7 resultados para NAIDIDAE
Includes index to scientific names, p. 46-47.
<正> 本文系新疆水栖寡毛类的首次报导,记录仙女虫科(Naididae)7属20种,其中有新种1种,国内新记录5种。标本均系陈嘉佑同志所采集,特此致谢。1.盘缠毛腹虫 Chaetogaster diastrophus (Gruithuisen, 1828) Chaetogaster diastrophus, Michaelsen, 1900; 陈, 1940, 1959; Sperber, 1948, 1961; 梁, 1962;1962. 采集地布尔津额尔齐斯河(1962,Ⅸ,9);博斯腾湖(1962,
<正> 本文记载仙女虫科(Naididae)1新种、1新亚种及蛭蚓科(Branchiobdellidae)1新属、2新种。其中蛭蚓科两种系特殊的种类,本科各已知种专以螯虾(Astacus,Cambarus,Cambaroides等属)为寄主,故只分布于出产螯虾的地区,国内仅东北有过记载。而这两个新种却寄生淡水小虾,分布于云南、河南两个尚未发现螯虾的省份。在不产螯虾的地区首次发现,对研究本科动物的生态、分布诸问题,都有很大的价值。
Three new species of Tubificinae (Naididae, Oligochaeta), Varichaetadrilus vestibulatus n. sp., Aulodrilus apeniatus n. sp., and Ilyodrilus mesoprostatus n. sp., are reported from Fuxian Lake and Xingyun Lake of Yunnan Province, Southwest China. V. vestibulatus differs from its allies by possessing modified spermathecal chaetae and thinner cylindrical penial sheaths. A. apeniatus is unique in the genus by having no penis. I. mesoprostatus is distinguishable from congeners by its prostate glands joining middle portion of atria and having concave, cone-shaped cuticular penial sheaths. Twenty-eight species of freshwater oligochaetes have hitherto been recorded from Yunnan Province, including five endemic species from three plateau lakes.
Piguetiella denticulata Liang & Xie, 1997 is redescribed based on the type series collected from the type locality, Songtao River, and streams of the Zhangjiajie Mountain in southwestern China, and specimens from several tributaries of the Yangtze River. This species is characterized by a large body size, the absence of eyespots and dorsal hair chaetae, the same size and shape of dorsal and ventral chaetae, the presence of 3-4 intermediate teeth on both ventral and dorsal chaetae, and an intestinal dilation in IX-X segments. The essential characteristics used to diagnose the genus are discussed and a key to the genus is provided.
The assemblage of oligochaetes in the Liangzi Lake District, located in middle reaches of the Changjiang River, was studied from May to August, 2001. To establish species composition, richness, and abundance and detect the influence of environmental variables on oligochaete distributional patterns, 45 localities were sampled. All total, 20 species belonging to the families Naididae (eight species), Tubificidae (11 species), and Lumbriculidae (one species) were found. Branchiura sowerbyi, Tubifex sp. 1, and Aulodrilus pluriseta were the dominant species and contributed nearly 70% of the total abundance. The 45 sampling sites were separated into three groups based on composition and relative abundance of benthic oligochaete communities using two-way indictor species analysis associated with detrended correspondence analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that two plant variables (total plant cover and total submersed macrophyte biomass) were strongly correlated with the faunal gradient (p < 0.05). Other predicator variables were water depth and total nitrogen.