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In the present study we evaluated the toxic effects on the male adult rat prostate of DBP exposure during fetal and lactational periods, because although many studies have addressed the influence of phthalates on the male reproductive system, only a few have discussed their possible effects on prostate development. Pregnant females were distributed into two experimental groups: Control (C) and Treated (T). The females of the T group received DBP (100 mg/kg, by gavage) from gestation day 12 to postnatal day 21, while C rats received the vehicle (corn oil). In adulthood (90 days old), the animals were euthanized. The serum and testicular testosterone levels were measured. Ventral prostate was removed and weighed. Distal segment fragments of the ventral prostate were fixed and processed for histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to detect androgen receptor (AR) and Ki67 antigens. Protein extraction from ventral prostate fragments was performed for AR immunoblotting and Gelatin zymography for MMP-2 and MMP-9 (MMP, metalloproteinase). Stereological and histopathological analyses were also performed. Serum and testicular testosterone levels and prostate weight were comparable between groups. In the T group the relative proportions (%) of epithelial (C=32.86; T=42.04*) and stromal (C=21.61; T=27.88*) compartments were increased, while the luminal compartment was decreased (C=45.54; T=30.08*), *p < 0.05. In T, disseminated inflammatory infiltrate in the stroma, associated or not with epithelial dysplasia and PIN (Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia), was observed. Increases in AR expression, proliferation index and metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity were noted in T animals. In some T animals, collagen fibrils accumulated adjacent to the epithelium. As far as we are aware, this is the first report in the literature showing that phthalates could play a role in proliferative and inflammatory disorders of the rat prostate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: To determine the clinical presentation, current treatment and outcome of children with nonbacterial inflammatory bone disease. METHODS: Retrospective multicenter study of patients entered into the Swiss Pediatric Rheumatology Working Group registry with a diagnosis of chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) and synovitis acne pustulosis hyperostosis osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome. The charts were reviewed for informations about disease presentation, treatment, course and outcome. RESULTS: Forty-one children (31 girls and 10 boys) from 6 pediatric hospitals in Switzerland diagnosed between 1995 and 2010 were included in the study. The diagnosis was multifocal CNO (n = 33), unifocal CNO (n = 4) and SAPHO syndrome (n = 4). Mean age at onset of CNO was 9.5 years (range 1.4-15.6) and mean follow-up time was 52 months (range 6-156 months). Most patients (n = 27) had a chronic persistent disease course (>6 months), 8 patients had a course with one or more relapses and 6 patients had only one episode of CNO. Forty nine percent had received at least one course of antibiotics. In 57% treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) was sufficient to control the disease. Twelve out of 16 children with NSAID failure subsequently received corticosteroids, methotrexate, TNF α inhibitors, bisphosphonates or a combination of these drugs. CONCLUSIONS: In a multicenter cohort of 41 children 22% started with unifocal lesion with a significant diagnostic delay. A higher proportion presented with chronic persistent disease than with a recurrent form. An osteomyelitis in the pelvic region is significantly associated with other features of juvenile spondylarthritis.


