968 resultados para Nasal lavage
Inhaled endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) initiates an inflammatory response and leads to the expression of CR3 (CD11b/CD18) receptors on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). We determined if PMN activation in nasal lavage fluid (NLF) is a possible biomarker of occupational endotoxin exposure. Seven subjects exposed to endotoxin provided NLF samples that were split into three aliquots (negative control - 1 M nicotinamide; sham; positive control - 11 eta g of exogenous LPS) and PMN activation was measured using a chemiluminometer. Differences in mean PMN activation were apparent, negative control: 548 +/- 15.65 RLU 100 mu l(-1); sham: 11469 +/- 2582 RLU 100 mu l(-1); positive control: 42026 +/- 16659 RLU 100 mu l (n = 7; p < 0.05). This technique shows promise as a diagnostic method for measuring upper airway LPS exposure.
Background It is noteworthy that there is a clear clinical, epidemiological and pathophysiological association between upper and lower airway inflammation in rhinitis and asthma. Objective The aim of this study was to compare the eosinophil counts in induced sputum and nasal lavage fluids in asthma, checking their association and the accuracy of nasal eosinophilia as a predictor of sputum eosinophilia by a cross-sectional study. Methods The clinical evaluation, asthma control questionnaire (ACQ), pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry, nasal and sputum sample was performed. The nasal eosinophilia was analysed by a receiver operating curve and logistic regression model. Results In 140 adults, the post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV(1)) did not differ between patients with or without sputum eosinophilia (0.18). After adjusted for upper airway symptoms, age, ACQ score and post-bronchodilator FEV(1), sputum eosinophilia was associated with 52 times increase in odds of nasal eosinophilia, whereas each 1% increase in bronchodilator response was associated with 7% increase in odds of nasal eosinophilia. Conclusion This study brings further evidence that upper airway diseases are an important component of the asthma syndrome. Furthermore, monitoring of nasal eosinophilia by quantitative cytology may be useful as a surrogate of sputum cytology in as a component of composite measurement for determining airway inflammation.
Aquest estudi insisteix en la importància de l’educació sanitària dirigida als pares per tald’assegurar l’eficàcia del tractament a administrar i consolidar els coneixements i habilitats del progenitors per tal de que aquests puguin dur a terme les tècniques requerides de forma adequada.Destacar la necessitat de conscienciar a tots els professionals de la salut, sobretot els quepassen més temps amb els familiars, de la importància que té la seva competència comeducador en l’àmbit de la salut.Evidenciar la importància de fer una avaluació continuada dels coneixements i les habilitatsadquirides pels cuidadors principals, sobre com dur a terme les tècniques del rentat de nas iadministració de la medicació inhalada amb cambra i mascareta, per detectar-ne els possibleserrors i poder posar-hi mesures correctores per pal·liar-los.Constatar la utilitat de preguntar i esbrinar “in situ” què saben els progenitors sobre lestècniques a avaluar (rentat de nas i administració de la medicació inhalada amb cambra i mascareta), abans de donar qualsevol explicació o iniciar l’educació sanitària per detectar lesnecessitats específiques de cada pare o mare i poder individualitzar el procés educatiu
Aquest estudi insisteix en la importància de l’educació sanitària dirigida als pares per tal d’assegurar l’eficàcia del tractament a administrar i consolidar els coneixements i habilitats del progenitors per tal de que aquests puguin dur a terme les tècniques requerides de forma adequada. Destacar la necessitat de conscienciar a tots els professionals de la salut, sobretot els que passen més temps amb els familiars, de la importància que té la seva competència com educador en l’àmbit de la salut. Evidenciar la importància de fer una avaluació continuada dels coneixements i les habilitats adquirides pels cuidadors principals, sobre com dur a terme les tècniques del rentat de nas i administració de la medicació inhalada amb cambra i mascareta, per detectar-ne els possibles errors i poder posar-hi mesures correctores per pal·liar-los. Constatar la utilitat de preguntar i esbrinar “in situ” què saben els progenitors sobre les tècniques a avaluar (rentat de nas i administració de la medicació inhalada amb cambra i mascareta), abans de donar qualsevol explicació o iniciar l’educació sanitària per detectar les necessitats específiques de cada pare o mare i poder individualitzar el procés educatiu
