13 resultados para Nanocarbons


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Through a combinatorial approach involving experimental measurement and plasma modelling, it is shown that a high degree of control over diamond-like nanocarbon film sp3/sp2 ratio (and hence film properties) may be exercised, starting at the level of electrons (through modification of the plasma electron energy distribution function). Hydrogenated amorphous carbon nanoparticle films with high percentages of diamond-like bonds are grown using a middle-frequency (2 MHz) inductively coupled Ar + CH4 plasma. The sp3 fractions measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy in the thin films are explained qualitatively using sp3/sp2 ratios 1) derived from calculated sp3 and sp2 hybridized precursor species densities in a global plasma discharge model and 2) measured experimentally. It is shown that at high discharge power and lower CH4 concentrations, the sp3/sp2 fraction is higher. Our results suggest that a combination of predictive modeling and experimental studies is instrumental to achieve deterministically grown made-to-order diamond-like nanocarbons suitable for a variety of applications spanning from nano-magnetic resonance imaging to spin-flip quantum information devices. This deterministic approach can be extended to graphene, carbon nanotips, nanodiamond and other nanocarbon materials for a variety of applications


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Sustainable societal and economic development relies on novel nanotechnologies that offer maximum efficiency at minimal environmental cost. Yet, it is very challenging to apply green chemistry approaches across the entire life cycle of nanotech products, from design and nanomaterial synthesis to utilization and disposal. Recently, novel, efficient methods based on nonequilibrium reactive plasma chemistries that minimize the process steps and dramatically reduce the use of expensive and hazardous reagents have been applied to low-cost natural and waste sources to produce value-added nanomaterials with a wide range of applications. This review discusses the distinctive effects of nonequilibrium reactive chemistries and how these effects can aid and advance the integration of sustainable chemistry into each stage of nanotech product life. Examples of the use of enabling plasma-based technologies in sustainable production and degradation of nanotech products are discussed—from selection of precursors derived from natural resources and their conversion into functional building units, to methods for green synthesis of useful naturally degradable carbon-based nanomaterials, to device operation and eventual disintegration into naturally degradable yet potentially reusable byproducts.


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One of the applications of nanomaterials is as reinforcements in composites, wherein small additions of nanomaterials lead to large enhancements in mechanical properties. There have been extensive studies in the literature on composites where a polymer matrix is reinforced by a single nanomaterial such as carbon nanotubes. In this article, we examine the significant synergistic effects observed when 2 different types of nanocarbons are incorporated in a polymer matrix. Thus, binary combinations of nanodiamond, few-layer graphene, and single-walled nanotubes have been used to reinforce polyvinyl alcohol. The mechanical properties of the resulting composites, evaluated by the nanoindentation technique, show extraordinary synergy, improving the stiffness and hardness by as much as 400% compared to those obtained with single nanocarbon reinforcements. These results suggest a way of designing advanced materials with extraordinary mechanical properties by incorporating small amounts of 2 nanomaterials such as graphene plus nanodiamond or nanodiamond plus carbon nanotube.


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Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs), such as exfoliated graphene (EG), long-chain functionalized EG, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), and fullerene (C-60), have been investigated for their interaction with two structurally different gelators based on all-trans tri-p-phenylenevinylene bis-aldoxime (1) and n-lauroyl-L-alanine (2) both in solution and in supramolecular organogels. Gelation occurs in toluene through hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions for 1 and 2 in addition to pp stacking specifically in the case of 1. These nanocomposites provide a thorough understanding in terms of molecular-level interactions of dimensionally different CNMs with structurally different gelators. The presence of densely wrapped CNMs encapsulated fibrous network in the resulting composites is evident from various spectroscopic and microscopic studies, indicating the presence of supramolecular interactions. Concentration- and temperature-dependent UV/Vis and fluorescence spectra show that CNMs promote aggregation of the gelator molecules, leading to hypochromism and quenching of the fluorescence intensity. Thermotropic mesophases of 1 are altered by the inclusion of a small amount of CNMs. The gelCNM composites show increased electrical conductivity compared with that of the native organogel. Rheological studies of the composites demonstrate the formation of rigid and viscoelastic solidlike assembly due to reinforced aggregation of the gelators on CNMs. Synergistic behavior is observed in case of the composite gel of 1, containing a mixture of EG and SWNT, when compared with other mixtures of CNMs in all combinations with EG. This affords new nanocomposites with interesting optical, thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties.


