999 resultados para NATURAL CAVITIES


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We tested the general predictions of increased use of nest boxes and positive trends in local populations of Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) and Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) following the large-scale provision of nest boxes in a study area of central Alberta over a 16-year period. Nest boxes were rapidly occupied, primarily by Common Goldeneye and Bufflehead, but also by European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris). After 5 years of deployment, occupancy of large boxes by Common Goldeneye was 82% to 90% and occupancy of small boxes by Bufflehead was 37% to 58%. Based on a single-stage cluster design, experimental closure of nest boxes resulted in significant reductions in numbers of broods and brood sizes produced by Common Goldeneye and Bufflehead. Occurrence and densities of Common Goldeneye and Bufflehead increased significantly across years following nest box deployment at the local scale, but not at the larger regional scale. Provision of nest boxes may represent a viable strategy for increasing breeding populations of these two waterfowl species on landscapes where large trees and natural cavities are uncommon but wetland density is high.


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This study tests predictions of the hypothesis of evolution of paternal care via sexual selection by using the Neotropical harvestman Pseudopucrolia sp. as the model organism. Females use natural cavities in roadside banks as nesting sites, which are defended by males against other males. Females leave the nests after oviposition, and all postzygotic parental care is accomplished by males, which protect the eggs and nymphs from predators. We provided artificial mud nests to individuals in the laboratory and conducted observations on the reproduction of the species. Male reproductive success was directly related to nest ownership time: the longer a male held a nest, the higher his chances of obtaining copulations. All males that succeeded in mating and obtaining one clutch eventually mated with additional females that added eggs to the clutch. Thus, desirable males were not limited to monogamy by paternal care. Experimental manipulations demonstrated that guarding males were more attractive to females than were nonguarding males and also that males guarded unrelated eggs. Finally, we found that females and nonguarding males spent more time foraging than guarding males. We use our data to contrast hypotheses on the origin and maintenance of paternal care and to provide a critical assessment of the hypothesis of the evolution of paternal care via sexual selection. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The scope of this work is the study of natural cavities in gullies through geophysics. The studied area is located in the city of São Pedro (SP) more precisely in the gully of Tucunzinho. The historic of the area shows that, since the 60s there were problems with the high rate of erosion in the gully. In addition to increased erosion, there is the appearance of cavities inside responsible for rebates, aggravating the situation. Geophysical methods have been successfully applied in environmental studies since they are noninvasive, are fast and relatively inexpensive. In order to better understand the context of formation of the pipes in relation to local geology, three arrangements were compared for the method of Electrical Resistivity, Schlumberger, Wenner and Dipole-dipole. Then, it was possible to determine which one is the best for this type of study. According to the data obtained in the field, the Schlumberger array presents more consistent results in relation to the erosive context analyzed


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Climate change is predicted to affect many species by reducing range, habitat suitability and breeding success. Cavity-nesting species, already threatened by deforestation and declining natural hollows, may be particularly at risk because they are limited in nest-site location, and climatic alterations may further reduce usability of natural cavities. It is therefore essential to determine how cavity-users may be affected. We recorded internal nest box temperatures and modelled the relationships of four temperature parameters (relating to mean temperature, variability in temperature, low temperature extremes and high temperature extremes) with breeding success and nestling growth in an Australian cavity-nesting parrot, the Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans). We found that less extreme low temperatures resulted in heavier nestlings; however, higher mean temperatures tended to result in lighter nestlings. Greater temperature variability tended to reduce fledging success; however, no temperature variables had a clear effect on clutch size or hatching success. Our findings indicate that there may be a complex relationship between nestling growth and temperature, and although less extreme cold temperatures may benefit nestlings, continued increases in mean temperature and variability may have negative consequences.


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Natural convection in rectangular two-dimensional cavities with differentially heated side walls is a standard problem in numerical heat transfer. Most of the existing studies has considered the low Ra laminar regime. The general thrust of the present research is to investigate higher Ra flows extending into the unsteady and turbulent regimes where the physics is not fully understood and appropriate models for turbulence are not yet established. In the present study the Boussinesq approximation is being used, but the theoretical background and some preliminary results have been obtained[1] for flows with variable properties.


