989 resultados para Natural mating


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ao longo dos meses de estágio acompanhei diversos procedimentos médicos veterinários, sendo que a maior parte deles diziam respeito à área da reprodução equina. A Raça Puro Sangue Lusitano (PSL) é a mais importante raça portuguesa autóctone de equinos. Contudo, não existem muitos estudos no que respeita à sua eficiência reprodutiva. Este trabalho pretende fazer um estudo sobre o efeito da idade da égua e do tipo de cobrição (natural e inseminação artificial - IA) na taxa de fertilidade de éguas PSL, através do cálculo das diferentes taxas de gestação. Neste estudo, verificou-se que a percentagem de éguas gestantes no final da época reprodutiva foi de 90%, encontrando-se dentro dos valores esperados (71% - 96%). Os dados foram recolhidos durante a época reprodutiva de 2011/2012 e permitiram-me elaborar um estudo retrospectivo para melhor perceber a prática do maneio reprodutivo equino e a influência de alguns parâmetros na taxa de fertilidade das éguas. Relativamente aos diferentes tipos de sémen, verificou-se que a taxa de fertilidade em éguas cobertas por cobrição natural (n=14) foi de 78,6% e por IA (n=36) foi de 94,4%, resultado que se situa dentro dos valores esperados. No que respeita à IA, a taxa de fertilidade com sémen fresco (n=16) foi de 93,8%, com sémen refrigerado (n=19) foi de 94,7% e com sémen congelado (n=1) foi de 100%. Os valores para sémen fresco e refrigerado encontram-se dentro do esperado, sendo que para sémen congelado este é muito superior aos valores reportados na bibliografia, visto ser o tipo de sémen com menores taxas de fertilidade. Este facto deve-se, provavelmente, à dimensão da amostra, e ao facto de o sémen congelado ser de elevada qualidade. Neste estudo verificamos também que não há relação estatística entre a idade das éguas e a taxa de gestação, contrariamente ao que é referido na bibliografia, o que se deverá provavelmente ao tamanho da amostra (n=50).


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O período inicial da gestação de bovinos é caracterizado por grandes perdas embrionárias. Considerando a importância deste fator no âmbito da reprodução animal foram estudados os anexos embrionários e fetais bovinos fecundados por monta natural de 15-70 dias de gestação, com o objetivo de estabelecer parâmetros morfométricos da placenta na fase inicial da gestação. Com uso de um paquímetro foram realizadas mensurações do comprimento (crânio caudal), largura (latero lateral) e altura (dorso ventral) das membranas corioalantóide e amniótica. O início da formação dos cotilédones foi observado e quantificado, assim como, o peso placentário. O peso médio do saco gestacional aumentou com o evoluir da idade gestacional, entretanto, o crescimento foi acelerado a partir de 20-30 dias de gestação. O comprimento crânio caudal e dorso ventral da membrana corioalantóide e do âmnio apresentaram crescimento lento e gradual com o evoluir dos períodos gestacionais analisados. Com 30-40 dias de gestação, os primeiro cotilédones já eram visualizados e contatos com facilidade na superfície coriônica. Os períodos de crescimento coincidiram com os maiores índices de perdas gestacionais em bovinos. Os parâmetros aqui analisados poderão servir para futuras investigações dos anexos embrionários de organismos manipulados em laboratório.


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Switzerland is officially free from bovine Tritrichomonas foetus. While bulls used for artificial insemination (AI) are routinely examined for this pathogen, bulls engaged in natural mating, as well as aborted fetuses, are only very sporadically investigated, indicating that the disease awareness for bovine tritrichomoniasis is low. Natural mating in cattle is becoming increasingly popular in Switzerland. Accordingly, a re-introduction/re-occurrence of T. foetus in cattle seems possible either via resurgence from a yet unknown bovine reservoir, or via importation of infected cattle. The low disease awareness for bovine tritrichomoniasis might favor an unnoticed re-establishment of T. foetus in the Swiss cattle population. The aim of our study was thus to search for the parasite, and if found, to assess the prevalence of bovine T. foetus in Switzerland. We included (1) bulls over two years of age used in natural mating and sent to slaughter, (2) bulls used for natural service in herds with or without fertility problems and (3) aborted fetuses. Furthermore, the routinely examined bulls used for AI (4) were included in this study. In total, 1362 preputial samples from bulls and 60 abomasal fluid samples of aborted fetuses were analyzed for the presence of T. foetus by both in vitro cultivation and molecular analyses. The parasite could not be detected in any of the samples, indicating that the maximal prevalence possibly missed was about 0.3% (95% confidence). Interestingly, in preputial samples of three bulls of category 1, apathogenic Tetratrichomonas sp. was identified, documenting a proof-of-principle for the methodology used in this study.


