995 resultados para NITRITE


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Two workers were hospitalised with similar symptoms. Information was gathered from patients, doctors, colleagues and food seller. Laboratory tests were undertaken on remaining food and vomits. We identified the source food and toxin responsible for this outbreak, and subsequently helped doctors to treat these patients. The intake was estimated to be over the fatal limit but both were fully recovered after treatment. Abstract in Chinese 2001年11月20日,寿光市植物油厂的2名装卸工人因食用花生米引起亚硝酸盐急性中毒,现报告如下。 1 中毒经过 11月20日下午,市植物油厂装卸工人秦×下班后,到本厂职工食堂买了馒头、大米稀饭和少许咸菜,然后到厂外买了1瓶白酒,又到个体菜摊李×处买了2元钱的煮花生米,约400g。17:40与同事江×一同在宿舍内饮酒吃饭,其中花生米大部分被秦×吃掉,江×吃得少。18:30左右秦×在装卸过程中出现双腿发软、恶心、呕吐、呼吸困难、视物模糊,江×随后也出现类似症状,2人被迅速送往寿光市人民医院进行抢救。到医院时已进入昏迷状态,查体可见全身皮肤粘膜青紫、手指脚趾发黑,经吸氧并心电监护、应用美兰静推后,江×症状减轻,于次日出院;秦×因中毒严重,于次日脱离危险,11月23日痊愈出院。……


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Activation of macrophages by interferon gamma (IFN- ) and the subsequent production of nitric oxide (NO) are critical for the host defence against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection. We report here the inhibition of IFN- -induced NO production in RAW264.7 macrophages infected with wild-type Salmonella. This phenomenon was shown to be dependent on the nirC gene, which encodes a potential nitrite transporter. We observed a higher NO output from IFN- -treated macrophages infected with a nirC mutant of Salmonella. The nirC mutant also showed significantly decreased intracellular proliferation in a NO-dependent manner in activated RAW264.7 macrophages and in liver, spleen and secondary lymph nodes of mice, which was restored by complementing the gene in trans. Under acidified nitrite stress, a twofold more pronounced NO-mediated repression of SPI2 was observed in the nirC knockout strain compared to the wild-type. This enhanced SPI2 repression in the nirC knockout led to a higher level of STAT-1 phosphorylation and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression than seen with the wild-type strain. In iNOS knockout mice, the organ load of the nirC knockout strain was similar to that of the wild-type strain, indicating that the mutant is exclusively sensitive to the host nitrosative stress. Taken together, these results reveal that intracellular Salmonella evade killing in activated macrophages by downregulating IFN- -induced NO production, and they highlight the critical role of nirC as a virulence gene.


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Nitrate assimilation in many plants, algae, yeasts and bacteria is mediated by two enzymes, nitrate reductase (EC and nitrite reductase (EC They catalyse the stepwise reduction of nitrate to nitrite and nitrite to ammonia respectively. The nitrite reductase from an industrially important yeast, Candida utilis, has been purified to homogeneity. Purified nitrite reductase is a heterodimer and the molecular masses of the two subunits are 58 and 66 kDa. The native enzyme exhibits a molecular mass of 126 kDa as analysed by gel filtration. The identify of the two subunits of nitrite reductase was confirmed by immunoblotting using antibody for Cucurbita pepo leaf nitrite reductase. The presence of two different sized transcripts coding for the two subunits was confirmed by (a) in vitro translation of mRNA from nitrate-induced C. utilis followed by immunoprecipitation of the in vitro translated products with heterologous nitrite reductase antibody and (b) Northern-blot analysis. The 66 kDa subunit is acidic in nature which is probably due to its phosphorylated status. The enzyme is stable over a range of temperatures. Both subunits can catalyse nitrite reduction, and the reconstituted enzyme, at a higher protein concentration, shows an activity similar to that of the purified enzyme. Each of these subunits has been shown to contain a few unique peptides in addition to a large number of common peptides. Reduced Methyl Viologen has been found to be as effective an electron donor as NADPH in the catalytic process, a phenomenon not commonly seen for nitrite reductases from other systems.


