990 resultados para NP-hardness


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This paper strengthens the NP-hardness result for the (partial) maximum a posteriori (MAP) problem in Bayesian networks with topology of trees (every variable has at most one parent) and variable cardinality at most three. MAP is the problem of querying the most probable state configuration of some (not necessarily all) of the network variables given evidence. It is demonstrated that the problem remains hard even in such simplistic networks.


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This paper proposes a new multi-stage mine production timetabling (MMPT) model to optimise open-pit mine production operations including drilling, blasting and excavating under real-time mining constraints. The MMPT problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming model and can be optimally solved for small-size MMPT instances by IBM ILOG-CPLEX. Due to NP-hardness, an improved shifting-bottleneck-procedure algorithm based on the extended disjunctive graph is developed to solve large-size MMPT instances in an effective and efficient way. Extensive computational experiments are presented to validate the proposed algorithm that is able to efficiently obtain the near-optimal operational timetable of mining equipment units. The advantages are indicated by sensitivity analysis under various real-life scenarios. The proposed MMPT methodology is promising to be implemented as a tool for mining industry because it is straightforwardly modelled as a standard scheduling model, efficiently solved by the heuristic algorithm, and flexibly expanded by adopting additional industrial constraints.


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The paper deals with the determination of an optimal schedule for the so-called mixed shop problem when the makespan has to be minimized. In such a problem, some jobs have fixed machine orders (as in the job-shop), while the operations of the other jobs may be processed in arbitrary order (as in the open-shop). We prove binary NP-hardness of the preemptive problem with three machines and three jobs (two jobs have fixed machine orders and one may have an arbitrary machine order). We answer all other remaining open questions on the complexity status of mixed-shop problems with the makespan criterion by presenting different polynomial and pseudopolynomial algorithms.


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We study the computational complexity of finding maximum a posteriori configurations in Bayesian networks whose probabilities are specified by logical formulas. This approach leads to a fine grained study in which local information such as context-sensitive independence and determinism can be considered. It also allows us to characterize more precisely the jump from tractability to NP-hardness and beyond, and to consider the complexity introduced by evidence alone.


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Quoique très difficile à résoudre, le problème de satisfiabilité Booléenne (SAT) est fréquemment utilisé lors de la modélisation d’applications industrielles. À cet effet, les deux dernières décennies ont vu une progression fulgurante des outils conçus pour trouver des solutions à ce problème NP-complet. Deux grandes avenues générales ont été explorées afin de produire ces outils, notamment l’approche logicielle et matérielle. Afin de raffiner et améliorer ces solveurs, de nombreuses techniques et heuristiques ont été proposées par la communauté de recherche. Le but final de ces outils a été de résoudre des problèmes de taille industrielle, ce qui a été plus ou moins accompli par les solveurs de nature logicielle. Initialement, le but de l’utilisation du matériel reconfigurable a été de produire des solveurs pouvant trouver des solutions plus rapidement que leurs homologues logiciels. Cependant, le niveau de sophistication de ces derniers a augmenté de telle manière qu’ils restent le meilleur choix pour résoudre SAT. Toutefois, les solveurs modernes logiciels n’arrivent toujours pas a trouver des solutions de manière efficace à certaines instances SAT. Le but principal de ce mémoire est d’explorer la résolution du problème SAT dans le contexte du matériel reconfigurable en vue de caractériser les ingrédients nécessaires d’un solveur SAT efficace qui puise sa puissance de calcul dans le parallélisme conféré par une plateforme FPGA. Le prototype parallèle implémenté dans ce travail est capable de se mesurer, en termes de vitesse d’exécution à d’autres solveurs (matériels et logiciels), et ce sans utiliser aucune heuristique. Nous montrons donc que notre approche matérielle présente une option prometteuse vers la résolution d’instances industrielles larges qui sont difficilement abordées par une approche logicielle.