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A computer program has been developed for the prediction of buoyancy-driven laminar and turbulent flow in rectangular air-filled two-dimensional cavities with differentially heated side walls. Laminar flow predictions for a square cavity and Rayleigh numbers from Ra = 10^3 up to the onset of unsteady flow have been obtained. Accurate solutions for Ra = 5 x 10^6, 10^7, 5 x 10^7 and 10^8 are presented and an estimate for the critical Rayleigh number at which the steady laminar flow becomes unsteady is given for this geometry. Numerical predictions of turbulent flow have been obtained for RaH~0(10^9 -10^11 ) and compared with existing experimental data. A previously developed second moment closure model (Behnia et al. 1987) has been used to model the turbulence. Results indicate that a second moment closure model is capable of predicting the observed flow features.


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"This chapter discusses laminar and turbulent natural convection in rectangular cavities. Natural convection in rectangular two-dimensional cavities has become a standard problem in numerical heat transfer because of its relevance in understanding a number of problems in engineering. Current research identified a number of difficulties with regard to the numerical methods and the turbulence modeling for this class of flows. Obtaining numerical predictions at high Rayleigh numbers proved computationally expensive such that results beyond Ra ∼ 1014 are rarely reported. The chapter discusses a study in which it was found that turbulent computations in square cavities can't be extended beyond Ra ∼ O (1012) despite having developed a code that proved very efficient for the high Ra laminar regime. As the Rayleigh number increased, thin boundary layers began to form next to the vertical walls, and the central region became progressively more stagnant and highly stratified. Results obtained for the high Ra laminar regime were in good agreement with existing studies. Turbulence computations, although of a preliminary nature, indicated that a second moment closure model was capable of predicting the experimentally observed flow features."--Publisher Summary


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Laminar natural convection in a series of thermally interacting cavities is numerically studied. Each cavity consists of a conducting bottom wall with a surface mounted heater. The side walls of the cavities are isothermally cooled. Each cavity thermally interacts with its adjacent cavities through the conducting walls. Flow and heat transfer characteristics are studied in detail for various Rayleigh numbers. The convection characteristics in multiple cavities are compared with those in single independent cavity. The thermal interaction between the cavities results in lower temperatures compared with those in independent cavities. While heat is rejected into the adjacent upper cavity through some portion of the conducting wall, heat is received from the adjacent cavity through the remaining portion of the wall. The influence of substrate conductivity on heat exchange between adjacent cavities are examined. Substrate conductivity shows strong effect on temperature distribution. When cooling at both vertical sides is changed to one side cooling, the heat transfer characteristics are changed drastically and many interesting flow features are observed. Effects of cavity aspect ratio is studied and higher heat transfer rates are observed at higher aspect ratios. Correlations for dimensionless temperature maximum and average Nusselt number are presented in terms of Rayleigh number.


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Background Ugni molinae Turcz. is one of the most studied species of South American Myrtaceae due to its edible fruits and foliar medicinal compounds. However, there is no anatomical study of the leaves or secretory cavities. This paper seeks to describe the leaf micromorphology and anatomy of the species using standard protocols for light and scanning electron microscopy. Secretory cavities were anatomically characterized in young and mature leaves. Histochemical staining of the cavities was performed. Results The leaves of U. molinae are hypostomatic, have a wavy surface and possess scattered hairs. Leaf anatomical features include dorsiventral mesophyll, two to three layers of palisade parenchyma with abundant chloroplasts, calcium oxalate crystals and internal phloem in vascular bundles. Schizogenous secretory cavities are present on the abaxial surface and are mainly located on the margins of the leaves. Histochemical tests of these cavities suggest the presence of lipophilic substances. Conclusions This is the first study of secretory cavities in Chilean Myrtaceae. In general, micromorphological and anatomical characters are similar to other species of the family. The present findings could provide valuable anatomical information for future research in South American Myrtaceae.