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The nitrate assimilation pathway in Candida utilis, as in other assimilatory organisms, is mediated by two enzymes: nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase. Purified nitrite reductase has been shown to be a heterodimer consisting of 58- and 66-kDa subunits. In the present study, nitrite reductase was found to be capable of utilising both NADH and NADPH as electron donors. FAD, which is an essential coenzyme, stabilised the enzyme during the purification process. The enzyme was modified by cysteine modifiers, and the inactivation could be reversed by thiol reagents. One cysteine was demonstrated to be essential for the enzymatic activity. In vitro, the enzyme was inactivated by ammonium salts, the end product of the path way, proving that the enzyme is assimilatory in function. In vivo, the enzyme was induced by nitrate and repressed by ammonium ions. During induction and repression, the levels of nitrite reductase mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity were modulated together, which indicated that the primary level of regulation of this enzyme was at the transcriptional level. When the enzyme was incubated with ammonium salts in vitro or when the enzyme was assayed in cells grown with the same salts as the source of nitrogen, the residual enzymatic activities were similar. Thus, a study of the in vitro inactivation can give a clue to understanding the mechanism of in vivo regulation of nitrite reductase in Candida utilis.


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A new diazotizing reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of nitrite is described. The method is based on diazotization-coupling reaction between dapsone and phloroglucinol in hydrochloric acid medium. The reactions were conducted at room temperature, the molor absorptivity at 425 nm is 4.28 x 10(4) 1 Mol, (1)cm(-1) and was stable for 50 h. Beer's law was obeyed in the nitrite range of 0.008 - 1.0 mug ml(-1). Tolerance limits were tested for 33 species. The method has been found to be applicable for the determination of nitrite in natural and wastewater.


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A baseline study of the limnological integrity of Ebonyi River, a tropical lotic system in south-eastern Nigeria was conducted between September 2006 and February 2008 to assess its potential in enhancing fisheries production for the benefit of the rural poor, who depend on the resources of the river for survival. The parameters measured were nitrate-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus. Results show that nitrate varied between 40.43mg/L in September 2006 and 1.73mg/L in December 2007, Showing significant difference (P<0.01) among months. The values recorded for nitrites varied between 0.2mg/L in September 2006 and 0.4mg/L in February 2008, showing significant (P<0.01) variation among months. Values recorded for phosphorus was highest (0.05mg/L) in the month of October 2006 while the least mean value (0.32mg/L) was recorded in the month of May 2007 and showed significant (p<0.01) variation in monthly means. It was concluded that the values of the measured parameters falls within tolerable range for enhanced fisheries development in the area. KEYWORDS: Limnology, Tropical, River, Monthly, Mean, Variation


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P. monodon larvae were studied for the effects of temperature, ammonia, and nitrite on survival. Toxicity levels of nitrite were found to vary with larval stage. Larvae could tolerate ammonia up to about 10 ppm, with the effect more clearly shown by the zoea stage. Survival and growth were not significantly affected by temperature, although moulting was enhanced at temperatures higher than 29 C. Larvae of P. monodon have lower tolerance toward nitrite and ammonia compared to postlarvae. Although high survival was obtained at low levels of nitrite and ammonia, it is still necessary to know their effects on metabolism, in order to examine possible biochemical parameters for diagnosing sublethal toxicity or stress.


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Chaetoceros muelleri (Lemn.) was cultured with nitrite (NO2-) or nitrate (NO3-) as the sole nitrogen source and aerated with air or with CO2-enriched air. Cells of C. muelleri excreted into the medium nitrite produced by reduction of nitrate when grown with 100 mu M NaNO3 as nitrogen source. Accordingly, NO2- concentration reached 10.4 mu M after 95 h at the low CO2 condition (aerated with air); while the maximum NO2- concentration was only around 2.0 mu M at the high CO2 condition (aerated with 5% CO2 in air), furthermore, after 30 h it decreased to no more than 1.0 mu M. NO2- was almost assimilated in 80 h when C. muelleri was cultured at the high CO2 condition with 100 mu M NaNO2 as sole nitrogen source. At the high CO2 condition, after 3 h the activity of nitrite reductase was as much as 50% higher than that at the low CO2 condition. It was indicated that enriched CO2 concentration could inhibit nitrite excretion and enhance nitrite assimilation by cells. Therefore, aeration with enriched CO2 might be an effective way to control nitrite content in aquaculture systems.


