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The alpha-crystallin-related heat shock proteins are produced by all eukaryotes, but the role of these proteins in thermoprotection remains unclear. To investigate the function of one of these proteins, we disrupted expression of the single-copy hsp30 gene of Neurospora crassa, using repeat-induced point mutagenesis, and we generated and characterized mutant strains that were deficient in hsp30 synthesis. These strains could grow at high temperature and they acquired thermotolerance from a heat shock. However, the hsp30-defective strains proved to be extremely sensitive to the combined stresses of high temperature and carbohydrate limitation, enforced by the addition of a nonmetabolizable glucose analogue. Under these conditions, their survival was reduced by 90% compared with wild-type cells. This sensitive phenotype was reversed by reintroduction of a functional hsp30 gene into the mutant strains. The mutant cells contained mitochondria from which a 22-kDa protein was readily extracted with detergents, in contrast to its retention by the mitochondria of wild-type cells. Antibodies against hsp30 coimmunoprecipitated a protein also of approximately 22 kDa from wild-type cells. Results of this study suggest that hsp30 may be important for efficient carbohydrate utilization during high temperature stress and that it may interact with other mitochondrial membrane proteins and function as a protein chaperone.


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The amylase from Neurospora crassa is an interesting enzyme, having higher stability than amylase from Aspergillus oryzea under a broad range of pH values. Moreover, the N. crassa enzyme may be immobilized on different supports with good retention of enzyme activity. The best stabilizations were achieved using Eupergit C 250 L or glyoxyl agarose, with which the enzyme remained fully active at 60C for 24 h while the soluble enzyme remained about 17%. The glyoxyl agarose immobilized enzyme had high thermostability, high optimal temperature (65C) and broad pH/activity profile, suggesting that this enzyme has potential for food and industrial applications for starch modification.


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Six antifungal agents at subinhibitory concentrations were used for investigating their ability to affect the growth and branching in Neurospora crassa. Among the antifungals herein used, the azole agent ketoconazole at 0.5 mu g/ml inhibited radial growth more than fluconazole at 5.0 mu g/ml while amphotericin B at 0.05 mu g/ml was more effective than nystatin at 0.05 mu g/ml. Morphological alterations in hyphae were observed in the presence of griseofulvin, ketoconazole and terbinafine at the established concentrations. The antifungal agents were more effective on vegetative growth than on conidial germination. Terbinafine markedly reduced growth unit length (GU) by 54.89%, and caused mycelia to become hyperbranched. In all cases, there was a high correlation between hyphal length and number of tips (r > 0.9). All our results showed highly significant differences by ANOVA, (p < 0.001, alpha = 0.05). Considering that the hyphal tip is the main interface between the fungus and its environment/through which enzymes and toxins are secreted and nutrients absorbed, it would not be desirable to obtain a hyperbranched mycelia with inefficient doses of antifungal drugs.


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Heat shock proteins belong to a conserved superfamily of molecular chaperones found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. These proteins are linked to a myriad of physiological functions. In this study, we show that the N. crassa hsp70-1 (NCU09602.3) and hsp70-2 (NCU08693.3) genes are preferentially expressed in an acidic milieu after 15 h of cell growth in sufficient phosphate at 30A degrees C. No significant accumulation of these transcripts was detected at alkaline pH values. Both genes accumulated to a high level in mycelia that were incubated for 1 h at 45A degrees C, regardless of the phosphate concentration and extracellular pH changes. Transcription of the hsp70-1 and hsp70-2 genes was dependent on the pacC (+) background in mycelia cultured under optimal growth conditions or at 45A degrees C. The pacC gene encodes a Zn-finger transcription factor that is involved in the regulation of gene expression by pH. Heat shock induction of these two hsp genes in mycelia incubated in low-phosphate medium was almost not altered in the nuc-1 (-) background under both acidic and alkaline pH conditions. The NUC-1 transcriptional regulator is involved in the derepression of nucleases, phosphatases, and transporters that are necessary for fulfilling the cell`s phosphate requirements. Transcription of the hsp70-3 (NCU01499.3) gene followed a different pattern of induction-the gene was depressed under insufficient phosphate conditions but was apparently unaffected by alkalinization of the culture medium. Moreover, this gene was not induced by heat shock. These results reveal novel aspects of the heat-sensing network of N. crassa.