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Background: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in men; however its etiology remains unknown. Previous studies have shown that environmental adverse factors, such as maternal nutritional status during pregnancy, can influence fetal development and predispose people to diseases in adult life. The feeding of low-protein diets to pregnant rats result in fetal growth disturbance, androgen/estrogen unbalance and changes in the expression and sensibility of hormone receptors in male offspring. These alterations can promote permanent changes in androgen dependent organs, such as in the prostate. In this sense, we hypothesized that the hormonal unbalance that occurs during aging can lead to an increase in the susceptibility to prostatic disorders. Aim: To evaluate our hypothesis, malnourished male rat offspring were submitted to simultaneous estrogen and testosterone exposure in adulthood, to drive lesions in the rat ventral prostate gland (VP). Methods: 17 week-old Wistar rats (n=48) that received in utero normal protein diet (NP group, AIN93G=17% protein) or low protein diet (RP group, AIN93G modified=6% protein) were given implants with 17β-estradiol plus testosterone administration (NPH and RPH groups) for 17 weeks. The animals were killed at the age of 34 weeks and the VP were excised, weighted and processed for histopathological, immunohistochemical (Ki67, AR, p63, e-caderin, laminin, c-myc and GSTP), biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Results: Both absolute and relative VP weight from NPH animals were about 30% higher than RPH. Serological data showed that estradiol levels were similar in both groups, but testosterone levels were lower in the RPH male offspring. The steroid hormone exposure in adult life promoted prostate lesions in both RPH and NPH offspring associated with reactive stroma. VP from RPH group exhibited heightened susceptibility to prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (mainly cribriform and signet ring-cell patterns) and increased the incidence and aggressiveness of prostatitis. In this group, a higher proportion of basal cells, increased proliferation index, lower expression ofthe androgen receptor and increased focus of collagenous micronodules closely associated to epithelial neoplasias were also observed. Conclusion:These observations suggest that maternal protein restriction alters adult prostate response to androgen/estrogen handling and increases susceptibility to prostate diseases. Ethical protocol:CEEA,476/2013 IBB-UNESP; Funding Support: 2009/50204-6 and 2013/09649-0.


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Susceptibility to autoimmune diseases results from the encounter of a complex and long evolved genetic context with a no less complex and changing environment. Major actors in maintaining health are regulatory T cells (Treg) that primarily dampen a large subset of autoreactive lymphocytes escaping thymic negative selection. Here, we directly asked whether Treg participate in defining susceptibility and resistance to Experimental Autoimmune Prostatitis (EAP). We analyzed three common laboratory strains of mice presenting with different susceptibility to autoimmune prostatitis upon immunization with prostate proteins. The NOD, the C57BL/6 and the BALB/c mice that can be classified along a disease score ranging from severe, mild and to undetectable, respectively. Upon mild and transient depletion of Treg at the induction phase of EAP, each model showed an increment along this score, most remarkably with the BALB/c mice switching from a resistant to a susceptible phenotype. We further show that disease associates with the upregulation of CXCR3 expression on effector T cells, a process requiring IFNγ. Together with recent advances on environmental factors affecting Treg, these findings provide a likely cellular and molecular explanation to the recent rise in autoimmune diseases incidence.


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Purpose: To evaluate the clinical effect of bushenhuazhuo (a Chinese traditional medicine) in combination with ciprofloxacin (an orthodox medicine) in chronic prostatitis (CP) therapy. Methods: A total of 160 patients who suffered from CP and received treatment in the People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou between April 2012 and June 2014 were selected and divided randomly into treatment and control groups, with 80 patients in each group. Control group was given 0.25 g ciprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets twice a day for 4 weeks. In addition to ciprofloxacin administration, patients in the treatment group also received a dose of bushenhuazhuo preparation twice daily for 4 weeks. Clinical outcomes, quality of life as well as lecithin body and white blood cell (WBC) count in expressed prostatic secretions (EPS-WBC) were evaluated. Results: Cure rates in the treatment and control groups were 90 and 72.50 %, respectively; this difference was significant (p < 0.05). Scores for National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI), WBC, and lecithin bodies in the treatment group (8.20 ± 2.20 points, 4.50 ± 1.20 points, and 28.10 ± 2.10 points, respectively) were higher (p < 0.05) than for the control group (12.20 ± 2.20, 6.30 ± 2.20, and 23.30 ± 2.90 points, respectively). The levels of interferon (IFN)-γ and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α in the treatment group (26.20 ± 3.30 and 33.80 ± 5.40 mg/L, respectively) were lower than those in the control group (37.70 ± 3.90 and 48.40 ± 3.70 mg/L, respectively), whereas the level of interleukin (IL)-10 in the treatment group (292.60 ± 23.70 mg/L) was higher (p < 0.05) than that in control group (235.80 ± 25.90 mg/L). Conclusion: Ciprofloxacin combined with the Chinese traditional medicine, bushenhuazhuo preparation, demonstrates a marked therapeutic effect in CP. Its mechanism of action may be related to decreased levels of IFN-γ and TNF-α and increased IL-10.