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A computer code is developed for the numerical prediction of natural convection in rectangular two-dimensional cavities at high Rayleigh numbers. The governing equations are retained in the primitive variable form. The numerical method is based on finite differences and an ADI scheme. Convective terms may be approximated with either central or hybrid differencing for greater stability. A non-uniform grid distribution is possible for greater efficiency. The pressure is dealt with via a SIMPLE type algorithm and the use of a fast elliptic solver for the solenoidal velocity correction field significantly reduces computing times. Preliminary results indicate that the code is reasonably accurate, robust and fast compared with existing benchmarks and finite difference based codes, particularly at high Rayleigh numbers. Extension to three-dimensional problems and turbulence studies in similar geometries is readily possible and indicated.


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Thermodynamical fluctuations in temperature and position exist in every physical system, and show up as a fundamental noise limit whenever we choose to measure some quantity in a laboratory environment. Thermodynamical fluctuations in the position of the atoms in the dielectric coatings on the mirrors for optical cavities at the forefront of precision metrology (e.g., LIGO, the cavities which probe atomic transitions to define the second) are a current limiting noise source for these experiments, and anything which involves locking a laser to an optical cavity. These thermodynamic noise sources scale physical geometry of experiment, material properties (such as mechanical loss in our dielectric coatings), and temperature. The temperature scaling provides a natural motivation to move to lower temperatures, with a potential huge benefit for redesigning a room temperature experiment which is limited by thermal noise for cryogenic operation.

We design, build, and characterize a pair of linear Fabry-Perot cavities to explore limitations to ultra low noise laser stabilization experiments at cryogenic temperatures. We use silicon as the primary material for the cavity and mirrors, due to a zero crossing in its linear coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) at 123 K, and other desirable material properties. We use silica tantala coatings, which are currently the best for making high finesse low noise cavities at room temperature. The material properties of these coating materials (which set the thermal noise levels) are relatively unknown at cryogenic temperatures, which motivates us to study them at these temperatures. We were not able to measure any thermal noise source with our experiment due to excess noise. In this work we analyze the design and performance of the cavities, and recommend a design shift from mid length cavities to short cavities in order to facilitate a direct measurement of cryogenic coating noise.

In addition, we measure the cavities (frequency dependent) photo-thermal response. This can help characterize thermooptic noise in the coatings, which is poorly understood at cryogenic temperatures. We also explore the feasibility of using the cavity to do macroscopic quantum optomechanics such as ground state cooling.


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Large secondary-nesting birds such as ducks rely on appropriate cavities for breeding. The main objective of this study was to assess the availability of large cavities and the potential of a managed boreal coniferous landscape to provide nesting trees within the breeding area of the eastern population of Barrow’s Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica), a cavity-nesting species at risk in Canada. Woodpecker surveys were conducted in both conifer and mixed-wood landscapes, and cavities were sought in line transects distributed in unharvested and linear remnant stands of balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and black spruce (Picea mariana) as well as in cutblocks. No Pileated Woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus) were detected in the breeding area of Barrow’s Goldeneye, but the species was present in the nearby lowland area in which trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) is abundant. Only 10 trees (0.2% of those sampled) supported cavities considered suitable for Barrow’s Goldeneye in terms of dimensions and canopy openness. Most of the suitable cavities found during this study were nonexcavated apical (chimney) cavities in relatively short snags that showed advanced states of decay. A diameter-at-breast-height threshold was determined for each tree species, after which the probability of cavity occurrence was enhanced in terms of potential cavity trees for Barrow’s Goldeneye. Remnant linear forest sites had lower potential tree densities than did their unharvested equivalents. Large cavities were thus a rare component in this boreal landscape, suggesting that they may be a limiting factor for this population at risk. Current even-aged forest management that mainly relies on clear-cut practices is likely to further reduce the potential of this landscape to provide trees with suitable cavities.