1000 resultados para NADH OXIDATION


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Vanadate-dependent oxidation of NADH by xanthine oxidase does not require the presence of xanthine and therefore is not due to cooxidation. Addition of NADH or xanthine had no effect on the oxidation of the other substrate. Oxidation of NADH was high at acid pH and oxidation of xanthine was high at alkaline pH. The specific activity was relatively very high with NADH. Concentration-dependent oxidation of NADH was obtained in the presence of the polymeric form of vanadate, but not orthovanadate or metavanadate. Both NADH and NADPH were oxidized, as in the nonenzymatic system. Oxidation of NADH, but not xanthine, was inhibited by KCN, ascorbate, MnCl2, cytochrome c, mannitol, Tris, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and triiodothyronine. Oxidation of NADH was accompanied by uptake of oxygen and generation of H2O2 with a stoichiometry of 1:1:1 for NADH:O2:H2O2. A 240-nm-absorbing species was formed during the reaction which was different from H2O2 or superoxide. A mechanism of NADH oxidation is suggested wherein VV and O2 receive one electron each successively from NADH followed by VIV giving the second electron to superoxide and reducing it to H2O2.


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The rate of NADH oxidation with oxygen as the acceptor is very low in mouse liver plasma membrane and erythrocyte membrane. When vanadate is added, this rate is stimulated 10- to 20-fold. The absorption spectrum of vanadate does not change with the disappearance of NADH. The reaction is inhibited by superoxide dismutase, and there is no activity under an argon atmosphere. This indicates that oxygen is the electron acceptor and the reaction is mediated by superoxide. The vanadate stimulation is not limited to plasma membrane. Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum show similar increase in NADH oxidase activity when vanadate is added. The endomembranes have significant vanadate-stimulated activity with both NADH and NADPH. The vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidase in plasma membrane is inhibited by compounds, which inhibit NADH dehydrogenase activity: catechols, anthracycline drugs and manganese. This activity is stimulated by high phosphate and sulfate anion concentrations.


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Polyvanadate solutions obtained by extracting vanadium pentoxide with dilute alkali over a period of several hours contained increasing amounts of decavanadate as characterized by NMR and ir spectra. Those solutions having a metavanadate:decavanadate ratio in the range of 1-5 showed maximum stimulation of NADH oxidation by rat liver plasma membranes. Reduction of decavanadate, but not metavanadate, was obtained only in the presence of the plasma membrane enzyme system. High simulation of activity of NADH oxidation was obtained with a mixture of the two forms of vanadate and this further increased on lowering the pH. Addition of increasing concentrations of decavanadate to metavanadate and vice versa increased the stimulatory activity, reaching a maximum when the metavanadate:decavanadate ratio was in the range of 1-5. Increased stimulatory activity can also be obtained by reaching these ratios by conversion of decavanadate to metavanadate by alkaline phosphate degradation, and of metavanadate to decavanadate by acidification. These studies show for the first time that both deca and meta forms of vanadate present in polyvanadate solutions are needed for maximum activity of NADH oxidation.


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The rates of NADH oxidation in presence of xanthine oxidase increase to a small and variable extent on addition of high concentrations of lactate dehydrogenase and other dehydrogenases. This heat stable activity is similar to polyvanadate-stimulation with respect to pH profile and SOD sensitivity. Isocitric dehydrogenase (NADP-specific) showed heat labile, SOD-sensitive polyvanadate-stimulated NADH oxidation activity. Polyvanadate-stimulated SOD-sensitive NADH oxidation was also found to occur with riboflavin, FMN and FAD in presence of a non-specific protein, BSA, suggesting that some flavoproteins may possess this activity.


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The oxidation of NADH and accompanying reduction of oxygen to H2O2 stimulated by polyvanadate was markedly inhibited by SOD and cytochrome c. The presence of decavanadate, the polymeric form, is necessary for obtaining the microsomal enzyme-catalyzed activity. The accompanying activity of reduction of cytochrome c was found to be SOD-insensitive and therefore does not represent superoxide formation. The reduction of cytochrome c by vanadyl sulfate was also SOD-insensitive. In the presence of H2O2 all the forms of vanadate were able to oxidize reduced cytochrome c, which was sensitive to mannitol, tris and also catalase, indicating H202-dependent generation of hydroxyl radicals. Using ESR and spin trapping technique only hydroxyl radicals, but not superoxide anion radicals, were detected during polyvanadate-dependent NADH oxidation.


