998 resultados para Natividade Nunes Silva (1897-1965)
Dissertação de Mestrado, Património, Museologia e Desenvolvimento, 12 de Novembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.
With this work, the authors wish to show some of the alterations in the pattern of relations between society and nature, which have taken place throughout the 20th century in the Parauapebas and Itacaiúnas river valleys, as well as in parts of the Tocantins River valley, in southeastern Pará. This is accomplished through descriptions based on Coudreau's first-hand accounts (1889), transcribed in "Voyage a Itaboca et a L'Itacayuna", published in 1897, which depicts an area almost totally covered by forest. This is followed by a counter view made possible through the LandSat 5 satellite sensors, with images of those valleys in 2001, showing the consequences of society transformations and pressure on natural resources, and above all the dramatic decrease in the size of the forest, reduced to 52 percent of the 63,000 square kilometers analyzed herein.
Neste texto, busca-se demonstrar algumas das alterações ocorridas nos padrões de relações existentes entre sociedade e natureza ocorridas no século XX, nos vales dos rios Parauapebas, Itacaiúnas e em parte do vale rio Tocantins, no sudeste do estado do Pará, o que é feito realizando um resgate das descrições decorrentes do olhar de Coudreau (1889) e transcritas em "Voyage a Itaboca et a L'Itacayuna", publicado em 1897, no qual se descreve uma área quase que integralmente coberta pela floresta. Em seguida, realiza-se uma contraposição, recorrendo a outro olhar, o que é viabilizado pelos sensores do satélite Landsat 5, que imagiaram a área destes vales em 2001, explicitando conseqüências das transformações da sociedade e da pressão sobre recursos naturais mas, sobretudo, a drástica redução da floresta a 52% dos 63 mil km² analisados.
As abelhas são consideradas os principais polinizadores em ambientes naturais e agrícolas. Esse serviço ecossistêmico é essencial para a manutenção das populações selvagens de plantas e para a produção de alimento nos ambientes agrícolas e está ameaçado em várias regiões do mundo. O desmatamento é uma das causas principais porque ele afeta as populações de abelhas. A conservação das florestas é necessária para a manutenção das populações de abelhas e da polinização nas paisagens agrícolas.
Gender identification of five genera of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) based on wing morphology
Currently, the identification of pollinators is a critical necessity of conservation programs. After it was found that features extracted from patterns of wing venation are sufficient to discriminate among insect species, various studies have focused on this structure. We examined wing venation patterns of males and workers of five stingless bee species in order to determine if there are differences between sexes and if these differences are greater within than between species. Geometric morphometric analyses were made of the forewings of males and workers of Nannotrigona testaceicornis, Melipona quadrifasciata, Frieseomelitta varia, and Scaptotrigona aff. depilis and Plebeia remota. The patterns of males and workers from the same species were more similar than the patterns of individuals of the same sex from different species, and the patterns of both males and workers, when analyzed alone, were sufficiently different to distinguish among these five species. This demonstrates that we can use this kind of analysis for the identification of stingless bee species and that the sex of the individual does not impede identification. Computer-assisted morphometric analysis of bee wing images can be a useful tool for biodiversity studies and conservation programs.
We investigated hygienic behavior in 10 colonies of Plebeia remota, using the pin-killed method. After 24 h the bees had removed a mean of 69.6% of the dead brood. After 48 h, the bees had removed a mean of 96.4% of the dead brood. No significant correlation was found between the size of the brood comb and the number of dead pupae removed, and there was no apparent effect of the origin and the condition of the colony on the hygienic behavior of the bees. Plebeia remota has an efficiency of hygienic behavior superior to that of three of the other four stingless bee species studied until now.