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Introduction. Over the past 20 years our knowledge of premature ejaculation (PE) has significantly advanced. Specifically, we have witnessed substantial progress in understanding the physiology of ejaculation, clarifying the real prevalence of PE in population-based studies, reconceptualizing the definition and diagnostic criterion of the disorder, assessing the psychosocial impact on patients and partners, designing validated diagnostic and outcome measures, proposing new pharmacologic strategies and examining the efficacy, safety and satisfaction of these new and established therapies. Given the abundance of high level research it seemed like an opportune time for the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) to promulgate an evidenced-based, comprehensive and practical set of clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of PE. Aim. Develop clearly worded, practical, evidenced-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of PE for family practice clinicians as well as sexual medicine experts. Method. Review of the literature. Results. This article contains the report of the ISSM PE Guidelines Committee. It affirms the ISSM definition of PE and suggests that the prevalence is considerably lower than previously thought. Evidence-based data regarding biological and psychological etiology of PE are presented, as is population-based statistics on normal ejaculatory latency. Brief assessment procedures are delineated and validated diagnostic and treatment questionnaires are reviewed. Finally, the best practices treatment recommendations are presented to guide clinicians, both familiar and unfamiliar with PE, in facilitating treatment of their patients. Conclusion. Development of guidelines is an evolutionary process that continually reviews data and incorporates the best new research. We expect that ongoing research will lead to a more complete understanding of the pathophysiology as well as new efficacious and safe treatments for this sexual dysfunction. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that these guidelines be re-evaluated and updated by the ISSM every 4 years. Althof SE, Abdo CHN, Dean J, Hackett G, McCabe M, McMahon CG, Rosen RC, Sadovsky R, Waldinger M, Becher E, Broderick GA, Buvat J, Goldstein I, El-Meliegy AI, Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJG, Incrocci L, Jannini EA, Park K, Parish S, Porst H, Rowland D, Segraves R, Sharlip I, Simonelli C, and Tan HM. International Society for Sexual Medicine`s guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of premature ejaculation. J Sex Med 2010;7:2947-2969.


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Eleven cases of involvement of the genital tract in paracoccidioidomycosis were collected in a retrospective study of the clinical records of 683 patients seen in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. These cases are herein summarily reported. Eighteen similar cases were gathered in review of the Brazilian literature. Obtained data are discussed.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es aportar datos que permitan el avance en el conocimiento de los mecanismos reguladores y efectores de los procesos autoinmunes utilizando modelos de patologías con compromiso autoinmune. En los modelos de envejecimiento: En ratas de 12 meses inmunizadas con extractos solubles de glándulas sexuales accesorias masculinas de rata (GAM) se propone estudiar los diferentes tipos celulares que infiltran próstata y realizar tratamientos tendientes a mejorar el funcionamiento del sistema inmune. En ratones de 12 meses inmunizados con antígenos de Trypanosoma cruzi se analizarán los mecanismos supresores comprometidos en la hiporespuesta observada en estos animales. En ambos modelos se analizará la influencia del medio interno del animal envejecido a través del análisis del comportamiento migratorio de distintos antígenos y de la respuesta de activación de las células presentadoras de antígenos. En los modelos experimentales de carcinogénesis inducida se realizará la caracterizacion de las modificaciones histopatológicas inducidas durante los tratamientos correspondientes, la expresión de los antígenos del complejo mayor de histocompatibilidad, el fenotipo de las células infiltrantes, la expresión de los receptores hormonales y la ploidia celular. Se evaluará, además, la función regulatoria de los macrófagos, el nivel de activación de los mismos basales evaluando su capacidad de liberar radicales libres en condiciones basales y post-estimulación, la presencia de células supresoras naturales, así como la respuesta celular a antígenos tisulares. En el modelo de prostatitis autoinmune (PAI) se analizará la capacidad de las células macrofágicas de actuar como inductoras o efectoras de la respuesta autoinmune. Para ello se inhibirá esta población por tratamiento con sílica, que es tóxica para macrófagos. Este tratamiento se realizará pre y post inmunización con GAM y se evaluará la respuesta inmune celular específica, el efecto del tratamiento sobre la glándula prostática, así como el estado de activación de las células macrofágicas, analizando la capacidad de estas células de liberar radicales libres del oxígeno y del nitrógeno. En la infección por HIV, la evaluación secuencial de distintos aspectos funcionales de los neurotrófilos tales como expresión de receptores celulares, la capacidad fagocítica y lítica y el metabolismo oxidativo, así como el análisis de subpoblaciones linfoideas permitirá determinar defectos intrínsecos y su posterior caracterización durante la progresión de la enfermedad.


