104 resultados para NGF
Magdeburg, Univ., Medizin. Fak., Diss., 2004
Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon treated with the potent tumor promoter phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) showed a dose-dependent, persistent stimulation of the enzymes choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), glutamic acid decarboxylase and glutamine synthetase. After elimination of the proliferating cells by treatment of the cultures with Ara-C (0.4 microM) only the cholinergic marker enzyme, ChAT, could be stimulated by tumor promoters. The non-promoting phorbol ester, 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate proved to be inactive in these cultures, whereas the potent non-phorbol tumor promoter, mezerein, produced an even greater stimulatory effect than PMA. Since PMA and mezerein are potent and specific activators of protein kinase C, the present results suggest a role for this second messenger in the development of cholinergic telencephalon neurons. Stimulation of ChAT required prolonged exposure (48 h) of the cultures to PMA and the responsiveness of the cholinergic neurons to the tumor promoters decreased with progressive cellular maturation. The cholinergic telencephalon neurons showed the same pattern of responsiveness for tumor promoters as for nerve growth factor (NGF). However, the combined treatment with NGF and either PMA or mezerein produced an additive stimulatory effect, suggesting somewhat different mechanisms of action.
There is a clinical need to enhance functional recovery of injured peripheral nerves. Local administration of neurotrophic factors (NTFs) after surgical repair has been proposed for this purpose. Little is known, however, on the optimal local dose and dosing frequency of NTFs in a peripheral nerve defect. For increasing our knowledge on biologically relevant local NTFs concentrations and for making available an in vitro assay for assessing the bioactivity of NTFs in connection with implantable localized delivery systems, we developed in this study a bioassay for NTFs, which is based on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) explants from E9 (9 days old) chicken embryos. Axonal elongation and extent of axonal branching was analyzed microscopically after addition of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF), each alone and in combination. GDNF significantly promoted axonal elongation, but only little axonal branching, whereas NGF induced extensive axonal branching with modest axonal elongation. The combination of GDNF and NGF exerted a synergistic effect on the axonal elongation, axonal branching and growth kinetics. GDNF and NGF also enhanced the expression of their respective functional receptors Ret and TrkA on the DRG neurons. This information should be relevant for the development of implants containing NTFs and on drug therapy of damaged peripheral nerves.
Eating disorders (EDs) are complex psychiatric diseases that include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, and have higher than 50% heritability. Previous studies have found association of BDNF and NTRK2 to ED, while animal models suggest that other neurotrophin genes might also be involved in eating behavior. We have performed a family-based association study with 151 TagSNPs covering 10 neurotrophin signaling genes: NGFB, BDNF, NTRK1, NGFR/p75, NTF4/5, NTRK2, NTF3, NTRK3, CNTF and CNTFR in 371 ED trios of Spanish, French and German origin. Besides several nominal associations, we found a strong significant association after correcting for multiple testing (P = 1.04 × 10−4) between ED and rs7180942, located in the NTRK3 gene, which followed an overdominant model of inheritance. Interestingly, HapMap unrelated individuals carrying the rs7180942 risk genotypes for ED showed higher levels of expression of NTRK3 in lymphoblastoid cell lines. Furthermore, higher expression of the orthologous murine Ntrk3 gene was also detected in the hypothalamus of the anx/anx mouse model of anorexia. Finally, variants in NGFB gene appear to modify the risk conferred by the NTRK3 rs7180942 risk genotypes (P = 4.0 × 10−5) showing a synergistic epistatic interaction. The reported data, in addition to the previous reported findings for BDNF and NTRK2, point neurotrophin signaling genes as key regulators of eating behavior and their altered cross-regulation as susceptibility factors for EDs.
The addition of nerve growth factor (2.5S NGF) to serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon greatly stimulated the developmental increase in choline acetyltransferase activity. Two other neuronal enzymes, acetylcholinesterase and glutamic acid decarboxylase, showed only slightly increased activities after NGF treatment whereas the total protein content of the cultures and the activity of 2',3'- cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase remained unchanged. The stimulation of choline acetyltransferase was dependent on the NGF media concentrations, showing a 50% maximum effect (120% increase) at approximately 3 ng/ml (10-10 M 2.5S NGF). NGF treatments during different culture periods showed that the cholinergic neurons remained responsive for at least 19 days. The continued treatment was the most effective; however, an initial treatment for only 5 days still caused a significant stimulation of choline acetyltransferase on day 19. The observed stimulation appeared to be specific to NGF. Univalent antibody fragments (Fab) against 2.5S NGF completely abolished the NGF-dependent increase in choline acetyltransferase activity, whereas Fab fragments of control IgG were ineffective. Furthermore, angiotensin II, added in high amounts to the cultures, showed no stimulatory effect. The present results suggest that certain populations of rat brain neurons are responsive to nerve growth factor.