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The central thesis of this report is that human language is NP-complete. That is, the process of comprehending and producing utterances is bounded above by the class NP, and below by NP-hardness. This constructive complexity thesis has two empirical consequences. The first is to predict that a linguistic theory outside NP is unnaturally powerful. The second is to predict that a linguistic theory easier than NP-hard is descriptively inadequate. To prove the lower bound, I show that the following three subproblems of language comprehension are all NP-hard: decide whether a given sound is possible sound of a given language; disambiguate a sequence of words; and compute the antecedents of pronouns. The proofs are based directly on the empirical facts of the language user's knowledge, under an appropriate idealization. Therefore, they are invariant across linguistic theories. (For this reason, no knowledge of linguistic theory is needed to understand the proofs, only knowledge of English.) To illustrate the usefulness of the upper bound, I show that two widely-accepted analyses of the language user's knowledge (of syntactic ellipsis and phonological dependencies) lead to complexity outside of NP (PSPACE-hard and Undecidable, respectively). Next, guided by the complexity proofs, I construct alternate linguisitic analyses that are strictly superior on descriptive grounds, as well as being less complex computationally (in NP). The report also presents a new framework for linguistic theorizing, that resolves important puzzles in generative linguistics, and guides the mathematical investigation of human language.


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This paper analyzes the problem of learning the structure of a Bayes net (BN) in the theoretical framework of Gold’s learning paradigm. Bayes nets are one of the most prominent formalisms for knowledge representation and probabilistic and causal reasoning. We follow constraint-based approaches to learning Bayes net structure, where learning is based on observed conditional dependencies between variables of interest (e.g., “X is dependent on Y given any assignment to variable Z”). Applying learning criteria in this model leads to the following results. (1) The mind change complexity of identifying a Bayes net graph over variables V from dependency data is |V| 2 , the maximum number of edges. (2) There is a unique fastest mind-change optimal Bayes net learner; convergence speed is evaluated using Gold’s dominance notion of “uniformly faster convergence”. This learner conjectures a graph if it is the unique Bayes net pattern that satisfies the observed dependencies with a minimum number of edges, and outputs “no guess” otherwise. Therefore we are using standard learning criteria to define a natural and novel Bayes net learning algorithm. We investigate the complexity of computing the output of the fastest mind-change optimal learner, and show that this problem is NP-hard (assuming P = RP). To our knowledge this is the first NP-hardness result concerning the existence of a uniquely optimal Bayes net structure.


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We prove NP-hardness results for five of Nintendo's largest video game franchises: Mario, Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Pokémon. Our results apply to generalized versions of Super Mario Bros.1-3, The Lost Levels, and Super Mario World; Donkey Kong Country 1-3; all Legend of Zelda games; all Metroid games; and all Pokémon role-playing games. In addition, we prove PSPACE-completeness of the Donkey Kong Country games and several Legend of Zelda games.


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The sum of k mins protocol was proposed by Hopper and Blum as a protocol for secure human identification. The goal of the protocol is to let an unaided human securely authenticate to a remote server. The main ingredient of the protocol is the sum of k mins problem. The difficulty of solving this problem determines the security of the protocol. In this paper, we show that the sum of k mins problem is NP-Complete and W[1]-Hard. This latter notion relates to fixed parameter intractability. We also discuss the use of the sum of k mins protocol in resource-constrained devices.


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Non-monotonic reasoning typically deals with three kinds of knowledge. Facts are meant to describe immutable statements of the environment. Rules define relationships among elements. Lastly, an ordering among the rules, in the form of a superiority relation, establishes the relative strength of rules. To revise a non-monotonic theory, we can change either one of these three elements. We prove that the problem of revising a non-monotonic theory by only changing the superiority relation is a NP-complete problem.


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Tanner Graph representation of linear block codes is widely used by iterative decoding algorithms for recovering data transmitted across a noisy communication channel from errors and erasures introduced by the channel. The stopping distance of a Tanner graph T for a binary linear block code C determines the number of erasures correctable using iterative decoding on the Tanner graph T when data is transmitted across a binary erasure channel using the code C. We show that the problem of finding the stopping distance of a Tanner graph is hard to approximate within any positive constant approximation ratio in polynomial time unless P = NP. It is also shown as a consequence that there can be no approximation algorithm for the problem achieving an approximation ratio of 2(log n)(1-epsilon) for any epsilon > 0 unless NP subset of DTIME(n(poly(log n))).


