13 resultados para NDL
Com o objectivo de caracterizar as comunidades vegetais que acompanham as culturas agrícolas de sequeiro e de regadio praticadas em Santiago e, particularmente, no vale da ribeira Seca, efectuaram-se 16 levantamentos titoecológicos ao longo deste curso de água e encostas sobranceiras. A inventaria@0 floristica revelou a presenta de 118 taro pertencenteas 3 3 familias. Analisaram-sea, inda,6 2 levantamentorse alizadose m diversosp ontosd a ilha, tendo sido identificados1 72t axa pertencenteas 42 familiasG. ramineae. Leguminosae e Compositue sao as famílias melhor representadasA. flora inventariadaC comparadac om a referida em trabalhos precedentesr,e alizadosp or outrosa utores,r evelandolao correnciad e, pelo menos,1 82t axa na flora infestante. Os levantamentos da ribeira Seca foram analisadosa travt5sd o programad e análise numérica TWINSPAN, que indicou a presentad e 4 agrupamentosv egetais distintos, cuja interpretacao,a tendendoà s característicase dáticas,c limáticase topográticasd os locais onde ocorrem,s ugeriua disponibilidadeh idrica comoo factorm aisd eterminantde as uac omposicáo. Palavras-chavefl:o ra, adventiciasd asc ulturasT, WINSPAN, ilhasd eC aboV erde, Santiago. In order to identify and to characterizeth e plant communitiesp resenat t the irrigated and dry cropso f ribeira Secav alley, it were established16 s amplep lots. The tloristic inventory has revealedt he presenteo f 118 tara belongingt o 33 families.I n addition,m ore 62 samplep lots,were establishedth roughoutt he island,w hich permittedt he identifkation of 172t ara from 42 families.G ramineae, CompQsitae &ndL eguminosae weret he mostr epresentativeosn es.T his flora is comparedw ith that referred in precedingw orksf rom othersa uthors,r evealingt he occurrence of, at least, 182 tma in the weed flora. The application of the TWINSPAN numerical analysis, to the plots in the ribeira Seca vallcy. has revealed the presente of 4 distinct plant communities, which were related with edaphic,c limatic and topographicf actors.T his analysiss uggestetdh at the water availability wa.s the mainf actor affecting the speciesc ompositionof the communities. Key-words:f lora weedsT, WINSPAN, CapeV erdei slandsS, antiago.
This paper describes the cost-benefit analysis of digital long-term preservation (LTP) that was carried out in the context of the Finnish National Digital Library Project (NDL) in 2010. The analysis was based on the assumption that as many as 200 archives, libraries, and museums will share an LTP system. The term ‘system’ shall be understood as encompassing not only information technology, but also human resources, organizational structures, policies and funding mechanisms. The cost analysis shows that an LTP system will incur, over the first 12 years, cumulative costs of €42 million, i.e. an average of €3.5 million per annum. Human resources and investments in information technology are the major cost factors. After the initial stages, the analysis predicts annual costs of circa €4 million. The analysis compared scenarios with and without a shared LTP system. The results indicate that a shared system will have remarkable benefits. At the development and implementation stages, a shared system shows an advantage of €30 million against the alternative scenario consisting of five independent LTP solutions. During the later stages, the advantage is estimated at €10 million per annum. The cumulative cost benefit over the first 12 years would amount to circa €100 million.
Aki Lassilan esitys IFLA-konferenssissa Helsingissä 14.8.2012.
