997 resultados para NOX REDUCTION


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The structure of Cu-ZSM-5 catalysts that show activity for direct NO decomposition and selective catalytic reduction of NOx by hydrocarbons has been investigated by a multitude of modern surface analysis and spectroscopy techniques including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. A series of four catalysts were prepared by exchange of Na-ZSM-5 with dilute copper acetate, and the copper loading was controlled by variation of the solution pH. Underexchanged catalysts contained isolated Cu2+OH-(H2O) species and as the copper loading was increased Cu2+ ions incorporated into the zeolite lattice appeared. The sites at which the latter two copper species were located were fundamentally different. The Cu2+OH-(H2O) moieties were bound to two lattice oxygen ions and associated with one aluminum framework species. In contrast, the Cu2+ ions were probably bound to four lattice oxygen ions and associated with two framework aluminum ions. Once the Cu-ZSM-5 samples attained high levels of exchange, the development of [Cu(μ-OH)2Cu]n2+OH-(H2O) species along with a small concentration of Cu(OH)2 was observed. On activation in helium to 500°C the Cu2+OH-(H2O) species transformed into Cu2+O- and Cu+ moieties, whereas the Cu2+ ions were apparently unaffected by this treatment (apart from the loss of ligated water molecules). Calcination of the precursors resulted in the formation of Cu2+O2- and a one-dimensional CuO species. Temperature-programmed desorption studies revealed that oxygen was removed from the latter two species at 407 and 575°C, respectively. © 1999 Academic Press.


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In this study, reduction and desorption of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were conducted using an electrical discharge plasma technique. The study was carried out using a simulated gas mixture to explore the possibility of re-generation of used adsorbents by a nonthermal plasma desorption technique. Three different types of corona electrodes, namely, pipe, helical wire, and straight wire, were used for analyzing their effectiveness in NOx reduction/desorption. The pipe-type corona electrode exhibited a nitric oxide (NO) conversion of 50%, which is 1.5 times that of the straight-wire-type electrode at an energy density of 175J/L. The helical-wire-type corona electrode exhibited a NOx desorption efficiency almost 4 times that of the pipe-type electrode,indicating the possibility that corona-generated species play a crucial role in desorption.


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the filtered/unfiltered exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using non-thermal plasma (pulsed electrical discharge plasma) process and cascaded processes namely plasma- adsorbent and plasma-catalyst processes. The superior performance of discharge plasma with regard to NOx removal, energy consumption and formation of by-products in unfiltered exhaust environment is identified. In the cascaded plasma-adsorbent process, the plasma was cascaded with adsorbents (MS13X/Activated alumina/Activated charcoal). The cascaded process treating unfiltered exhaust exhibits a very high NOx removal compared to the individual processes and further, the cascaded process gives almost the same NOx removal efficiency irrespective of type of adsorbent used. In the cascaded plasma- catalyst process, the plasma was cascaded with activated alumina catalyst at high temperature. The synergy effect and improved performance of the cascaded process are explained. Further, experiments were conducted at room temperature as well as at higher temperatures.


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using non-thermal plasma (dielectric barrier discharge) process. The objective of the study was to explore the effect of different voltage energizations and exhaust composition on the NOx removal process. Three types of voltage energizations, namely AC, DC and Pulse were examined. Due to the ease of generation of high voltage AC/DC electrical discharges from automobile/Vehicular battery supply for possible retrofitting in exhaust cleaning circuit, it was found relevant to investigate individual energisation cases in detail for NOx removal. AC and Pulse energisations exhibit a superior NOx removal efficiency compared to DC energisation. However,Pulse energisation is found to be more energy efficient. Experiments were further carried out with filtered/ unfiltered (raw) exhaust under pulse energisations. The results were discussed with regard to NOx removal, energy consumption and formation of by-products.


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Platinum group metal catalysts have been investigated for the formation of NH3 from NO + H-2 at low temperatures in the absence and presence of CO. Although CO inhibits the formation of NH3, substantial amounts are still observed with a Pt catalyst. By combining Pt with a support (ceria-zirconia) that has low temperature NOx storage characteristics it has been shown in transient experiments that NH3 can be formed and stored in situ under rich conditions, and may then be used to reduce NOx under lean burn conditions.


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The role of hydrogen in promoting the reduction by ammonia of NOx on silver catalysts has been investigated using a Short Time on Stream (STOS) technique to allow differentiation between potentially reactive intermediates and relatively inactive spectator species. Under these conditions, we have used DRIFTS to identify surface nitrate species that are formed and removed on a timescale of seconds. This is in contrast to nitrate species observed under normal steady-state conditions which can continue to form over many tens of minutes. Since this timescale of seconds is very similar to the response rate at which the NH3/NOx to N-2 reaction is accelerated when H-2 is added, or decelerated when H-2 is removed, we conclude that this fast-forming and fast disappearing nitrate species is most probably adsorbed on or close to the active Ag sites. The removal of such a blocking nitrate species from the active sites can explain the effect of H-2 in greatly increasing the rate of the overall de-NOx reaction. 