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O período inicial da gestação de bovinos é caracterizado por grandes perdas embrionárias. Considerando a importância deste fator no âmbito da reprodução animal foram estudados os anexos embrionários e fetais bovinos fecundados por monta natural de 15-70 dias de gestação, com o objetivo de estabelecer parâmetros morfométricos da placenta na fase inicial da gestação. Com uso de um paquímetro foram realizadas mensurações do comprimento (crânio caudal), largura (latero lateral) e altura (dorso ventral) das membranas corioalantóide e amniótica. O início da formação dos cotilédones foi observado e quantificado, assim como, o peso placentário. O peso médio do saco gestacional aumentou com o evoluir da idade gestacional, entretanto, o crescimento foi acelerado a partir de 20-30 dias de gestação. O comprimento crânio caudal e dorso ventral da membrana corioalantóide e do âmnio apresentaram crescimento lento e gradual com o evoluir dos períodos gestacionais analisados. Com 30-40 dias de gestação, os primeiro cotilédones já eram visualizados e contatos com facilidade na superfície coriônica. Os períodos de crescimento coincidiram com os maiores índices de perdas gestacionais em bovinos. Os parâmetros aqui analisados poderão servir para futuras investigações dos anexos embrionários de organismos manipulados em laboratório.


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There is substantial variation in bull breeding soundness evaluation procedures and reports in Australia; the situation is compounded by difficulties in interpretation and the validity of many reports. In an effort to overcome this, the scientific literature was reviewed [Fordyce G. In: Fordyce G, editor. Bull fertility: selection and management in Australia. Eight Mile Plains, Australia: Australian Cattle Vets; 2002] and the needs of stakeholders were considered in preparing a manual, Evaluating and Reporting Bull Fertility [Entwistle KW, Fordyce G. Evaluating and reporting bull fertility. Eight Mile Plains, Australia: Australian Cattle Vets; 2003.] that outlined standards for assessing and reporting bull breeding soundness. A new recording and reporting system, called Bull Reporter, is based on standards from this manual and groups bull fertility traits into five summary categories: Scrotum, Physical, Crush-side Semen, Sperm Morphology, and Serving. The client will generally select which categories they wish to have included in the evaluation to suit their specific purposes. While there is adequate room for comments, the veterinarian is not required to make an overall judgment of whether the bull has normal capacity to sire calves under natural mating management, but ensures the standards for each selected category are met. Professional, standardised, easy-to-read reports are produced either electronically [Entwistle KW, Fordyce G. Evaluating and reporting bull fertility. Eight Mile Plains, Australia: Australian Cattle Vets; 2003.] or manually. A bull owner or their agent signs the certificate to affirm that bulls have not undergone procedures to rectify faults which may have otherwise caused them to fail the standards. An accreditation system for assessing sperm morphology was established because of its demonstrated relationship with pregnancy rates and because of the difficulties in achieving consistent and accurate assessments among laboratories. It is considered that Bull Reporter is applicable to beef and dairy bulls across all levels of management, genotypes and environments throughout Australia, with substantial potential for application elsewhere in the world.


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A major limitation to progress in primate embryology is the lack of an adequate supply of preimplantation embryos. We describe a method for recovering preimplantation-embryos in bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata ) using a nonsurgical uterine flushing technique similar to the one previously employed in rhesus monkeys. Forty cyclic females were screened for cervical cannulation, and 10% of these had an impassable cervix. Eleven females suitable for cannulation were selected, and 27 menstrual cycles were monitored over a 5-mo period. Seventy-one percent of the cycles showed estrogen peaks, which were observed between Days 9 and 14 of the cycle. Following natural mating, uterine flushings were performed on Days 5 to 8 of pregnancy (Day 0 = the day following the estrogen peak). Of the 27 recovery attempts, 9 (33.3%) resulted in the recovery of ovulation products, including those of an unfertilized oocyte and empty zona (2 cases), retarded cleavage-stage (4 to 8-cell) embryos (4 cases), morula (1 case) and blastocysts (2 cases). These results show, for the first time, that the nonsurgical uterine flushing technique can be successfully performed to recover uterine-stage preimplantation embryos from bonnet monkeys.


