Additionally, the modulating effect of ecdsyone on acclimation was studied. After 12 weeks of exposure, weight gain of both experimental groups acclimated to 25ºC (control: C25, and ecdysone treated: E25) was significantly higher than that of those groups acclimated to 20ºC (C20 and E20). A total compensation in metabolic rate was seen after acclimation from 25ºC to 20ºC; for both the control group and the group treated with ecdysone. A Q10value significantly higher was only observed in the group acclimated to 20ºC and treated with ecdysone. A reduction of glycogen reserves in both hepatopancreas and muscle, as well as a lower protein content in muscle, was seen in both groups acclimated to 20ºC. Correspondingly, glycemia was always higher in these groups. Increased lipid levels were seen in the hepatopancreas of animals acclimated to 20ºC, while a higher lipid level was also observed in muscle at 20ºC, but only in ecdysone-treated crayfish.


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The frogs of the Federal District of Brazil are listed and discussed as to habit, biology and ecology. The F. D is situated 22° 54' 24" S. & 43° 10' 21" W Gr. and comprises 1.356 km². Its topography includes sea-shore, maritime scrub, lagoons, plains and marsh, open slopes, forested mountains and great heads of rock. Three thousand feet of altitude are attained at two points. Fifty two different frogs occur in the F.D. Three fifths of them live in open country. Two fifths of these have never been found above the plains; the others range higher but mostly in open country. Their environment offers conditions suitable for average tadpoles and adults. these frogs are more or less unspecialized. There are six genera and thirty species. Two thirds of the latter belong to the type genera of the large neotropical families Bufonidae, Leptodactylidae and Hylidae. Only in the maritime scrub formation are conditions somewhat different. Water for average tadpoles is provided by the lagoons. The xerophytism of the vegetation is, however, so marked that bromeliads growing on the ground provide almost the only appropriate shelter for adult tree-frogs used to sleeping upright on the vegetation. One large Hylid genus lives entirely in them. It is casque-headed and phragmotic, shutting the lumen of the leaf-cup with head used as a plug. Another large Hylid genus shows a lesser degree of the same specialization. (Lutz A & Lutz B, 1939 II). One genus with two species is entirely saxicolous; it lives on wet ledges of rock at all phases of its life history. (B. Lutz 1948). The other two fifths of the frogs from F. D. are montane forest forms. Their environment offers numerous and varied biotopes and is near optimum for adults. There is,however, hardly any standing water available for larvae. These frogs are ecologically diversified. They also show a general trend towards spawning in the adult biotipe, which leads to delayed hatching, semi-aquatic and terrestrial larvae and direct development. (B Lutz, 1948). The author interprets the morphological specialization of the casque-headed Hylids and the biological specialization of the montane forest forms as adaptive. Casque-headedness and phragmosis increase protection against blood-suckers and predators. The humidity of the rain forest permits eggs, embryos and larvae to develop, unharmed, outside their usual, aquatic, environment.


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Coded OFDM is a transmission technique that is used in many practical communication systems. In a coded OFDM system, source data are coded, interleaved and multiplexed for transmission over many frequency sub-channels. In a conventional coded OFDM system, the transmission power of each subcarrier is the same regardless of the channel condition. However, some subcarrier can suffer deep fading with multi-paths and the power allocated to the faded subcarrier is likely to be wasted. In this paper, we compute the FER and BER bounds of a coded OFDM system given as convex functions for a given channel coder, inter-leaver and channel response. The power optimization is shown to be a convex optimization problem that can be solved numerically with great efficiency. With the proposed power optimization scheme, near-optimum power allocation for a given coded OFDM system and channel response to minimize FER or BER under a constant transmission power constraint is obtained