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A dual catalyst system for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with hydrocarbons (HC-SCR), including distinct low and high temperature formulations, is proposed as a means to abate NOx emissions from diesel engines. Given that satisfactory high temperature HC-SCR catalysts are already available, this work focuses on the development of an improved low temperature formulation. Pt supported on multiwalled carbon nantubes (MWCNTs) was found to exhibit superior NOx reduction activity in comparison with Pt/Al2O3, while the MWCNT support displayed a higher resistance to oxidation than activated carbon. Refluxing the MWCNT support in a 1:1 mixture of H2SO4 and HNO3 prior to the metal deposition step proved to be beneficial for the metal dispersion and the NOx reduction performance of the resulting catalysts. This support effect is ascribed to the increased Brønsted acidity of the acid-treated MWCNTs, which in turn enhances the partial oxidation of the hydrocarbon reductant. Further improvements in the HC-SCR performance of MWCNT-based formulations were achieved using a 3:1 Pt–Rh alloy as the supported phase.


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The next generation of diesel emission control devices includes 4-way catalyzed filtration systems (4WCFS) consisting of both NOx and diesel particulate matter (DPM) control. A methodology was developed to simultaneously evaluate the NOx and DPM control performance of miniature 4WCFS made from acicular mullite, an advanced ceramic material (ACM), that were challenged with diesel exhaust. The impact of catalyst loading and substrate porosity on catalytic performance of the NOx trap was evaluated. Simultaneously with NOx measurements, the real-time solid particle filtration performance of catalyst-coated standard and high porosity filters was determined for steady-state and regenerative conditions. The use of high porosity ACM 4-way catalyzed filtration systems reduced NOx by 99% and solid and total particulate matter by 95% when averaged over 10 regeneration cycles. A "regeneration cycle" refers to an oxidizing ("lean") exhaust condition followed by a reducing ("rich") exhaust condition resulting in NOx storage and NOx reduction (i.e., trap "regeneration"), respectively. Standard porosity ACM 4-way catalyzed filtration systems reduced NOx by 60-75% and exhibited 99.9% filtration efficiency. The rich/lean cycling used to regenerate the filter had almost no impact on solid particle filtration efficiency but impacted NOx control. Cycling resulted in the formation of very low concentrations of semivolatile nucleation mode particles for some 4WCFS formulations. Overall, 4WCFS show promise for significantly reducing diesel emissions into the atmosphere in a single control device. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Research on the selective reduction of NOx with hydrocarbons under lean-burn conditions using non-zeolitic oxides and platinum group metal (PGM) catalysts has been critically reviewed. Alumina and silver-promoted alumina catalysts have been described in detail with particular emphasis on an analysis of the various reaction mechanisms that have been put forward in the literature. The influence of the nature of the reducing agent, and the preparation and structure of the catalysts have also been discussed and rationalised for several other oxide systems. It is concluded for non-zeolitic oxides that species that are strongly adsorbed on the surface, such as nitrates/nitrites and acetates, could be key intermediates in the formation of various reduced and oxidised species of nitrogen, the further reaction of which leads eventually to the formation of molecular nitrogen. For the platinum group metal catalysts, the different mechanisms that have been proposed in the literature have been critically assessed. It is concluded that although there is indirect, mainly spectroscopic, evidence for various reaction intermediates on the catalyst surface, it is difficult to confirm that any of these are involved in a critical mechanistic step because of a lack of a direct quantitative correlation between infrared and kinetic measurements. A simple mechanism which involves the dissociation of NO on a reduced metal surface to give N(ads) and O(ads), with subsequent desorption of N-2 and N2O and removal of O(ads) by the reductant can explain many of the results with the platinum group metal catalysts, although an additional contribution from organo-nitro-type species may contribute to the overall NOx reduction activity with these catalysts.


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The ability of a gold palladium bimetallic catalyst to selectively oxidise toluene has been used to enhance the hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction of NOx, a reaction in which the interaction of partial oxidation intermediates is considered important. The combination of gold with palladium has a synergistic effect, producing a catalyst that is more active for NOx conversion than the arithmetic sum of the corresponding mono-metallic materials. Three regimes in the conversion profile of the AuPd catalyst are proposed relating to production and consumption of toluene derived species, such as benzaldehyde and benzonitrile. The possible role of these reaction intermediates in the toluene HC-SCR reaction is examined. Using 15NO, the formation of N2 and N2O is observed via the direct interaction between the nitrogen atom of benzonitrile and 15NO. The higher activity of the bimetallic catalyst for the NOx reduction reaction by toluene is discussed in the context of these partial oxidation intermediates.


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5% copper catalysts with Ce0.8M0.2Oδ supports (M = Zr, La, Ce, Pr or Nd) have been studied by rapid-scan operando DRIFTS for NOx Storage and Reduction (NSR) with high frequency (30 s) CO, H2 and 50%CO + 50%H2 micropulses. In the absence of reductant pulses, below 200–250 °C NOx was stored on the catalysts as nitrite and nitro groups, and above this temperature nitrates were the main species identified. The thermal stability of the NOx species stored on the catalysts depended on the acid/basic character of the dopant (M more acidic = NOx stored less stable ⇒ Zr4+ < none < Nd3+ < Pr3+ < La3+ ⇐ M more basic = NOx stored more stable). Catalysts regeneration was more efficient with H2 than with CO, and the CO + H2 mixture presented an intermediate behavior, but with smaller differences among the series of catalyst than observed using CO alone. N2 is the main NOx reduction product upon H2 regeneration. The highest NOx removal in NSR experiments performed at 400 °C with CO + H2 pulses was achieved with the catalyst with the most basic dopant (CuO/Ce0.8La0.2Oδ) while the poorest performing catalyst was that with the most acidic dopant (CuO/Ce0.8Zr0.2Oδ). The poor performance of CuO/Ce0.8Zr0.2Oδ in NSR experiments with CO pulses was attributed to its lower oxidation capacity compared to the other catalysts.