1000 resultados para NOVA OY-CARINAE


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Both continuum and emission line flickering are phenomena directly associated with the mass-accretion process. In this work we simulated accretion-disk Doppler maps, including the effects of winds and flickering flares. Synthetic flickering Doppler maps were calculated and the effect of the flickering parameters on the maps was explored. Jets and winds occur in many astrophysical objects where accretion disks are present. Jets are generally absent among the cataclysmic variables (CVs), but there is evidence of mass loss by wind in many objects. CVs are ideal objects to study accretion disks, and consequently to study the wind associated with these disks. We also present simulations of accretion disks, including the presence of a wind with orbital phase resolution. Synthetic Ha line profiles in the optical region were obtained and their corresponding Doppler maps were calculated. The effect of the wind simulation parameters on the wind line profiles was also explored. From this study we verified that optically thick lines and/or emission by diffuse material into the primary Roche lobe are necessary to generate single peaked line profiles, often seen in CVs. The future accounting of these effects is suggested for interpreting Doppler tomography reconstructions.


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Flickering is a phenomenon related to mass accretion observed among many classes of astrophysical objects. In this paper we present a study of flickering emission lines and the continuum of the cataclysmic variable V3885 Sgr. The flickering behavior was first analyzed through statistical analysis and the power spectra of lightcurves. Autocorrelation techniques were then employed to estimate the flickering timescale of flares. A cross-correlation study between the line and its underlying continuum variability is presented. The cross-correlation between the photometric and spectroscopic data is also discussed. Periodograms, calculated using emission-line data, show a behavior that is similar to those obtained from photometric datasets found in the literature, with a plateau at lower frequencies and a power-law at higher frequencies. The power-law index is consistent with stochastic events. The cross-correlation study indicates the presence of a correlation between the variability on Ha and its underlying continuum. Flickering timescales derived from the photometric data were estimated to be 25 min for two lightcurves and 10 min for one of them. The average timescales of the line flickering is 40 min, while for its underlying continuum it drops to 20 min.


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A travel article about Halifax, Nova Scotia. MOTORISTS in Nova Scotia are so polite it's almost a shame to leave, writes Kari Gislason. By the end of my second day in Halifax, I begin to develop deep concerns about the safety of the locals, or the Haligonians as they're known. I wonder how they ever leave their fair city or, perhaps more to the point, how they ever make it back...


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A travel article about Nova Scotia, and the area's annual Celtic music festival. I ARRIVED in Cape Breton on the occasion of the Fibre Festival, run not only by the South Haven Guild of Weavers but also the Baddeck Quilters Guild. And yet I might not have noticed that it was on, had it not been for a car, shrouded entirely by a quilt cover, that was parked outside the Volunteer Fire Department Hall. I was on my way to the Alexander Graham Bell Museum a little further along Baddeck's main street. But I stopped, for who wouldn't stop to look at the various fibres of Cape Breton. The hall had been divided between weavers and quilters. Naturally, I left hoping that one day this ancient divide might be healed...


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Within half an hour of leaving Halifax Airport I managed to get myself lost. I noticed an exit sign for St Margaret’s Bay and, despite written instructions to the contrary, it sounded like the right way to go. But I was on the Lighthouse Route and on my way back to Halifax...


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This is a qualitative and multimethodological comparative study, which consists of two main parts: examining the development of new media and analysing and comparing the new media strategies of the three companies studied (Alma Media, Sanoma and the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yleisradio). The study includes the first large-scale review in Finnish of the development of new media, paying attention to the birth of the Internet as well as to mobile media, web TV and any other element of new media. It also concentrates on the function of electronic distribution channels before the age of the Internet, e.g. cable text and videotext. Answers about how the three traditional Finnish media houses began spreading their content to the Internet and wireless applications in 1994–2004 are also given. In researching the new media strategies the study pays special attention to the attitudes that the three media companies adopted towards the Internet and other forms of new media in their strategies during the years in question. By analysing and comparing, e.g., the companies’ strategies and their investments, the study ascertains whether the companies had a joint functional model in adopting new media or acted totally on their own without taking too much notice of the media field overall. The study makes extensive use of previously published material. The researcher has also interviewed almost twenty people who were involved in getting the companies’ new media functions under way. The methods for the interviews were dialogue and snowball sampling. The researcher has created a classification in which he divides the business strategies into four different categories: active strategy, careful strategy, permissive strategy, and passive strategy. In comparing and analysing the companies the researcher has used the classification devised by Allan Afuah & Christopher L. Tucci. The seven element classification consists of dominant managerial logic, competency trap, fear of cannibalisation and loss of revenue, channel conflict, political power, co-opetitor power and emotional attachment. In analysing the company strategies the researcher has also noted the classifications of convergence made by Everette E. Dennis and Graham Murdock as well as the aspects formulated by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted and Louisa Ha concerning the success of the companies in adopting the Internet into their functions. Based on all these classifications and by further developing them the researcher analyses and compares the success of the new media strategies of the three Finnish companies. The outcome of the study is a conclusion as to what kind of strategies the companies have carried out their new media functions and how they have succeeded in it.