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Graphitization, a common process involving the transformation of metastable nongraphitic carbon into graphite is one of the major present-day challenges for micro- and nanocarbons due to their unique structural character and highly unusual thermal activation. Here we report on the successful graphitization of nanocrystalline carbon microcoils prepared by catalytic chemical vapor deposition and post-treated in argon atmosphere at temperatures ∼2500 °C for 2 h. The morphology, microstructure, and thermal properties of the carbon microcoils are examined in detail. The graphitization mechanism is discussed by invoking a model of structural transformation of the carbon microcoils. The results reveal that after graphitization the carbon microcoils are prominently purified and feature a clear helical morphology, as well as a more regular and ordered microstructure. The interlayer spacing of the carbon microcoils decreases from 0.36 to 0.34 nm, whereas the mean crystal sizes in the c - and a -directions increase from 1.64 to 2.04 nm and from 3.86 to 7.21 nm, respectively. Thermal treatment also substantially improves the antioxidation properties of the microcoils by lifting the oxidation onset temperature from 550 to 672 °C. This process may be suitable for other nongraphitic micro- and nanomaterials.


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The interaction of halogen molecules of varying electron affinity, such as iodine monochloride (ICl), bromine (Br(2)), iodine monobromide (IBr) and iodine (I(2)) with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and graphene has been investigated in detail. Halogen doping of the two nanocarbons has been examined using Raman spectroscopy in conjunction with electronic absorption spectroscopy and extensive theoretical calculations. The halogen molecules, being electron withdrawing in nature, induce distinct changes in the electronic states of both the SWNTs and graphene, which manifests with a change in the spectroscopic signatures. Stiffening of the Raman G-bands of the nanocarbons upon treatment with the different halogen molecules and the emergence of new bands in the electronic absorption spectra, both point to the fact that the halogen molecules are involved in molecular charge-transfer with the nanocarbons. The experimental findings have been explained through density functional theory (DFT) calculations, which suggest that the extent of charge-transfer depends on the electron affinities of the different halogens, which determines the overall spectroscopic properties. The magnitude of the molecular charge-transfer between the halogens and the nanocarbons generally varies in the order ICl > Br(2) > IBr > I(2), which is consistent with the expected order of electron affinities.


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Interaction of graphene, graphene oxide, and related nanocarbons with radiation gives rise to many novel properties and phenomena. Irradiation of graphene oxide in solid state or in solution by sunlight, UV radiation, or excimer laser radiation reduces it to graphene with negligible oxygen functionalities on the surface. This transformation can be exploited for nanopatterning and for large scale production of reduced graphene oxide (RGO). Laser-induced dehydrogenation of hydrogenated graphene can also be used for this purpose. All such laser-induced transformations are associated with thermal effects. RGO emits blue light on UV excitation, a feature that can be used to generate white light in combination with a yellow emitter. RGO as well as graphene nanoribbons are excellent detectors of infra-red radiation while RGO is a good UV detector.


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Various forms of carbon, especially the nanocarbons, have received considerable attention in recent years. There has also been some effort to investigate borocarbonitrides, BxCyNz, comprising besides carbon, the two elements on either side. Although uniformly homogeneous compositions of borocarbonitrides may be difficult to generate, there have been attempts to prepare them by solid state as well as gas phase reactions. Some of the products so obtained show evidence for the presence of BCN networks. Then, there are composites (G-BN) containing hexagonal BN (h-BN) and graphene (G) domains, G(1-x)(BN)(x), in varying proportions. Nanotubes of BxCyNz have been reported by several workers. The borocarbonitrides exhibit some interesting electronic and gas adsorption properties. Thus, some of the preparations show selective CO2 adsorption. They also exhibit excellent characteristics for supercapacitor applications. In order to understand the nature of these understudied materials, it is necessary to examine the results from first-principles calculations. These calculations throw light on the variation in the band gap of G-BN with the concentration of h-BN, for different geometries of the domains and their boundaries. The possibility of formation of Stone-Wales (SW) defects at the interfaces of graphene and h-BN has been studied and the estimates of the formation energies of SW defects at the interfaces are similar to 4 to 6 eV. The presence of such defects at the interfaces influences the electronic structure near the band gap and the associated properties. For example, adsorption of CH4 and CO2 occurs with significantly stronger binding at the interfacial defects.


