943 resultados para National Program of Oral Health Promotion


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"Summer 1987."


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Introdução: Uma grande parte de todas as consultas de medicina dentária realizadas em Portugal ocorre em prestadores de natureza privada, consequentemente a acessibilidade, principalmente entre os estatutos socioeconomicamente mais desfavorecido é dificultada. As crianças e os jovens são um grupo especial da população que necessita de particular atenção e proteção por parte dos serviços governamentais, investir na sua saúde e no seu bem‐estar garante ganhos de saúde ao longo das suas vidas. Tendo isto em conta, foi criado o Programa Nacional de Promoção de Saúde Oral (PNPSO). Os objetivos principais deste programa consistem na redução da incidência de doenças orais, melhoria dos conhecimentos e comportamentos sobre saúde oral e a promoção da equidade na prestação de cuidados de saúde oral. Desta forma são emitidos cheques-dentista para determinados grupos populacionais, sendo eles crianças e jovens com idade inferior a 16 anos, gravidas a ser seguidas no SNS, beneficiários do complemento solidário para idosos, portadores de Sida/VIH, e consultas no âmbito da prevenção do cancro oral. Participantes e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo observacional transversal onde a população em análise foi constituída pelos responsáveis dos alunos de 10 e 13 anos abrangidos pelo PNPSO que no ano letivo 2013/2014 frequentaram o Colégio de Vizela e o Instituto Silva Monteiro. A recolha de dados foi feita através de um inquérito realizado por escrito com questões relativas à utilização dos documentos no âmbito do PNPSO. Em ambas as situações esteve presente o consentimento informado e garantiu-se a total confidencialidade dos dados. Os dados recolhidos neste estudo foram submetidos a uma análise estatística recorrendo ao software IBM SPSS Statistics v22. Resultados: Na população analisada quando questionados “O seu educando já tinha tido alguma consulta de medicina dentária?” 88,5% responderam “sim”, desses a maioria referiu que o médico dentista onde essas consultas foram realizadas estava incluído no programa (81,5%). Uma grande parte dos inquiridos referiu a escola como fator que lhes deu a conhecer o programa (sendo que 90,2% incluíram essa opção nas suas respostas). Quando questionados se fizeram tratamentos fora do programa 54,9% responderam que não. Em relação à utilização do(s) cheque(s)-dentista a que tiveram direito, 86,1% dos beneficiários referiu ter utilizado, desses, 67,6% mencionou a conclusão dos tratamentos com as consultas no âmbito do programa. Quando questionados o que os levou a escolher o consultório onde os tratamentos incluídos no PNPSO foram realizados, 57,9% do total de respostas foram para o “conhecimento prévio do médico dentista”. Na opinião de grande parte dos inquiridos (97,5%), o cheque-dentista é um incentivo para cuidados de saúde oral. No futuro, 99,2% dos beneficiários referiram que irão realizar os tratamentos a que tenham direito com o PNPSO. Conclusão: Com este estudo foi possível observar que grande parte dos beneficiários analisados utilizou o(s) cheque(s)-dentista a que tiveram direito. É possível observar que a maioria dos utentes referiram ter beneficiado com o programa, e afirmam que este constitui um meio de promoção e prevenção de doenças orais futuras e um incentivo para os cuidados de saúde oral. O processo de divulgação do PNPSO foi na sua maioria realizado pelas escolas, em que ambas se revelaram competentes a dar a conhecer o programa aos beneficiários.