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O transporte mucociliar (TMC) é um mecanismo básico de defesa do sistema respiratório necessário na resistência à infecção. A efetividade desse mecanismo de defesa depende da composição e profundidade do muco, da integridade e da função dos cílios e da interação muco-cílio. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos crônicos do oxigenoterapia de baixo fluxo via cateter nasal com e sem umidificação sobre o TMC nasal, nas propriedades físicas do muco, na inflamação e nos sintomas de vias aéreas em pacientes com hipoxemia crônica com necessidade de oxigenoterapia domiciliar de longo prazo (>15 horas/dia). Dezoito pacientes (idade média de 68 anos, 7 do sexo masculino, índice de massa corpórea (IMC) médio de 26 kg/m2, 66% com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC), 60% com hipertensão arterial (HAS) e ex-tabagistas) iniciando oxigenoterapia de baixo fluxo via cateter nasal foram randomizados para o grupo Oxigênio Seco (n=10) ou Oxigênio Umidificado (n=9). Os pacientes foram avaliados nos tempos: basal, 12 horas, 7 dias, 30 dias, 12 meses e 24 meses para o TMC nasal por meio do teste de trânsito da sacarina, as propriedades físicas do muco por meio de ângulo de contato, a inflamação por meio de quantificação do número total de células e diferenciais e da concentração de citocinas no lavado nasal assim como para sintomas por meio do questionário SNOT-20. O sintoma mais importante relatado por pacientes no basal foi tosse que melhorou após 7 dias de oxigenoterapia. No nosso estudo, os pacientes de ambos grupos apresentaram prolongamento significativo (40%) do TMC nasal ao longo do estudo. O lavado nasal mostrou um aumento das proporções de neutrófilos, das células caliciformes e da concentração do fator de crescimento epidermal (EGF) assim como reduções em macrófagos e concentrações de interferon alfa (IFN-alfa), interleucina (IL)-8 e IL-10 ao longo do estudo. Não houve alterações na proporção de células ciliadas, na concentração de IL-6 e no ângulo de contato do muco em ambos os grupos. A tosse e os sintomas de sono diminuiram significativamente em ambos os grupos. Nosso estudo sugere que a umidificação não tem impacto sobre o TMC nasal, as propriedades do muco, a inflamação e os sintomas em pacientes com baixo fluxo de oxigênio via cateter nasal (BFON)
CD66b is a member of the carcinoembryonic antigen family, which mediates the adhesion between neutrophils and to endothelial cells. Allergen-specific immunotherapy is widely used to treat allergic diseases, and the molecular mechanisms underlying this therapy are poorly understood. The present work was undertaken to analyze A) the in vitro effect of allergens and immunotherapy on cell-surface CD66b expression of neutrophils from patients with allergic asthma and rhinitis and B) the in vivo effect of immunotherapy on cell-surface CD66b expression of neutrophils from nasal lavage fluid during the spring season. Myeloperoxidase expression and activity was also analyzed in nasal lavage fluid as a general marker of neutrophil activation. RESULTS CD66b cell-surface expression is upregulated in vitro in response to allergens, and significantly reduced by immunotherapy (p<0.001). Myeloperoxidase activity in nasal lavage fluid was also significantly reduced by immunotherapy, as were the neutrophil cell-surface expression of CD66b and myeloperoxidase (p<0.001). Interestingly, CD66b expression was higher in neutrophils from nasal lavage fluid than those from peripheral blood, and immunotherapy reduced the number of CD66+MPO+ cells in nasal lavage fluid. Thus, immunotherapy positive effects might, at least in part, be mediated by the negative regulation of the CD66b and myeloperoxidase activity in human neutrophils.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Objectives: The antiinflammatory effect of macrolide antibiotics has been well-established, as has their role in the treatment of certain disorders of chronic airway inflammation. Several studies have suggested that long-term, low-dose macrolides may be efficacious in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis; however, these studies have lacked a control group. To date, this effect has not been tested in a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Method: The authors conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial on 64 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Subjects received either 150 mg roxithromycin daily for 3 months or placebo. Outcome measures included the Sinonasal Outcome Test-20 (SNOT-20), measurements of peak nasal inspiratory flow, saccharine transit time, olfactory function, nasal endoscopic scoring, and nasal lavage assays for interleukin-8, fucose, and a2-macroglobulin. Results. There were statistically significant improvements in SNOT-20 score, nasal endoscopy, saccharine transit time, and IL-8 levels in lavage fluid (P < .05) in the macrolide group. A correlation was noted between improved outcome measures and low IgE levels. No significant improvements were noted for olfactory function, peak nasal inspiratory flow, or lavage levels for fucose and a2-macroglobulin. No improvement in any outcome was noted in the placebo-treated patients. Conclusion: These findings suggest that macrolides may have a beneficial role in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis, particularly in patients with low levels of IgE, and supports the in vitro evidence of their antiinflammatory activity. Additional studies are required to assess their place in clinical practice.