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Durante el envejecimiento se producen profundos y complejos cambios en el sistema inmune que se traducen en una mayor susceptibilidad a sufrir enfermedades infecciosas, enfermedades degenerativas y cáncer. Los estudios realizados durante el envejecimiento plantean el desafío de encontrar los cambios que afectan al sistema inmune permitiendo modular su comportamiento durante este período de la vida y a la vez avanzar en los conocimientos básicos del funcionalismo del mismo. En estudios realizados en nuestro laboratorio observamos que la inducción de una enfermedad autoinmune como es la Prostatitis Autoinmune Experimental en animales envejecidos producía una mayor respuesta inmune celular y una menor respuesta humoral. Con el objetivo de analizar si en la inducción de una menor respuesta inmune humoral tenían importancia las células involucradas en el transporte del antígeno desde la periferia hacia el ganglio linfático, en donde se desencadena la respuesta humoral, estudiamos cuantitativamente y cualitativamente el fenotipo de células accesorias involucradas en el transporte del autoantígeno. Para ello los animales autoinmunes fueron injyectados con el autoantígeno marcado con isotiocianato de fluoresceína en la planta de la pata derecha y a distintos tiempos se obtuvieron los órganos linfáticos que se analizaron por medio de microscopía de fluorescencia y por citometría de flujo. Además analizamos en animales jóvenes y envejecidos el efecto que la inmunización con distintos adyuvantes producía en las poblaciones celulares de los órganos linfáticos y el tipo de células involucradas en el transporte del antígeno desde la periferia hacia los órganos linfáticos. Además estudiamos particularmente el rol que ejercen los neutrófilos como células involucradas en el transporte de antígenos, especialmente en animales inmunizados con adyuvante de Freund's Completo lo que nos permitió establecer un nexo en la función de los mismos como células involucradas no sólo en la respuesta inmune innata sino también en el desarrollo de la respuesta inmune adaptativa.


