994 resultados para Nanowires and nanocrystals


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Single-crystal Au nanosheets and fcc gold nanocrystals of uniform size were synthesized by a novel and simple route. The results of field-emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated the formation of the single-crystal structure of gold nanosheets and fcc nanocrystals. Energy-dispersive analysis of X-ray (EDAX) showed absorbance of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) molecules onto the surface of gold nanostructures.


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The objective of this thesis is the exploration and characterisation of the nanoscale electronic properties of conjugated polymers and nanocrystals. In Chapter 2, the first application of conducting-probe atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM)-based displacement-voltage (z-V) spectroscopy to local measurement of electronic properties of conjugated polymer thin films is reported. Charge injection thresholds along with corresponding single particle gap and exciton binding energies are determined for a poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] thin film. By performing measurements across a grid of locations on the film, a series of exciton binding energy distributions are identified. The variation in measured exciton binding energies is in contrast to the smoothness of the film suggesting that the variation may be attributable to differences in the nano-environment of the polymer molecules within the film at each measurement location. In Chapter 3, the CP-AFM-based z-V spectroscopy method is extended for the first time to local, room temperature measurements of the Coulomb blockade voltage thresholds arising from sequential single electron charging of 28 kDa Au nanocrystal arrays. The fluid-like properties of the nanocrystal arrays enable reproducible formation of nanoscale probe-array-substrate junctions, allowing the influence of background charge on the electronic properties of the array to be identified. CP-AFM also allows complementary topography and phase data to be acquired before and after spectroscopy measurements, enabling comparison of local array morphology with local measurements of the Coulomb blockade thresholds. In Chapter 4, melt-assisted template wetting is applied for the first time to massively parallel fabrication of poly-(3-hexylthiophene) nanowires. The structural characteristics of the wires are first presented. Two-terminal electrical measurements of individual nanowires, utilising a CP-AFM tip as the source electrode, are then used to obtain the intrinsic nanowire resistivity and the total nanowire-electrode contact resistance subsequently allowing single nanowire hole mobility and mean nanowire-electrode barrier height values to be estimated. In Chapter 5, solution-assisted template wetting is used for fabrication of fluorene-dithiophene co-polymer nanowires. The structural characteristics of these wires are also presented. Two-terminal electrical measurements of individual nanowires indicate barrier formation at the nanowire-electrode interfaces and measured resistivity values suggest doping of the nanowires, possibly due to air exposure. The first report of single conjugated polymer nanowires as ultra-miniature photodetectors is presented, with single wire devices yielding external quantum efficiencies ~ 0.1 % and responsivities ~ 0.4 mA/W under monochromatic illumination.


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The elastic properties of 1D nanostructures such as nanowires are often measured experimentally through actuation of the nanowire at its resonance frequency, and then relating the resonance frequency to the elastic stiffness using elementary beam theory. In the present work, we utilize large scale molecular dynamics simulations to report a novel beat phenomenon in [110]oriented Ag nanowires. The beat phenomenon is found to arise from the asymmetry of the lattice spacing in the orthogonal elementary directions of the [110] nanowire, i.e. the [-110] and [001] directions, which results in two different principal moments of inertia. Because of this, actuations imposed along any other direction are found to decompose into two orthogonal vibrational components based on the actuation angle relative to these two elementary directions, with this phenomenon being generalizable to <110> FCC nanowires of different materials (Cu, Au, Ni, Pd and Pt). The beat phenomenon is explained using a discrete moment of inertia model based on the hard sphere assumption, the model is utilized to show that surface effects enhance the beat phenomenon, while the effect is reduced with increasing nanowires cross-sectional size or aspect ratio. Most importantly, due to the existence of the beat phenomena, we demonstrate that in resonance experiments only a single frequency component is expected to be observed, particularly when the damping ratio is relatively large or very small. Furthermore, for a large range of actuation angles, the lower frequency is more likely to be detected than the higher one, which implies that experimental predictions of Young’s modulus obtained from resonance may in fact be under predictions. The present study therefore has significant implications for experimental interpretations of Young’s modulus as obtained via resonance testing.


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In view of the important need to generate well-dispersed inorganic nanostructures in various solvents, we have explored the dispersion of nanostructures of metal oxides such as TiO2, Fe3O4 and ZnO in solvents of differing polarity in the presence of several surfactants. The solvents used are water, dimethylformamide (DMF) and toluene. The surfactant-solvent combinations yielding the best dispersions are reported alongwith some of the characteristics of the nanostructures in the dispersions. The surfactants which dispersed TiO2 nanowires in water were polyethylene oxide (PEO), Triton X-100 (TX-100), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulphosuccinate (AOT). TiO2 nanoparticles could also be dispersed with AOT and PEO in water, and with AOT in toluene. In DMF, PVA, PEO and TX-100 were found to be effective, while in toluene, only AOT gave good dispersions. Fe3O4 nanoparticles were held for long periods of time in water by PEO, AOT, PVA and polyethylene glycol (PEG), and by AOT in toluene. In the case of ZnO nanowires, the best surfactant-solvent combinations were found to be, PEO, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SIDS) and AOT in water and AOT, PEG, PVA, PEO and TX-100 in DMF In toluene, stable dispersions of ZnO nanowires were obtained with PEO. We have also been able to disperse oxide nanostructures in non-polar solvents by employing a hydrophobic silane coating on the surface.