In this work we study the photosynthetic induction in Eucalyptus urograndis leaves using the Open Photoacoustic Cell Technique. In vivo and in situ measurements were performed in leaves of four months-old E. urograndis seedlings and C041 cuttings previously dark-adapted for at least 10 h. Experimental results for the gas exchange component of the photoacoustic (PA) signal are interpreted considering that a gas uptake component would have a phase angle nearly opposite to that of the oxygen evolution component. Analysis of the photosynthetic induction data shows that seedlings present a net oxygen evolution before cuttings, but cuttings reach a higher steady-state photosynthetic activity.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knee flexor and extensor torques in isometric contractions, comparing the H:Q ratios, flexibility and maximal kick between dominant (DL) and non-dominant (NDL) limb of soccer players (SG) and active people (AG)Methods: Subjects performed maximal instep kicks with each limb, flexibility tests and maximal isometric voluntary contractions of the knee flexion and extension at 45° and 90° to determine peak torque of the DL and NDLKnee flexion torque was divided by the knee extension torque to calculate torque ratios (H:Q ratio)Results: The flexibility and maximal kick in SG was significantly higher than in AG for both the DL and NDL (P<0.05)The maximal kick of DL was significantly higher than in NDL in SG (P<0.01)Knee flexion torque in SG was significantly higher than in AG in the DL (P<0.05), and the H:Q ratio was similar between AG and SGConclusion: Dominance related differences were evident in the flexor torque and maximal kick for SG, probably related to the asymmetric demand in trainings, which present no effect on the flexibility© 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
La biochimica clinica dei rettili e dei cheloni in particolare, non ha ottenuto al momento lo stesso livello di attenzione rivolto ai mammiferi. Con il presente lavoro viene proposta la valutazione dei più importanti parametri ematologici e biochimici in campioni di sangue di Testudo hermanni al fine di facilitare l'interpretazione dei dati di laboratorio e la diagnosi di eventuali patologie. A questo scopo, sono stati calcolati gli intervalli di riferimento di questi parametri in individui clinicamente sani e sono state analizzate le influenze di fattori ambientali e fisiologici. Sono state inoltre determinate le concentrazioni di alcuni importanti elementi chimici sia essenziali che non essenziali. Su campioni di chirottero del genere Tadarida teniotis sono state determinate le concentrazioni di PCB DL, PCB NDL, PCDD/F, PFAS e di elementi chimici essenziali e non, al fine di valutare: il possibile livello di contaminazione in relazione alla specie e all’habitat, la prevalenza e/o il rapporto delle classi di composti nel caso di una possibile contaminazione, la eventuale fonte di contaminazione. A quanto ci risulta, il nostro lavoro rappresenta il primo tentativo di analizzare su vasta scala le concentrazioni di questi inquinanti in una popolazione di pipistrelli residenti in un’area urbana. Tra i vari contaminanti esaminanti in questo studio, il Pb e le diossine possono costituire un serio problema per Tadarida teniotis.
Mode of access: Internet.
Cette note de lecture se donne pour objectif d’établir un précis des thèses centrales de Critique de la raison nègre d’Achille Mbembe. L’héritage de Michel Foucault sur la pensée de Mbembe sera d’abord mis en lumière. Une critique générale de l’utilisation, chez Mbembe, de la notion de « race » sera aussi rapidement formulée. Après un survol historique de la fixation du principe de race, les deux versants du concept de « raison nègre » seront exposés dans le détail. Mbembe montre ensuite que les penseurs de l’identité noire se montrent le plus souvent engoncés dans la hantise d’habiter le double (l’un des profils de la raison nègre) hérité du travail du pouvoir raciste. Celui-ci s’appuie sur un complexe de domination psychique qui sera aussi explicité. Une proposition normative, complémentaire, viendra enfin s’arrimer à ces interprétations avant de conclure sur la dimension prescriptive de l’analyse critique mené dans cet essai.
Cette note de lecture se donne pour objectif d’établir un précis des thèses centrales de Critique de la raison nègre d’Achille Mbembe. L’héritage de Michel Foucault sur la pensée de Mbembe sera d’abord mis en lumière. Une critique générale de l’utilisation, chez Mbembe, de la notion de « race » sera aussi rapidement formulée. Après un survol historique de la fixation du principe de race, les deux versants du concept de « raison nègre » seront exposés dans le détail. Mbembe montre ensuite que les penseurs de l’identité noire se montrent le plus souvent engoncés dans la hantise d’habiter le double (l’un des profils de la raison nègre) hérité du travail du pouvoir raciste. Celui-ci s’appuie sur un complexe de domination psychique qui sera aussi explicité. Une proposition normative, complémentaire, viendra enfin s’arrimer à ces interprétations avant de conclure sur la dimension prescriptive de l’analyse critique mené dans cet essai.
Sur les traces de l’auteur afro-américain W.E.B. Du Bois, le philosophe Anthony Kwame Appiah se préoccupe dans son Lines of Descent (2014) de l’articulation entre identité personnelle, nationalisme culturel et universel cosmopolitique, à la lumière du signifiant social de la race. Appiah se penche spécifiquement sur l’influence qu’a exercée la pensée allemande de la fin du 19e siècle sur le développement de la pensée de Du Bois. Dans la foulée de travaux antérieurs 1, il s’y intéresse à la question de l’identité raciale et à la place qu’elle occupe dans sa théorisation du panafricanisme. Après un survol biographique des auteurs abordés, cette note de lecture s’intéressera à ces trois thèses fortes en les soumettant à quelques réflexions critiques.
Sur les traces de l’auteur afro-américain W.E.B. Du Bois, le philosophe Anthony Kwame Appiah se préoccupe dans son Lines of Descent (2014) de l’articulation entre identité personnelle, nationalisme culturel et universel cosmopolitique, à la lumière du signifiant social de la race. Appiah se penche spécifiquement sur l’influence qu’a exercée la pensée allemande de la fin du 19e siècle sur le développement de la pensée de Du Bois. Dans la foulée de travaux antérieurs 1, il s’y intéresse à la question de l’identité raciale et à la place qu’elle occupe dans sa théorisation du panafricanisme. Après un survol biographique des auteurs abordés, cette note de lecture s’intéressera à ces trois thèses fortes en les soumettant à quelques réflexions critiques.