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En la patogénesis del cáncer, factores microambientales como la inflamación están estrechamente vinculados al desarrollo y crecimiento tumoral, sustentando la clásica hipótesis de Virchow del origen del cáncer en sitios de inflamación crónica, la cual incitaría a carcinogénesis por múltiples factores. Estudios previos en este laboratorio evidenciaron en un modelo de prostatitis bacteriana agudo con E. coli, profundos cambios estromales semejantes al "estroma reactivo", con predominio de miofibroblasto, que se genera en el cáncer. En correlación, existe abundante evidencia obtenida en modelos experimentales animales confirmando que el microambiente estromal en el cual se desarrollan los tumores epiteliales influencia profundamente la progresión tumoral. El rol protagónico del estroma del huésped en el crecimiento neoplásico, también se ha demostrado inoculando la misma línea tumoral en diferentes tejidos y analizando su comportamiento en comparación con su implantación en el sitio anatómico original del tumor (implante ortotópico); otro factor clave en la repuesta del huésped al tumor está dado por el infiltrado de células inmunes que puede favorecer o limitar el crecimiento tumoral de acuerdo al perfil de citoquinas que secreten. Teniendo en cuenta estos antecedentes, este proyecto tiene como Objetivo General estudiar la influencia de la infección bacteriana crónica en la inducción y evolución del cáncer prostático. Para ello trabajaremos in vivo con dos formas de formas de Tumores Prostáticos, un Tumor Inducido por combinación del carcinógeno N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) y testosterona; el segundo mediante Transplante Ortotópico de células tumorales prostáticas MAT-LU. En ambos modelos se inducirá previamente una prostatitis bacteriana, a fin de estudiar los efectos de la prostatitis en la inducción del tumor en el primer modelo, y en la implantación de las células tumorales en el segundo. También se inducirá prostatitis después de establecido el tumor por ambos procedimientos, a fin de determinar si la prostatitis bacteriana modula la progresión neoplásica. Finalmente, proponemos un modelo in vitro que permita estudiar la interacción tumor/estroma separado de la influencia del sistema inmune. A tal fin se utilizarán co-cultivos combinando células tumorales con estromales modificadas de diferente modo. La Inducción de Tumores Prostáticos se realizará en ratas de la cepa Wistar adultas, en las cuales se inducirán lesiones displásicas y neoplásicas siguiendo protocolos de carcinogénesis prostática por MNU, para lo cual es necesario el tratamiento previo con acetato de ciprosterona y propionato de testosterona, seguido por administración crónica de testosterona. Los estudios con Transplante Ortotópico de células tumorales se realizarán en ratas Copenhagen. La influencia de la infección bacteriana en el desarrollo tumoral será investigada inyectando E. coli intraprostáticamente: Se realizará Análisis Macroscópico, de Parámetros Morfológicos de las lesiones tumorales, grado de malignidad, extensión e invasión de las lesiones de acuerdo a consensos internacionales, y Bioquímicos mediante análisis de la expresión, por IHQ y WB, de fosfatasa ácida, citoqueratina 8, Prostatic Binding Protein, PTEN (gen supresor tumoral) y el receptor de Andrógenos, todos parámetros de actividad y de transformación celular. También se evaluará apoptosis por TUNEL y proliferación celular. Los cambios del compartimiento estromal en respuesta al implante tumoral y la influencia de la inflamación bacteriana se evaluarán mediante análisis morfológico e inmunocitoquímico, caracterizando el fenotipo de las poblaciones celulares con a-actina, vimentina, calponina y tenascina. Se espera que los resultados aporten evidencias acerca de las interacciones bidireccionales entre células neoplásicas prostáticas y su entorno estromal, que en un futuro puedan servir como base para establecr estrategias para prevenir y/o modificar el crecimiento neoplásico.


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El objetivo general del presente proyecto es evaluar las interacciones patógeno-huésped en microambientes particulares a fin de establecer la participación de los mecanismos inmunes locales en el control del proceso infeccioso, el efecto de estas interacciones en la homeostasis tisular, el quiebre de los mecanismos de tolerancia y su asociación a la inducción de procesos autoinmunes. Dos patologías infecciosas serán motivo de nuestro estudio, la infección por Candida albicans como modelo de activación de mecanismos innatos locales y respuesta protectiva y la infección urogenital por Chlamydia trachomatis como factor desencadenante de procesos autoinmunes en individuos susceptibles. En el abordaje de esta temática se transfiere la experiencia previa de los investigadores de este grupo en las áreas de enfermedades infecciosas, mecanismos innatos de defensa e inmunoregulación de respuesta autoinmune a la resolución de los interrogantes abiertos sobre estas patologías. El objetivo general será abordado mediante el desarrollo de tres objetivos específicos. I- Estudio de los eventos etiotatogénicos en Candidiasis cerebral: Rol del receptor de beta-glucanos Dectin-1 en la activación de las células gliales frente a Candida albicans. II: Estudio de los eventos etiopatogénicos a nivel hepático durante la infección por C. albicans: rol de la activación de los LI NKT. III-Estudio de las consecuencias patogenicas de la infección por Cm en individuos susceptibles o no a desarrollar prostatitis autoinmune (PA).


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Symptomatic prostatic paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a very rare condition; however, it may express as a typical benign prostatic hyperplasia or a simulating prostatic adenocarcinoma. This case report presents PCM mimicking prostatic adenocarcinoma. The purpose of this paper is to call the general physician's attention to this important differential diagnosis.


