20 resultados para Nanofilm


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This article provides a detailed computational analysis of the reaction of dense nanofilms and the heat transfer characteristics on a composite substrate. Although traditional energetic compounds based on organic materials have similar energy per unit weight, non-organic material in nanofilm configuration offers much higher energy density and higher flame speed. The reaction of a multilayer thin film of aluminum and copper oxide has been studied by varying the substrate material and thicknesses. The numerical analysis of the thermal transport of the reacting film deposited on the substrate combined a hybrid approach in which a traditional two-dimensional black box theory was used in conjunction with the sandwich model to estimate the appropriate heat flux on the substrate accounting for the heat loss to the surroundings. A procedure to estimate this heat flux using stoichiometric calculations is provided. This work highlights two important findings. One is that there is very little difference in the temperature profiles between a single substrate of silica and a composite substrate of silicon silica. Secondly, with increase in substrate thickness, the quenching effect is progressively diminished at a given speed. These findings show that the composite substrate is effective and that the average speed and quenching of flames depend on the thickness of the silica substrate, and can be controlled by a careful choice of the substrate configuration. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effective elastic modulus and fracture toughness of the nanofilm were derived with the surface relaxation and the surface energy taken into consideration by means of the interatomic potential of an ideal crystal. The size effects of the effective elastic modulus and fracture toughness were discussed when the thickness of the nanofilm was reduced. And the dependence of the size effects on the surface relaxation and surface energy was also analyzed.


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The thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of an ideal crystal is derived by using a method of Boltzmann statistics. The Morse potential energy function is adopted to show the dependence of the TEC on the temperature. By taking the effects of the surface relaxation and the surface energy into consideration, the dimensionless TEC of a nanofilm is derived. It is shown that with decreasing thickness, the TEC can increase or decrease, depending on the surface relaxation of the nanofilm.


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Molecular-dynamics simulations have been carried out to investigate the electric hysteresis of barium titanate nanofilm containing oxygen vacancy ordering array parallel to the {101} crystal plane. The results obtained show a significant weakening of polarization retention from non-zero value to zero as the size of the array was reduced to a critical level, which was attributed to the formation and motion of head-to-head domain wall structure under external field loading process. By comparing with materials containing isolated oxygen vacancies, it was found that the zero retention was due to the oxygen vacancy ordering array rather than to the concentration of oxygen vacancy. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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Self-Assembly Monolayer (SAM) technique, as a novel and developing technique for fabricating layer-by-layer nanofilm on substrates of various sizes, shapes and materials, has received more and more attention in the areas of light-emitting devices, nonlinear optical materials, conductive films, permselective gas membranes, sensors, modification of electrodes, resistance and printing technique. In comparison with other traditional methods, SAM technique has many significant advantages, including simple process, universality, formation with densely packed, well defined, highly ordered surfaces. This paper will give a review on the recent development in SAM technique.


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Unique features and benefits of the plasma-aided nanofabrication are considered by using the "plasma-building block" approach, which is based on plasma diagnostics and nanofilm characterization, cross-referenced by numerical simulation of generation and dynamics of building blocks in the gas phase, their interaction with nanostructured surfaces, and ab initio simulation of chemical structure of relevant nanoassemblies. The examples include carbon nanotip microemitter structures, semiconductor quantum dots and nanowires synthesized in the integrated plasma-aided nanofabrication facility.


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This contribution is focused on plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition systems and their unique features that make them particularly attractive for nanofabrication of flat panel display microemitter arrays based on ordered patterns of single-crystalline carbon nanotip structures. The fundamentals of the plasma-based nanofabrication of carbon nanotips and some other important nanofilms and nanostructures are examined. Specific features, challenges, and potential benefits of using the plasma-based systems for relevant nanofabrication processes are analyzed within the framework of the "plasma-building unit" approach that builds up on extensive experimental data on plasma diagnostics and nanofilm/nanostructure characterization, and numerical simulation of the species composition in the ionized gas phase (multicomponent fluid models), ion dynamics and interaction with ordered carbon nanotip patterns, and ab initio computations of chemical structure of single crystalline carbon nanotips. This generic approach is also applicable for nanoscale assembly of various carbon nanostructures, semiconductor quantum dot structures, and nano-crystalline bioceramics. Special attention is paid to most efficient control strategies of the main plasma-generated building units both in the ionized gas phase and on nanostructured deposition surfaces. The issues of tailoring the reactive plasma environments and development of versatile plasma nanofabrication facilities are also discussed.


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Nanoparticle manipulation by various plasma forces in near-substrate areas of the Integrated Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication Facility (IPANF) is investigated. In the IPANF, high-density plasmas of low-temperature rf glow discharges are sustained. The model near-substrate area includes a variable-length pre-sheath, where a negatively charged nanoparticle is accelerated, and a self-consistent collisionless sheath with a repulsive electrostatic potential. Conditions enabling the nanoparticle to overcome the repulsive barrier and deposit onto the substrate are investigated numerically and experimentally. Under certain conditions the momentum gained by the nanoparticle in the pre-sheath area appears to be sufficient for the driving ion drag force to outbalance the repulsive electrostatic and thermophoretic forces. Numerical results are applied for the explanation of size-selective nanoparticle deposition in the Ar+H2+CH4 plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition of various carbon nanostructure patterns for electron field emitters and are cross-referenced by the field emission scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that the nanoparticles can be efficiently manipulated by the temperature gradient-controlled thermophoretic force. Experimentally, the temperature gradients in the near-substrate areas are measured in situ by means of the temperature gradient probe and related to the nanofilm fabrication conditions. The results are relevant to plasma-assisted synthesis of numerous nanofilms employing structural incorporation of the plasma-grown nanoparticles, including but not limited to nanofabrication of ordered single-crystalline carbon nanotip arrays for electron field emission applications.