Objectives. To evaluate the diagnostic value of intraoral palpation at the lateral pterygoid (LP) area as part of the physical examination to detect myofascial pain, according to modified research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders. Study design. Fouty-four women composed the myofascial pain group, and 33 symptom-free age-matched were the control group. One examiner calibrated and blinded to group distribution performed 2 intraoral bilateral palpations of the lateral pterygoid. Results. The LP area palpation showed sensitivity and specificity values of 79.55% and 77.27%, respectively, and positive and negative likelihood ratios of 3.50 and 0.26, respectively. Conclusions. Palpation at the LP area did not reach acceptable values of specificity, and care must be taken when judging positive response to this procedure.
Hazing practices in higher education institutions are perceived controversially. This study looked at the perception towards hazing practices of students from the University of the Azores in first cycle (n=247). It analyses if their perception was positive, emphasizing the integrative aspects of hazing practices, or if it was negative, inclining to define those practises like being violent and humiliating. The applied questionnaire measures 3 factors to define individual’s perception with hazing practices (positive relation with hazing practices, negative relation and the social dimension of the practices). This study used descriptive analyses to observe the level of agreement with hazing practices and non-parametrical statistical test to analyse the relationship between their levels of agreement with hazing practices and socio-demographic variables. Results emphasised balanced proportion of students perceiving positively and negatively those practices and incline to define hazing practices with the same components in both perceptions. It didnot highlight a strong mandatory integrative component in students’ perception. Also, results stressed a large part of students disinterested in hazing practices. Additionally factors of hazing practices’ perception showed significant relationships with respondent’s sex, age and academic degree. Hazing practices in this study did not seem to meet their main objectives of welcoming and integrating freshmen in higher education institutions.
Trabalho apresentado em XIII Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugués de Psicopedagoxía, Área 2 Conflictos y mediación escolar. Universidad da Coruña, 2 de Setembro de 2015.
Trabalho apresentado em XIII Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugués de Psicopedagoxía, Área 2 Conflictos y mediación escolar. Universidad da Coruña, 2 de Setembro de 2015.
XIII Colóquio Internacional de Psicologia e Educação, ISPA : Instituto Universitário, Lisboa, 25–27 de Junho.
III Internacional Conference Learning and Teaching in Higher Education & I Congresso Ibero-Afro-Americano de Psicologia, 15, 16 e 17 de Abril de 2015, Universidade de Évora.
Esta investigação incidiu sobre o modo como estudantes de uma instituição portuguesa de ensino superior percecionam a praxe académica e situações de bullying na praxe. Os dados foram recolhidos através da escala de “Avaliação das situações de Bullying nas Praxes do Ensino Superior”, organizada em três fatores: Relação Positiva com a Praxe, Relação Negativa com a Praxe e Dimensão Social (Matos, Jesus, Simões & Nave,2010). Participaram no estudo 247 estudantes de ambos os sexos, entre os 18 e os 43 anos, de diferentes anos, cursos e departamentos. Os resultados indicaram diferenças significativas a nível da Relação Positiva com a Praxe entre o género (masculino e o feminino; p=0.001 < α=0.05) e entre faixas etárias (“20 ou menos anos” e com “mais de 20 anos”; p=0.024 < α=0.05). Permitiram, também, observar diferenças significativas entre os anos dos cursos (1º, 2º ou 3º ano) a nível da Relação Positiva com a Praxe (p=0.04 < α=0.05) e da Dimensão Social (p=0.017 < α=0.05). Finalmente indicaram diferenças significativas entre os departamentos de pertença dos alunos no que concerne à Relação Positiva com a Praxe (p=0.02 < α=0.05) e à Relação Negativa com a Praxe (p=0.02 < α=0.05). As correlações obtidas entre os três apresentaram-se estatisticamente significativas, considerando nível de significância de 1% (respetivamente, p=0.02; p=0.00 e p=0.00).
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
Evlachovaea sp was tested on nymphs of 5 Triatoma spp 5 Rhodnius spp, Panstrongylus herreri and Dipetalogaster maximus at 25°C, 75% humidity and humidity >98%. Most species showed susceptibility to fungal infection at high humidity. Mortality was reduced at 75% humidity. Fungal development was observed on 69.5% of cadavers.