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Objective: To examine the impact on dental utilisation following the introduction of a participating provider scheme (Regional and Rural Oral Health Program {RROHP)). In this model dentists receive higher third party payments from a private health insurance fund for delivering an agreed range of preventive and diagnostic benefits at no out-ofpocket cost to insured patients. Data source/Study setting: Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia (HCF) dental claims for all members resident in New South Wales over the six financial years from l99811999 to 200312004. Study design: This cohort study involves before and after analyses of dental claims experience over a six year period for approximately 81,000 individuals in the intervention group (HCF members resident in regional and rural New South Wales, Australia) and 267,000 in the control group (HCF members resident in the Sydney area). Only claims for individuals who were members of HCF at 31 December 1997 were included. The analysis groups claims into the three years prior to the establishment of the RROHP and the three years subsequent to implementation. Data collection/Extraction methods: The analysis is based on all claims submitted by users of services for visits between 1 July 1988 and 30 June 2004. In these data approximately 1,000,000 services were provided to the intervention group and approximately 4,900,000 in the control group. Principal findings: Using Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts, special cause variation was identified in total utilisation rate of private dental services in the intervention group post implementation. No such variation was present in the control group. On average in the three years after implementation of the program the utilisation rate of dental services by regional and rural residents of New South Wales who where members of HCF grew by 12.6%, over eight times the growth rate of 1.5% observed in the control group (HCF members who were Sydney residents). The differences were even more pronounced in the areas of service that were the focus of the program: diagnostic and preventive services. Conclusion: The implementation of a benefit design change, a participating provider scheme, that involved the removal of CO-payments on a defined range of preventive and diagnostic dental services combined with the establishment and promotion of a network of dentists, appears to have had a marked impact on HCF members' utilisation of dental services in regional and rural New South Wales, Australia.


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Although the need to make health services more accessible to persons who have migrated has been identified, knowledge about health-promotion programs (HPPs) from the perspective of older persons born abroad is lacking. This study explores the design experiences and content implemented in an adapted version of a group-based HPP developed in a researcher-community partnership. Fourteen persons aged 70-83 years or older who had migrated to Sweden from Finland or the Balkan Peninsula were included. A grounded theory approach guided the data collection and analysis. The findings showed how participants and personnel jointly helped raise awareness. The participants experienced three key processes that could open doors to awareness: enabling community, providing opportunities to understand and be understood, and confirming human values and abilities. Depending on how the HPP content and design are being shaped by the group, the key processes could both inhibit or encourage opening doors to awareness. Therefore, this study provides key insights into how to enable health by deepening the understanding of how the exchange of health-promoting messages is experienced to be facilitated or hindered. This study adds to the scientific knowledge base of how the design and content of HPP may support and recognize the capabilities of persons aging in the context of migration.


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Health promotion seeks to integrate oral health practices to other public health, by building healthy public policy and the development of strategies directed to all people in the community. This study aimed to analyze the knowledge and actions on the infants’ oral health promotion by dentists, pediatricians and nurses. Were interviewed dentists (n=34), pediatricians (n=31) and nurses (n=26) from Basic Health Units, Family Health Units and Centers for Education and Recreation in Araraquara - SP about knowledge and actions on oral health promotion for infants, by filling out a pre-tested questionnaire. Data were analyzed by association tests. Generally, the professionals are aware of and perform actions on oral health promotion for infants. Most participants were female; mean age of 39.9 years, worked in Basic Health Units, had over 10 years of graduation, demonstrated knowledge on and considered oral health promotion in infants very important. The time since graduation and actions on oral health promotion for infants were associated (p<0.05) with issues concerning the use of dental floss. That most of the professionals who participated in this study know about, take actions on oral health promotion for infants and consider them crucial.


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OBJECTIVES To evaluate the effect of biannual fluoride varnish applications in preschool children as an adjunct to school-based oral health promotion and supervised tooth brushing with 1000ppm fluoride toothpaste. METHODS 424 preschool children, 2-5 year of age, from 10 different pre schools in Athens were invited to this double-blind randomized controlled trial and 328 children completed the 2-year programme. All children received oral health education with hygiene instructions twice yearly and attended supervised tooth brushing once daily. The test group was treated with fluoride varnish (0.9% diflurosilane) biannually while the control group had placebo applications. The primary endpoints were caries prevalence and increment; secondary outcomes were gingival health, mutans streptococci growth and salivary buffer capacity. RESULTS The groups were balanced at baseline and no significant differences in caries prevalence or increment were displayed between the groups after 1 and 2 years, respectively. There was a reduced number of new pre-cavitated enamel lesions during the second year of the study (p=0.05) but the decrease was not statistically significant. The secondary endpoints were unaffected by the varnish treatments. CONCLUSIONS Under the present conditions, biannual fluoride varnish applications in preschool children did not show significant caries-preventive benefits when provided as an adjunct to school-based supervised tooth brushing with 1000ppm fluoride toothpaste. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE In community based, caries prevention programmes, for high caries risk preschool children, a fluoride varnish may add little to caries prevention, when 1000ppm fluoride toothpaste is used daily.


