31 resultados para Nasutitermes corniger


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Termite societies are structured by individuals that can be grouped into castes and instars. The development of these instars in most species occurs in irregular patterns and sometimes is distinguished subcastes in physical systems that originate polymorphic soldiers and workers. In this study, we characterized the morphological diversity of castes of apterous in Nasutitermes corniger. We collected four colonies of N. corniger, one every three months between May 2011 and February 2012. Individuals of the nest were separated into groups: larval stages, workers and presoldiers and soldiers. A morphometric analysis was performed on individuals from each group based on head width, metatibia, antenna, and thorax length. The data were submitted to discriminant analysis to confirm different morphological types inside these groups. The apterous line of N. corniger is composed of one first larval instar and two second larval instar. The workers caste has two lines of development with four instars in a larger line and three instars in a lower line. Two morphological types were identified in presoldiers and soldiers. The pattern of castes was similar to other species of the genus, in which bifurcation into two lines of workers, one smaller and one larger occurs after the first molt.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Forty-four cuticular hydrocarbon components from workers of the termites Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) and N. ephratae (Holmgren) from three localities in Panama were characterized by capillary gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry. Both species contain qualitatively identical homologous series of n-alkanes; 2-, 3-, 11-,13-,14-, and 15-methylalkanes; 11,15-, 12,16-, and 13,17-dimethylalkanes; and 11,15,19- and 13, 17,21-trimethylalkanes. Both species also contain a single alkene, 9-hentriacontene. The two species, however, are readily distinguished chemically by differences among the relative abundances of 11 of their major hydrocarbon components.


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Ants are among the most common arthropods that colonize termite nests. The aim of this study was to identify the ant fauna associated to termite nests found in a cacao plantation in the county of Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil, with emphasis on the fauna that uses the nests as foraging and/or nesting environment. For this purpose, 34 active, decadent and abandoned nests of Nasutitermes corniger, N. ephratae and Nasutitermes sp., with different volumes and degrees of activity, were dissected. A total of 54 ant species, belonging to 23 genera and five subfamilies, was found in the constructions. The active, decadent and abandoned termite nests presented, respectively, six, eight and 48 ant species. Crematogaster acuta and Ectatomma tuberculatum were the most frequent species in the active and decadent nests, respectively, while the most frequent species in the abandoned nests were Solenopsis pollux, Thaumatomyrmex contumax and Thaumatomyrmex sp. Twenty-six ant species had true colonies within the termitaria. The Formicidae species richness in the nests was inversely related to the degree of termite activity in the nests. The occurrence of living, decadent or abandoned termitaria of Nasutitermes spp. in cacao plantations foments the heterogeneity of habitats available in the plantations and favors the maintenance of high diversity of organisms that use obligatory or opportunistically this substrate.


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A estrutura da comunidade de cupins foi avaliada em duas florestas de restinga localizadas nos municípios de Mataraca e Cabedelo, Estado da Paraíba. Um protocolo padronizado de amostragem foi aplicado em cada área. Vinte e cinco espécies foram encontradas, sendo 19 em Mataraca e 15 em Cabedelo, com 9 espécies comuns às duas localidades. As espécies de Nasutitermitinae e as do grupo dos comedores de madeira foram dominantes em ambas as áreas. A baixa riqueza de espécies, em comparação com outros ecossistemas do Nordeste, e a baixa freqüência de encontros de humívoros e da subfamília Apicotermitinae podem estar relacionadas com as propriedades do solo das restingas. As espécies construtoras de ninhos conspícuos (todos arborícolas) foram Armitermes holmgreni Snyder, 1926, Microcerotermes exiguus (Hagen, 1858), M. strunckii (Sörensen, 1884), Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky, 1855), N. ephratae (Holmgren, 1910), e N. macrocephalus (Silvestri, 1903). A fauna mostrou-se composta por espécies características de outras formações vegetais, principalmente Mata Atlântica e Cerrado, neste caso estando de acordo com o padrão geral de distribuição estabelecido pelas comunidades vegetais e pela fauna de vertebrados estudados em outras restingas brasileiras.