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The mud crab Scylla serrata is an important commercial species found in many brackish areas in the Philippines. During spawning and hatching, the berried females migrate to the sea. Seeds for pond stocking are obtained from the wild. Because of the unpredictability of seed supply, there is a need to propagate the species artificially. Thus, spawning, larval rearing, maturation, and rematuration of the species are being studied. The first attempts at hatching S. serrata were successful with rates varying between 75% and 90%. Two out of three trials on larval rearing yielded a few megalops. The first zoeal stages were fed diatoms, rotifers, Artemia salina, and bread yeast. Overfeeding programs were implemented during the critical premolting periods to prevent weakening of the larvae and lessen cannibalism. Larval weakening during the premolt makes them susceptible to attacks by fungi like Lagenidium and ciliates like Vorticella. S. serrata larvae survived salinity levels as low as 15 ppt until the 14th day of rearing. Other larvae were able to survive in salinities of 30-32 ppt for 8 to 13 days. Zoeal molting was hastened by lowering the salinity to 25-27 ppt. Artificial broodstocking of juveniles and adult crabs has been made possible using a simple refuge system made of three-compartmented hollow blocks. This system has been helpful in minimizing fighting among crabs. Remarkable growth rates have been observed with feeds like mussel meat and trash fish. Average growth increments of 11 mm carapace length and 20 . 35 g body weight have been observed every fortnight. A newly spent spawner could gain additional weight of 22 . 5 g in only 6 days. Feeding rates of juveniles and adult crabs have been established based on the average body weight from an experiment using mussel meat. Crabs feed more at night. In another experiment, eyestalk ablation was found to be effective in inducing growth and mating. Aside from hastening the molting process, copulation is induced even among the small crabs (average carapace length = 55 mm). Natural mating lasts about 26 hr. A copulation which lasted for seven days with a break in between was observed.


