955 resultados para Near-circular orbits
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
On the effects of each term of the geopotential perturbation along the time I: Quasi-circular orbits
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work presents a semi-analytical and numerical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third-body using a double averaged analytical model with the disturbing function expanded in Legendre polynomials up to the second order. The important reason for this procedure is to eliminate terms due to the short periodic motion of the spacecraft and to show smooth curves for the evolution of the mean orbital elements for a long-time period. The aim of this study is to calculate the effect of lunar perturbations on the orbits of spacecrafts that are traveling around the Earth. An analysis of the stability of near-circular orbits is made, and a study to know under which conditions this orbit remains near circular completes this analysis. A study of the equatorial orbits is also performed. Copyright (C) 2008 R. C. Domingos et al.
In the present work we consider a dynamical system of mum size particles around the Earth subject to the effects of radiation pressure. Our main goal is to study the evolution of its relative velocity with respect to the co-planar circular orbits that it crosses. The particles were initially in a circular geostationary orbit, and the particles size were in the range between 1 and 100 mum. The radiation pressure produces variations in its eccentricity, resulting in a change in its orbital velocity. The results indicated the maximum linear momentum and kinetic energy increases as the particle size increases. For a particle of 1 mum the kinetic energy is approximately 1.56 x 10(-7) J and the momentum is 6.27 x 10(-11) kg m/s and for 100 mum the energy is approximately 1.82 x 10(-4) J and the momentum is 2.14 x 10(-6) kg m/s. (C) 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present work, we expanded the study done by Solorzanol(1) including the eccentricity of the perturbing body. The assumptions used to develop the single-averaged analytical model are the same ones of the restricted elliptic three-body problem. The disturbing function was expanded in Legendre polynomials up to fourth-order. After that, the equations of motion are obtained from the planetary equations and we performed a set of numerical simulations. Different initial eccentricities for the perturbing and perturbed body are considered. The results obtained perform an analysis of the stability of a near-circular orbits and investigate under which conditions this orbit remain near-circular.
In the present work it is presented a semi-analytical and a numerical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third body using a double averaged analytical model with the disturbing function expanded in Legendre polynomials up to the second-order. The important reason for this procedure is to eliminate the terms due to the short time periodic motion of the spacecraft and to show smooth curves for the evolution of the mean orbital elements for a long time period. The aim of this study is to calculate the effect of lunar perturbations on the orbits of spacecrafts that are traveling around the Earth. It is presented an analysis of the stability of a near-circular orbit and a study to know under which conditions this orbit remains near-circular. A study of the equatorial orbits is also performed.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Use of electrodynamic bare tethers in exploring the Jovian system by tapping its rotational energy for power and propulsion is studied. The position of perijove and apojove in elliptical orbits, relative to the synchronous orbit at 2.24 times Jupiter’s radius, is exploited to conveniently make the induced Lorentz force to be drag or thrust, while generating power, and navigating the system. Capture and evolution to a low elliptical orbit near Jupiter, and capture into low circular orbits at moons Io and Europa are discussed.
Usual long, flexible, ED tethers kept vertical by the gravity gradient might be less efficient for deorbiting S/C in near-polar orbits than conventional (Hall, Ion) electrical thrusters. A trade-off study on this application is here presented for tethers kept horizontal and perpendicular to the orbital plane. A tether thus oriented must be rigid and short for structural reasons, requiring a non-convex cross section and a power supply as in the case of electrical thrusters. Very recent developments on bare-tether collection theory allow predicting the current collected by an arbitrary cross section. For the horizontal tether, structural considerations on length play the role of ohmic effects in vertical tethers, in determining the optimal contribution of tether mass to the overall deorbiting system. For a given deorbiting-mission impulse, tether-system mass is minimal at some optimal length that increases weakly with the impulse. The horizontal-tether system may beat both the vertical tether and the electrical thruster as regards mass requirements for a narrow length range centered at about 100 m, allowing, however, for a broad mission-impulse range.