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El ensamblado de nanotubos de carbono (CNT) como una fibra macroscópica en la cual están orientados preferentemente paralelos entre sí y al eje de la fibra, ha dado como resultado un nuevo tipo de fibra de altas prestaciones derivadas de la explotación eficiente de las propiedades axiales de los CNTs, y que tiene un gran número de aplicaciones potenciales. Fibras continuas de CNTs se produjeron en el Instituto IMDEA Materiales mediante el proceso de hilado directo durante la reacción de síntesis por deposición química de vapores. Uno de los objetivos de esta tesis es el estudio de la estructura de estas fibras mediante técnicas del estado del arte de difracción de rayos X de sincrotrón y la elaboración de un modelo estructural de dicho material. Mediciones texturales de adsorción de gases, análisis de micrografías de electrones y dispersión de rayos X de ángulo alto y bajo (WAXS/SAXS) indican que el material tiene una estructura mesoporosa con una distribución de tamaño de poros ancha derivada del amplio rango de separaciones entre manojos de CNTs, así como una superficie específica de 170m2/g. Los valores de dimensión fractal obtenidos mediante SAXS y análisis Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) de mediciones texturales coinciden en 2.4 y 2.5, respectivamente, resaltando el carácter de red de la estructura de dichas fibras. La estructura mesoporosa y tipo hilo de las fibra de CNT es accesible a la infiltración de moléculas externas (líquidos o polímeros). En este trabajo se estudian los cambios en la estructura multiescala de las fibras de CNTs al interactuar con líquidos y polímeros. Los efectos de la densificación en la estructura de fibras secas de CNT son estudiados mediante WAXS/SAXS. El tratamiento de densificación junta los manojos de la fibra (los poros disminuyen de tamaño), resultando en un incremento de la densidad de la fibra. Sin embargo, los dominios estructurales correspondientes a la transferencia de esfuerzo mecánica y carga eléctrica en los nanotubos no son afectados durante este proceso de densificación; como consecuencia no se produce un efecto sustancial en las propiedades mecánicas y eléctricas. Mediciones de SAXS and fibra de CNT antes y después de infiltración de líquidos confirman la penetración de una gran cantidad de líquidos que llena los poros internos de la fibra pero no se intercalan entre capas de nanotubos adyacentes. La infiltración de cadenas poliméricas de bajo peso molecular tiende a expandir los manojos en la fibra e incrementar el ángulo de apertura de los poros. Los resultados de SAXS indican que la estructura interna de la fibra en términos de la organización de las capas de tubos y su orientación no es afectada cuando las muestras consisten en fibras infiltradas con polímeros de alto peso molecular. La cristalización de varios polímeros semicristalinos es acelerada por la presencia de fibras de CNTs alineados y produce el crecimiento de una capa transcristalina normal a la superficie de la fibra. Esto es observado directamente mediante microscopía óptica polarizada, y detectado mediante calorimetría DSC. Las lamelas en la capa transcristalina tienen orientación de la cadena polimérica paralela a la fibra y por lo tanto a los nanotubos, de acuerdo con los patrones de WAXS. Esta orientación preferencial se sugiere como parte de la fuerza impulsora en la nucleación. La nucleación del dominio cristalino polimérico en la superficie de los CNT no es epitaxial. Ocurre sin haber correspondencia entre las estructuras cristalinas del polímero y los nanotubos. Estas observaciones contribuyen a la compresión del fenómeno de nucleación en CNTs y otros nanocarbonos, y sientan las bases para el desarrollo de composites poliméricos de gran escala basados en fibra larga de CNTs alineados. ABSTRACT The assembly of carbon nanotubes into a macroscopic fibre material where they are preferentially aligned parallel to each other and to the fibre axis has resulted in a new class of high-performance fibres, which efficiently exploits the axial properties of the building blocks and has numerous applications. Long, continuous CNT fibres were produced in IMDEA Materials Institute by direct fibre spinning from a chemical vapour deposition reaction. These fibres have a complex hierarchical structure covering multiple length scales. One objective of this thesis is to reveal this structure by means of state-of-the-art techniques such as synchrotron X-ray diffraction, and to build a model to link the fibre structural elements. Texture and gas absorption measurements, using electron microscopy, wide angle and small angle X-ray scattering (WAXS/SAXS), and pore size distribution analysis by Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH), indicate that the material has a mesoporous structure with a wide pore size distribution arising from the range of fibre bundle separation, and a high surface area _170m2/g. Fractal dimension values of 2.4_2.5 obtained from the SAXS and BJH measurements highlight the network structure of the fibre. Mesoporous and yarn-like structure of CNT fibres make them accessible to the infiltration of foreign molecules (liquid or polymer). This work studies multiscale structural changes when CNT fibres interact with liquids and polymers. The effects of densification on the structure of dry CNT fibres were measured by WAXS/SAXS. The densification treatment brings the fibre bundles closer (pores become smaller), leading to an increase in fibre density. However, structural domains made of the load and charge carrying nanotubes are not affected; consequently, it has no substantial effect on mechanical and electrical properties. SAXS measurements on the CNT fibres before and after liquid infiltration imply that most liquids are able to fill the internal pores but not to intercalate between nanotubes. Successful infiltration of low molecular weight polymer chains tends to expand the fibre bundles and increases the pore-opening angle. SAXS results indicate that the inner structure of the fibre, in terms of the nanotube layer arrangement and the fibre alignment, are not largely affected when infiltrated with polymers of relatively high molecular weight. The crystallisation of a variety of semicrystalline polymers is accelerated by the presence of aligned fibres of CNTs and results in the growth of a transcrystalline layer perpendicular to the fibre surface. This can be observed directly under polarised optical microscope, and detected by the exothermic peaks during differential scanning calorimetry. The discussion on the driving forces for the enhanced nucleation points out the preferential chain orientation of polymer lamella with the chain axis parallel to the fibre and thus to the nanotubes, which is confirmed by two-dimensional WAXS patterns. A non-epitaxial polymer crystal growth habit at the CNT-polymer interface is proposed, which is independent of lattice matching between the polymer and nanotubes. These findings contribute to the discussion on polymer nucleation on CNTs and other nanocarbons, and their implication for the development of large polymer composites based on long and aligned fibres of CNTs.