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The Woronin body, a septal pore-associated organelle specific to filamentous ascomycetes, is crucial for preventing cytoplasmic bleeding after hyphal injury. In this study, we show that T1hex-1 transcript and a variant splicing T2hex-1 transcript are up-regulated at alkaline pH. We also show that both hex-1 transcripts are overexpressed in the preg(c), nuc-1(RIP), and pacC(ko) mutant strains of Neurospora crassa grown under conditions of phosphate shortage at alkaline pH, suggesting that hex-1 transcription may be coregulated by these genes. In addition, we present evidence that N. crassa PacC also has metabolic functions at acidic pH. (C) 2008 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The molecular mechanism that controls the response to phosphate shortage in Neurospora crassa involves four regulatory genes - nuc-2, preg, pgov, and nuc-1. Phosphate shortage is sensed by the nuc-2 gene, the product of which inhibits the functioning of the PREG-PGOV complex. This allows the translocation of the transcriptional factor NUC-1 into the nucleus, which activates the transcription of phosphate-repressible phosphatases. The nuc-2A mutant strain of N. crassa carries a loss-of-function mutation in the nuc-2 gene, which encodes an ankyrin-like repeat protein. In this study, we identified transcripts that are downregutated in the nuc-2A mutant strain. Functional grouping of these expressed sequence tags allowed the identification of genes that play essential roles in different cellular processes such as transport, transcriptional regulation, signal transduction, metabolism, protein synthesis, protein fate, and development. These results reveal novel aspects of the phosphorus-sensing network in N. crassa. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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S-adenosilmetionina (S-Adomet) es el principal dador de grupos metilo en un gran número de caminos metabólicos siendo, luego del ATP, el co-factor más abundante en reacciones metabólicas. S-Adomet es producido a partir de L-metionina y ATP por la enzima S-adenosil-L-metionina sintetasa. El estudio del metabolismo de S-Adomet en células eucariotas ha tomado un interés creciente en años recientes considerando la íntima relación existente entre niveles celulares alternativos de S-Adomet y procesos normales o patológicos asociados a metilación del DNA. En particular, recientemente se ha propuesto que niveles celulares anormales de S-Adomet y/o actividad anormal de la enzima DNA metiltransferasa pueden afectar la expresión de fenómenos epigenéticos tales como "imprinting" de genes y/o aumentar la frecuencia de aparición de transiciones C --> T afectando así marcadamente las tasas de mutación en el DNA. Esta hipótesis ha sido apoyada por estudios realizados con DNA metiltransferasas procarióticas y por estudios realizados con ratones mutantes en el gen de la principal DNA metiltransferasa de mamíferos. (...) El proyecto está dirigido a conocer la relación existente entre la disponibilidad celular de S-adenosilmetionina y fenómenos de mutación y metilación del DNA en el hongo filamentoso Neurospora crassa. En este contexto, se realiza el clonado y caracterización molecular y estructural del gen de la enzima S-adenosilmetionina sintetasa de este organismo. Se estudia la consecuencia de la expresión aberrante de variantes normales y mutantes de este gen in vivo. Se analizará la influencia de niveles celulares alternativos de S-adenosilmetionina sobre dos fenómenos epigenéticos vinculados a metilación del DNA denominados quelling y RIP.


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A constitutive alkaline phosphatase was purified to apparent homogeneity as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from mycelia of the wild strain 74A of the mold Neurospora crassa, after growth on acetate and in the presence of saturating amounts of inorganic phosphate (Pi) for 72 h at 30ºC. The molecular mass was 58 kDa and 56 kDa as determined by exclusion chromatography and SDS-PAGE, respectively. This monomeric enzyme shows an apparent optimum pH ranging from 9.5 to 10.5 and Michaelis kinetics for the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate (the Km and Hill coefficient values were 0.35 mM and 1.01, respectively), alpha-naphthyl phosphate (the Km and Hill coefficient values were 0.44 mM and 0.97, respectively), ß-glycerol phosphate (the Km and Hill coefficient values were 2.46 mM and 1.01, respectively) and L-histidinol phosphate (the Km and Hill coefficient values were 0.47 mM and 0.94, respectively) at pH 8.9. The purified enzyme is activated by Mg2+, Zn2+ and Tris-HCl buffer, and is inhibited by Be2+, histidine and EDTA. Also, 0.3 M Tris-HCl buffer protected the purified enzyme against heat inactivation at 70ºC(half-life of 19.0 min, k = 0.036 min-1) as compared to 0.3 M CHES (half-life of 2.3 min, k = 0.392 min-1) in the same experiment.


