973 resultados para Navier-stokes Equation


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Modelling free-surface flow has very important applications in many engineering areas such as oil transportation and offshore structures. Current research focuses on the modelling of free surface flow in a tank by solving the Navier-Stokes equation. An unstructured finite volume method is used to discretize the governing equations. The free surface is tracked by dynamically adapting the mesh and making it always surface conforming. A mesh-smoothing scheme based on the spring analogy is also implemented to ensure mesh quality throughout the computaiton. Studies are performed on the sloshing response of a liquid in an elastic container subjected to various excitation frequencies. Further investigations are also carried out on the critical frequency that leads to large deformation of the tank walls. Another numerical simulation involves the free-surface flow past as submerged obstacle placed in the tank to show the flow separation and vortices. All these cases demonstrate the capability of this numerical method in modelling complicated practical problems.


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It is proved that the simplified Navier-Stokes (SNS) equations presented by Gao Zhi[1], Davis and Golowachof-Kuzbmin-Popof (GKP)[3] are respectively regular and singular near a separation point for a two-dimensional laminar flow over a flat plate. The order of the algebraic singularity of Davis and GKP equation[2,3] near the separation point is indicated. A comparison among the classical boundary layer (CBL) equations, Davis and GKP equations, Gao Zhi equations and the complete Navier-Stokes (NS) equations near the separation point is given.


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This study deals with the formulation, mathematical property and physical meaning of the simplified Navier-Stokes (SNS) equations. The tensorial SNS equations proposed is the simplest in form and is applicable to flow fields with arbitrary body boundaries. The zones of influence and dependence of the SNS equations, which are of primary importance to numerical solutions, are expounded for the first time from the viewpoint of subcharacteristics. Besides, a detailed analysis of the diffusion process in flow fields shows that the diffusion effect has an influence zone globally windward and an upwind propagation greatly depressed by convection. The maximum upwind influential distance of the viscous effect and the relative importance of the viscous effect in the flow direction to that in the direction normal to the flow are represented by the Reynolds number, which illustrates the conversion of the complete Navier-Stokes (NS) equations to the SNS equations for flows with large Reynolds number.


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A new finite difference method for the discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The scheme is constructed on a staggered-mesh grid system. The convection terms are discretized with a fifth-order-accurate upwind compact difference approximation, the viscous terms are discretized with a sixth-order symmetrical compact difference approximation, the continuity equation and the pressure gradient in the momentum equations are discretized with a fourth-order difference approximation on a cell-centered mesh. Time advancement uses a three-stage Runge-Kutta method. The Poisson equation for computing the pressure is solved with preconditioning. Accuracy analysis shows that the new method has high resolving efficiency. Validation of the method by computation of Taylor's vortex array is presented.


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Based on the first-order upwind and second-order central type of finite volume( UFV and CFV) scheme, upwind and central type of perturbation finite volume ( UPFV and CPFV) schemes of the Navier-Stokes equations were developed. In PFV method, the mass fluxes of across the cell faces of the control volume (CV) were expanded into power series of the grid spacing and the coefficients of the power series were determined by means of the conservation equation itself. The UPFV and CPFV scheme respectively uses the same nodes and expressions as those of the normal first-order upwind and second-order central scheme, which is apt to programming. The results of numerical experiments about the flow in a lid-driven cavity and the problem of transport of a scalar quantity in a known velocity field show that compared to the first-order UFV and second-order CFV schemes, upwind PFV scheme is higher accuracy and resolution, especially better robustness. The numerical computation to flow in a lid-driven cavity shows that the under-relaxation factor can be arbitrarily selected ranging from 0.3 to 0. 8 and convergence perform excellent with Reynolds number variation from 102 to 104.


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This dissertation concerns the well-posedness of the Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski system. The system models a mixture of fluid and particles in the so-called bubbling regime. The compressible Navier-Stokes equations governing the evolution of the fluid are coupled to the Smoluchowski equation for the particle density at a continuum level. First, working on fixed domains, the existence of weak solutions is established using a three-level approximation scheme and based largely on the Lions-Feireisl theory of compressible fluids. The system is then posed over a moving domain. By utilizing a Brinkman-type penalization as well as penalization of the viscosity, the existence of weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski system is proved over moving domains. As a corollary the convergence of the Brinkman penalization is proved. Finally, a suitable relative entropy is defined. This relative entropy is used to establish a weak-strong uniqueness result for the Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski system over moving domains, ensuring that strong solutions are unique in the class of weak solutions.