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Exfoliated graphite (EG) was modified by covalently attaching dopamine (DA) (3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) through amide linkages, using -COOH groups introduced on the EG surface. The modified material was characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, Xray photoelectron spectroscopy and electrochemical techniques. Composites of DA modified EG dispersed in organically modified silicates were prepared by a sol-get process. Electrodes were fabricated by casting the composites in glass tubes. The sol-gel based electrodes were found to be active for the electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH and biosensing of ethanol in presence of NAD(+) and alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme. The modified composite electrodes were found to be stable for several months. The surface of the electrode could be renewed just by mechanically polishing the electrode using emery sheets. The modified EG was also pressed and restacked in the form of a pellet and the use of this material as a binderless bulk-modified electrode was also demonstrated. The performance of sol-gel derived composite EG electrodes with binderless bulk-modified EG electrodes was compared. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oxygen release accompanying oxidation of vanadyl by diperoxovanadate was suppressed on addition of NADH. The added NADH was rapidly oxidized, oxygen in the medium was consumed, and the reaction terminated on exhaustion of either NADH or vanadyl. The consumption of oxygen and disappearance of NADH needed small concentrations of diperoxovanadate to initiate and increased with increase in the concentration of vanadyl and NADH or decrease of pH. The products of the reaction were found to be NAD(+) from NADH and vanadate oligomers from vanadyl and oxygen. The reaction was insensitive to catalase and was not dependent on H2O2. The reaction was inhibited by superoxide dismutase, cytochrome c, EDTA, Mn2+, histidine, and DMPO, but not by hydroxyl radical scavengers such as ethanol and benzoate, The ESR spectrum of the reaction mixture showed the presence of the 1:2:2:1 quartet signal typical of a DMPO-OH adduct, but this was not modified by ethanol, This oxygen radical species, possibly of (OV)-O-. type derived from diperoxovanadate, is proposed to have a role in the reactions of oxygen release and NADH oxidation


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Oxidation of NADH by decavanadate, a polymeric form vanadate with a cage-like structure, in presence of rat liver microsomes followed a biphasic pattern. An initial slow phase involved a small rate of oxygen uptake and reduction of 3 of the 10 vanadium atoms. This was followed by a second rapid phase in which the rates of NADH oxidation and oxygen uptake increased several-fold with a stoichiometry of NADH: O2 of 1ratio1. The burst of NADH oxidation and oxygen uptake which occurs in phosphate, but not in Tris buffer, was prevented by SOD, catalase, histidine, EDTA, MnCl2 and CuSO4, but not by the hydroxyl radical quenchers, ethanol, methanol, formate and mannitol. The burst reaction is of a novel type that requires the polymeric structure of decavanadate for reduction of vanadium which, in presence of traces of H2O2, provides a reactive intermediate that promotes transfer of electrons from NADH to oxygen.


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Addition of NADH inhibited the peroxidative loss of scopoletin in presence of horseradish peroxidase and H2O2 and decreased the ratio of scopoletin (consumed):H2O2 (added). Concomitantly NADH was oxidized and oxygen was consumed with a stoichiometry of NADH: O-2 of 2:1. On step-wise addition of a small concentration of H2O2 a high rate of NADH oxidation was obtained for a progressively decreasing time period followed by termination of the reaction with NADH:H2O2 ratio decreasing from about 40 to 10. The rate of NADH oxidation increased linearly with increase in scopoletin concentration. Other phenolic compounds including p-coumarate also supported this reaction to a variable degree. A 418-nm absorbing compound;d accumulated during oxidation of NADH. The effectiveness of a small concentration of H2O2 in supporting NADH oxidation increased in presence of SOD and decreased in presence of cytochrome c, but the reaction terminated even in their presence. The results indicate that the peroxidase is not continuously generating H2O2 during scopolerin-mediated NADH oxidation and that both peroxidase and oxidase reactions occur simultaneously competing for an active form of the enzyme.


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The electrochemistry of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) in its reduced form was examined in two room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs): 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis-(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C(2)mim][NTf2]) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophos-phate ([C(4)mim][PF6]). NADH oxidation has previously been studied in aqueous solution where it follows the pathway: one-electron oxidation to the NADH(center dot+) radical cation, deprotonation to produce the neutral NAD(center dot) radical, then oxidation to the NAD(+) cation. The electrochemistry of NADH was examined in [C(2)mim][NTf2] and [C(4)mim][PF6] at the bare Pt electrode (10 mu m diameter): In [C(2)mim][NTf2], no oxidation was observed; in [C(4)mim][PF6], an oxidative signal was observed, which likely followed the pathway described above, where upon formation of the NADH(center dot+) radical cation, the [PF6](-) anion (unlike the [NTf2](-) anion) reacts with the proton to form HPF6, which decomposes. This demonstrates the tunability of RTILs, whereby the choice of one anion in an RTIL over another can promote a reaction. Poly(vinylferrocene) (PVF) was studied as a mediator for the NADH detection in both RTILs to attempt to lower the potential of NADH detection. The Pt electrode was modified with PVF, and the oxidation of PVF to PVF+ was observed in [C(2)mim][NTf2] and [C(4)mim][PF6], but no mediation of the NADH oxidation was observed.