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Termite biomass and abundance were estimated in three remnant areas of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil: Reserva Biológica de Pedra Talhada-RBPT (Alagoas State), Parque Estadual Dois Irmãos-PEDI (Pernambuco State), and Área de Proteção Ambiental Mata do Buraquinho-APMB (Paraíba State). A quantitative sampling of the termite assemblages present on trunks and leaf litter, in nests, and in the soil was undertaken during the months of June and July (rainy season) and November and December (dry season) of 2000. Thirty seven species of termites were encountered and quantified in the three remnant forest areas. The termite biomass varied from 10.09 to 11.30 g (fresh weight)/m² and abundance varied from 4911 to 5663 individuals/m². The subfamily Nasutitermitinae was dominant in terms of the number of species, biomass, and abundance. The soil-feeders were the most abundant at the three sites, while wood-feeders had the largest biomass at least at the PEDI and APMB sites. Among the microhabitats quantified, termites were most frequently encountered in the soil, being most heavily concentrated at depths of 0-20 cm. Two species stood out in terms of their biomass and abundance: Embiratermes parvirostris Constantino, on the soil, and Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky), on decomposing trunks and in nests. Estimates of biomass and abundance suggest that termites play an important role in the decomposition of the plant necromass in remnant forest areas of the Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a frequência e a riqueza de espécies de cupins que ocorrem em áreas de reflorestamento com eucalipto. As amostras foram coletadas em três áreas de Eucalyptus recém-colhido, em dezembro de 2005, por meio de seis transectos de 100 m de comprimento por 2-m de largura, subdivididos em 20 parcelas (2x5 m) contíguas. Cada parcela foi amostrada por uma hora por pessoa, e de cada subdivisão foram retiradas 12 amostras de 20x20x20 cm de profundidade, das quais foram coletadas 21-espécies de cupins, pertencentes a duas famílias e 16 gêneros. Dez espécies foram consideradas dominantes, todas da família Termitidae, das quais as de maior frequência foram Amitermes amifer e Nasutitermes corniger. O grupo funcional xilófago teve o maior número de espécies (11) e a maior frequência. Espécies conhecidas como pragas em eucalipto tiveram frequência abaixo do limite de dominância


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Em seis indústrias madeireiras de Manaus, Amazonas, foi realizado um trabalho de pesquisa, com a utilização de um questionário,para averiguar as condições de uso e processamento da madeira e as medidas preventivas contra o ataque de insetos. Foram realizados, também,um levantamento da ocorrência de insetos em 19 espécies de madeiras utilizadas por essas indústrias e a avaliação do dano provocado pelas principais espécies de Coleoptera (besouros) e Isoptera (cupins). Das respostas apuradas, constatou-se que nenhuma das empresas visitadas emprega qualquer produto para prevenir o ataque de insetos às toras, assim como a secagem e a estocagem das toras são feitas de forma incorreta, contribuindo para aumentar a intensidade de ataque de insetos. Foram encontradas uma família de cupins e 16 de besouros, ressaltando que destas apenas cinco causam danos à madeira. Do total de 13 espécies de insetos coletados, destacam-se Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff e Platypus parallelus (Fabricius), encontradas em 18 espécies madeireiras, sendo conseqüentemente responsáveis pela maioria dos danos nas toras X. volvulus (Fabricius) e Platypus sp. foram encontradas em cinco espécies; X. ferrugineus (Fabricius) em três espécies; Minthea rugicolis Walk, Minthea sp. e Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) em duas, e Dinoderus bifoveolatus Wollaston, Anoplotermes sp.; e Cnesinus sp. em uma. As espécies de madeiras que sofreram maior grau de deterioração, causada principalmente por coleópteros, foram Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. e Copaifera multijuga Hayne, seguidas por Couroupitaguianensis Aubl., Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess., Cedrela odorata L., Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg., Hura crepitans L., Hymenolobium sp., Maquira coriacea (Karsten) C.C. Berg, Nectandra sp., Virolasurinamensis Warb. e Vochysia sp.


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Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a eficiência dos óleos de nim (Azadirachta indica) e de mamona (Ricinus communis) na melhoria da resistência da madeira de sumaúma (Ceiba pentandra) ao térmita xilófago Nasutitermes corniger em ensaio de preferência alimentar. Os óleos das sementes de nim e de mamona foram extraídos com álcool etílico absoluto e empregados no preparo das soluções preservativas. Amostras de madeira com dimensões de 2,0 x 10,16 x 0,64 cm (radial x longitudinal x tangencial) foram tratadas para atingir uma retenção nominal de 10 a 16 kg de solução por metro cúbico de madeira, sendo parte das amostras tratadas submetida ao envelhecimento (volatilização ou lixiviação). As amostras tratadas foram submetidas à ação de cupins em ensaio de preferência alimentar. Os referidos óleos pouco contribuíram para a melhoria da resistência da madeira de sumaúma ao cupim testado. Entre as soluções testadas, o óleo de mamona puro foi o mais eficiente. O envelhecimento das amostras pouco influenciou na resistência da madeira. Os óleos de nim e de mamona puros e suas soluções, mesmo apresentando algum efeito de repelência aos cupins, não evidenciaram efeito duradouro, indicando que esses produtos não devem ser empregados no tratamento da madeira com o objetivo de melhorar sua resistência a cupins xilófagos.


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is a predominant characteristic, conditioned by the presence of castes with different morphology, ontogeny, and development. The soldier caste is unique among social insects and it is responsible for colony defense. Soldiers belonging to the Nasutitermitinae subfamily are very peculiar, since they may be polymorphic and present a nasus in addition to either developed or vestigial mandibles. The defensive secretions of soldiers of the neotropical Nasutitermitinae have been the aim of several chemical studies, but few data exist concerning the anatomy and histology of the exocrine glands. This article presents a comparative study on the anatomy of the frontal gland of soldiers of several Nasutitermitinae species: Syntermes dirus (Burmeister), Syntermes nanus (Constantino), Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri), Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) and Velocitermes heteropterus (Silvestri), with emphasis on the ultramorphology and ultrastructure of the frontal tube.