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Open-loop operatlon of the stepping motor exploits the inherent advantages of the machine. For near optimum operation: in this mode, however, an accurate system model is required to facilitate controller design. Such a model must be comprehensive and take account of the non-linearities inherent in the system. The result is a complex formulation which can be made manageable with a computational aid. A digital simulation of a hybrid type stepping motor and its associated drive circuit is proposed. The simulation is based upon a block diagram model which includes reasonable approximations to the major non-linearities. The simulation is shown to yield accurate performance predictions. The determination of the transfer functions is based upon the consideration of the physical processes involved rather than upon direct input-outout measurements. The effects of eddy currents, saturation, hysteresis, drive circuit characteristics and non-linear torque displacement characteristics are considered and methods of determining transfer functions, which take account of these effects, are offered. The static torque displacement characteristic is considered in detail and a model is proposed which predicts static torque for any combination of phase currents and shaft position. Methods of predicting the characteristic directly from machine geometry are investigated. Drive circuit design for high efficiency operation is considered and a model of a bipolar, bilevel circuit is proposed. The transfers between stator voltage and stator current and between stator current and air gap flux are complicated by the effects of eddy currents, saturation and hysteresis. Frequency response methods, combined with average inductance measurements, are shown to yield reasonable transfer functions. The modelling procedure and subsequent digital simulation is concluded to be a powerful method of non-linear analysis.


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The work reported in this thesis was carried out to contribute to the knowledge of the effects of substrate water availability or water activity (a ) on fungal growth parameters and its implications in the preparationw of materials susceptible to biodeterioration. Fungi were isolated from soils of different ecological sites at a range of substrate aw levels controlled by sodium chloride (NaCl). Three groups of fungi were isolated : firstly, those isolated only at high a (aw about 0.997).secondly, those isolated at high and decreasing aw (aw 0.997 to 0.85) and finally, those isolated at only decreased aw (aw O.95 to 0.80). From these isolations, test fungi were selected to study the effects of pH, temperature, exo-enzyme production and biocide efficacy at decreased aw levels, with glycerol and NaCl as a controlling solutes. The linear extension rates of the fungi increased at all test pH values near optimum a of growth. Test fungi of the Aspergillus glaucus group were found to be most resistant to low aw. Growth and survival of vegetative and fruiting bodies at elevated temperatures were enhanced with the addition of a controlling solutes. A. flavus, A. fumigatus displayed high heat resistance and A. amstelodami, A. versicolor and Penicillium citrinum displayed low heat resistance at high aw levels and vice versa at low aw levels. Amylase, lipase and protease activities were studied at lowered aw , using modifications of the test tube method of Raute11a and Cowling. Amylase and protease production in most xerophilic fungi ceased around 0.80 aw , but lipase production in some xerophilic fungi, including A. glatlcus fungi, was up to and including 0.70 aw with g1ycero1.


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Greater attention has been focused on the use of CDMA for future cellular mobile communications. CA near-far resistant detector for asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems operating in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels is presented. The multiuser interference caused by K users transmitting simultaneously, each with a specific signature sequence, is completely removed at the receiver. The complexity of this detector grows only linearly with the number of users, as compared to the optimum multiuser detector which requires exponential complexity in the number of users. A modified algorithm based on time diversity is described. It performs detection on a bit-by-bit basis and overcomes the complexity of using a sequence detector. The performance of this detector is shown to be superior to that of the conventional receiver.


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The optimal discrimination of nonorthogonal quantum states with minimum error probability is a fundamental task in quantum measurement theory as well as an important primitive in optical communication. In this work, we propose and experimentally realize a new and simple quantum measurement strategy capable of discriminating two coherent states with smaller error probabilities than can be obtained using the standard measurement devices: the Kennedy receiver and the homodyne receiver.


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This paper delineates the development of a prototype hybrid knowledge-based system for the optimum design of liquid retaining structures by coupling the blackboard architecture, an expert system shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO and genetic algorithm (GA). Through custom-built interactive graphical user interfaces under a user-friendly environment, the user is directed throughout the design process, which includes preliminary design, load specification, model generation, finite element analysis, code compliance checking, and member sizing optimization. For structural optimization, GA is applied to the minimum cost design of structural systems with discrete reinforced concrete sections. The design of a typical example of the liquid retaining structure is illustrated. The results demonstrate extraordinarily converging speed as near-optimal solutions are acquired after merely exploration of a small portion of the search space. This system can act as a consultant to assist novice designers in the design of liquid retaining structures.