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Autoimmune diseases are more common in dogs than in humans and are already threatening the future of some highly predisposed dog breeds. Susceptibility to autoimmune diseases is controlled by environmental and genetic factors, especially the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene region. Dogs show a similar physiology, disease presentation and clinical response as humans, making them an excellent disease model for autoimmune diseases common to both species. The genetic background of canine autoimmune disorders is largely unknown, but recent annotation of the dog genome and subsequent development of new genomic tools offer a unique opportunity to map novel autoimmune genes in various breeds. Many autoimmune disorders show breed-specific enrichment, supporting a strong genetic background. Furthermore, the presence of hundreds of breeds as genetic isolates facilitates gene mapping in complex autoimmune disorders. Identification of novel predisposing genes establishes breeds as models and may reveal novel candidate genes for the corresponding human disorders. Genetic studies will eventually shed light on common biological functions and interactions between genes and the environment. This study aimed to identify genetic risk factors in various autoimmune disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-related diseases, comprising immune-mediated rheumatic disease (IMRD) and steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis (SMRA) as well as Addison s disease (AD) in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers (NSDTRs) and chronic superficial keratitis (CSK) in German Shepherd dogs (GSDs). We used two different approaches to identify genetic risk factors. Firstly, a candidate gene approach was applied to test the potential association of MHC class II, also known as a dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) in canine species. Secondly, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed to identify novel risk loci for SLE-related disease and AD in NSDTRs. We identified DLA risk haplotypes for an IMRD subphenotype of SLE-related disease, AD and CSK, but not in SMRA, and show that the MHC class II gene region is a major genetic risk factor in canine autoimmune diseases. An elevated risk was found for IMRD in dogs that carried the DLA-DRB1*00601/DQA1*005011/DQB1*02001 haplotype (OR = 2.0, 99% CI = 1.03-3.95, p = 0.01) and for ANA-positive IMRD dogs (OR = 2.3, 99% CI = 1.07-5.04, p-value 0.007). We also found that DLA-DRB1*01502/DQA*00601/DQB1*02301 haplotype was significantly associated with AD in NSDTRs (OR = 2.1, CI = 1.0-4.4, P = 0.044) and the DLA-DRB1*01501/DQA1*00601/DQB1*00301 haplotype with the CSK in GSDs (OR=2.67, CI=1.17-6.44, p= 0.02). In addition, we found that homozygosity for the risk haplotype increases the risk for each disease phenotype and that an overall homozygosity for the DLA region predisposes to CSK and AD. Our results have enabled the development of genetic tests to improve breeding practices by avoiding the production of puppies homozygous for risk haplotypes. We also performed the first successful GWAS for a complex disease in dogs. With less than 100 cases and 100 controls, we identified five risk loci for SLE-related disease and AD and found strong candidate genes involved in a novel T-cell activation pathway. We show that an inbred dog population has fewer risk factors, but each of them has a stronger genetic risk. Ongoing studies aim to identify the causative mutations and bring new knowledge to help diagnostics, treatment and understanding of the aetiology of SLE-related diseases.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää Fazer Leipomot Oy:n tuotannon työntekijöiden hyvinvointia ja heidän työssään havaitsemiaan psykososiaalisia riski- ja kuormitustekijöitä. Taustalla oli organisaation ja työntekijän kehittäminen sekä työn mielekkyyden lisääminen. Työntekijän kuormituksesta johtuva stressi on myös yhteydessä työssäpysymisasenteeseen. Tutkimuksen avulla pyrittiin luomaan kehitysehdotuksia kohti terveempää organisaatiota. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin teemahaastattelujen avulla (n=12). Haastatteluiden pohjana toimi Maailman terveysjärjestö WHO:n luomat linjaukset psykososiaalisten riskien hallintaan (PRIMA–EF). Nämä teemat olivat työn sisältö, työmäärä ja –tahti, työaikamuoto, työn hallinta, työympäristö ja välineet, organisaatiokulttuuri ja toiminta, sosiaaliset suhteet, rooli organisaatiossa, työuran kehitys sekä työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittaminen. Haastatteluilla pyrittiin kuvaamaan työntekijöiden tunteita kuormituksesta ja tuomaan esille kehitysehdotuksia kohti parempaa huomista. Teemahaastattelut analysoitiin sisällönanalyysilla. Tulosten perusteella ”fazerilaisuutta” on edelleen havaittavissa ja Fazerilla on asioita, jotka ovat melko hyvin. Kuitenkin kehitettävää löytyy työntekijän kuormittuneisuuden parantamiseksi. Erityisesti esille nousivat arvostuksen tunne ja takaisinpäin viestintä. Lisäksi työntekijän motivoimiseksi ja sitouttamiseksi toivottiin lisää vaikutus- ja päätöksentekomahdollisuuksia. Vahvuuksia ilmeni muun muassa joustavuudessa ja työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamisessa. Tuloksien luotettavuutta kuvaa muun muassa se, että Fazerin vuotuinen henkilöstökysely oli tuonut kyselylomakkeella esiin osittain samoja asioita. Fazerilla viihtyvyys on jo pitkään ollut hyvällä tasolla. Lisäksi työsuhteet ovat olleet ilmeisen pitkiä. Työympäristön nopea ja jatkuva muuttuminen ja työntekijöiden kasvava epävarmuus koettelevat työntekijöitä. Täten katseen suuntaaminen tulevaisuuteen sekä työntekijöiden hyvinvointiin ja työkykyyn panostaminen ovat tärkeässä roolissa. Fazer on vahva brändi, mutta huomio työntekijöiden kuormittuneisuuteen tulee jatkossakin olla osa Fazerin toimintaa.