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A k-dimensional box is the Cartesian product R-1 X R-2 X ... X R-k where each R-i is a closed interval on the real line. The boxicity of a graph G, denoted as box(G), is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of a collection of k-dimensional boxes. A unit cube in k-dimensional space or a k-cube is defined as the Cartesian product R-1 X R-2 X ... X R-k where each R-i is a closed interval oil the real line of the form a(i), a(i) + 1]. The cubicity of G, denoted as cub(G), is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of a collection of k-cubes. The threshold dimension of a graph G(V, E) is the smallest integer k such that E can be covered by k threshold spanning subgraphs of G. In this paper we will show that there exists no polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the threshold dimension of a graph on n vertices with a factor of O(n(0.5-epsilon)) for any epsilon > 0 unless NP = ZPP. From this result we will show that there exists no polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the boxicity and the cubicity of a graph on n vertices with factor O(n(0.5-epsilon)) for any epsilon > 0 unless NP = ZPP. In fact all these hardness results hold even for a highly structured class of graphs, namely the split graphs. We will also show that it is NP-complete to determine whether a given split graph has boxicity at most 3. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The microstructure, thermal stability and hardness of ultra-fine grained (UFG) Ni produced by 12 passes of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) through the route Bc were studied. Comparing the microstructure and hardness of the as-ECAPed samples with the published data on UFG Ni obtained after 8 passes of ECAP through the route Bc reveals a smaller average grain size (230 nm in the present case compared with 270 nm in 8-pass Ni), significantly lower dislocation density (1.08 x 10(14) m(-2) compared with 9 x 10(14) m(-2) in 8-pass Ni) and lower hardness (2 GPa compared with 2.45 GPa for 8-pass Ni). Study of the thermal stability of the 12-pass UFG Ni revealed that recovery is dominant in the temperature range 150-250A degrees C and recrystallisation occurred at temperatures > 250 A degrees C. The UFG microstructure is relatively stable up to about 400 A degrees C. Due to the lower dislocation density and consequently a lower stored energy, the recrystallisation of 12-pass ECAP Ni occurred at a higher temperature (similar to 250 A degrees C) compared with the 8-pass Ni (similar to 200 A degrees C). In the 12-pass Nickel, hardness variation shows that its dependence on grain size is inversely linear rather than the common grain size(-0.5) dependence.


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A path in an edge colored graph is said to be a rainbow path if no two edges on the path have the same color. An edge colored graph is (strongly) rainbow connected if there exists a (geodesic) rainbow path between every pair of vertices. The (strong) rainbow connectivity of a graph G, denoted by (src(G), respectively) rc(G) is the smallest number of colors required to edge color the graph such that G is (strongly) rainbow connected. In this paper we study the rainbow connectivity problem and the strong rainbow connectivity problem from a computational point of view. Our main results can be summarised as below: 1) For every fixed k >= 3, it is NP-Complete to decide whether src(G) <= k even when the graph G is bipartite. 2) For every fixed odd k >= 3, it is NP-Complete to decide whether rc(G) <= k. This resolves one of the open problems posed by Chakraborty et al. (J. Comb. Opt., 2011) where they prove the hardness for the even case. 3) The following problem is fixed parameter tractable: Given a graph G, determine the maximum number of pairs of vertices that can be rainbow connected using two colors. 4) For a directed graph G, it is NP-Complete to decide whether rc(G) <= 2.


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Delaunay and Gabriel graphs are widely studied geo-metric proximity structures. Motivated by applications in wireless routing, relaxed versions of these graphs known as Locally Delaunay Graphs (LDGs) and Lo-cally Gabriel Graphs (LGGs) have been proposed. We propose another generalization of LGGs called Gener-alized Locally Gabriel Graphs (GLGGs) in the context when certain edges are forbidden in the graph. Unlike a Gabriel Graph, there is no unique LGG or GLGG for a given point set because no edge is necessarily in-cluded or excluded. This property allows us to choose an LGG/GLGG that optimizes a parameter of interest in the graph. We show that computing an edge max-imum GLGG for a given problem instance is NP-hard and also APX-hard. We also show that computing an LGG on a given point set with dilation ≤k is NP-hard. Finally, we give an algorithm to verify whether a given geometric graph G= (V, E) is a valid LGG.