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The diffusion of highly productive breeds across developing countries goes along with a neglect of indigenous breeds, which are well suited to their environment but often show low yields. Thus, in Niger, the flock of Koundoum sheep are rapidly decreasing. The Koundoum is one of the few wool sheep breeds of Africa and shows important adaptive feature to its native environment, i.e. the humid pastures on the banks of the Niger River. To characterise the breed and to understand its production context, a survey has been conducted in 104 herds in four communes along the Niger River (Kollo, Tillabery, Say and Tera). Nine body measurements, including live weight, were taken on 180 adult sheep (101 females and 79 males). The herds varied from 2 to 60 heads, with a median size of eight animals and two thirds of the herds having less than 10 animals. Mainly fed on natural pastures, 85.6% of the herds received crop residues. Only natural mating was practiced. Veterinary care was restricted to anti-helminthic and some indigenous treatments. The frequent affiliation of breeders to professional unions appeared as favourable to the implementation of a collective conservation program. The Koundoum sheep were white or black coated, with the black colour being most frequent (75.6%). Wattles were present in both sexes at similar frequencies of around 14%. All biometric variables were significantly and positively correlated between them. The thoracic perimeter showed the best correlation with live weight in both males and females. Three variables were selected for live weight prediction: thoracic perimeter, height at withers and rump length. From the present study, it is expected that the in situ conservation of the Koundoum sheep will be highly problematic, due to lack of market opportunities for wool and the willingness of smallholders to get involved in pure Koundoum rearing.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective was to evaluate a PCR assay for the detection of Brucella canis in canine semen, comparing its performance with that of bacterial isolation, serological tests and PCR assay of blood. Fifty-two male dogs were examined clinically to detect reproductive abnormalities and their serum was tested by the rapid slide agglutination test, with and without 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME-RSAT and RSAT, respectively). In addition, microbiological culture and PCR assays were performed on blood and semen samples. The findings of the semen PCR were compared (Kappa coefficient and McNemar test) to those of blood PCR, culture of blood and semen, RSAT, and 2ME-RSAT. Nucleic acid extracts from semen collected from dogs not infected with B. canis were spiked with decreasing amounts of B. canis RM6/66 DNA and the resulting samples subjected to PCR. In addition, semen samples of non-infected dogs were spiked with decreasing amounts of B. canis CFU and the resulting suspensions were used for DNA extraction and amplification. of the 52 dogs that were examined, the following tests were positive: RSAT, 16 (30.7%); 2ME-RSAT, 5 (9.6%); blood culture, 14 (26.9%); semen culture, 11 (21.1%); blood PCR, 18 (34.6%); semen PCR, 18 (34.6%). The PCR assay detected as few as 3.8 fg of B. canis DNA experimentally diluted in 444.9 ng of canine DNA (extracted from semen samples of noninfected dogs). In addition, the PCR assay amplified B. canis genetic sequences from semen samples containing as little as 1.0 x 10(0) cfu/mL. We concluded that PCR assay of semen was a good candidate as a confirmatory test for the diagnosis of brucellosis in dogs; its diagnostic performance was similar to blood culture or blood PCR. Furthermore, the PCR assay of semen was more sensitive than the 2ME-RSAT or semen culture. Examination of semen by PCR should be included for diagnosis of brucellosis prior to natural mating or AI; in that regard, some dogs that were negative on serological and microbiological examinations as well as blood PCR were positive on PCR of semen. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate reproductive function in adult male rats exposed to ethanol since puberty. Male Wistar rats, 50 days old, received a liquid diet with 36% of the daily calories derived from ethanol or an isocaloric control diet for 55 days. The ethanol treatment impaired sexual behavior and only 22% of these rats reached ejaculation. The fertility of ethanol-treated animals was significantly reduced, mainly after natural mating. Serum testosterone levels, daily sperm production and sperm count in the epididymis were also significantly diminished after ethanol treatment, associated with an acceleration of the sperm transit time in the cauda epididymidis, decrease in sperm motility and increased percentage of abnormal shaped sperm cells. The results showed that chronic consumption of ethanol beginning at puberty impairs the reproductive function of adult male rats. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Diuron is a ureic herbicide considered to have very low toxicity. The present study evaluated several aspects of reproductive toxicity of diuron in adult male rats. Diuron was diluted in corn oil and administered by oral gavage to groups of 18-20 rats at doses of 0, 125 or 250 mg/kg per day for 30 days; the control group received only the corn oil vehicle. At the end of the treatment period, approximately half the animals from each group were assigned to one of two terminal assessment lines: (1) reproductive organ, liver and kidney weights; measurement of diuron concentrations in liver and kidney; plasma testosterone determinations; evaluation of daily sperm production per testis; sperm number and sperm transit time in the epididymis; or (2) sexual behavior assessment during cohabitation with a receptive female; fertility and pregnancy outcome after natural mating; testicular, epididymal, kidney and liver histopathology; sperm morphology. After 30 days of oral diuron treatment, there were no treatment-related changes in body weights, but dose-related diuron residues were detected in the liver of all treated rats and absolute and relative liver weights were increased in both groups. There were no statistically significant differences between the treated and control groups obtained in plasma testosterone concentrations, or in parameters of daily sperm production, sperm reserves in the epididymis, sperm morphology or measured components of male sexual behavior. on the other hand, the number of fetuses in the litters from diuron-treated rats was slightly smaller than litters from control rats. Therefore, although the results did not indicate that diuron exposure resulted in direct male reproductive toxicity in the rat, they suggest that additional studies should be undertaken to investigate the possible effects on fertility and reproductive performance. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Guanethidine, a chemical that selectively blocks sympathetic noradrenergic neurons, was used to investigate the role of sympathetic innervation in the fertility of rat epididymal sperm, using both natural mating and in utero insemination protocols. This animal model correlates, at least in part, with spinal cord injury (SCI) in men. Adult male rats were treated daily by i.p. injections, for 21 or 42 days, with 0 or 6.25 mg/kg guanethidine. To compare the effects of guanethidine-induced sympathectomy with those following surgically induced sympathectomy, the inferior mesenteric ganglion and the proximal hypogastric nerves were removed in another group of rats. Both chemically and surgically induced sympathectomy increased the weight of the epididymis and seminal vesicles/coagulating glands as well as the number and the transit time of cauda epididymal sperm. Neither serum testosterone levels nor LH was affected by treatment with guanethidine. Using natural mating, no litters were produced by guanethidine-treated rats. Chemically denervated rats failed to produce copulatory plugs or ejaculate into the uterus. However, distal cauda epididymal sperm from chemically or surgically denervated rats displayed normal fertilization ability (80%) using in utero inseminations. In addition, the sperm of denervated rats did not show abnormal sperm chromatin structure using an assay that detects DNA damage. We conclude that sympathectomy delays the transit of sperm through the cauda epididymidis and produces ejaculatory dysfunction but does not compromise sperm quality in the distal cauda epididymidis. Moreover, these data provide compelling evidence that there is no association between the prolonged transit time of sperm within the epididymis, i.e., pre-ejaculatory sperm aging, and the fertility of those sperm, which has important implications for artificial insemination using sperm from men with SCI.