The present work assessed the effects of intracerebroventricular injections (2x5 mg/2.5 ml) of recombined human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) at postnatal days 2 and 3 upon the development of spatial learning capacities in rats. The treated rats were trained at the age of 22 days to escape onto an invisible platform at a fixed position in space in a Morris navigation task. For half of the subjects, the training position was also cued, a procedure aimed at facilitating escape and reducing attention to the distant spatial cues. At the age of 2 months all the rats were retrained in the same task. Treatment effects were found in both immature and adult rats. The injection of NGF induced a slight alteration of the immature rats' performance. In contrast, a marked impairment of spatial abilities was shown in the 2-month-old rats. The most consistent effects were a significant increase in the escape latency and a decrease bias towards the training platform area during probe trials. The reduction of spatial memory was particularly marked if the subjects had been trained in a cued condition. Taken together, these experiments reveal that an acute pharmacological treatment that leads to transient modifications during early development might induce a behavioural change long after treatment. Thus, the development and the maintenance of an accurate spatial representation are tightly related to the development of brain structures that could be altered by precocious NGF administrations.
Part 1 of the study aims to: evaluate NGF and VEGF levels obtained at parturition from mare, foal and umbilical cord vein plasma, as well as in amniotic fluid; evaluate NGF and VEGF content in plasma of healthy foals during the first 72 h of life; evaluate NGF and VEGF levels at parturition in relation to selected mares’ and foals’ clinical parameters; evaluate the relationship between the two trophic factors and thyroid hormone levels in the first 72 h of life; assess mRNA expression of NGF, VEGF and BDNF and their cell surface receptors in the placenta. Part 2 aims to clinically characterize a population of foals spontaneously affected by Neonatal Encephalopathy (NE), and then to: evaluate NGF and VEGF levels in plasma samples obtained in the affected population at parturition from mare’s jugular vein, umbilical cord vein and foal’s jugular vein, as well as in amniotic fluid; evaluate NGF and VEGF content in plasma of foals affected by NE during the first 72 h of life/hospitalization; evaluate NGF and VEGF levels at birth/admission in relation to selected mares’ and foals’ clinical parameters; evaluate the relationship between the two trophic factors and thyroid hormone levels in the first 72 h of life/hospitalization; assess the mRNA expression of NGF, VEGF and BDNF, and their cell surface receptors, in the placenta of mares that delivered affected foals. The close relationship between the two trophic factors in foal plasma over time and their fine expression in placental tissues under physiological conditions appear to be key regulators of fetal development and adaptation. Their less pronounced decrease in compromised foals compared to healthy ones, their relationship with thyroid hormones over time, and the reduced expression of NGF and BDNF in placental tissues, could be key regulators in the mechanisms of NE.
Crotalus durissus rattlesnakes are responsible for the most lethal cases of snakebites in Brazil. Crotalus durissus collilineatus subspecies is related to a great number of accidents in Southeast and Central West regions, but few studies on its venom composition have been carried out to date. In an attempt to describe the transcriptional profile of the C. durissus collilineatus venom gland, we generated a cDNA library and the sequences obtained could be identified by similarity searches on existing databases. Out of 673 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) 489 produced readable sequences comprising 201 singletons and 47 clusters of two or more ESTs. One hundred and fifty reads (60.5%) produced significant hits to known sequences. The results showed a predominance of toxin-coding ESTs instead of transcripts coding for proteins involved in all cellular functions. The most frequent toxin was crotoxin, comprising 88% of toxin-coding sequences. Crotoxin B, a basic phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) subunit of crotoxin, was represented in more variable forms comparing to the non-enzymatic subunit (crotoxin A), and most sequences coding this molecule were identified as CB1 isoform from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. Four percent of toxin-related sequences in this study were identified as growth factors, comprising five sequences for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and one for nerve growth factor (NGF) that showed 100% of identity with C. durissus terrificus NGF. We also identified two clusters for metalloprotease from PII class comprising 3% of the toxins, and two for serine proteases, including gyroxin (2.5%). The remaining 2.5% of toxin-coding ESTs represent singletons identified as homologue sequences to cardiotoxin, convulxin, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and C-type natriuretic peptide, Ohanin, crotamin and PLA(2) inhibitor. These results allowed the identification of the most common classes of toxins in C. durissus collilineatus snake venom, also showing some unknown classes for this subspecies and even for C. durissus species, such as cardiotoxins and VEGF. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
The neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) is best known for mediating tropic support by participating in the formation of high-affinity nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor complexes with trkA, however, p75NTR more recently has been shown to act as a bona fide death-signaling receptor, which can signal independently of trkA. This article discusses the evidence for an active role of p75NTR in neuronal cell death and the mechanisms controlling this process, including roles for Bcl-2 family members, the c-jun stress kinase JNK, the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B), and caspases.