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Résumé La Ribonucléase P (RNase P) est une enzyme principalement reconnue pour sa participation à la maturation en 5’des ARN de transfert (ARNt). Cependant, d’autres substrats sont reconnus par l’enzyme. En général, la RNase P est composée d’une sous-unité ARN (le P-ARN, codé par le gène rnpB) qui porte le centre actif de l’enzyme et d’une ou de plusieurs sous-unités protéiques (la P-protéine). Les P-ARN chez toutes les bactéries, la majorité des archéobactéries et dans le génome nucléaire de la plupart des eucaryotes, possèdent généralement une structure secondaire très conservée qui inclut le noyau (P1-P4); l’hélice P4 constitue le site catalytique de l’enzyme et l’hélice P1 apparie les extrémités du P-ARN en stabilisant sa structure globale. Les P-ARN mitochondriaux sont souvent moins conservés et difficiles à découvrir. Dans certains cas, les seules régions de structure primaire qui restent conservées sont celles qui définissent le P4 et le P1. Pour la détection des gènes rnpB, un outil de recherche bioinformatique, basé sur la séquence et le profil de structure secondaire, a été développé dans le laboratoire. Cet outil permet le dépistage de toutes les séquences eucaryotes (nucléaires et mitochondriales) du gène avec une très grande confiance (basée sur une valeur statistique, E-value). Chez les champignons, plusieurs ascomycètes encodent un gène rnpB dans leur génome mitochondrial y compris tous les membres du genre d’Aspergillus. Cependant, chez les espèces voisines, Neurospora crassa, Podospora anserina et Sordaria macrospora, une version mitochondriale de ce gène n’existe pas. Au lieu de cela, elles contiennent deux copies nucléaires du gène, légèrement différentes en taille et en contenu nucléotidique. Mon projet a été établi dans le but d’éclaircir l’évolution de la RNase P mitochondriale (mtRNase P) chez ces trois espèces voisines d’Aspergillus. En ce qui concerne les résultats, des modèles de structures secondaires pour les transcrits de ces gènes ont été construits en se basant sur la structure consensus universelle de la sous-unité ARN de la RNase P. Pour les trois espèces, par la comparaison de ces modèles, nous avons établi que les deux copies nucléaires du gène rnpB sont assez distinctes en séquence et en structure pour pouvoir y penser à une spécialisation de fonction de la RNase P. Chez N. crassa, les deux P-ARN sont modifiés probablement par une coiffe et les extrémités 5’, 3’ sont conformes à nos modèles, ayant un P1 allongé. Encore chez N. crassa, nous avons constaté que les deux copies sont transcrites au même niveau dans le cytoplasme et que la plus petite et la plus stable d’entre elles (Nc1) se retrouve dans l’extrait matriciel mitochondrial. Lors du suivi du P-ARN dans diverses sous-fractions provenant de la matrice mitochondriale soluble, Nc1 est associée avec l’activité de la RNase P. La caractérisation du complexe protéique, isolé à partir de la fraction active sur un gel non dénaturant, révèle qu’il contient au moins 87 protéines, 73 d’entre elles ayant déjà une localisation mitochondriale connue. Comme chez la levure, les protéines de ce complexe sont impliquées dans plusieurs fonctions cellulaires comme le processing de l’ADN/ARN, le métabolisme, dans la traduction et d’autres (par exemple : la protéolyse et le repliement des protéines, ainsi que la maintenance du génome mitochondrial). Pour trois protéines, leur fonction est non déterminée.


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Neutral trehalase from Neurospora crassa was expressed in Escherichia coli as a polypeptide of similar to 84 kDa in agreement with the theoretical size calculated from the corresponding cDNA. The recombinant neutral trehalase, purified by affinity chromatography exhibited a specific activity of 80-150 mU/mg protein. Optima of pH and temperature were 7.0 and 30 degrees C, respectively. The enzyme was absolutely specific for trehalose, and was quite sensitive to incubation at 40 degrees C. The recombinant enzyme was totally dependent on calcium, and was inhibited by ATP, copper, silver, aluminium and cobalt. K(M) was 42 mM, and V(max) was 30.6 nmol of glucose/min. The recombinant protein was phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, but not significantly activated. Immunoblotting with polyclonal antiserum prepared against the recombinant protein showed that neutral trehalase protein levels increased during exponential phase of N. crassa growth and dropped at the stationary phase. This is the first report of a neutral trehalase produced in E. coli with similar biochemical properties described for fungi native neutral trehalases, including calcium-dependence. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The gene encoding glycogen synthase in Neurospora crassa (gsn) is transcriptionally down-regulated when mycelium is exposed to a heat shock from 30 to 45 degrees C. The gsn promoter has one stress response element (STRE) motif that is specifically bound by heat shock activated nuclear proteins. In this work, we used biochemical approaches together with mass spectrometric analysis to identify the proteins that bind to the STRE motif and could participate in the gsn transcription regulation during heat shock. Crude nuclear extract of heat-shocked mycelium was prepared and fractionated by affinity chromatography. The fractions exhibiting DNA-binding activity were identified by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) using as probe a DNA fragment containing the STRE motif DNA-protein binding activity was confirmed by Southwestern analysis. The molecular mass (MM) of proteins was estimated by fractionating the crude nuclear extract by SDS-PAGE followed by EMSA analysis of the proteins corresponding to different MM intervals. Binding activity was detected at the 30-50 MM kDa interval. Fractionation of the crude nuclear proteins by IEF followed by EMSA analysis led to the identification of two active fractions belonging to the pIs intervals 3.54-4.08 and 6.77-7.31. The proteins comprising the MM and pI intervals previously identified were excised from a 2-DE gel, and subjected to mass spectrometric analysis (MALDI-TOF/TOF) after tryptic digestion. The proteins were identified by search against the MIPS and MIT N. crassa databases and five promising candidates were identified. Their structural characteristics and putative roles in the gsn transcription regulation are discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)