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Aim of this master's thesis paper for consumer economics, is to research gambling advertisements in Finland over a period of 35 years, from 1970 to 2006. Veikkaus Oy (later Veikkaus), was founded in 1940, as one of the three licensed gambling organizations in Finland. Material for the current research comprised 1494 advertisements published by Veikkaus in newspapers and magazines at that time. Veikkaus has the exclusive licence to organize lotto games, sport games, instant games and other draw games in Finland. The other two operators, The Finnish Slot Machine Association RAY and Fintoto (on-track horse betting), were not included in the current analysis. This study has been completed according to research contract and grand by the Finnish Foundation for Gaming Research (Pelitoiminnan tutkimussäätiö). In general, advertisements reflect surrounding culture and time, and their message is built on stratified meanings, symbols and codes. Advertising draws the viewer's attention, introduces the advertised subject, and finally, affects the individual's consumption habits. However, advertisements not only work on individual level, but also influence public perception of the advertised product. Firstly, in order to assess gambling as a phenomenon, this paper discusses gambling as consumer behaviour, and also reviews history of gambling in Finland. Winning is a major feature of gambling, and dreaming about positive change of life is a centre of most gambling ads. However, perceived excitement through risk of losing can also be featured in gambling ads. Secondly, this study utilizes Veikkaus’ large advertising archives, were advertising data is analyzed by content analysis and the semiotic analysis. Two methods have been employed to support analyzing outcome in a synergistic way. Content analysis helps to achieve accuracy and comprehensiveness. Semiotic analysis allows deeper and more sensitive analysis to emerged findings and occurrences. It is important to understand the advertised product, as advertising is bound to the culture and time. Hence, to analyze advertising, it is important to understand the environment where the ads appear. Content analysis of Veikkaus data discovered the main gambling and principal advertisement style for each.period. Interestingly, nearly half of Veikkaus’ advertisements promoted topic other than “just winning the bet”. Games of change, like Lotto, typically advertised indirectly represented dreams about winning. In the category of skill gambling, features were represented as investment, and the excitement of sporting expertise was emphasized. In addition, there were a number of gambling ads that emphasize social responsibility of Veikkaus as a government guided organization. Semiotic methods were employed to further elaborate on findings of content analysis. Dreaming in the advertisements was represented by the product of symbols, (e.g. cars and homes) that were found to have significance connection with each other. Thus, advertising represents change of life obtained by the winning. Interestingly, gambling ads promoting jackpots were often representing religious symbolisms. Ads promoting social responsibility were found to be the most common during economical depression of the 90’s. Deeper analysis showed that at that time, advertisements frequently represented depression-related meanings, such as unemployment and bank loans. Skill gaming ads were often represented by sports expertise – late 90’s, their number started sky rocketing, and continued increasing until 2006 (when this study ended). One may conclude that sport betting draws its meanings from the relevant consumer culture, and from the rules and features of the betted sport.