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This dissertation is devoted to the equations of motion governing the evolution of a fluid or gas at the macroscopic scale. The classical model is a PDE description known as the Navier-Stokes equations. The behavior of solutions is notoriously complex, leading many in the scientific community to describe fluid mechanics using a statistical language. In the physics literature, this is often done in an ad-hoc manner with limited precision about the sense in which the randomness enters the evolution equation. The stochastic PDE community has begun proposing precise models, where a random perturbation appears explicitly in the evolution equation. Although this has been an active area of study in recent years, the existing literature is almost entirely devoted to incompressible fluids. The purpose of this thesis is to take a step forward in addressing this statistical perspective in the setting of compressible fluids. In particular, we study the well posedness for the corresponding system of Stochastic Navier Stokes equations, satisfied by the density, velocity, and temperature. The evolution of the momentum involves a random forcing which is Brownian in time and colored in space. We allow for multiplicative noise, meaning that spatial correlations may depend locally on the fluid variables. Our main result is a proof of global existence of weak martingale solutions to the Cauchy problem set within a bounded domain, emanating from large initial datum. The proof involves a mix of deterministic and stochastic analysis tools. Fundamentally, the approach is based on weak compactness techniques from the deterministic theory combined with martingale methods. Four layers of approximate stochastic PDE's are built and analyzed. A careful study of the probability laws of our approximating sequences is required. We prove appropriate tightness results and appeal to a recent generalization of the Skorohod theorem. This ultimately allows us to deduce analogues of the weak compactness tools of Lions and Feireisl, appropriately interpreted in the stochastic setting.


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The issue of intermittency in numerical solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations on a periodic box 0, L](3) is addressed through four sets of numerical simulations that calculate a new set of variables defined by D-m(t) = (pi(-1)(0) Omega(m))(alpha m) for 1 <= m <= infinity where alpha(m) = 2m/(4m - 3) and Omega(m)(t)](2m) = L-3 integral(v) vertical bar omega vertical bar(2m) dV with pi(0) = vL(-2). All four simulations unexpectedly show that the D-m are ordered for m = 1,..., 9 such that Dm+1 < D-m. Moreover, the D-m squeeze together such that Dm+1/D-m NE arrow 1 as m increases. The values of D-1 lie far above the values of the rest of the D-m, giving rise to a suggestion that a depletion of nonlinearity is occurring which could be the cause of Navier-Stokes regularity. The first simulation is of very anisotropic decaying turbulence; the second and third are of decaying isotropic turbulence from random initial conditions and forced isotropic turbulence at fixed Grashof number respectively; the fourth is of very-high-Reynolds-number forced, stationary, isotropic turbulence at up to resolutions of 4096(3).


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The periodic 3D Navier-Stokes equations are analyzed in terms of dimensionless, scaled, L-2m-norms of vorticity D-m (1 <= m <= infinity). The first in this hierarchy, D-1, is the global enstrophy. Three regimes naturally occur in the D-1-D-m plane. Solutions in the first regime, which lie between two concave curves, are shown to be regular, owing to strong nonlinear depletion. Moreover, numerical experiments have suggested, so far, that all dynamics lie in this heavily depleted regime 1]; new numerical evidence for this is presented. Estimates for the dimension of a global attractor and a corresponding inertial range are given for this regime. However, two more regimes can theoretically exist. In the second, which lies between the upper concave curve and a line, the depletion is insufficient to regularize solutions, so no more than Leray's weak solutions exist. In the third, which lies above this line, solutions are regular, but correspond to extreme initial conditions. The paper ends with a discussion on the possibility of transition between these regimes.


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The issue of growth rate reduction of high speed mixing layer with convective Mach number is examined for similar and dissimilar gases using Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) methodology with k- turbulence model. It is observed that the growth rate predicted using RANS simulations closely matches with that predicted using model free simulations. Velocity profiles do not depend on the modelled value of Pr-t and Sc-t; while the temperature and species mass fraction distributions depend heavily on them. Although basic k- turbulence model could not capture the reduced growth rate for the mixing layer formed between similar gases, it predicts very well the reduced growth rate for the mixing layer for the dissimilar gases. It appears that density ratio changes caused by temperature changes for the dissimilar gases have profound effect on the growth rate reduction.


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