854 resultados para NBR ISO 14001


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é verificar, por meio de uma pesquisa tipo survey, os benefícios e as dificuldades da adoção de Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental ISO 14001 em empresas industriais do Estado de São Paulo. Para tal, um questionário foi enviado para 194 empresas constantes da base de dados do INMETRO (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial) e respondido por 69 delas, representando uma taxa de retorno de 35,36%. Duas hipóteses foram estabelecidas para realização do estudo: uma enunciando os potenciais benefícios e outra as dificuldades da gestão ambiental com base na norma NBR ISO 14001. Estas hipóteses foram parcialmente comprovadas. O artigo está estruturado da seguinte forma: introdução, sistema de gestão ambiental, norma NBR ISO 14001, método de pesquisa, apresentação e análise dos resultados, conclusão e referências bibliográficas.


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Due to environmental concerns and the current legal requirements, companies are looking for ways to reconcile economic growth with environmental preservation. The purpose of this project is to show the stages of implementation of ISO 14001 in a chemical company and propose changes in chemical procedures creating goals to be achieved. In this paper, the study for the implementation of ISO 14001 is in Viapol ltda., where the lack of environmental management can cause enormous impact to the environment and may generate air, soil and water pollution. The project resulted in a mapping of all the processes and a broad survey of waste and emissions, generating proposals to change some of the processes and and creating programs to achieve the goals and objectives proposed in the Environmental Policy. Adopting an environmental management system (EMS), the company will reduce costs by decreasing the amount of raw material used, shooting down on waste disposal and the amount of it, and increasing productivity. By committing to the implementation of the EMS, companies will be demonstrating a proactive approach to environmental issues and enrich its image to consumers’ point of view


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The use of environmental management systems - EMS has shown to be a key tool for addressing the environmental aspects and impacts of an organization. The vast majority of EMS based on the requirements of ISO 14001:2004, as it is a globally recognized standard and adopt its recommendations is considered to be a guarantee of fulfilling the basic requirements of an EMS. Despite all the benefits that the system provides, we still find many problems in the implementation of EMS, especially in small and medium enterprises or SME. Most of the difficulties of implementation is related to intrinsic factors that companies of this size have, and issues related to the models and methods used to implement an EMS. Thus, this work aimed to assess whether the guidelines of ISO 14005:2012 meet the needs of SMEs for the effective implementation of an environmental management system. For it has been identified in the relation between SMEs and EMS the majof intrinsic problems of SMEs to implement (PII), such as lack of financial and human resources, and lack of commitment from top management to the SGA. Also was also pointed the main implementation issues related to ISO 14001 (ABNT, 2004) or the models or methods (PIM), highlighting the lack of environmental performance criteria, and the need for a path or sequence of steps for implementation. The study of ISO 14005 (ABNT, 2012) showed that the standard guidelines and implementation examples proposed, include solutions for all problems related to EMS implementation SMEs


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Este trabajo ha sido realizado bajo el marco de objetivos del Grupo de Investigación de Excelencia CREVALOR reconocido por la Diputación General de Aragón.


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The two environmental management system (EMS) standards EMAS and ISO 14001 have been available in Europe for the last 15 years. ISO 14001 has been taken up at a much larger scale but many firms in the German automotive and engineering industry have certified their EMSs according to both standards. Two research questions are addressed: (i) What explains why companies adopt both EMAS and ISO 14001? (ii) Are EMAS and ISO 14001 complements or substitutes? Based on 21 interviews with industrial and institutional representatives, this study finds that, first, the two standards are adopted for completely different reasons: while ISO 14001 is often done as a response to external pressure, EMAS tends to be motivated internally. Second, it is argued that EMAS and ISO 14001 are likely in a situation of direct competition at present which may well turn into complementarity in the future.


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La empresa Servicios Generales de Colombia SEGECOL como comercializadora agroindustrial y de salud publica, ha identificado como oportunidad de crecimiento la incorporación y adopción de un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental (S.G.A), ajustado a la normatividad expuesta por la organización internacional de estandarización ISO, mediante y a través de la aplicación de la norma técnica ISO 14000 y sus subgrupos. Las actividades cotidianas del ser humano a nivel individual y empresarialmente durante muchos años han deteriorado el medio ambiente obligando de tal forma asumir actitudes que normalicen dicha situación, desarrollando normatividad, legislación, capacitación y concientización al respecto. A partir de la década de los setenta se fortaleció todo tipo de acción a su favor, es así como nacen los grupos verdes, diferentes encuentros de orden mundial, conferencias de participación internacional, tratados, acuerdos y la concientización frente al compromiso de seguir evitando su deterioro y recuperar en la medida en que se permita los daños causados en el transcurso del tiempo. La nueva constitución del 91 creo el principal ente regulador como lo es el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente en el año de 1993. SEGECOL se encuentra desarrollando el proceso de diseño del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental, utilizando la herramienta de estandarización que ofrece la ISO 14000. En la búsqueda de dicho objetivo se identificaron cuatro impactos negativos ambientales relevantes que pueden ser mitigados, estabilizados y hasta recuperables, ellos son: el impacto de concentración de olores por la actividad de almacenamiento de productos, las basuras, consumo de energía y el ultimo impacto valorado lo representa el elevado consumo de papel.


