26 resultados para Navajo
La médecine traditionnelle indigène peut parfois se poser comme un instrument normatif désignant le malade comme celui qui transgresse l‘ordre établi par les ancêtres sacrés et permet à la maladie d‘advenir. Un tiers malveillant ou un sorcier peuvent également être les causes du désordre physiologique et moral du corps social communautaire. L‘étiologie navajo repose sur deux phénomènes : l‘existence de sociosomas (troubles liés à une mauvaise relation à l‘entourage) et de mouvements d‘exclusion ou d‘inclusion du corps étranger, de la conduite déviante. L‘étude de la figure du malade dans les mythes soulignera l‘aspect normatif des thérapeutiques navajo. Enfin, une réflexion sur la justification idéologique de l‘intégration des pratiques ancestrales au protocole de soin montrera dans quelle mesure la collaboration entre praticiens traditionnels et personnels de santé contribue à stigmatiser le malade comme l‘épitome de toutes les déviances : par rapport à la tradition mais aussi au modèle social dominant.
The purpose of this research was to address how culturally informed ethnomathematical methods of teaching can be utilized to support the learning of Navajo students in mathematics. The study was conducted over the course of four years on the Navajo Reservations at Tohatchi Middle School in Tohatchi New Mexico. The students involved in the study were all in 8th grade and were enrolled either in Algebra 1 or a Response to Intervention, RTI, class. The data collected came in the form of a student survey, student observation and student assessment. The teacher written survey, a math textbook word problem, and two original math textbook problems along with their rewritten version were the sources of these three studies. The first year of the study consisted of a math attitude survey and how Navajo students perceived math as a subject of interest. The students answered four questions pertaining to their thoughts about mathematics. The students’ responses were positive according to their written answers. The second year of the study involved the observation of how students worked through a math word problem as a group. This method tested how the students culturally interacted in order to solve a math problem. Their questions and reasoning to solve the problem were shared with peers and the teacher. The teacher supported the students in understanding and solving the problem by asking questions that kept the students focused on the goal of solving the problem. The students worked collaboratively and openly in order to complete the activity. During the iv study, the teacher was more able to notice the students’ deficiencies individually or as a group, therefore was able to support them in a more specific manner. The last study was conducted over a period of two different years. This study was used to determine how textbook bias in the form of its sentence structure or word choice affects the performance of students who are not culturally familiar with one or both. It was found that the students performed better and took less time on the rewritten problem than on the original problem. The data suggests that focusing on the culture, language and education of Navajo students can affect how the students learn and understand math.
Includes bibliographical references.
On cover: Exploration division, Grand Junction Operations Office, Grand Junction, Colorado.
Includes index.
A reconnaissance for uranium was conducted in the Black Mountain-Yale Point area of Black Mesa, Arizona, from February to November 1954. Numerous uranium deposits were examined, which appear to be situated in areas of greater tectonic deformation and confined to a single stratigraphic zone in the Toreva formation of the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde group. Locally the uranium appears to occur in the vicinity of carbonized plant material in quartzose sand lenses, within paleostream channel deposits.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Gardening for Health: Patterns of Gardening and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption on the Navajo Nation
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Atualmente é difícil reconhecer a identidade de muitas espécies neotropicais de Pseudisobrachium Kieffer, 1904, principalmente por que as descrições e ilustrações disponíveis não são suficientes para permitir identificações precisas. Para resolver este problema, foram examinadas 115 espécies válidas, além de seus sinônimos juniores. Foram realizados doze atos nomenclaturais, e reconhecidas 110 espécies válidas para a região Neotropical. Foram designados dois lectótipos: Pristocera crassicornis Westwood and Pristocera haemorrhoidalis Westwood. Foram propostas sete sinonímias novas para espécies: Pseudisobrachium retusum Evans syn. nov. de P. pauxillum Evans; P. cunco Perez syn. nov. de P. erythrocephalum Evans; P. navajo Evans, P. rectangulatum Evans, P. emarginatum Evans e P. foutsi Evans syn. nov. de P. flavinervis Fouts; P. acuminatum Waichert & Azevedo syn. nov. de P. latum Waichert & Azevedo. Foi proposta a seguinte sinonímia nova para gênero: Parisobrachium Kieffer syn. nov. de Dissomphalus Ashmead. Foi estabelecida a seguinte combinação nova e revalidado o nome: Dissomphalus albipes (Kieffer) comb. nov. e nom. rev. de Pseudisobrachium paraguayense Kieffer.
Recorded in Indian communities by Willard Rhodes, with the cooperation of the United States Office of Indian Affairs.
Trabajo realizado en Segovia por 3 profesores del programa provincial de Educación de Adultos. El trabajo pretende cubrir el vacio existente en cuanto a la V.I.A. (Valoración Inicial del Alumno) imprescindible a la hora de inscribirse un adulto/a en E.P.A. y que sirva para hacer un diagnóstico inicial cuando el alumno adulto ingresa en un centro de E.P.A. Cumplimentando este cuestionario con un guión para la realización de una entrevista inicial e individual. Finalmente presentan guión teórico/práctico sobre técnicas y hábitos de estudio para personas adultas al objeto de adquirir las destrezas necesarias que posibiliten el autoaprendizaje. El trabajo no está publicado..
Se desarrolla un proyecto de innovación educativa que pretende fomentar el respeto y cuidado medioambiental, creando y desarrollando la conciencia y sensibilidad. Se desarrolla a lo largo del curso 2006-2007 para todos los ciclos de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria, se integra en el currículo y se trabaja por ciclos y asambleas las actividades del seminario. La metodología empleada en la práctica del proyecto se basa en la observación, experimentación y expresión de lo vivido en un clima de sensibilización hacia el medio ambiente. Se realizan talleres escolares, salidas a la naturaleza, fabricación de instrumentos con materiales de desecho, disfraces y plantación de plantas en un huerto entre otras actividades. Se realiza una evaluación continua de las actividades llevadas a acabo y al final se pasa una encuesta a los padres, profesorado y alumnado para realizar un sondeo de las opiniones de las tareas realizadas en el proyecto de innovación educativa. La mayoría del alumnado ha mejorado sus hábitos tanto dentro como fuera del colegio, ha aprendido a reciclar y han transmitido a sus familias estas nuevas conductas aprendidas. El profesorado y los padres opinan que el proyecto es muy útil y positivo para el alumnado. Se ha conseguido implicar a la comunidad educativa, haciendo efectiva su participación en la Red de Centros Comprometidos con el Medio Ambiente. En general el proyecto de innovación educativa es de fácil aplicación en el aula, genera hábitos y cambios de conducta medioambiental y por ello es conveniente darle continuidad en el centro para afianzar los hábitos creados.