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Issues addressed: The study was designed to gain an understanding of health promotion from the perspective of oral health professionals employed in the public sector during a transition in the focus of services. Methods: A cross sectional survey of oral health professionals employed by Queensland Health was conducted between March and April 2001. Staff were randomly sampled from employment records. A proportionate random sample, stratified across professional groups and geographical zones, was selected. Results: While the majority of the health professionals surveyed perceived oral health promotion to be part of their role, they felt ill equipped to adopt it. Professional groups differed in their confidence and perception of how to promote health in their clinical setting, existing barriers they encountered and their participation in health promotion programs. Conclusions: Strategies to improve the adoption of the oral health promotion role within Queensland public oral health services include: regular in- service and education for all staff regarding health promotion issues; increased cohesion of the oral health team; intersectorial collaboration; supportive district management; and a refocus to primary health care and public health concepts


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Nowadays the great public libraries in Bulgaria are gaining the appearance of digital centers which provide new informational resources and services in the digital space. The digital conversion as a way of preservation is one of the important priorities of Regional Public Library in Veliko Tarnovo. In the last few years we persistently search for possible ways of financing by national and foreign programs in this direction. In the beginning the strategy was oriented to digitalization of the funds with most urgent conversion – these of the local studies periodicals from 1878 till 1944 year. The digitalization of funds will create conditions of laying the basement of full text database of Bulgarian periodical publications. The technology that is offered gives opportunities for including other libraries in the Unified index, which can develop it into a National Unified index of periodical publications. The integrated informational environment that is created is an attractive, comfortable and useful place for work in home or at work for researchers, historians, art experts, bibliographers. The library readers use very actively all informational services of the library internet page and work competently with the on-line indexes provided there, they find the necessary title, which can be demanded later for usage in home or in the library, using electronic means again.


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Is oral health becoming a part of the global health culture? Oral health seems to turn out to be part of the global health culture, according to the findings of a thesis-research, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki. The thesis is entitled as “Preadolescents and Their Mothers as Oral Health-Promoting Actors: Non-biologic Determinants of Oral Health among Turkish and Finnish Preadolescents.” The research was supervised by Prof.Murtomaa and led by Dr.A.Basak Cinar. It was conducted as a cross-sectional study of 611 Turkish and 223 Finnish school preadolescents in Istanbul and Helsinki, from the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, aged 10 to 12, based on self-administered and pre-tested health behavior questionnaires for them and their mothers as well as the youth’s oral health records. Clinically assessed dental status (DMFT) and self-reported oral health of Turkish preadolescents was significantly poorer than the Finns`. A similar association occurred for well-being measures (height and weight, self-esteem), but not for school performance. Turkish preadolescents were more dentally anxious and reported lower mean values of toothbrushing self-efficacy and dietary self-efficacy than did Finns. The Turks less frequently reported recommended oral health behaviors (twice daily or more toothbrushing, sweet consumption on 2 days or less/week, decreased between-meal sweet consumption) than did the Finns. Turkish mothers reported less frequently dental health as being above average and recommended oral health behaviors as well as regular dental visits. Their mean values for dental anxiety was higher and self-efficacy on implementation of twice-daily toothbrushing were lower than those of the Finnish. Despite these differences between the Turks and Finns, the associations found in common for all preadolescents, regardless of cultural differences and different oral health care systems, assessed for the first time in a holistic framework, were as follows: There seems to be interrelation between oral health and general-well being (body height-weight measures, school performance, and self-esteem) among preadolescents: • The body height was an explanatory factor for dental health, underlining the possible common life-course factors for dental health and general well-being. • Better school performance, high levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy were interrelated and they contributed to good oral health. • Good school performance was a common predictor for twice-daily toothbrushing. Self-efficacy and maternal modelling have significant role for maintenance and improvement of both oral- and general health- related behaviors. In addition, there is need for integration of self-efficacy based approaches to promote better oral health. • All preadolescents with high levels of self-efficacy were more likely to report more frequent twice-daily toothbrushing and less frequent sweet consumption. • All preadolescents were likely to imitate toothbrushing and sweet consumption behaviors of their mothers. • High levels of self-efficacy contributed to low dental anxiety in various patterns in both groups. As a conclusion: • Many health-detrimental behaviors arise from the school age years and are unlikely to change later. Schools have powerful influences on children’s development and well-being. Therefore, oral health promotion in schools should be integrated into general health promotion, school curricula, and other activities. • Health promotion messages should be reinforced in schools, enabling children and their families to develop lifelong sustainable positive health-related skills (self-esteem, self-efficacy) and behaviors. • Placing more emphasis on behavioral sciences, preventive approaches, and community-based education during undergraduate studies should encourage social responsibility and health-promoting roles among dentists. Attempts to increase general well-being and to reduce oral health inequalities among preadolescents will remain unsuccessful if the individual factors, as well as maternal and societal influences, are not considered by psycho-social holistic approaches.