Diesel exhaust is the major source of ultrafine particles released during traffic-related pollution. Subjects with chronic respiratory diseases are at greater risk for exacerbations during exposure to air pollution. This study evaluated the effects of subchronic exposure to a low-dose of diesel exhaust particles (DEP). Sixty male BALB/c mice were divided into two groups: (a) Saline: nasal instillation of saline (n = 30); and (b) DEP: nasal instillation of 30 mu g of DEP/10 mu l of saline (n = 30). Nasal instillations were performed 5 days a week, over 30 and 60 days. Animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (50 mg/kg intraperitoneal [i.p.]) and sacrificed by exsanguination. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was performed to evaluate the inflammatory cell count and the concentrations of the interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10, and IL-13 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The gene expression of oligomeric mucus/gel-forming (Muc5ac) was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Histological analysis in the nasal septum and bronchioles was used to evaluate the bronchial and nasal epithelium thickness as well as the acidic and neutral nasal mucus content. The saline group (30 and 60 days) did not show any changes in any of the parameters. However, the instillation of DEP over 60 days increased the expression of Muc5ac in the lungs and the acid mucus content in the nose compared with the 30-day treatment, and it increased the total leukocytes in the BAL and the nasal epithelium thickness compared with saline for 60 days. Cytokines concentrations in the BAL were detectable, with no differences among the groups. Our data suggest that a low-dose of DEP over 60 days induces respiratory tract inflammation.
Background: Intranasal administration of high amount of allergen was shown to induce tolerance and to reverse the allergic phenotype. However, mechanisms of tolerance induction via the mucosal route are still unclear. Objectives: To characterize the therapeutic effects of intranasal application of ovalbumin (OVA) in a mouse model of bronchial inflammation as well as the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to protection upon re-exposure to allergen. Methods: After induction of bronchial inflammation, mice were treated intranasally with OVA and re-exposed to OVA aerosols 10 days later. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), T cell proliferation and cytokine secretion were examined. The respective role of CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells in the induction of tolerance was analysed. Results: Intranasal treatment with OVA drastically reduced inflammatory cell recruitment into BALF and bronchial hyperresponsiveness upon re-exposure to allergen. Both OVA- specific-proliferation of T cells, T(h)1 and T(h)2 cytokine production from lung and bronchial lymph nodes were inhibited. Transfer of CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells, which strongly expressed membrane-bound transforming growth factor beta (mTGF beta), from tolerized mice protected asthmatic recipient mice from subsequent aerosol challenges. The presence of CD4(+)CD25(+)(Foxp3(+)) T cells during the process of tolerization was indispensable to CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells to acquire regulatory properties. Whereas the presence of IL-10 appeared dispensable in this model, the suppression of CD4(+)CD25(-)mTGF beta(+) T cells in transfer experiments significantly impaired the down-regulation of airways inflammation. Conclusion: Nasal application of OVA in established asthma led to the induction of CD4(+)CD25(-)mTGF beta(+) T cells with regulatory properties, able to confer protection upon allergen re-exposure.