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A novel microstructured polymer optical fiber (MPOF) probe for nitrites (NO(2)(-)) detection was made by forming rhodamine 6G (Rh 6G)-doped cellulose acetate (CA) on the side wall of array holes in a MPOF It was found that the MPOF probe only have a response to nitrites in a certain concentration of sulfuric acid solution The calibration graph of fluorescence intensity versus nitrites concentration was linear in the range of 2.0 x 10(-4) g/ml-5.0 x 10(-3) g/ml. The method possesses case of chemical modification, low cost design, and potential for direct integration with existing instrumentation, and has been applied to the determination of nitrites in real samples with satisfactory results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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Germination of non-dormant upper cocklebur (Xanthium pinsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds was stimulated by not only CS(NH2)2 but also NH2OH, KCN and NaN3. This stimulation was not via the enhancement of aerobic C2H4 production. NH2OH, KCN and NaN3 in certain concentrations promoted the initial growth of axial and/or cotyledonary parts, but the degree of growth promotion by NH2OH, NaN3 and KCN was slight compared with that by CS(NH2)2. As in the case of CS(NH2)2, however, the germinationstimulating effect of NH2OH disappeared rapidly as the preceding imbibition period was prolonged. In contrast, KCN and NaN3 were still effective in stimulating the germination of aged seeds maintained on a water substratum, as previously seen with anaerobiosis. Anaerobic induction was enhanced not only by NaN3 and KCN but also by NH2OH, KNO3, KNO2 CO(NH2)2 and CS(NH2)2 applied during the anaerobic treatment, but without causing an increase in anaerobic production of C2H4. Furthermore, KCN and NaN3, given prior to the anaerobic treatment acted additively with anaerobic induction. The germination-stimulating actions of nitrogenous compounds are discussed in comparison with those of C2H4 and anaerobiosis.


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A new type of silicomolybdate-methylsilicate-graphite composite material was prepared by the sol-gel technique and used for the fabrication of an amperometric nitrite sensor. The silicomolybdic anion acts as a catalyst, the graphite powder ensures conductivity by percolation, the silicate provides a rigid porous backbone and the methyl groups endow hydrophobicity and thus limit the wetting section of the modified electrode. Cyclic voltammetry, square-wave voltammetry and chronoamperometry were employed to characterize the sensor. The amperometric nitrite sensor exhibited a series of good properties: high sensitivity (1.771 mu A mmol(-1) dm(3)), a short response time (7 s), remarkable long-term stability and especially reproducibility of surface renewal in the event of electrode surface fouling.


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Photoelectrochemical reduction of nitrite and nitrate was studied on the surface of an electrochemically roughened silver electrode. The dependence of the photocurrent on photon energy, applied potential, and concentration of nitrite was determined. It was concluded that the photoelectrochemical reduction proceeds via a photoemission process followed by the capture of hydrated electrons by electron accepters. The excitation of plasmon resonances in nanosize metal structures produced during the roughening procedure resulted in the enhancement of the photoemission process. Ammonia was detected as one of the final products in this reaction. Mechanisms for the photoelectrochemical reduction of nitrite and nitrate are proposed.


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A novel organic-inorganic composite film was formed by attaching Keegin-type heteropolyanion, SiW12O404- (devoted briefly as SiW12), on a glassy carbon electrode derivatized by 4-aminophenyl group. The composite film has an ionic bonding character between SiW12 and the surface amino group, which greatly improves the Blm stability and exhibits a more reversible electrochemical behavior. The modified electrode offers an excellent and stable electrocatalytic response for the reduction of nitrite. Possible mechanism was provided for the reaction of nitrite with SiW12O404-/aminophenyl composite film.