18 resultados para Nanocontacts


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Nanoscale surface modification, by the interaction of sliding surfaces and mobile nanoparticles, is a critical parameter for controlling friction, wear and failure of surface structures. Here we demonstrate how nanoparticles form and interact in real-time at moving nanocontacts, with reciprocating wear tests imaged in situ at the nanoscale over > 300 cycles in a transmission electron microscope. Between sliding surfaces, friction-formed nanoparticles are observed with rolling, sliding and spinning motions, dependant on localised contact conditions and particle geometry. Over periods of many scratch cycles, nanoparticles dynamically agglomerate into elongated clusters, and dissociate into smaller particulates. We also show that the onset of rolling motion of these particles accompanies a reduction in measured friction. Introduction of nanoparticles with optimum shape and property can thus be used to control friction and wear in microdevices.


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We present and discuss an algorithm to identify and characterize the long icosahedral structures (staggered pentagonal nanowires with 1-5-1-5 atomic structure) that appear in Molecular Dynamics simulations of metallic nanowires of different species subjected to stretching. The use of this algorithm allows the identification of pentagonal rings forming the icosahedral structure as well as the determination of its number np , and the maximum length of the pentagonal nanowire Lpm. The algorithm is tested with some ideal structures to show its ability to discriminate between pentagonal rings and other ring structures. We applied the algorithm to Ni nanowires with temperatures ranging between 4K and 865K, stretched along the [111], [100] and [110] directions. We studied statistically the formation of pentagonal nanowires obtaining the distributions of length Lpm and number of rings np as function of the temperature. The Lpm distribution presents a peaked shape, with peaks located at fixed distances whose separation corresponds to the distance between two consecutive pentagonal rings.


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Pt nanocontacts, like those formed in mechanically controlled break junctions, are shown to develop spontaneous local magnetic order. Our density functional calculations predict that a robust local magnetic order exists in the atoms presenting low coordination, i.e., those forming the atom-sized neck. We thus find that the electronic transport can be spin polarized, although the net value of the conductance still agrees with available experimental information. Experimental implications of the formation of this new type of nanomagnet are discussed.


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Nanometer-sized metallic necks have the unique ability to sustain extreme uniaxial loads (about 20 times greater than the bulk material). We present an experimental and theoretical study of the electronic transport properties under such extreme conditions. Conductance measurements on gold and aluminum necks show a strikingly different behavior: While gold shows the expected conductance decrease with increasing elastic elongation of the neck, aluminum necks behave in the opposite way. We have performed first-principles electronic-structure calculations which reproduce this behavior, showing that it is an intrinsic property of the bulk band structure under high uniaxial strain.


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The dynamic deformation upon stretching of Ni nanowires as those formed with mechanically controllable break junctions or with a scanning tunneling microscope is studied both experimentally and theoretically. Molecular dynamics simulations of the breaking process are performed. In addition, and in order to compare with experiments, we also compute the transport properties in the last stages before failure using the first-principles implementation of Landauer's formalism included in our transport package ALACANT.


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We address the fundamental question of whether magnetoresistance (MR) of atomic-sized contacts of nickel is very large because of the formation of a domain wall (DW) at the neck. Using ab initio transport calculations we find that, as in the case of nonmagnetic electrodes, transport in Ni nanocontacts depends very much on the orbital nature of the electrons. Our results are in agreement with several experiments in the average value of the conductance. On the other hand, contrary to existing claims, DW scattering does not account for large MR in Ni nanocontacts.


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We present ab initio calculations of the evolution of anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) in Ni nanocontacts from the ballistic to the tunnel regime. We find an extraordinary enhancement of AMR, compared to bulk, in two scenarios. In systems without localized states, such as chemically pure break junctions, large AMR only occurs if the orbital polarization of the current is large, regardless of the anisotropy of the density of states. In systems that display localized states close to the Fermi energy, such as a single electron transistor with ferromagnetic electrodes, large AMR is related to the variation of the Fermi energy as a function of the magnetization direction.


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Poster presented in TNT 2005 "Trends in Nanotechnology", Oviedo, Spain, 29 August-02 September, 2005.