In this work, a new law for magnetic control of satellites in near-polar orbits is presented. This law has been developed for the UMPSat-2 microsatellite, which has been designed and manufactured by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid. The control law is a modification of the B-dot strategy that enables the satellite to control the rotation rate. Besides, the satellite?s equilibrium state is characterized by having the rotation axis perpendicular to the orbit?s plane. The control law described in the present work only needs magnetometers and magnetorquers, as sensors and actuators, respectively, to carry out a successful attitude control on the spacecraft. A description of the analysis is included. Performance and applicability of the proposed method have been demonstrated by control dynamics together with Monte Carlo techniques and by implementing the control law in the UPMSat-2 mission simulator. Results show good performance in terms of acquisition and stability of the satellite rotation rate and orientation with respect to its orbit?s plane.
We report on an intensive observational campaign carried out with HARPS at the 3.6 m telescope at La Silla on the star CoRoT-7. Additional simultaneous photometric measurements carried out with the Euler Swiss telescope have demonstrated that the observed radial velocity variations are dominated by rotational modulation from cool spots on the stellar surface. Several approaches were used to extract the radial velocity signal of the planet(s) from the stellar activity signal. First, a simple pre-whitening procedure was employed to find and subsequently remove periodic signals from the complex frequency structure of the radial velocity data. The dominant frequency in the power spectrum was found at 23 days, which corresponds to the rotation period of CoRoT-7. The 0.8535 day period of CoRoT-7b planetary candidate was detected with an amplitude of 3.3 m s(-1). Most other frequencies, some with amplitudes larger than the CoRoT-7b signal, are most likely associated with activity. A second approach used harmonic decomposition of the rotational period and up to the first three harmonics to filter out the activity signal from radial velocity variations caused by orbiting planets. After correcting the radial velocity data for activity, two periodic signals are detected: the CoRoT-7b transit period and a second one with a period of 3.69 days and an amplitude of 4 m s(-1). This second signal was also found in the pre-whitening analysis. We attribute the second signal to a second, more remote planet CoRoT-7c. The orbital solution of both planets is compatible with circular orbits. The mass of CoRoT-7b is 4.8 +/- 0.8 (M(circle plus)) and that of CoRoT-7c is 8.4 +/- 0.9 (M(circle plus)), assuming both planets are on coplanar orbits. We also investigated the false positive scenario of a blend by a faint stellar binary, and this may be rejected by the stability of the bisector on a nightly scale. According to their masses both planets belong to the super-Earth planet category. The average density of CoRoT-7b is rho = 5.6 +/- 1.3 g cm(-3), similar to the Earth. The CoRoT-7 planetary system provides us with the first insight into the physical nature of short period super-Earth planets recently detected by radial velocity surveys. These planets may be denser than Neptune and therefore likely made of rocks like the Earth, or a mix of water ice and rocks.
A new species of Gundlachia, Gundlachia dutrae is described from northwest Brazil. It is distinguishable from other congenerie species by characteristics of the shell, radula and internal organs. Shell relatively high. Aperture near-circular; periostracum dark brown without periostracal hairs. Apex slightly inclined to the right, projected but not hooked, with an apical depression surrounted by a sculpture of well-marked irregular punctations. Shell surface with prominent radial sculpture. No septate specimens were observed. Ratios (n= 59): shell width/shell lenght = 0,66- 0,79 (mean 0,73); shell height/shell length = 0,32- 0,45 ( mean 0,37); shell height/shell width = 0,43- 0,63 (mean 0,51). Body of normal ancylid type; mantle pigmentation dark brown or black, concentrated along the mantle collar. The dorsal surface of the right anterior muscle is elongated and medially constricted. The left anterior and the posterior muscles are almost elliptical. Adhesive area is V-shaped. Pseudobranch unpigmented bearing a very small and thin dorsal lobe. Ovotestis with more than 25 unbranched diverticula. Ovispermiduct with seminal vesicle rather developed. Elongated nidamental gland continous with the glandular wall of the uterus. Nidamental gland appendix ending into a bulbous swelling Spermathecal body almost rounded. Well-developed prostate with five long diverticula. Ejaculatory complex with long glandular flagellum, without a penis or true ultra-penis. "Penis sheath" developed. "Ultra-penis" projected as a tube inside the lumem of prepuce, with a slit between "ultra-penis" and "penis sheath". Rachidian tooth tetracuspid, with two median cusps assymmetrical and aculeated. Lateral teeth tricuspid, with a reduced endocon and a prominent mesocon. A well marked gap occurs between meso and ectocon. Marginal teeth similar to lateral ones. Jaw T-shaped, with about 28 dorsal plates.