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A new non-porous carbon material from granular olive stones has been prepared to be used as a reference material for the characterization of the pore structure of activated carbons. The high precision adsorption isotherms of nitrogen at 77.4 K and argon at 87.3 K on the newly developed sample have been measured, providing the standard data for a more accurate comparative analysis to characterize disordered porous carbons using comparative methods such as t- and αS-methods.


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CO2 adsorption has been measured in different types of graphitic nanostructures (MWCNTs, acid treated MWCNTs, graphene nanoribbons and pure graphene) in order to evaluate the effect of the different defective regions/conformations in the adsorption process, i.e., sp3 hybridized carbon, curved regions, edge defects, etc. This analysis has been performed both in pure carbon and nitrogen-doped nanostructures in order to monitor the effect of surface functional groups on surface created after using different treatments (i.e., acid treatment and thermal expansion of the MWCNTs), and study their adsorption properties. Interestingly, the presence of exposed defective regions in the acid treated nanostructures (e.g., uncapped nanotubes) gives rise to an improvement in the amount of CO2 adsorbed; the adsorption process being completely reversible. For N-doped nanostructures, the adsorption capacity is further enhanced when compared to the pure carbon nanotubes after the tubes were unzipped. The larger proportion of defect sites and curved regions together with the presence of stronger adsorbent–adsorbate interactions, through the nitrogen surface groups, explains their larger adsorption capacity.


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Different types of crystalline carbon nanomaterials were used to reinforce polyaniline for use in electromechanical bilayer bending actuators. The objective is to analyze how the different graphitic structures of the nanocarbons affect and improve the in situ polymerized polyaniline composites and their subsequent actuator behavior. The nanocarbons investigated were multiwalled carbon nanotubes, nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes, helical-ribbon carbon nanofibers and graphene oxide, each one presenting different shape and structural characteristics. Films of nanocarbon-PAni composite were tested in a liquid electrolyte cell system. Experimental design was used to select the type of nanocarbon filler and composite loadings, and yielded a good balance of electromechanical properties. Raman spectroscopy suggests good interaction between PAni and the nanocarbon fillers. Electron microscopy showed that graphene oxide dispersed the best, followed by multiwall carbon nanotubes, while nitrogen-doped nanotube composites showed dispersion problems and thus poor performance. Multiwall carbon nanotube composite actuators showed the best performance based on the combination of bending angle, bending velocity and maximum working cycles, while graphene oxide attained similarly good performance due to its best dispersion. This parallel testing of a broad set of nanocarbon fillers on PAni-composite actuators is unprecedented to the best of our knowledge and shows that the type and properties of the carbon nanomaterial are critical to the performance of electromechanical devices with other conditions remaining equal.


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Electrically conductive elastomeric fibres prepared using a wet-spinning process are promising materials for intelligent textiles, in particular as a strain sensing component of the fabric. However, these fibres, when reinforced with conducting fillers, typically result in a compromise between mechanical and electrical properties and, ultimately, in the strain sensing functionality. Here we investigate the wet-spinning of polyurethane (PU) fibres with a range of conducting fillers such as carbon black (CB), single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), and chemically converted graphene. We show that the electrical and mechanical properties of the composite fibres were strongly dependent on the aspect ratio of the filler and the interaction between the filler and the elastomer. The high aspect ratio SWCNT filler resulted in fibres with the highest electrical properties and reinforcement, while the fibres produced from the low aspect ratio CB had the highest stretchability. Furthermore, PU/SWCNT fibres presented the largest sensing range (up to 60% applied strain) and the most consistent and stable cyclic sensing behaviour. This work provides an understanding of the important factors that influence the production of conductive elastomer fibres by wet-spinning, which can be woven or knitted into textiles for the development of wearable strain sensors.