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The objective of this paper is to summarise epidemiological information about the distribution of dental caries among Indigenous peoples in Brazil. The authors also present a case study of a specific group of Xavante Indians, one of the most numerous of Brazil`s Indigenous peoples, describing how their oral health has deteriorated over recent decades, and showing how an oral health programme is attempting to reverse the present trend of increase in caries. The programme at Etenheritipa Xavante village incorporated three principal components: educational, preventive, and clinical. From the beginning, the programme included epidemiological record keeping for monitoring the level of caries in the population. Transversal studies of the condition of oral health among the Xavante of Etenheritipa were undertaken in 1999, 2004, and 2007. In the period from 2004 to 2007 the DMFS values in the 11-15 age cohort had a significant reduction in caries experience. The mean DMFS score fell from 4.95 in 2004 to 2.39 in 2007 (p<0.01). An increase in the percent of individuals who were free from caries was also noted: in 1999, 20% of adolescents 11-15 had no caries; in 2007, the proportion had risen to 47%. The Xavante case is a prime example of the transition in oral health that is taking place among the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, and it highlights the importance of oral health promotion through preventive measures such as access to fluoridation and basic care in reducing the inequality between Indians and non-Indians.


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Three Victorian local governments cooperated in a pilot study of physical activity promotion as part of home and community care (HACC) service delivery. Thirty-one people receiving HACC volunteered to participate, including completing the Transtheoretical Stages of Change Exercise Questionnaire and the short-form Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) just before and at 3 months and 6 months after starting regular self-selected physical activity. Twenty-one participants returned questionnaires at 3 months, and 17 participants returned questionnaires at 6 months. Data were analysed using paired t tests and effect sizes were calculated as mean differences. At 3 months, mean improvements were identified on 6 of the 8 HAQDI (disability index) subscales, and in the overall HAQ-DI score. Improvement in dressing and grooming was preserved at 6 months. At either 3 or 6 months, improvements in dressing and grooming, reach, hygiene, and daily activities, and overall HAQ-DI score exceeded the minimum clinically important difference. No improvements were statistically significant, as is likely in a pilot study with a small sample, however, these results suggest that even very small increases in physical activity may afford clinically meaningful improvements in some areas of physical function required for independent living.