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The conductance across an atomically narrow metallic contact can be measured by using scanning tunneling microscopy. In certain situations, a jump in the conductance is observed right at the point of contact between the tip and the surface, which is known as “jump to contact” (JC). Such behavior provides a way to explore, at a fundamental level, how bonding between metallic atoms occurs dynamically. This phenomenon depends not only on the type of metal but also on the geometry of the two electrodes. For example, while some authors always find JC when approaching two atomically sharp tips of Cu, others find that a smooth transition occurs when approaching a Cu tip to an adatom on a flat surface of Cu. In an attempt to show that all these results are consistent, we make use of atomistic simulations; in particular, classical molecular dynamics together with density functional theory transport calculations to explore a number of possible scenarios. Simulations are performed for two different materials: Cu and Au in a [100] crystal orientation and at a temperature of 4.2 K. These simulations allow us to study the contribution of short- and long-range interactions to the process of bonding between metallic atoms, as well as to compare directly with experimental measurements of conductance, giving a plausible explanation for the different experimental observations. Moreover, we show a correlation between the cohesive energy of the metal, its Young's modulus, and the frequency of occurrence of a jump to contact.


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The tunnel junction of a gold nanogap was fabricated electrochemically for a molecular sensing device in solution. The tunnel junction was sensitive enough to detect the variation of a potential barrier within the nanogap, such as the chemical adsorption of molecules. By monitoring the variation of the tunneling current, which represents the change of a potential barrier due to molecular adsorption, the molecules could be detected.


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Copper and gold nanowires under tension evolve to form linear atomic chains (LACs), and the study and understanding of this evolution is an important subject for the development of nanocontacts. Here we study the differences and similarities between copper and gold nanowires (NWs) under stress along the [111] crystallographic direction until their rupture using tight-binding molecular dynamics. In both metals, the first significant rearrangement occurs due to one inside atom that goes to the NW` surface. In an attempt to better understand this effect, for both metals we also consider hollow NW`s where the inside atoms were excluded after the initial relaxation to create single-wall NW`s (SWNWs). The dynamical evolution of these SWNWs provides insight on the formation of the constriction that evolves to form LACs. Studying the calculated forces supported by the NW`s we show that SWNWs can sustain larger forces before the first major rearrangement in the copper and gold when compared to the original NW`s.


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Atomic contacts made of ferromagnetic metals present zero-bias anomalies in the differential conductance due to the Kondo effect. These systems provide a unique opportunity to perform a statistical analysis of the Kondo parameters in nanostructures since a large number of contacts can be easily fabricated using break-junction techniques. The details of the atomic structure differ from one contact to another so a large number of different configurations can be statistically analyzed. Here we present such a statistical analysis of the Kondo effect in atomic contacts made from the ferromagnetic transition metals Ni, Co, and Fe. Our analysis shows clear differences between materials that can be understood by fundamental theoretical considerations. This combination of experiments and theory allows us to extract information about the origin and nature of the Kondo effect in these systems and to explore the influence of geometry and valence in the Kondo screening of atomic-sized nanostructures.


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During the fracture of nanocontacts gold spontaneously forms freely suspended chains of atoms, which is not observed for the isoelectronic noble metals Ag and Cu. Au also differs from Ag and Cu in forming reconstructions at its low-index surfaces. Using mechanically controllable break junctions we show that all the 5d metals that show similar reconstructions (Ir, Pt, and Au) also form chains of atoms, while both properties are absent in the 4d neighbor elements (Rh, Pd, and Ag), indicating a common origin for these two phenomena. A competition between s and d bonding is proposed as an explanation.


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The process of creating an atomically defined and robust metallic tip is described and quantified using measurements of contact conductance between gold electrodes and numerical simulations. Our experiments show how the same conductance behavior can be obtained for hundreds of cycles of formation and rupture of the nanocontact by limiting the indentation depth between the two electrodes up to a conductance value of approximately 5G0 in the case of gold. This phenomenon is rationalized using molecular dynamics simulations together with density functional theory transport calculations which show how, after repeated indentations (mechanical annealing), the two metallic electrodes are shaped into tips of reproducible structure. These results provide a crucial insight into fundamental aspects relevant to nanotribology or scanning probe microscopies.