Cette thèse propose une étude des raisons théoriques et empiriques impliquées dans l’élaboration d’une nouvelle astronomie par Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) tel qu’exposé dans son ouvrage Astronomia nova (1619). Cette thèse se déroule en deux temps : la première partie touche de près aux textes mêmes de Kepler, tandis que la seconde partie utilise la notion d’abduction pour interpréter logiquement ce processus de découverte et de justification. La première partie débute avec une analyse du projet de Kepler et de ses fondements philosophiques, métaphysiques et théologiques tels qu’exposés dans son premier ouvrage, le Mysterium cosmographicum. Ensuite, une étude des propos explicites de Kepler quant à la nature et au statut des hypothèses astronomiques est proposée via une étude de son traité intitulé Apologia pro Tychone contra Ursum. Une étude attentive des sources philosophiques, mathématiques et scientifiques ayant influencé Kepler pour sa nouvelle astronomie est ensuite proposée avant l’analyse détaillée des arguments scientifiques et des différentes étapes démonstratives qui sont présentés dans l’Astronomia nova. La deuxième partie vise à éclairer le débat sur l’abduction en se penchant d’abord sur trois approches traditionnelles (Platon, Aristote et Épicure) quant à la connaissance scientifique des phénomènes célestes permettant d’obtenir un discours vraisemblable ou une multiplicité d’explications concordantes avec les phénomènes. Enfin, quatre interprétations contemporaines et abductives du processus de découverte suivi par Kepler dans l’Astronomia nova sont présentées, reformulées et critiquées afin de proposer une nouvelle interprétation abductive laissant une plus grande place au projet même de construire une astronomie nouvelle fondée sur les causes. Cela nous donne des outils pour mieux saisir le sens et la portée de ce qui peut être désigné comme étant la « révolution képlérienne », soit le passage d’un système géocentrique à un système non pas simplement héliocentrique mais héliodynamique, ayant permis aux astronomes de s’affranchir du paradigme des orbites circulaires.
In the present work, we have studied the nature of the physical processes of the coronal heating, considering as basis significant samples of single and binary evolved stars, that have been achieved with the ROSAT satellite. In a total of 191 simple stars were studied, classified in the literature as giants with spectral type F, G and K. The results were compared with those obtained from 106 evolved stars of spectral type F, G and K, which belong to the spectroscopic binary systems. Accurate measurements on rotation and information about binarity were obtained from De Medeiros s catalog. We have analysed the behavior of the coronal activity in function of diverse stellar parameters. With the purpose to better clarify the profile of the stars evolution, the HR diagram was built for the two samples of stars, the single and the binary ones. The evolved traces added in the diagram were obtained from the Toulouse-Geneve code, Nascimento et al. (2000). The stars were segregated in this diagram not only in range of rotational speed but also in range of X-ray flux. Our analysis shows clearly that the single stars and the binary ones have coronal activity controlled by physical process independent on the rotation. Non magnetic processes seem to be strongly influencing the coronal heating. For the binary stars, we have also studied the behavior of the coronal emission as a function of orbital parameters, such as period and eccentricity, in which it was revealed the existence of a discontinuity in the emission of X-rays around an orbital period of 100 days. The study helped to conclude that circular orbits of the binary stars are presented as a necessary property for the existence of a higher level ofX-rays emission, suggesting that the effect of the gravitational tide has an important role in the coronal activity level. When applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS test ) for the Vsini and FX parameters to the samples of single and binary stars, we could evidence very relevant aspects for the understanding of the mechanisms inherent to the coronal activity. For the Vsini parameter, the differences between the single stars and the binary ones for rotation over 6.3 km/s were really remarkable. We believe, therefore, that the existence of gravitational tide is, at least, one of the factors that most contribute for this behavior. About the X-rays flux, the KS test showed that the behavior of the single and the binary stars, regarding the coronal activity, comes from the same origin