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Chlamydial infections in koalas can cause life-threatening diseases leading to blindness and sterility. However, little is known about the systemic spread of chlamydiae in the inner organs of the koala, and data concerning related pathological organ lesions are limited. The aim of this study was to perform a thorough investigation of organs from 23 koalas and to correlate their histopathological lesions to molecular chlamydial detection. To reach this goal, 246 formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded organ samples from 23 koalas were investigated by histopathology, Chlamydiaceae real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry, ArrayTube Microarray for Chlamydiaceae species identification as well as Chlamydiales real-time PCR and sequencing. By PCR, two koalas were positive for Chlamydia pecorum whereas immunohistochemical labelling for Chlamydiaceae was detected in 10 tissues out of nine koalas. The majority of these (n=6) had positive labelling in the urogenital tract related to histopathological lesions such as cystitis, endometritis, pyelonephritis and prostatitis. Somehow unexpected was the positive labelling in the gastrointestinal tract including the cloaca as well as in lung and spleen indicating systemic spread of infection. Uncultured Chlamydiales were detected in several organs of seven koalas by PCR, and four of these suffered from plasmacytic enteritis of unknown aetiology. Whether the finding of Chlamydia-like organisms in the gastrointestinal tract is linked to plasmacytic enteritis is unclear and remains speculative. However, as recently shown in a mouse model, the gastrointestinal tract might play a role being the site for persistent chlamydial infections and being a source for reinfection of the genital tract.


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We investigated the effectiveness of celecoxib in reducing symptoms in patients with difficult chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), NIH category IIIA. Sixty-four patients with category IIIA CPPS were randomized into two groups of 32 subjects each. One group was treated with celecoxib (200 mg daily) and the other with placebo. All patients underwent treatment for 6 weeks and were evaluated clinically before (baseline) and after 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of treatment. The evaluation included the NIH Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) and a subjective global assessment (SGA). Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to evaluate treatment and time effects and their interaction. A decrease (means ± SD) in total NIH-CPSI score from 23.91 ± 5.27 to 15.88 ± 2.51 in the celecoxib group and from 24.25 ± 5.09 to 19.50 ± 2.50 in the placebo group was observed during treatment (0 to 6 weeks). A statistically significant decrease was observed in pain subscore (P < 0.006), quality of life subscore (P < 0.032) and total NIH-CPSI score (P < 0.015) after 2, 4 and 6 weeks, but not in urinary subscore. In addition, 38% of the celecoxib and 13% of the placebo subjects had at least a moderate improvement in SGA. The trend was similar for the NIH-CPSI scores. However, the response to treatment in terms of total NIH-CPSI score or subscore was not significantly different from placebo after interruption of treatment for 2 weeks. Our results show that celecoxib provides significant symptomatic improvement limited to the duration of the therapy in patients with difficult category IIIA CPPS compared to placebo.


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Avaliou-se histologicamente a próstata de 30 cães adultos e idosos sexualmente intactos que apresentavam ou não sintomatologia clínica de doença prostática, e verificou-se a incidência de possíveis alterações da glândula. Dentre as alterações encontradas, a hiperplasia prostática benigna constituiu o diagnóstico mais comum, 85,6% (n=24), seguida por prostatite crônica, 64,3% (n=18), displasia do epitélio glandular, 42,8% (n=12), atrofia do epitélio glandular, 39,3% (n=11), infiltrado inflamatório focal, 25% (n=7), dilatação glandular focal, 21,4% (n=6), prostatite aguda, 7,1% (n=2), metaplasia escamosa, 3,6%, (n=1), metástase de neoplasia sistêmica, 3,6% (n=1) e abscesso prostático, 3,6% (n=1). Como em muitos casos os cães são assintomáticos, ressalta-se a importância da realização rotineira de exames clínicos específicos, como o toque retal e a ultrassonografia, para o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento das afecções prostáticas.