1. The neurotrophin receptor p75NTR has been shown to mediate neuronal cell death after nerve injury. 2. Down-regulation of p75NTR by antisense oligonucleotides is able to inhibit both sensory and motor neuron death and this treatment is more effective than treatment with growth factors. 3. p75NTR induces cell death by a unique death signalling pathway involving transcription factors (nuclear factor kappa B and c-jun), Bcl-2 family members and caspases.
Chopper, a new death domain of the p75 neurotrophin receptor that mediates rapid neuronal cell death
The cytoplasmic juxtamembrane region of the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) has been found to be necessary and sufficient to initiate neural cell death. The region was named Chopper to distinguish it from CD95-like death domains. A 29-amino acid peptide corresponding to the Chopper region induced caspase- and calpain-mediated death in a variety of neural and nonneural cell types and was not inhibited by signaling through Trk (unlike killing by full-length p75(NTR)). Chopper triggered cell death only when bound to the plasma membrane by a lipid anchor, whereas non-anchored Chopper acted in a dominant-negative manner, blocking p75(NTR)-mediated death both in vitro and in vivo. Removal of the ectodomain of p75(NTR) increased the potency of Chopper activity, suggesting that it regulates the association of Chopper with downstream signaling proteins.
1. In vivo studies have shown that the low-affinity 75 kDa neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) is involved in axotomy-induced cell death of sensory and motor neurons. To further examine the importance of p75NTR in mediating neuronal death in vivo , we examined the effect of axotomy in the p75NTR-knockout mouse, which has a disrupted ligand-binding domain. 2. The extent of sensory and motor neuron loss in the p75NTR-knockout mouse following axotomy was not significantly different to that in wild-type mice. This suggests that disruption of the ligand-binding domain is insufficient to block the cell death process in axotomized neurons. 3. Immunohistochemical studies showed that axotomized neurons continue to express this mutant receptor with its intracellular death-signalling moiety intact. 4. Treatment with antisense oligonucleotides targeted against p75NTR resulted in significant reduction in the loss of axotomized neurons in the knockout mouse. 5. These data suggest that the intracellular domain of p75NTR is essential for death-signalling and that p75NTR can signal apoptosis, despite a disrupted ligand-binding domain.
Statement of the study: Based on data from ecological and analytic epidemiological studies, we have proposed that low prenatal vitamin D is a candidate risk-modifying factor for schizophrenia. Previously, we demonstrated that low prenatal vitamin D adversely affected brain development in neonatal rats (Eyles et al, 2003). Here we examine the impact of both prenatal and early life hypovitaminosis D on various outcomes in the adult rat brain. Methods: Female Sprague-Dawley rats were made vitamin D deficient via the use of a special diet (Dyets CA) and lighting conditions that excluded UVB radiation. Animals were kept under these conditions for 6 weeks then mated with males kept under normal conditions. Vitamin deplete dams were kept under these conditions during pregnancy. Offspring from two test groups were examined. Offspring were either reared with dams repleted with vitamin D at birth or remained under deplete conditions till weaning. Both test groups were weaned under normal vitamin D conditions and remained so till testing at adulthood. We compared the brains of adult offspring kept under both test conditions with animals from control environments. Summary of results: We found a significant persistent dose-related increase in lateral ventricle volume and alterations in anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortical cell densities (consistent with the known prodifferentiation properties of this steroid). In both test groups we observed a reduced expression of NGF as well as a down-regulation of transcripts coding for GABAA alpha 4 receptor and two neuronal structural elements; MAP2 and Neurofilament L. Conclusion: These findings provide further evidence that vitamin D is involved in brain development. An increase in prefrontal cortical cell density, a reduction neuronal structural elements and persistent ventriculomegaly are all common anatomical findings in the brains of patients with schizophrenia. The specific reduction in transcripts for neuronal structural proteins but not GFAP is also in accordance with the proposal that frontal cortical architecture in schizophrenia reflects a reduction in connectivity rather than a reduction in glial processes(Goldman-Rakic and Selemon, 1997). These findings confirm the biological plausibility of early life hypovitaminosis D as a risk factor for schizophrenia.