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We have investigated the time-dependent fluctuations in electrical resistance, or noise, in high quality crystalline magnetic nanowires within nanoporous templates. The noise increases exponentially with increasing temperature and magnetic field, and has been analyzed in terms of domain wall depinning within the Neel-Brown framework. The frequency-dependence of noise also indicates a crossover from nondiffusive kinetics to long-range diffusion at higher temperatures, as well as a strong collective depinning, which need to be considered when implementing these nanowires in magnetoelectronic devices.


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We show from conventional magnetization measurements that the charge order (CO) is completely suppressed in 10 nm Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 (PCMO 10) nanoparticles. Novel magnetization measurements, designed by a special high field measurement protocol, show that the dominant ground state magnetic phase is ferromagnetic-metallic (FM-M), which is an equilibrium phase, which coexists with the residual charge ordered anti-ferromagnetic phase (CO AFM) (an arrested phase) and exhibits the characteristic features of a `magnetic glassy state' at low temperatures. It is observed that there is a drastic reduction in the field required to induce the AFM to FM transition (similar to 5-6 T) compared to their bulk counterpart(similar to 27 T); this phase transition is of first order in nature, broad, irreversible and the coexisting phases are tunable with the cooling field. Temperature-dependent magneto-transport data indicate the occurrence of a size-induced insulator-metal transition (TM-I) and anomalous resistive hysteresis (R-H) loops, pointing out the presence of a mixture of the FM-M phase and AFM-I phase.


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In an effort to find a simple and common single-source precursor route for the group 13 metal nitride semiconductor nanostructures, the complexes formed by the trichlorides of Al, Ga and In with urea have been investigated. The complexes, characterized by X-ray crystallography and other techniques, yield the nitrides on thermal decomposition. Single crystalline nanowires of AlN, GaN and InN have been deposited on Si substrates covered with Au islands by using the complexes as precursors. The urea complexes yield single crystalline nanocrystals under solvothermal conditions. The successful synthesis of the nanowires and nanocrystals of these three important nitrides by a simple single-precursor route is noteworthy and the method may indeed be useful in practice.


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Mechanical properties of ZnS nanowires and thin films are studied as a function of size and growth direction using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. Using the stress-strain relationship we extract Young's moduli of nanowires and thin films at room temperature. Our results show that Young's modulus of 0001] nanowires has strong size dependence. On the other hand, 01 (1) over bar0] nanowires do not exhibit a strong size dependence of Young's modulus in the size range we have investigated. We provide a microscopic understanding of this behavior on the basis of bond stretching and contraction due to the rearrangement of atoms in the surface layers. The ultimate tensile strengths of the nanowires do not show much size dependence. To investigate the mechanical behavior of ZnS in two dimensions, we calculate Young's modulus of thin films under tensile strain along the 0001] direction. Young's modulus of thin films converges to the bulk value more rapidly than that of the 0001] nanowire.


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A simple thermal evaporation method is presented for the growth of crystalline SnO2 nanowires at a low substrate temperature of 450 degrees C via an gold-assisted vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. The as-grown nanowires were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, and were also tested for methanol vapor sensing. Transmission electron microscopy studies revealed the single-crystalline nature of the each nanowire. The fabricated sensor shows good response to methanol vapor at an operating temperature of 450 degrees C. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experiments on micrograined (mg) and nanocrystalline (nc) Ni revealed strengthening and weakening following repeated dynamic impact. The strengthening in mg-Ni arises from intragranular dislocations without a significant change in grain size, whereas the weakening in nc-Ni is due to concurrent grain growth. The strength of mg and nc-Ni samples after deformation settles at similar to 900 MPa, with differing contributions from intragranular dislocations and grain sizes. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the structural and optical properties of III-V nanowires grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition. Binary GaAs, InAs and InP nanowires, and ternary InGaAs and AlGaAs nanowires, have been fabricated and characterised. A variety of axial and radial heterostructures have also been fabricated, including GaAs/AlGaAs core-multishell and GaAs/InGaAs superlattice nanowires. GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires exhibit strong photoluminescence as the AlGaAs shell passivates the GaAs nanowire surface reducing the surface nonradiative recombination. © 2007 IEEE.


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We have investigated the structural and optical properties of III-V nanowires, and axial and radial nanowire heterostructures, fabricated by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. In addition to binary nanowires, such as GaAs, InAs, and InP, we have demonstrated ternary InGaAs and AlGaAs nanowires. Core-shell nanowires consisting of GaAs cores with AlGaAs shells, and core-multishell nanowires with alternating shells of AlGaAs and GaAs, exhibit strong photoluminescence. Axial segments of InGaAs have been incorporated within GaAs nanowires to form GaAs/InGaAs nanowire superlattices. We have developed a two-temperature growth procedure to optimize nanowire morphology. An initial high temperature step promotes nucleation and epitaxial growth of straight (111)B-oriented nanowires. Lower temperatures are employed subsequently, to minimise radial growth. © 2007 IEEE.