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Oxidation of NADH by rat erythrocyte plasma membrane was stimulated by about 50-fold on addition of decavanadate, but not other forms of vanadate like orthovanadate, metavanadate aad vanadyl sulphate. The vanadate-stimulated activity was observed only in phosphate buffer while other buffers like Tris, acetate, borate and Hepes were ineffective. Oxygen was consumed during the oxidation of NADH and the products were found to be NAD+ and hydrogen peroxide. The reaction had a stoichiometry of one mole of oxygen consumption and one mole of H2O2 production for every mole of NADH that was oxidized. Superoxide dismutase and manganous inhibited the activity indicating the involvement of superoxide anions. Electron spin resonance in the presence of a spin trap, 5, 5prime-dimethyl pyrroline N-oxide, indicated the presence of superoxide radicals. Electron spin resonance studies also showed the appearance of VIV species by reduction of VV of decavanadate indicating thereby participation of vanadate in the redox reaction. Under the conditions of the assay, vanadate did not stimulate lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte membranes. Extracts from lipid-free preparations of the erythrocyte membrane showed full activity. This ruled out the possibility of oxygen uptake through lipid peroxidation. The vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidation activity could be partially solubilized by treating erythrocyte membranes either with Triton X-100 or sodium cholate. Partially purified enzyme obtained by extraction with cholate and fractionation by ammonium sulphate and DEAE-Sephadex was found to be unstable.


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The oxidase-peroxidase from Datura innoxia which catalyses the oxidation of formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester to benzoylformic acid ethyl ester and formic acid was also found to catalyse the oxidation of NADH in the presence of Mn2+ and formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester. NADH was not oxidized in the absence of formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester, although formylphenylacetonitrile or phenylacetaldehyde could replace it in the reaction. The reaction appeared to be complex and for every mol of NADH oxidized 3-4 g-atoms of oxygen were utilized, with a concomitant formation of approx. 0.8 mol of H2O2, the latter being identified by the starch-iodide test and decomposition by catalase. Benzoylformic acid ethyl ester was also formed in the reaction, but in a nonlinear fashion, indicating a lag phase. In the absence of Mn2+, NADH oxidation was not only very low, but itself inhibited the formation of benzoylformic acid ethyl ester from formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester. A reaction mechanism for the oxidation of NADH in the presence of formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester is proposed.


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Through a new and simple ion-exchange route, two-electron redox mediator thionine has been deliberately incorporated into the carbon nanotubes (CNTs)/Nafion composite film due to the fact that there is strong interaction between any of two among the three materials (ion-exchange process between thionine and Nafion, strong adsorption of thionine by CNTs, and wrapping and solubilizing of CNTs with Nation). The good homogenization of electron conductor CNTs in the integrated films provides the possibility of three-dimensional electron conductive network. The resulting integrated films exhibited high and stable electrocatalytic activity toward NADH oxidation with the significant decrease of high overpotential, which responds more sensitively more than those modified by thioine or CNTs alone. Such high electrocatalytic activity facilitated the low potential determination of NADH (as low as -0.1 V), which eliminated the interferences from other easily oxidizable species. In a word, the immobilization approach is very simple, timesaving and effective, which could be extended to the immobilization of other cationic redox mediators into the CNTs/Nafion composite film. And these features may offer potential promise for the design of amperometric biosensors.


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The electrooxidation polymerization of phenothiazine derivatives, including azure A and toluidine blue 0, has been studied at screen-printed carbon electrodes in neutral phosphate buffer. Both compounds yield strongly adsorbed electroactive polymer with reversible behavior and formal potentials closed to 0.04 V at pH 6.9. The modified electrodes exhibited good stability and electrocatalysis for NADH oxidation in phosphate buffer (pH 6.9), with an overpotential of more than 500 mV lower than that of the bare electrodes. Further, the modified screen-printed carbon electrodes were found to be promising as an amperometric detector for the flow injection analysis (FIA) of NADH, typically with a dynamic range of 0.5-100 muM.