ABSTRACT Asthma is a complex inflammatory syndrome caused by environmental factors in predisposed individuals (atopics). Its severity correlates with the presence of activated T lymphocytes and eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Induction of tolerance via the nasal route results in reduced recruitment of eosinophils into BALF upon challenge, inhibition of TH2 pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and T cell hyporesponsiveness. Recently, CD4+CD25+ natural regulatory T cells (Treg) were proposed as key players in controlling the development of asthma and allergic disease. The objective of the present study is to investigate the role of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in the mechanisms leading to tolerance in an established model of asthma. In this goal we depleted CD4+CD25+ T cells at different times during asthma and tolerance induction protocol in mice and looked at efficiency of tolerization (intranasal application of high dose of allergen) in the absence of natural Tregs. First, ovalbumin-sensitized mice were depleted of CD25+ T cells by intraperitoneal injection of anti-CD25 mAb (PC61) either for along-term (repeated injections of anti-CD25 from day 31 until the end of the protocol) or a short-term period (single injection of anti-CD25 before or after tolerance induction). We demonstrated that the long-term depletion of CD4+CD25+ T cells severely hampered tolerance induction (marked enhancement in eosinophil recruitment into BALF and a vigorous antigen specific T cell response to OVA upon allergen challenge) whereas transient depletions were not sufficient to do so. We then characterized T cell subsets by flow cytometry and observed that a large part of CD4+CD25+ T cells express Foxp3, an established marker of regulatory T cells. We also tested in-vitro suppressor activity of CD4+CD25+ T cells from tolerized mice by cell proliferation assay in coculture and observed a strong suppressive activity. Our data suggest that CD4+CD25+ T cells with regulatory properties play a crucial role in the induction of tolerance via the nasal route. The relationship between CD25+ natural Treg and inducible IL-10+ TRl-type Treg will have to be defined. RESUME L'asthme est un syndrome inflammatoire complexe provoqué par des facteurs environnementaux chez des individus génétiquement prédisposés (atopiques). Sa sévérité corrèle avec la présence des lymphocytes T activés et d'éosinophiles dans le lavage bronchoalvéolaire (BAL). L'induction de la tolérance par la voie nasale résulte en une diminution du recrutement des eosinophils dans le BAL, une inhibition de la sécrétion de cytokines pro-inflammatoires de type TH2 et de l'hypo-réponse des cellules T à l'allergène. Récemment, les cellules régulatrices «naturelles » de type CD4+CD25+ T (Tregs) ont été proposées comme acteurs essentiels dans le développement de l'asthme et de l'allergie. L'objectif de cette étude est d'étudier le rôle des cellules régulatrices CD4+CD25+ T dans les mécanismes menant à la tolérance dans un modèle établi d'asthme. Dans ce but nous avons déplété les cellules de CD4+CD25+ T à différents temps au cours du protocole d'induction d'asthme et de tolérance et nous avons regardé l'efficacité de l'induction de tolérance (application intranasale d'une dose importante d'allergène) en l'absence de Tregs. Dans un premier temps des souris sensibilisées à l'ovalbumine (OVA) ont été déplétées en cellules CD25+ T par l'injection intrapéritonéale d'anti-CD25 mAb (PC61) pour une longue période (injections répétées d'anti-CD25 du jour 31 jusqu'à la fin du protocole) ou pour une courte période (injection unique d'anti-CD25 avant ou après l'induction de tolérance). Nous avons démontré que la déplétion à long t erme des cellules de CD4+CD25+ T a empêché l'induction de tolérance (recrutement accru d'éosinophiles dans le BAL et une réponse vigoureuse des cellules T spécifiques de l'antigène après exposition à l'allergène) tandis des déplétions à court-terme n'ont pas cet effet. Nous avons ensuite caractérisé des sous-populations de cellules T par cytométrie de flux. Nous avons observé que la majorité des cellules CD4+CD25+ T expriment Foxp3, un marqueur établi des cellules régulatrices. Nous avons également examiné in vitro l'activité régulatrice des cellules T CD4+CD25+ issues de souris tolérisées. La prolifération de cellules T en coculture a démontré une forte activité suppressive des cellules CD4+CD25+. Nos données suggèrent que des cellules T CD4+CD25+ ayant des propriétés régulatrices jouent un rôle crucial dans l'induction de la tolérance par la voie nasale. Le rapport entre les cellules régulatrices naturelles CD4+CD25+ et les cellules régulatrices inductible de type TR1 I1-10+ devra être défini. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC L'asthme est une maladie inflammatoire des bronches, caractérisée par des crises de dyspnée (gêne respiratoire) témoignant d'une activation brutale des muscles bronchoconstricteurs, auxquelles s'associent un oedème et une hypersécrétion des muqueuses des voies aériennes ainsi qu'une importante production d'anticorps de l'allergie (IgE). Chez la plupart des enfants atteints et chez près de la moitié des adultes concernés par l'asthme, c'est une allergie à des substances présentes dans l'air environnant (acariens, pollens ou poils d'animaux) qui est à l'origine de la maladie. . Le traitement actuel de l'asthme repose d'une part sur le soulagement des symptômes grâce à des produits à base de stéroïdes ou des bronchodilatateurs. D'autre part, l'immunothérapie spécifique (aussi appelée désensibilisation) permet d'améliorer l'asthme et de «reprogrammer» le système immunitaire. C'est à ce jour, le seul moyen connu de faire régresser une allergie. Cependant l'immunothérapie prend beaucoup de temps (3 à 5 ans) et ne marche pas à tous les coups ni pour tous les antigènes. Il est donc important de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués lors d'un tel traitement afin d'en améliorer l'efficacité. Af n de pouvoir investiguer en détail ces mécanismes des modèles d'immunothérapie ont été mis au point chez la souris. Notre étude se base sur un modèle d'asthme allergique chez la souris. Des souris sont rendues allergiques à l'ovalbumine (OVA) et présentent alors les caractéristiques majeures de l'asthme humain (recrutement de cellules inflammatoires dans les poumons, augmentation de la production d'IgE et de la résistance des bronches aux flux respiratoires). Ces souris asthmatiques une fois traitées par l'application nasale d'OVA (forme d'immunothérapie muqueuse) ne développent plus de réaction allergique lors d'une ré-exposition à l'allergène. Notre hypothèse est que cette «guérison» (tolérance) est liée à l'action de cellules (lymphocytes T CD4) dites «régulatrices» et caractérisées par le marqueur CD25. Pour le démontrer, nous avons éliminé ces cellules «régulatrices» CD25 de nos souris asthmatiques grâce à un anticorps monoclonal spécifique. Nous n'avons dès lors plus été en mesure d'induire une tolérance à l'allergène. Ceci suggère donc un rôle clé des cellules «régulatrices» T CD4+CD25+ dans la réussite de l'immunothérapie nasale dans notre modèle. Nos résultats n'excluent pas la participation d'autres cellules telles que les lymphocytes producteurs d'IL-10 (lymphocytes régulateurs induits). Le rôle respectif de ces sous-populations régulatrices devra être examiné dans les études à venir. Une meilleure maîtrise des mécanismes de régulation pourrait s'avérer cruciale pour améliorer les thérapies de l'asthme.
Introduction: Les instillations nasales de solution saline isotonique (INSS) chez les enfants sont recommandées par les pédiatres et des oto-rhino-laryngologistes de notre institution dans le but de prévenir les otites moyennes aigues à répétition (OMAr). Cependant, aucune étude dans la littérature ne vient corroborer ou infirmer cette pratique. Objectifs: Déterminer l’efficacité des INSS dans la prévention des OMAr. Méthode: Projet pilote d’un essai clinique randomisé. Les enfants diagnostiqués avec des OMAr étaient éligibles. Les patients recrutés ont été randomisés en 2 groupes. Seul le groupe traitement procède aux INSS. L’issue primaire est l’incidence d’OMAr pendant une période de 3 mois. Résultats: Vingt-neuf patients satisfaisant les critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion ont consenti à participer. Le taux d’OMAr était inférieur dans le groupe traitement (p=0.03, chi-carré) Conclusion: Les INSS semblent efficaces dans la prévention des OMAr. Une étude multicentrique est indiquée pour vérifier la validité externe et confirmer la sécurité.
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY In clinical practice, veterinarians often depend on owner-reported signs to assess the clinical course of horses with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO). OBJECTIVES To test whether owner-reported information on frequency of coughing and observation of nasal discharge are associated with clinical, cytological and bronchoprovocation findings in RAO-affected horses in nonstandardised field conditions. STUDY DESIGN Cross-sectional study comparing healthy and RAO-affected horses. METHODS Twenty-eight healthy and 34 RAO-affected Swiss Warmblood horses were grouped according to owner-reported 'coughing frequency' and 'nasal discharge'. Differences between these groups were examined using clinical examination, blood gas analyses, endoscopic mucus scores, cytology of tracheobronchial secretion and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and airway hyperresponsiveness determined by plethysmography with histamine bronchoprovocation. RESULTS Frequently coughing horses differed most markedly from healthy control animals. Histamine bronchoprovocation-derived parameters were significantly different between the healthy control group and all RAO groups. Mucus grades and tracheobronchial secretion and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid neutrophil percentages had particularly high variability, with overlap of findings between groups. Owner satisfaction with the clinical status of the horse was high, even in severely affected horses. CONCLUSIONS Owner-reported coughing and nasal discharge are associated with specific clinical and diagnostic findings in RAO-affected horses in field settings. While airway hyperresponsiveness differentiates best between healthy horses and asymptomatic RAO-affected horses, the absence of coughing and nasal discharge does not rule out significant neutrophilic airway inflammation. Owner satisfaction with the clinical status of the horse was uninformative.