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OBJECTIVES: The Teeth Tales trial aimed to establish a model for child oral health promotion for culturally diverse communities in Australia. DESIGN: An exploratory trial implementing a community-based child oral health promotion intervention for Australian families from migrant backgrounds. Mixed method, longitudinal evaluation. SETTING: The intervention was based in Moreland, a culturally diverse locality in Melbourne, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Families with 1-4-year-old children, self-identified as being from Iraqi, Lebanese or Pakistani backgrounds residing in Melbourne. Participants residing close to the intervention site were allocated to intervention. INTERVENTION: The intervention was conducted over 5 months and comprised community oral health education sessions led by peer educators and follow-up health messages. OUTCOME MEASURES: This paper reports on the intervention impacts, process evaluation and descriptive analysis of health, knowledge and behavioural changes 18 months after baseline data collection. RESULTS: Significant differences in the Debris Index (OR=0.44 (0.22 to 0.88)) and the Modified Gingival Index (OR=0.34 (0.19 to 0.61)) indicated increased tooth brushing and/or improved toothbrushing technique in the intervention group. An increased proportion of intervention parents, compared to those in the comparison group reported that they had been shown how to brush their child's teeth (OR=2.65 (1.49 to 4.69)). Process evaluation results highlighted the problems with recruitment and retention of the study sample (275 complete case families). The child dental screening encouraged involvement in the study, as did linking attendance with other community/cultural activities. CONCLUSIONS: The Teeth Tales intervention was promising in terms of improving oral hygiene and parent knowledge of tooth brushing technique. Adaptations to delivery of the intervention are required to increase uptake and likely impact. A future cluster randomised controlled trial would provide strongest evidence of effectiveness if appropriate to the community, cultural and economic context. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12611000532909).


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Programas de saúde e bem-estar têm sido adotados por empresas como forma de melhorar a saúde de empregados, e muitos estudos descrevem retornos econômicos positivos sobre os investimentos envolvidos. Entretanto, estudos mais recentes com metodologia melhor têm demonstrado retornos menores. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se características de programas de saúde e bem-estar agem como preditores de custos de internação hospitalar (em Reais correntes) e da proporção de funcionários que têm licença médica, entre Abril de 2014 e Maio de 2015, em uma amostra não-aleatória de empresas no Brasil, através de parceria com uma empresa gestora de ‘big data’ para saúde. Um questionário sobre características de programas de saúde no ambiente de trabalho foi respondida por seis grandes empresas brasileiras. Dados retirados destes seis questionários (presença e idade de programa de saúde, suas características – inclusão de atividades de screening, educação sobre saúde, ligação com outros programas da empresa, integração do programa à estrutura da empresa, e ambientes de trabalho voltado para a saúde – e a adoção de incentivos financeiros para aderência de funcionários ao programa), bem como dados individuais de idade, gênero e categoria de plano de saúde de cada empregado , foram usados para construir um banco de dados com mais de 76.000 indivíduos. Através de um modelo de regressão múltipla e seleção ‘stepwise’ de variáveis, a idade do empregado foi positivamente associada e a idade do programa de saúde e a categoria ‘premium’ de plano de saúde do funcionário foram negativamente associadas aos custos de internação hospitalar (como esperado). Inesperadamente, a inclusão de programas de screening e iniciativas de educação de saúde nos programas de saúde e bem-estar nas empresas foram identificados como preditores positivos significativos para custos de admissão hospitalar. Para evitar a inclusão errônea de licenças-maternidade, apenas os dados de licença médica de pacientes do sexo masculino foram analisados (dados disponíveis apenas para duas entre as companhias incluídas, com um total de 18.957 pacientes do sexo masculino). Analisando estes dados através de um teste Z para comparação de proporções, a empresa com programa de saúde que inclui atividades voltadas a cessação de hábitos ruins (como tabagismo e etilismo), controle de diabetes e hipertensão, e que adota incentivos financeiros para a aderência de funcionários ao programa tem menor proporção de empregados com licençca médica no período analisado, quando comparada com a outra empresa que não tem estas características (também conforme esperado). Entretanto, a companhia com menor proporção de funcionários com licença médica também foi aquela que adota programa de screening entre as atividades de seu programa de saúde. Potenciais fontes de ameaça à validade interna e externa destes resultados são discutidas, bem como possíveis explicações para a associação entre programas de screening e educação médica a piores indicadores de saúde nesta amostra de companhias são discutidas. Novos estudos com melhor desenho, com amostras maiores e randômicas são necessários para validar estes resultados e possivelmente melhorar a validade interna e externa destes resultados.