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The free surface effects on stacking fault and twin formation in fcc metals (Al, Cu, and Ni) were examined by first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). It is found that the generalized planar fault (GPF) energies of Ni are much larger than bulk Ni with respect to Al and Cu. The discrepancy is attributed to the localized relaxation of Ni nanofilm to accommodate the large expansion of the inter-planar separation induced at the fault plane. The localized relaxation can be coupled to the electronic structure of Ni nanofilms. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Size-dependent elastic constants are investigated theoretically with reference to a nanoscale single-crystal thin film. A three-dimensional _3D_ model is presented with the relaxation on the surface of the nanofilm taken into consideration. The constitutive relation of the 3D model is derived by using the energy approach, and analytical expressions for the four nonzero elastic constants of the nanofilm are obtained. The size effects of the four elastic constants are then discussed, and the dependence of these elastic constants on the surface relaxation and the ambiguity in the definition of the thickness of the nanofilm are also analyzed. In addition, the elastic moduli of the nanofilm in two kinds of plane problem are obtained and discussed in the case of a special boundary condition.


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A theoretical model is presented to investigate the size-dependent elastic moduli of nanostructures with the effects of the surface relaxation surface energy taken into consideration. At nanoscale, due to the large ratios of the surface-to-volume, the surface effects, which include surface relaxation surface energy, etc., can play important roles. Thus, the elastic moduli of nanostructures become surface- and size-dependent. In the research, the three-dimensional continuum model of the nanofilm with the surface effects is investigated. The analytical expressions of five nonzero elastic moduli of the nanofilm are derived, and then the dependence of the elastic moduli is discussed on the surface effects and the characteristic dimensions of nanofilms.


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A theoretical model is presented to investigate the size-dependent bending elastic properties of a nanobeam with the influence of the surface relaxation and the surface tension taken into consideration. The surface layer and its thickness of a nanostructure are defined unambiguously. A three-dimensional (3D) crystal model for a nanofilm with n layers of relaxed atoms is investigated. The four nonzero elastic constants of the nanofilm are derived, and then the Young's modulus for simple tension is obtained. Using the relation of energy equilibrium, the size-dependent effective elastic modulus and effective flexural rigidity of a nanobeam with two kinds of cross sections are derived, and their dependence on the surface relaxation and the surface tension is analysed.


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A theoretical model is presented to investigate the size-dependent elastic moduli of nanostructures with the effects of the surface relaxation surface energy taken into consideration. At nanoscale, due to the large ratios of the surface-to-volume, the surface effects, which include surface relaxation surface energy, etc., can play important roles. Thus, the elastic moduli of nanostructures become surface- and size-dependent. In the research, the three-dimensional continuum model of the nanofilm with the surface effects is investigated. The analytical expressions of five nonzero elastic moduli of the nanofilm are derived, and then the dependence of the elastic moduli is discussed on the surface effects and the characteristic dimensions of nanofilms.


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ABSTRACT Recently, people are confused with two opposite variations of elastic modulus with decreasing size of nano scale sample: elastic modulus either decreases or increases with decreas- ing sample size. In this paper, based on intermolecular potentials and a one dimensional model, we provide a unified understanding of the two opposite size effects. Firstly, we analyzed the mi- crostructural variation near the surface of an fcc nanofilm based on the Lennard-Jones potential. It is found that the atomic lattice near the surface becomes looser in comparison with the bulk, indicating that atoms in the bulk are located at the balance of repulsive forces, resulting in the decrease of the elastic moduli with the decreasing thickness of the film accordingly. In addition, the decrease in moduli should be attributed to both the looser surface layer and smaller coor- dination number of surface atoms. Furthermore, it is found that both looser and tighter lattice near the surface can appear for a general pair potential and the governing mechanism should be attributed to the surplus of the nearest force to all other long range interactions in the pair po- tential. Surprisingly, the surplus can be simply expressed by a sum of the long range interactions and the sum being positive or negative determines the looser or tighter lattice near surface re- spectively. To justify this concept, we examined ZnO in terms of Buckingham potential with long range Coulomb interactions. It is found that compared to its bulk lattice, the ZnO lattice near the surface becomes tighter, indicating the atoms in the bulk located at the balance of attractive forces, owing to the long range Coulomb interaction. Correspondingly, the elastic modulus of one- dimensional ZnO chain increases with decreasing size. Finally, a kind of many-body potential for Cu was examined. In this case, the surface layer becomes tighter than the bulk and the modulus increases with deceasing size, owing to the long range repulsive pair interaction, as well as the cohesive many-body interaction caused by the electron redistribution.