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A globalização, a busca pela qualidade e produtividade, a competitividade do mercado, fizeram com que a Construção civil iniciasse a busca pela melhoria nos processos, visando diminuir o desperdício e as perdas. Por outro lado, as empresas construtoras têm buscado a certificação dos seus sistemas de qualidade, o mesmo ocorrendo, ainda que de forma incipiente, com os fornecedores da indústria da construção civil. Considerando a cadeia produtiva deste setor, os laboratórios de ensaios aparecem ensaiando os produtos que buscam a certificação, realizando controle tecnológico nas obras, caracterizando os materiais utilizados, entre outros, mostrando assim a sua importância tanto para os fornecedores quanto para os construtores. Para garantir melhorias no setor da construção civil, não é importante apenas a implantação de sistemas da qualidade nas empresas construtoras, mas também é de grande relevância a certificação de produtos utilizados. Para tanto, é necessário a existência de laboratórios credenciados que desempenhem o papel de ensaiar o produto. A necessidade da existência de laboratórios credenciados é visível no país, para garantir aspectos referentes à confiabilidade e confidencialidade dos resultados, além da rastreabilidade dos padrões utilizados. Também é importante que a execução dos ensaios seja feita por pessoal treinado e qualificado, com utilização de procedimentos permanentemente revisados e atualizados. O objetivo deste trabalho é levantar as principais dificuldades e não-conformidades vivenciadas pelos laboratórios de ensaios de construção civil para alcançar o credenciamento, identificando-as através de questionários. Este diagnóstico pretende apontar diretrizes que viabilizem o processo de credenciamento de laboratórios de ensaios de construção civil de forma a facilitar a disseminação desta prática em todo o país.


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This study investigates in the National Commission of Nuclear Energy the Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in terms of perceptions, actions, and posture of the administrative agents which could facilitate the engagement of the employees of that public organization in the TQM implantation, based on NBR ISO 9000. The central question of this research is: which characteristics of the administrative actions and sense of the managerial posture manifested in the implantation, implementation and maintenance for the achievement of objectives and goals of the Quality System-ISO 9000, could contribute to engage the IRD professionals in the process? The research finds prevalence of the Quality technical knowledge over the attention on professionals' managerial posture, identifies a lack in that Norm about how to deal with its administrative requirements in practical terms, driving the researcher to look for support especially in Deming to face the critical reading of that organizational context. The field research was conceived under the paradigm of constructivism, facilitating the description of beliefs, perceptions, feelings and values manifested in the employees discourses, actions and re-actions to establish relations between Quality theory and that concrete reality. A phenomenologic approach, only as a complementary level, was sufficient to favor the researcher insertion in that institution where he is still working, but in the new and contingent role of researcher. To apprehend the organization managerial stile, to comprehend beyond its characteristics and to grasp the orientation of the managerial posture in terms of possibilities for Quality implementation were the core of this study. The TQM theory was interpreted as a living philosophy, an administrative posture the meaning of which is a permanent Quality improvement in the CNEN/IRD management processes in its internal and external organizational relations. The procedural nature of the CNEN/IRD public service legal regime, political implications and performance evaluation which reveals only partially the organizational reality should not obstruct the Institute drive to assume the spirit of serving the public as a Quality management philosophic commitment. Conclusions show some progress reorienting initiatives in organizational management taking place in three different levels: operational, toward the employees' expectations of values and organizational processes integration; HR administration, in search of better communication; strategic, through expectations on a possible visionary leadership". Finally, at the academic level, the perception that future studies in search of the establishment of relationships between TQM and the organization culture can favor new progress."


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This work has as its main purpose to set a model of Quality Management for micro and small companies integrating the management models: Six Sigma strategy to NBR ISO 9001:2000. An exploratory research is developed to collect technical and bibliographical information on both methods, emphasizing their integration. Then, a survey is carried out on 65 analysts/consultants of Quality Management Systems and it has detected, besides other factors, that current methodologies must be associated in order to reach better results. At last, it proposes the Sigma 9001 model, which aims to make it possible for micro and small companies to objectively and with low costs, implement a Quality Management System, able to assure competitive advantage through improvement identification in the processes, as well as an improvement in the companies management


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As a result of increasing global awareness about the importance of the environment, depletion of natural resources and legal pressures for companies to manage their processes in a sustainable manner, ISO 14001 systems have been gaining increasingly more importance in the organizational scenario. These elements are even more critical in emerging nations due to less awareness and fewer demands by governments and the population in relation to environmental issues. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to verify the benefits and difficulties of Environmental Management Systems based on ISO 14001 at industries in the state of São Paulo - Brazil (an emerging country) by conducting a survey to subsidize the proposal for actions in the public, academic and private sectors to promote the use of this standard of reference and strengthen its results in Brazil. A questionnaire was sent to 194 companies from the National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality database. 69 answered, representing a return rate of 35.36%. The main benefits identified are related to the development of preventive environmental actions, reduction in the consumption of power, water, gas and fuel oil, and a positive influence on other internal management processes. The main difficulties are related to cost increases from ISO 14001 management systems and the constant changes in environmental legislation in Brazil. Some actions are proposed at the end of the analyses to intensify the use and improve the results of this standard, such as changes in government legislation and its collective development and implementation in industries. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Among the difficulties found in the implementation of ISO 14001 systems, resistance to change can always be found. It is mainly a consequence of the hurry to change, loss of focus, concentration of decision making at the level of top management, arbitrary imposition of objectives and results, faulty communication, and the absence of motivational and financial incentive for change.Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to present best practices with respect to the management of organizational change due to the implementation of ISO 14001 norms in two industrial companies in the Midwest region of the State of São Paulo - Brazil. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)