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Es werden die Vorgaenge in den generativen Kernen des Ovariums der Termite Nasutitermes sp. beginneng mit den juengsten OOgonien im Germarium bis zum reifen, nicht befruchteten Ei im Eileiter untersucht, wobei di Art Syntermes dirus zum Vergleich herngezogen wird. Es ergeben sich als Hauptresultate: 1. Germarium und Endfaden sind durch eine bindegewebige Scheidewand von einander getrennt, so dass die zentrale Kernreihe des letzteren nichts mit der Oogoniengeneration des Germariums gemeinsam hat. 2. Das Wachstum der Oogonien, Oozyten, Kernen und Nukleolen geht aus den Kurven der graphischen Darstellung der Figur 32 hervor. In den Oogonienkernen laufen die typischen Chromatinveraenderungen einer meiotischen Teilung bis zum Tetradenstadium ab. Waehrend dessen erleidet der Nukleolus nur geringfuegige Veraenderungen, bleibt waehrend der ganzen Prophasenvorgaenge erhalten und waechst, waehrend sich die Tetraden wieder aufloesen, etwa im gleichen Verhaeltnis wie der Kern (Tabelle 2). 4. Der Oozytenkern wird nicht am Ende der Dotterbildung aufgeloest und spaeter wieder in perpher Lage neu gebildet, wie von anderen Autoren mitgeteilt; er ist in jedem Stadium bis zum gereiften Ei im Ovidukt als solcher zu bobachten. 5. Es wird vermutet, dass die vorsvnaptischen Vorgaenge de Nukleolus und sein Weiterbestehen in Synapsis und Postsynapsis die zu erwartende Bildung einer meiotishchen Spindel unterbindet.


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Es werden Histologie und Funktionen der Zellen der Follikelepithelien in den Ovariolen von Nasutitermes sp., unter Hinzuziehung von Syntermes dirus zu Vergleichszwecken, untersucht, und ihre Entwicklung von ihrer ersten Differenzierung im Mittelteil des Germariums durch sieben verschiedene Zonen der Ovariole bis zur Bildung des Chorions verfolgt. 1. Neben ihrer Schutzfunktion vermitteln die Follikelzellen waehrend der Wachstumsphasen einen grossen Teil des Stofftransportes von der Haemolymphe in die Oozyten. Ihre Funktion ist hierbei druesiger Art. Es lassen sich drei verschieden Funktinsstadien unterscheiden. 2. Am Ende der Naehrfunktion wechseln die Zellen ihre Taetigkeit und bilden das Chorion. 3. Das Epithel laesst zwischen mehreren zusammenstossenden Zellen dreiecksfoermige Durchbrueche frei, die nur von der tunica propria ueberzogen sind und die ebengalls, jetzt aber einen unmittelbaren Uebertritt von Substanzen aus der Haemolymphe in die Oozyten zulassen. 4. Die interfollikulaeren Zellen produzieren eine der Tunica propria aehnliche Substanz. Dieser Komplex dient zum festern Zusammenhalt der Komponenten der Ovariole.


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The chemical composition of the front gland of termites has been studied for over 40 years. The genus Nasutitermes, considered the most evolved of the Termitidae family, has a peculiarity that sets it apart from the others: a caste of soldiers that carry a terpenic mixture used in defense. This secretion is formed by mono, sesqui and diterpenes from trinervitane, kempane and rippertane skeletons, only found in termites. This article sought to review the scientific literature and contribute to the knowledge on the chemical composition of the secretion of the Nasutitermes soldiers from the interesting aspects of its behavior.


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A biometric study of caste development was carried out using Nasutitermes sp., by measuring the height, width, and length of the head, the length and width of the pronotum and mesonotum, and the length of the posterior tibia. These measurements were taken on 200 individuals, including larvae, nymphs, workers, pre-soldiers and soldiers. For instar separation, it was verified that the Principal Component Analysis (P.C.A.) was the most efficient methodology. Results of this analysis showed that Nasutitermes coxipoensis follows the general pattern of development presented by other Nasutitermes.


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The density and aggregation patterns of nests of a species of Nasutitermes were determined in an area of 12,750 m(2). We found 131 nests in this area, and the distribution pattern was regular, with a density equaling 102.74 nests per hectare. Nest volume was determined from the height and diameter of 105 nests and varied from 1.59 to 192.46 dm(3). of the colonies, 70.5% had a volume below the mean value: 51.4% of these had volumes lower than 9 dm(3). Regression between the mean volumes and the distance of the 2 nearest nests was positive and significant (P < 0.001), suggesting competition between colonies.